path: root/src
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1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cow_http_hd.erl b/src/cow_http_hd.erl
index 8b39dbe..063ba08 100644
--- a/src/cow_http_hd.erl
+++ b/src/cow_http_hd.erl
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
@@ -683,6 +684,183 @@ horse_parse_accept_language() ->
+%% @doc Parse the Cache-Control header.
+%% In the fields list case, we do not support escaping, which shouldn't be needed anyway.
+-spec parse_cache_control(binary())
+ -> [binary() | {binary(), binary()} | {binary(), non_neg_integer()} | {binary(), [binary()]}].
+parse_cache_control(<<"no-cache">>) ->
+ [<<"no-cache">>];
+parse_cache_control(<<"max-age=0">>) ->
+ [{<<"max-age">>, 0}];
+parse_cache_control(CacheControl) ->
+ nonempty(cache_directive_list(CacheControl, [])).
+cache_directive_list(<<>>, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
+cache_directive_list(<< $\s, R/bits >>, Acc) -> cache_directive_list(R, Acc);
+cache_directive_list(<< $\t, R/bits >>, Acc) -> cache_directive_list(R, Acc);
+cache_directive_list(<< $,, R/bits >>, Acc) -> cache_directive_list(R, Acc);
+cache_directive_list(<< C, R/bits >>, Acc) when ?IS_TOKEN(C) ->
+ case C of
+ ?INLINE_LOWERCASE(cache_directive, R, Acc, <<>>)
+ end.
+cache_directive(<<>>, Acc, T) -> lists:reverse([T|Acc]);
+cache_directive(<< $\s, R/bits >>, Acc, T) -> cache_directive_list_sep(R, [T|Acc]);
+cache_directive(<< $\t, R/bits >>, Acc, T) -> cache_directive_list_sep(R, [T|Acc]);
+cache_directive(<< $,, R/bits >>, Acc, T) -> cache_directive_list(R, [T|Acc]);
+cache_directive(<< $=, $", R/bits >>, Acc, T = <<"no-cache">>) -> cache_directive_fields_list(R, Acc, T, []);
+cache_directive(<< $=, $", R/bits >>, Acc, T = <<"private">>) -> cache_directive_fields_list(R, Acc, T, []);
+cache_directive(<< $=, $", R/bits >>, Acc, T) -> cache_directive_quoted_string(R, Acc, T, <<>>);
+cache_directive(<< $=, C, R/bits >>, Acc, T = <<"max-age">>) when ?IS_DIGIT(C) -> cache_directive_delta(R, Acc, T, (C - $0));
+cache_directive(<< $=, C, R/bits >>, Acc, T = <<"max-stale">>) when ?IS_DIGIT(C) -> cache_directive_delta(R, Acc, T, (C - $0));
+cache_directive(<< $=, C, R/bits >>, Acc, T = <<"min-fresh">>) when ?IS_DIGIT(C) -> cache_directive_delta(R, Acc, T, (C - $0));
+cache_directive(<< $=, C, R/bits >>, Acc, T = <<"s-maxage">>) when ?IS_DIGIT(C) -> cache_directive_delta(R, Acc, T, (C - $0));
+cache_directive(<< $=, C, R/bits >>, Acc, T) when ?IS_TOKEN(C) -> cache_directive_token(R, Acc, T, << C >>);
+cache_directive(<< C, R/bits >>, Acc, T) when ?IS_TOKEN(C) ->
+ case C of
+ ?INLINE_LOWERCASE(cache_directive, R, Acc, T)
+ end.
+cache_directive_delta(<<>>, Acc, K, V) -> lists:reverse([{K, V}|Acc]);
+cache_directive_delta(<< $\s, R/bits >>, Acc, K, V) -> cache_directive_list_sep(R, [{K, V}|Acc]);
+cache_directive_delta(<< $\t, R/bits >>, Acc, K, V) -> cache_directive_list_sep(R, [{K, V}|Acc]);
+cache_directive_delta(<< $,, R/bits >>, Acc, K, V) -> cache_directive_list(R, [{K, V}|Acc]);
+cache_directive_delta(<< C, R/bits >>, Acc, K, V) when ?IS_DIGIT(C) -> cache_directive_delta(R, Acc, K, V * 10 + (C - $0)).
+cache_directive_fields_list(<< $\s, R/bits >>, Acc, K, L) -> cache_directive_fields_list(R, Acc, K, L);
+cache_directive_fields_list(<< $\t, R/bits >>, Acc, K, L) -> cache_directive_fields_list(R, Acc, K, L);
+cache_directive_fields_list(<< $,, R/bits >>, Acc, K, L) -> cache_directive_fields_list(R, Acc, K, L);
+cache_directive_fields_list(<< $", R/bits >>, Acc, K, L) -> cache_directive_list_sep(R, [{K, lists:reverse(L)}|Acc]);
+cache_directive_fields_list(<< C, R/bits >>, Acc, K, L) when ?IS_TOKEN(C) ->
+ case C of
+ ?INLINE_LOWERCASE(cache_directive_field, R, Acc, K, L, <<>>)
+ end.
+cache_directive_field(<< $\s, R/bits >>, Acc, K, L, F) -> cache_directive_fields_list_sep(R, Acc, K, [F|L]);
+cache_directive_field(<< $\t, R/bits >>, Acc, K, L, F) -> cache_directive_fields_list_sep(R, Acc, K, [F|L]);
+cache_directive_field(<< $,, R/bits >>, Acc, K, L, F) -> cache_directive_fields_list(R, Acc, K, [F|L]);
+cache_directive_field(<< $", R/bits >>, Acc, K, L, F) -> cache_directive_list_sep(R, [{K, lists:reverse([F|L])}|Acc]);
+cache_directive_field(<< C, R/bits >>, Acc, K, L, F) when ?IS_TOKEN(C) ->
+ case C of
+ ?INLINE_LOWERCASE(cache_directive_field, R, Acc, K, L, F)
+ end.
+cache_directive_fields_list_sep(<< $\s, R/bits >>, Acc, K, L) -> cache_directive_fields_list_sep(R, Acc, K, L);
+cache_directive_fields_list_sep(<< $\t, R/bits >>, Acc, K, L) -> cache_directive_fields_list_sep(R, Acc, K, L);
+cache_directive_fields_list_sep(<< $,, R/bits >>, Acc, K, L) -> cache_directive_fields_list(R, Acc, K, L);
+cache_directive_fields_list_sep(<< $", R/bits >>, Acc, K, L) -> cache_directive_list_sep(R, [{K, lists:reverse(L)}|Acc]).
+cache_directive_token(<<>>, Acc, K, V) -> lists:reverse([{K, V}|Acc]);
+cache_directive_token(<< $\s, R/bits >>, Acc, K, V) -> cache_directive_list_sep(R, [{K, V}|Acc]);
+cache_directive_token(<< $\t, R/bits >>, Acc, K, V) -> cache_directive_list_sep(R, [{K, V}|Acc]);
+cache_directive_token(<< $,, R/bits >>, Acc, K, V) -> cache_directive_list(R, [{K, V}|Acc]);
+cache_directive_token(<< C, R/bits >>, Acc, K, V) when ?IS_TOKEN(C) -> cache_directive_token(R, Acc, K, << V/binary, C >>).
+cache_directive_quoted_string(<< $", R/bits >>, Acc, K, V) -> cache_directive_list_sep(R, [{K, V}|Acc]);
+cache_directive_quoted_string(<< $\\, C, R/bits >>, Acc, K, V) when ?IS_VCHAR(C) ->
+ cache_directive_quoted_string(R, Acc, K, << V/binary, C >>);
+cache_directive_quoted_string(<< C, R/bits >>, Acc, K, V) when ?IS_VCHAR(C) ->
+ cache_directive_quoted_string(R, Acc, K, << V/binary, C >>).
+cache_directive_list_sep(<<>>, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
+cache_directive_list_sep(<< $\s, R/bits >>, Acc) -> cache_directive_list_sep(R, Acc);
+cache_directive_list_sep(<< $\t, R/bits >>, Acc) -> cache_directive_list_sep(R, Acc);
+cache_directive_list_sep(<< $,, R/bits >>, Acc) -> cache_directive_list(R, Acc).
+cache_directive_unreserved_token() ->
+ token(),
+ T =/= <<"max-age">> andalso T =/= <<"max-stale">> andalso T =/= <<"min-fresh">>
+ andalso T =/= <<"s-maxage">> andalso T =/= <<"no-cache">> andalso T =/= <<"private">>).
+cache_directive() ->
+ oneof([
+ token(),
+ {cache_directive_unreserved_token(), token()},
+ {cache_directive_unreserved_token(), quoted_string()},
+ {elements([<<"max-age">>, <<"max-stale">>, <<"min-fresh">>, <<"s-maxage">>]), non_neg_integer()},
+ {fields, elements([<<"no-cache">>, <<"private">>]), small_list(token())}
+ ]).
+cache_control() ->
+ ?LET(L,
+ non_empty(list(cache_directive())),
+ begin
+ << _, CacheControl/binary >> = iolist_to_binary([[$,,
+ case C of
+ {fields, K, V} -> [K, $=, $", [[F, $,] || F <- V], $"];
+ {K, V} when is_integer(V) -> [K, $=, integer_to_binary(V)];
+ {K, V} -> [K, $=, V];
+ K -> K
+ end] || C <- L]),
+ {L, CacheControl}
+ end).
+prop_parse_cache_control() ->
+ ?FORALL({L, CacheControl},
+ cache_control(),
+ begin
+ ResL = parse_cache_control(CacheControl),
+ CheckedL = [begin
+ ExpectedC = case C of
+ {fields, K, V} -> {?INLINE_LOWERCASE_BC(K), [?INLINE_LOWERCASE_BC(F) || F <- V]};
+ {K, V} -> {?INLINE_LOWERCASE_BC(K), unquote(V)};
+ end,
+ ExpectedC =:= ResC
+ end || {C, ResC} <- lists:zip(L, ResL)],
+ [true] =:= lists:usort(CheckedL)
+ end).
+parse_cache_control_test_() ->
+ Tests = [
+ {<<"no-cache">>, [<<"no-cache">>]},
+ {<<"no-store">>, [<<"no-store">>]},
+ {<<"max-age=0">>, [{<<"max-age">>, 0}]},
+ {<<"max-age=30">>, [{<<"max-age">>, 30}]},
+ {<<"private, community=\"UCI\"">>, [<<"private">>, {<<"community">>, <<"UCI">>}]},
+ {<<"private=\"Content-Type, Content-Encoding, Content-Language\"">>,
+ [{<<"private">>, [<<"content-type">>, <<"content-encoding">>, <<"content-language">>]}]}
+ ],
+ [{V, fun() -> R = parse_cache_control(V) end} || {V, R} <- Tests].
+parse_cache_control_error_test_() ->
+ Tests = [
+ <<>>
+ ],
+ [{V, fun() -> {'EXIT', _} = (catch parse_cache_control(V)) end} || V <- Tests].
+horse_parse_cache_control_no_cache() ->
+ horse:repeat(200000,
+ parse_cache_control(<<"no-cache">>)
+ ).
+horse_parse_cache_control_max_age_0() ->
+ horse:repeat(200000,
+ parse_cache_control(<<"max-age=0">>)
+ ).
+horse_parse_cache_control_max_age_30() ->
+ horse:repeat(200000,
+ parse_cache_control(<<"max-age=30">>)
+ ).
+horse_parse_cache_control_custom() ->
+ horse:repeat(200000,
+ parse_cache_control(<<"private, community=\"UCI\"">>)
+ ).
+horse_parse_cache_control_fields() ->
+ horse:repeat(200000,
+ parse_cache_control(<<"private=\"Content-Type, Content-Encoding, Content-Language\"">>)
+ ).
%% @doc Parse the Connection header.
-spec parse_connection(binary()) -> [binary()].