path: root/src
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1 files changed, 56 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cow_http_hd.erl b/src/cow_http_hd.erl
index 7c5a805..d5f3803 100644
--- a/src/cow_http_hd.erl
+++ b/src/cow_http_hd.erl
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
@@ -723,6 +724,43 @@ parse_age_error_test_() ->
[{V, fun() -> {'EXIT', _} = (catch parse_age(V)) end} || V <- Tests].
+%% @doc Parse the Allow header.
+-spec parse_allow(binary()) -> [binary()].
+parse_allow(Allow) ->
+ token_list(Allow, []).
+allow() ->
+ ?LET(L,
+ list({ows(), ows(), token()}),
+ case L of
+ [] -> {[], <<>>};
+ _ ->
+ << _, Allow/binary >> = iolist_to_binary([[OWS1, $,, OWS2, M] || {OWS1, OWS2, M} <- L]),
+ {[M || {_, _, M} <- L], Allow}
+ end).
+prop_parse_allow() ->
+ ?FORALL({L, Allow},
+ allow(),
+ L =:= parse_allow(Allow)).
+parse_allow_test_() ->
+ Tests = [
+ {<<>>, []},
+ {<<"GET, HEAD, PUT">>, [<<"GET">>, <<"HEAD">>, <<"PUT">>]}
+ ],
+ [{V, fun() -> R = parse_allow(V) end} || {V, R} <- Tests].
+horse_parse_allow() ->
+ horse:repeat(200000,
+ parse_allow(<<"GET, HEAD, PUT">>)
+ ).
%% @doc Parse the Cache-Control header.
%% In the fields list case, we do not support escaping, which shouldn't be needed anyway.
@@ -2431,6 +2469,24 @@ parse_vary_error_test_() ->
%% Only return if the list is not empty.
nonempty(L) when L =/= [] -> L.
+%% Parse a list of case sensitive tokens.
+token_list(<<>>, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
+token_list(<< $\s, R/bits >>, Acc) -> token_list(R, Acc);
+token_list(<< $\t, R/bits >>, Acc) -> token_list(R, Acc);
+token_list(<< $,, R/bits >>, Acc) -> token_list(R, Acc);
+token_list(<< C, R/bits >>, Acc) when ?IS_TOKEN(C) -> token(R, Acc, << C >>).
+token(<<>>, Acc, T) -> lists:reverse([T|Acc]);
+token(<< $\s, R/bits >>, Acc, T) -> token_list_sep(R, [T|Acc]);
+token(<< $\t, R/bits >>, Acc, T) -> token_list_sep(R, [T|Acc]);
+token(<< $,, R/bits >>, Acc, T) -> token_list(R, [T|Acc]);
+token(<< C, R/bits >>, Acc, T) when ?IS_TOKEN(C) -> token(R, Acc, << T/binary, C >>).
+token_list_sep(<<>>, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
+token_list_sep(<< $\s, R/bits >>, Acc) -> token_list_sep(R, Acc);
+token_list_sep(<< $\t, R/bits >>, Acc) -> token_list_sep(R, Acc);
+token_list_sep(<< $,, R/bits >>, Acc) -> token_list(R, Acc).
%% Parse a list of case insensitive tokens.
token_ci_list(<<>>, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
token_ci_list(<< $\s, R/bits >>, Acc) -> token_ci_list(R, Acc);