path: root/src/cow_http_hd.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cow_http_hd.erl')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/cow_http_hd.erl b/src/cow_http_hd.erl
index 87b4f12..59bd3bf 100644
--- a/src/cow_http_hd.erl
+++ b/src/cow_http_hd.erl
@@ -887,13 +887,22 @@ horse_parse_allow() ->
-> {basic, binary(), binary()}
| {bearer, binary()}
| {digest, [{binary(), binary()}]}.
-%% @todo The token is case-insensitive. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7235#section-2.1
-parse_authorization(<<"Basic ", R/bits >>) ->
+parse_authorization(<<B, A, S, I, C, " ", R/bits >>)
+ when ((B =:= $B) or (B =:= $b)), ((A =:= $A) or (A =:= $a)),
+ ((S =:= $S) or (S =:= $s)), ((I =:= $I) or (I =:= $i)),
+ ((C =:= $C) or (C =:= $c)) ->
auth_basic(base64:decode(R), <<>>);
-parse_authorization(<<"Bearer ", R/bits >>) when R =/= <<>> ->
+parse_authorization(<<B, E1, A, R1, E2, R2, " ", R/bits >>)
+ when (R =/= <<>>), ((B =:= $B) or (B =:= $b)),
+ ((E1 =:= $E) or (E1 =:= $e)), ((A =:= $A) or (A =:= $a)),
+ ((R1 =:= $R) or (R1 =:= $r)), ((E2 =:= $E) or (E2 =:= $e)),
+ ((R2 =:= $R) or (R2 =:= $r)) ->
{bearer, R};
-parse_authorization(<<"Digest ", R/bits >>) ->
+parse_authorization(<<D, I, G, E, S, T, " ", R/bits >>)
+ when ((D =:= $D) or (D =:= $d)), ((I =:= $I) or (I =:= $i)),
+ ((G =:= $G) or (G =:= $g)), ((E =:= $E) or (E =:= $e)),
+ ((S =:= $S) or (S =:= $s)), ((T =:= $T) or (T =:= $t)) ->
{digest, nonempty(auth_digest_list(R, []))}.
auth_basic(<< $:, Password/bits >>, UserID) -> {basic, UserID, Password};
@@ -944,7 +953,9 @@ auth_digest_list_sep(<< C, R/bits >>, Acc) when ?IS_WS(C) -> auth_digest_list_se
parse_authorization_test_() ->
Tests = [
{<<"Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==">>, {basic, <<"Aladdin">>, <<"open sesame">>}},
+ {<<"bAsIc QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==">>, {basic, <<"Aladdin">>, <<"open sesame">>}},
{<<"Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM">>, {bearer, <<"mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM">>}},
+ {<<"bEaRer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM">>, {bearer, <<"mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM">>}},
{<<"Digest username=\"Mufasa\","
"realm=\"[email protected]\","