%% Feel free to use, reuse and abuse the code in this file. %% @doc Directory handler. -module(directory_h). %% REST Callbacks -export([init/2]). -export([allowed_methods/2]). -export([resource_exists/2]). -export([content_types_provided/2]). %% Callback Callbacks -export([list_json/2]). -export([list_html/2]). init(Req, Paths) -> {cowboy_rest, Req, Paths}. allowed_methods(Req, State) -> {[<<"GET">>], Req, State}. resource_exists(Req, {ReqPath, FilePath}) -> case file:list_dir(FilePath) of {ok, Fs} -> {true, Req, {ReqPath, lists:sort(Fs)}}; _Err -> {false, Req, {ReqPath, FilePath}} end. content_types_provided(Req, State) -> {[ {{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, []}, list_html}, {{<<"application">>, <<"json">>, []}, list_json} ], Req, State}. list_json(Req, {Path, Fs}) -> Files = [ <<(list_to_binary(F))/binary>> || F <- Fs ], {jsx:encode(Files), Req, Path}. list_html(Req, {Path, Fs}) -> Body = [[ links(Path, F) || F <- [".."|Fs] ]], HTML = [<<"Index", "">>, Body, <<"\n">>], {HTML, Req, Path}. links(<<>>, File) -> ["", File, "
\n"]; links(Prefix, File) -> ["", File, "