path: root/src/cow_cookie.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cow_cookie.erl')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cow_cookie.erl b/src/cow_cookie.erl
index d1ffbc3..1f6d41b 100644
--- a/src/cow_cookie.erl
+++ b/src/cow_cookie.erl
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
-type cookie_attrs() :: #{
@@ -285,12 +286,41 @@ parse_set_cookie_test_() ->
|| {SetCookie, Res} <- Tests].
+%% Build a cookie header.
+-spec cookie([{iodata(), iodata()}]) -> iolist().
+cookie([]) ->
+ [];
+cookie([{<<>>, Value}]) ->
+ [Value];
+cookie([{Name, Value}]) ->
+ [Name, $=, Value];
+cookie([{<<>>, Value}|Tail]) ->
+ [Value, $;, $\s|cookie(Tail)];
+cookie([{Name, Value}|Tail]) ->
+ [Name, $=, Value, $;, $\s|cookie(Tail)].
+cookie_test_() ->
+ Tests = [
+ {[], <<>>},
+ {[{<<"a">>, <<"b">>}], <<"a=b">>},
+ {[{<<"a">>, <<"b">>}, {<<"c">>, <<"d">>}], <<"a=b; c=d">>},
+ {[{<<>>, <<"b">>}, {<<"c">>, <<"d">>}], <<"b; c=d">>},
+ {[{<<"a">>, <<"b">>}, {<<>>, <<"d">>}], <<"a=b; d">>}
+ ],
+ [{Res, fun() -> Res = iolist_to_binary(cookie(Cookies)) end}
+ || {Cookies, Res} <- Tests].
%% Convert a cookie name, value and options to its iodata form.
%% Initially from Mochiweb:
%% * Copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
%% Initial binary implementation:
%% * Copyright 2011 Thomas Burdick <[email protected]>
+%% @todo Rename the function to set_cookie eventually.
-spec setcookie(iodata(), iodata(), cookie_opts()) -> iolist().
setcookie(Name, Value, Opts) ->