path: root/doc/src/guide/external_plugins_list.asciidoc
blob: 49a7ceb96464d20fc20e2e065f046fbc7c6be76e (plain) (tree)

== List of plugins

This is a non-exhaustive list of Erlang.mk plugins, sorted

=== elvis.mk

An https://github.com/inaka/elvis.mk[Elvis plugin] for Erlang.mk.
Elvis is an https://github.com/inaka/elvis[Erlang style reviewer].

=== geas

https://github.com/crownedgrouse/geas[Geas] gives aggregated
information on a project and its dependencies, and is available
as an Erlang.mk plugin.

=== hexer.mk

An https://github.com/inaka/hexer.mk[Hex plugin] for Erlang.mk.
Hex is a https://hex.pm/[package manager for the Elixir ecosystem].

=== reload.mk

A https://github.com/bullno1/reload.mk[live reload plugin] for Erlang.mk.