# Copyright (c) 2014, Viktor Söderqvist <[email protected]>
# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
# Tests for erlang.mk targets. If any test fails or if you run a target other
# than 'all', you must probably do 'make clean' before you can test again.
# Verbosity.
V ?= 0
# Temporary files directory.
# Temporary application name, taken from rule name.
APP = $(subst -,_,$@)
APP_TO_CLEAN = $(subst -,_,$(patsubst clean-%,%,$@))
# Erlang, quickly!
ERL = erl +A0 -noinput -boot start_clean
# OTP master, for downloading files for testing.
OTP_MASTER = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/erlang/otp/master
# t = Verbosity control for tests
# v = Verbosity control for erlang.mk
# i = Command to display (or suppress) info messages
ifeq ($V,0)
# Show info messages only
t = @
v = V=0 >/dev/null 2>&1
i = @echo $@:
else ifeq ($V,1)
# Show test commands
t =
v = V=0 >/dev/null 2>&1
i = @echo == $@:
else ifeq ($V,2)
# Show briefly what erlang.mk is doing
t = @echo " TEST " $@;
v = V=0
i = @echo == $@:
# Show all commands with maximum verbosity
t =
v = V=1
i = @echo == $@:
.PHONY: all clean app ct eunit tests-cover docs
all: clean core bootstrap ct eunit tests-cover docs pkgs
$i '+---------------------+'
$i '| All tests passed. |'
$i '+---------------------+'
clean: clean-core clean-bootstrap
$t rm -rf app1 pkgs.log $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)
$i "Generate a bleeding edge Erlang.mk"
$t cd .. && $(MAKE) $v
# Core.
.PHONY: core clean-core
core: core-app core-upgrade
clean-core: clean-core-app clean-core-upgrade
# Core: Building applications.
CORE_APP_CASES = asn1 error generate-erl generate-erl-include generate-erl-prepend hrl hrl-recursive mib no-makedep xrl xrl-include yrl yrl-include
CORE_APP_TARGETS = $(addprefix core-app-,$(CORE_APP_CASES))
core-app: $(CORE_APP_TARGETS)
core-app-asn1: build clean-core-app-asn1
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Download .asn1 files from Erlang/OTP"
$t mkdir $(APP)/asn1/
$t curl -s -o $(APP)/asn1/CAP.asn1 $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/CAP.asn1
$t curl -s -o $(APP)/asn1/Def.asn1 $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/Def.asn1
$i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers generated by .asn1 files"
$t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_cap)." "-include(\"CAP.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_cap.erl
$t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_def)." "-include(\"Def.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_def.erl
$i "Generate an unrelated .hrl file"
$t mkdir $(APP)/include/
$t touch $(APP)/include/unrelated.hrl
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/CAP.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/Def.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_cap.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_def.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/include/CAP.asn1db
$t test -f $(APP)/include/CAP.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/include/Def.asn1db
$t test -f $(APP)/include/Def.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/CAP.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/Def.erl
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = ['CAP', 'Def', use_cap, use_def]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Touch one .asn1 file; check that only required files are rebuilt"
# The use_cap.erl gets touched because of its dependency to CAP.hrl.
$t printf "%s\n" \
$(APP)/$(APP).d \
$(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \
$(APP)/ebin/CAP.beam \
$(APP)/ebin/use_cap.beam \
$(APP)/include/CAP.asn1db \
$(APP)/include/CAP.hrl \
$(APP)/src/CAP.erl \
$(APP)/src/use_cap.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT
$t touch $(APP)/asn1/CAP.asn1
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/asn1/CAP.asn1 | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT -
$t rm $(APP)/EXPECT
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = ['CAP', 'Def', use_cap, use_def]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Clean the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v
$i "Check that source files still exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/Makefile
$t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk
$t test -f $(APP)/asn1/CAP.asn1
$t test -f $(APP)/asn1/Def.asn1
$t test -f $(APP)/include/unrelated.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src
$t test -f $(APP)/src/use_cap.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/use_def.erl
$i "Check that all build artifacts are removed, including intermediates"
$t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/
$t test ! -e $(APP)/include/CAP.asn1db
$t test ! -e $(APP)/include/CAP.hrl
$t test ! -e $(APP)/include/Def.asn1db
$t test ! -e $(APP)/include/Def.hrl
$t test ! -e $(APP)/src/CAP.erl
$t test ! -e $(APP)/src/Def.erl
$i "Build the application again"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/CAP.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/Def.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_cap.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_def.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/include/CAP.asn1db
$t test -f $(APP)/include/CAP.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/include/Def.asn1db
$t test -f $(APP)/include/Def.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/CAP.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/Def.erl
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = ['CAP', 'Def', use_cap, use_def]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
core-app-error: build clean-core-app-error
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Generate a bad .erl files"
$t touch $(APP)/src/breaking.erl
$i "Generate unrelated .erl files"
$t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl
$t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl
$i "Check that trying to build returns non-zero"
$t if $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v; then false; fi
core-app-generate-erl: build clean-core-app-generate-erl
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Create a fake script file to be used as dependency"
$t touch $(APP)/script.sh
$i "Append rules to the Makefile to generate a .erl module"
$t echo "\$$(PROJECT).d:: src/generated.erl" >> $(APP)/Makefile
$t echo "src/generated.erl:: script.sh; echo \"-module(generated).\" > \$$@" >> $(APP)/Makefile
$i "Generate unrelated .erl files"
$t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl
$t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/generated.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/src/generated.erl
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, generated, girl]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Touch the script file; check that only required files are rebuilt"
$t printf "%s\n" \
$(APP)/$(APP).d \
$(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \
$(APP)/ebin/generated.beam \
$(APP)/src/generated.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT
$t touch $(APP)/script.sh
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/script.sh | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT -
$t rm $(APP)/EXPECT
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, generated, girl]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Clean the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v
$i "Check that source files still exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/Makefile
$t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk
$t test -f $(APP)/script.sh
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src
$t test -f $(APP)/src/boy.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/girl.erl
$i "Check that the generated .erl file still exists"
$t test -f $(APP)/src/generated.erl
$i "Check that all build artifacts are removed"
$t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/
$i "Add a rule to remove the generated .erl file on clean"
$t echo "clean:: ; rm src/generated.erl" >> $(APP)/Makefile
$i "Clean the application again"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v
$i "Check that the generated .erl file was removed"
$t test ! -e $(APP)/src/generated.erl
$i "Build the application again"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/generated.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/src/generated.erl
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, generated, girl]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
core-app-generate-erl-include: build clean-core-app-generate-erl-include
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Create a fake script file to be used as dependency"
$t touch $(APP)/script.sh
$i "Append rules to the Makefile to generate a .erl module"
$t echo "\$$(PROJECT).d:: src/generated.erl" >> $(APP)/Makefile
$t echo "src/generated.erl:: script.sh; echo \"-module(generated).\" > \$$@; echo \"-include(\\\"included.hrl\\\").\" >> \$$@" >> $(APP)/Makefile
$i "Generate the .hrl file"
$t mkdir $(APP)/include/
$t touch $(APP)/include/included.hrl
$i "Generate unrelated .erl files"
$t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl
$t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/generated.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/src/generated.erl
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, generated, girl]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Touch the .hrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt"
$t printf "%s\n" \
$(APP)/$(APP).d \
$(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \
$(APP)/ebin/generated.beam \
$(APP)/src/generated.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT
$t touch $(APP)/include/included.hrl
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/include/included.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT -
$t rm $(APP)/EXPECT
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, generated, girl]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
core-app-generate-erl-prepend: build clean-core-app-generate-erl-prepend
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Create a fake script file to be used as dependency"
$t touch $(APP)/script.sh
$i "Generate a Makefile and prepend rules that generate a .erl module"
$t echo "PROJECT = $(APP)" > $(APP)/Makefile
$t echo ".DEFAULT_GOAL = all" >> $(APP)/Makefile
$t echo "\$$(PROJECT).d:: src/generated.erl" >> $(APP)/Makefile
$t echo "src/generated.erl:: script.sh; echo \"-module(generated).\" > \$$@" >> $(APP)/Makefile
$t echo "include erlang.mk" >> $(APP)/Makefile
$i "Generate unrelated .erl files"
$t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl
$t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/generated.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/src/generated.erl
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, generated, girl]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Touch the script file; check that only required files are rebuilt"
$t printf "%s\n" \
$(APP)/$(APP).d \
$(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \
$(APP)/ebin/generated.beam \
$(APP)/src/generated.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT
$t touch $(APP)/script.sh
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/script.sh | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT -
$t rm $(APP)/EXPECT
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, generated, girl]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Clean the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v
$i "Check that source files still exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/Makefile
$t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk
$t test -f $(APP)/script.sh
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src
$t test -f $(APP)/src/boy.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/girl.erl
$i "Check that the generated .erl file still exists"
$t test -f $(APP)/src/generated.erl
$i "Check that all build artifacts are removed"
$t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/
$i "Add a rule to remove the generated .erl file on clean"
$t echo "clean:: ; rm src/generated.erl" >> $(APP)/Makefile
$i "Clean the application again"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v
$i "Check that the generated .erl file was removed"
$t test ! -e $(APP)/src/generated.erl
$i "Build the application again"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/generated.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/src/generated.erl
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, generated, girl]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
core-app-hrl: build clean-core-app-hrl
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Generate .hrl files"
$t mkdir $(APP)/include/
$t touch $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $(APP)/include/red.hrl
$i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers"
$t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include(\"blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl
$t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include(\"red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_red.erl
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Touch one .hrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt"
# The use_red.erl gets touched because of its dependency to red.hrl.
$t printf "%s\n" \
$(APP)/$(APP).d \
$(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \
$(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam \
$(APP)/src/use_red.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT
$t touch $(APP)/include/red.hrl
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/include/red.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT -
$t rm $(APP)/EXPECT
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Clean the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v
$i "Check that source files still exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/Makefile
$t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk
$t test -f $(APP)/include/blue.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/include/red.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src
$t test -f $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/use_red.erl
$i "Check that all build artifacts are removed"
$t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/
$i "Build the application again"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
core-app-hrl-recursive: build clean-core-app-hrl-recursive
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Generate .hrl files"
$t mkdir $(APP)/include/
$t touch $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $(APP)/include/pill.hrl
$t echo "-include(\"pill.hrl\")." > $(APP)/include/red.hrl
$i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers"
$t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include(\"blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl
$t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include(\"red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_red.erl
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Touch the deepest .hrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt"
# The use_red.erl gets touched because of its dependency to red.hrl and pill.hrl.
$t printf "%s\n" \
$(APP)/$(APP).d \
$(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \
$(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam \
$(APP)/src/use_red.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT
$t touch $(APP)/include/pill.hrl
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/include/pill.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT -
$t rm $(APP)/EXPECT
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Clean the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v
$i "Check that source files still exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/Makefile
$t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk
$t test -f $(APP)/include/blue.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/include/pill.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/include/red.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src
$t test -f $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/use_red.erl
$i "Check that all build artifacts are removed"
$t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/
$i "Build the application again"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
core-app-mib: build clean-core-app-mib
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Download .mib files from Erlang/OTP"
$t mkdir $(APP)/mibs/
$t curl -s -o $(APP)/mibs/EX1-MIB.mib $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/snmp/examples/ex1/EX1-MIB.mib
$t curl -s -o $(APP)/mibs/OTP-REG.mib $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/otp_mibs/mibs/OTP-REG.mib
$i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers generated by .mib files"
$t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_v1)." "-include(\"EX1-MIB.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_v1.erl
$t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_v2)." "-include(\"OTP-REG.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_v2.erl
$i "Generate an unrelated .hrl file"
$t mkdir $(APP)/include/
$t touch $(APP)/include/unrelated.hrl
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_v1.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_v2.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/include/EX1-MIB.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/include/OTP-REG.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/priv/mibs/EX1-MIB.bin
$t test -f $(APP)/priv/mibs/OTP-REG.bin
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [use_v1, use_v2]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Touch one .mib file; check that only required files are rebuilt"
# The use_v1.erl gets touched because of its dependency to EX1-MIB.hrl.
$t printf "%s\n" \
$(APP)/$(APP).d \
$(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \
$(APP)/ebin/use_v1.beam \
$(APP)/include/EX1-MIB.hrl \
$(APP)/priv/mibs/EX1-MIB.bin \
$(APP)/src/use_v1.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT
$t touch $(APP)/mibs/EX1-MIB.mib
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/mibs/EX1-MIB.mib | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT -
$t rm $(APP)/EXPECT
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [use_v1, use_v2]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Clean the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v
$i "Check that source files still exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/Makefile
$t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk
$t test -f $(APP)/include/unrelated.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/mibs/EX1-MIB.mib
$t test -f $(APP)/mibs/OTP-REG.mib
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src
$t test -f $(APP)/src/use_v1.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/use_v2.erl
$i "Check that all build artifacts are removed, including intermediates"
$t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/
$t test ! -e $(APP)/include/EX1-MIB.hrl
$t test ! -e $(APP)/include/OTP-REG.hrl
$t test ! -e $(APP)/priv/mibs/
$i "Build the application again"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_v1.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_v2.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/include/EX1-MIB.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/include/OTP-REG.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/priv/mibs/EX1-MIB.bin
$t test -f $(APP)/priv/mibs/OTP-REG.bin
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [use_v1, use_v2]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
core-app-no-makedep: build clean-core-app-no-makedep
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Set NO_MAKEDEP ?= 1 in the Makefile"
$t sed -i.bak '2i\
' $(APP)/Makefile
$i "Generate .hrl files"
$t mkdir $(APP)/include/
$t touch $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $(APP)/include/red.hrl
$i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers"
$t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include(\"blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl
$t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include(\"red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_red.erl
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Touch one .hrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt"
# The use_red.erl gets touched because of its dependency to red.hrl.
$t printf "%s\n" \
$(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \
$(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam \
$(APP)/src/use_red.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT
$t touch $(APP)/include/red.hrl
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/include/red.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT -
$t rm $(APP)/EXPECT
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Touch one .hrl file; disable NO_MAKEDEP and check that only required files are rebuilt"
# The use_red.erl gets touched because of its dependency to red.hrl.
$t printf "%s\n" \
$(APP)/$(APP).d \
$(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \
$(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam \
$(APP)/src/use_red.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT
$t touch $(APP)/include/red.hrl
$t NO_MAKEDEP= $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/include/red.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT -
$t rm $(APP)/EXPECT
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Clean the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v
$i "Check that source files still exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/Makefile
$t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk
$t test -f $(APP)/include/blue.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/include/red.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src
$t test -f $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/use_red.erl
$i "Check that all build artifacts are removed"
$t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/
$i "Build the application again"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
core-app-xrl: build clean-core-app-xrl
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Download .xrl files from Robert"
$t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.xrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rvirding/leex/master/examples/erlang_scan.xrl
$t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/lfe_scan.xrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rvirding/leex/master/examples/lfe_scan.xrl
$i "Generate unrelated .erl files"
$t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl
$t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl
$i "Disable warnings; our test .xrl files aren't perfect"
$t echo "ERLC_OPTS=+debug_info" >> $(APP)/Makefile
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/erlang_scan.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/lfe_scan.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/lfe_scan.erl
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, erlang_scan, girl, lfe_scan]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Touch one .xrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt"
$t printf "%s\n" \
$(APP)/$(APP).d \
$(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \
$(APP)/ebin/erlang_scan.beam \
$(APP)/src/erlang_scan.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT
$t touch $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.xrl
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.xrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT -
$t rm $(APP)/EXPECT
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, erlang_scan, girl, lfe_scan]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Clean the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v
$i "Check that source files still exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/Makefile
$t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src
$t test -f $(APP)/src/boy.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.xrl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/girl.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/lfe_scan.xrl
$i "Check that all build artifacts are removed, including intermediates"
$t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/
$t test ! -e $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.erl
$t test ! -e $(APP)/src/lfe_scan.erl
$i "Build the application again"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/erlang_scan.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/lfe_scan.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/lfe_scan.erl
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, erlang_scan, girl, lfe_scan]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
core-app-xrl-include: build clean-core-app-xrl-include
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Download a .xrl file with numerous includes from Gordon"
$t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.xrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypernumbers/hypernumbers/master/lib/formula_engine-1.0/priv/xfl_lexer.xrl
$t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/errvals.hrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypernumbers/hypernumbers/master/lib/hypernumbers-1.0/include/errvals.hrl
$t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/muin_proc_dict.hrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypernumbers/hypernumbers/master/lib/hypernumbers-1.0/include/muin_proc_dict.hrl
$t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/muin_records.hrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypernumbers/hypernumbers/master/lib/hypernumbers-1.0/include/muin_records.hrl
$t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/typechecks.hrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypernumbers/hypernumbers/master/lib/hypernumbers-1.0/include/typechecks.hrl
$i "Generate unrelated .erl files"
$t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl
$t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl
$i "Disable warnings; our test .xrl files aren't perfect"
$t echo "ERLC_OPTS=+debug_info" >> $(APP)/Makefile
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/xfl_lexer.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.erl
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, girl, xfl_lexer]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Touch the .xrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt"
$t printf "%s\n" \
$(APP)/$(APP).d \
$(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \
$(APP)/ebin/xfl_lexer.beam \
$(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT
$t touch $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.xrl
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.xrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT -
$t rm $(APP)/EXPECT
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, girl, xfl_lexer]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Touch a .hrl file included directly; check that only required files are rebuilt"
$t printf "%s\n" \
$(APP)/$(APP).d \
$(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \
$(APP)/ebin/xfl_lexer.beam \
$(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT
$t touch $(APP)/src/typechecks.hrl
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/typechecks.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT -
$t rm $(APP)/EXPECT
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, girl, xfl_lexer]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Touch a .hrl file included indirectly; check that only required files are rebuilt"
$t printf "%s\n" \
$(APP)/$(APP).d \
$(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \
$(APP)/ebin/xfl_lexer.beam \
$(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT
$t touch $(APP)/src/errvals.hrl
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/errvals.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT -
$t rm $(APP)/EXPECT
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, girl, xfl_lexer]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Clean the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v
$i "Check that source files still exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/Makefile
$t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src
$t test -f $(APP)/src/boy.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/girl.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/errvals.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/muin_proc_dict.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/muin_records.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/typechecks.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.xrl
$i "Check that all build artifacts are removed, including intermediates"
$t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/
$t test ! -e $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.erl
$i "Build the application again"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/xfl_lexer.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.erl
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, girl, xfl_lexer]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
core-app-yrl: build clean-core-app-yrl
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Download .yrl files from Erlang/OTP"
$t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/xmerl_xpath_parse.yrl $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xpath_parse.yrl
$t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/xref_parser.yrl $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/tools/src/xref_parser.yrl
$i "Generate unrelated .erl files"
$t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl
$t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/xmerl_xpath_parse.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/xref_parser.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/src/xmerl_xpath_parse.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/xref_parser.erl
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, girl, xmerl_xpath_parse, xref_parser]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Touch one .yrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt"
$t printf "%s\n" \
$(APP)/$(APP).d \
$(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \
$(APP)/ebin/xref_parser.beam \
$(APP)/src/xref_parser.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT
$t touch $(APP)/src/xref_parser.yrl
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/xref_parser.yrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT -
$t rm $(APP)/EXPECT
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, girl, xmerl_xpath_parse, xref_parser]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Clean the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v
$i "Check that source files still exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/Makefile
$t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src
$t test -f $(APP)/src/boy.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/girl.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/xmerl_xpath_parse.yrl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/xref_parser.yrl
$i "Check that all build artifacts are removed, including intermediates"
$t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/
$t test ! -e $(APP)/src/xmerl_xpath_parse.erl
$t test ! -e $(APP)/src/xref_parser.erl
$i "Build the application again"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/xmerl_xpath_parse.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/xref_parser.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/src/xmerl_xpath_parse.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/xref_parser.erl
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, girl, xmerl_xpath_parse, xref_parser]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
core-app-yrl-include: build clean-core-app-yrl-include
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Download a .yrl file with includes from Erlang/OTP"
$t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/core_parse.yrl $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/compiler/src/core_parse.yrl
$t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/core_parse.hrl $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/compiler/src/core_parse.hrl
$i "Generate unrelated .erl files"
$t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl
$t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/core_parse.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/src/core_parse.erl
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, core_parse, girl]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Touch the .yrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt"
$t printf "%s\n" \
$(APP)/$(APP).d \
$(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \
$(APP)/ebin/core_parse.beam \
$(APP)/src/core_parse.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT
$t touch $(APP)/src/core_parse.yrl
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/core_parse.yrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT -
$t rm $(APP)/EXPECT
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, core_parse, girl]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Touch the .hrl file included; check that only required files are rebuilt"
$t printf "%s\n" \
$(APP)/$(APP).d \
$(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \
$(APP)/ebin/core_parse.beam \
$(APP)/src/core_parse.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT
$t touch $(APP)/src/core_parse.hrl
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/core_parse.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT -
$t rm $(APP)/EXPECT
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, core_parse, girl]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
$i "Clean the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v
$i "Check that source files still exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/Makefile
$t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src
$t test -f $(APP)/src/boy.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/core_parse.hrl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/core_parse.yrl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/girl.erl
$i "Check that all build artifacts are removed, including intermediates"
$t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/
$t test ! -e $(APP)/src/core_parse.erl
$i "Build the application again"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/core_parse.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/src/core_parse.erl
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [boy, core_parse, girl]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
clean-core-app: $(CORE_APP_CLEAN_TARGETS)
$t rm -rf $(APP_TO_CLEAN)/
# Core: Erlang.mk upgrade.
CORE_UPGRADE_CASES = no-config custom-config renamed-config custom-build-dir
CORE_UPGRADE_TARGETS = $(addprefix core-upgrade-,$(CORE_UPGRADE_CASES))
core-upgrade: $(CORE_UPGRADE_TARGETS)
core-upgrade-no-config: build clean-core-upgrade-no-config
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Append a rule to the Erlang.mk file for testing purposes"
$t echo "erlang_mk_upgrade_test_rule: ; @echo FAIL" >> $(APP)/erlang.mk
$i "Check that the test rule works as intended"
$t test "FAIL" = "`$(MAKE) -C $(APP) --no-print-directory erlang_mk_upgrade_test_rule V=0`"
$i "Upgrade Erlang.mk"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) erlang-mk $v
$i "Check that the rule is gone"
$t if $(MAKE) -C $(APP) erlang_mk_upgrade_test_rule $v; then false; fi
core-upgrade-custom-config: build clean-core-upgrade-custom-config
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Create a custom build.config file without plugins"
$t echo "core/*" > $(APP)/build.config
$i "Upgrade Erlang.mk"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) erlang-mk $v
$i "Check that the bootstrap plugin is gone"
$t if $(MAKE) -C $(APP) list-templates $v; then false; fi
core-upgrade-renamed-config: build clean-core-upgrade-renamed-config
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Create a custom build.config file without plugins; name it my.build.config"
$t echo "core/*" > $(APP)/my.build.config
$i "Set ERLANG_MK_BUILD_CONFIG=my.build.config in the Makefile"
$t echo "ERLANG_MK_BUILD_CONFIG = my.build.config" >> $(APP)/Makefile
$i "Upgrade Erlang.mk"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) erlang-mk $v
$i "Check that the bootstrap plugin is gone"
$t if $(MAKE) -C $(APP) list-templates $v; then false; fi
core-upgrade-custom-build-dir: build clean-core-upgrade-custom-build-dir
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Append a rule to the Erlang.mk file for testing purposes"
$t echo "erlang_mk_upgrade_test_rule: ; @echo FAIL" >> $(APP)/erlang.mk
$i "Check that the test rule works as intended"
$t test "FAIL" = "`$(MAKE) -C $(APP) --no-print-directory erlang_mk_upgrade_test_rule V=0`"
$i "Create the custom build directory"
$t mkdir $(APP)/custom/
$t test -d $(APP)/custom/
$i "Upgrade Erlang.mk with a custom build directory"
$t ERLANG_MK_BUILD_DIR=custom $(MAKE) -C $(APP) erlang-mk $v
$i "Check that the rule is gone"
$t if $(MAKE) -C $(APP) erlang_mk_upgrade_test_rule $v; then false; fi
$i "Check that the custom build directory is gone"
$t test ! -d $(APP)/custom/
clean-core-upgrade: $(CORE_UPGRADE_CLEAN_TARGETS)
$t rm -rf $(APP_TO_CLEAN)/
# Bootstrap plugin.
BOOTSTRAP_CASES = app lib rel templates
BOOTSTRAP_TARGETS = $(addprefix bootstrap-,$(BOOTSTRAP_CASES))
bootstrap-app: build clean-bootstrap-app
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP application named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap $v
$i "Check that all bootstrapped files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/Makefile
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP)_app.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP)_sup.erl
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP)_app.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP)_sup.beam
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, [$(APP)_app, $(APP)_sup]} = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
{module, $(APP)_app} = code:load_file($(APP)_app), \
{module, $(APP)_sup} = code:load_file($(APP)_sup), \
bootstrap-lib: build clean-bootstrap-lib
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Check that all bootstrapped files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/Makefile
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, []} = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
bootstrap-rel: build clean-bootstrap-rel
$i "Bootstrap a new release-enabled OTP application named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap bootstrap-rel $v
$i "Check that all bootstrapped files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/Makefile
$t test -f $(APP)/relx.config
$t test -f $(APP)/rel/sys.config
$t test -f $(APP)/rel/vm.args
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP)_app.erl
$t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP)_sup.erl
$i "Build the application and the release"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP)_app.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP)_sup.beam
$i "Check that the release was generated"
$t test -f $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/bin/$(APP)_release
$i "Check that the release can be started and stopped"
$t $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/bin/$(APP)_release start $v
$t $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/bin/$(APP)_release stop $v
$i "Check that there's no erl_crash.dump file"
$t test ! -f $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/erl_crash.dump
bootstrap-templates: build clean-bootstrap-templates
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Check that we can get the list of templates"
$t test `$(MAKE) -C $(APP) --no-print-directory list-templates V=0 | wc -l` -eq 1
$i "Generate one of each template"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) --no-print-directory new t=gen_fsm n=my_fsm
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) --no-print-directory new t=gen_server n=my_server
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) --no-print-directory new t=supervisor n=my_sup
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) --no-print-directory new t=cowboy_http n=my_http
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) --no-print-directory new t=cowboy_loop n=my_loop
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) --no-print-directory new t=cowboy_rest n=my_rest
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) --no-print-directory new t=cowboy_ws n=my_ws
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) --no-print-directory new t=ranch_protocol n=my_protocol
# Here we disable warnings because templates contain missing behaviors.
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) ERLC_OPTS=+debug_info $v
$i "Check that all compiled files exist"
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/my_fsm.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/my_server.beam
$t test -f $(APP)/ebin/my_sup.beam
$i "Check that all the modules can be loaded"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \
ok = application:start($(APP)), \
{ok, Mods = [my_fsm, my_http, my_loop, my_protocol, my_rest, my_server, my_sup, my_ws]} \
= application:get_key($(APP), modules), \
[{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \
clean-bootstrap: $(BOOTSTRAP_CLEAN_TARGETS)
$t rm -rf $(APP_TO_CLEAN)/
# Legacy tests.
ct: app1
$i "ct: Testing ct and related targets."
$i "Setting up test suite."
$t mkdir -p app1/test
$t printf "%s\n" \
"-module(m_SUITE)." \
"-export([all/0, testcase1/1])." \
"all() -> [testcase1]." \
"testcase1(_) -> 2 = m:succ(1)." \
> app1/test/m_SUITE.erl
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 ct $v
$i "Checking files created by '$(MAKE) ct'."
$t [ -e app1/test/m_SUITE.beam ]
$t [ -e app1/ebin/m.beam ]
$t [ -e app1/logs ]
$i "Checking that '$(MAKE) clean' does not delete logs."
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 clean $v
$t [ -e app1/logs ]
$i "Testing target 'ct-mysuite' where mysuite_SUITE is a test suite."
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 ct-m $v
$i "Checking that '$(MAKE) ct' returns non-zero for a failing suite."
$t printf "%s\n" \
"-module(failing_SUITE)." \
"-export([all/0, testcase1/1])." \
"all() -> [testcase1]." \
"testcase1(_) -> 42 = m:succ(1)." \
> app1/test/failing_SUITE.erl
$t if $(MAKE) -C app1 ct-failing $v ; then false ; fi
$i "Checking that '$(MAKE) distclean-ct' deletes logs."
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 distclean-ct $v
$t [ ! -e app1/logs ]
$t [ -e app1/ebin/m.beam ]
$i "Cleaning up test data."
$t rm -rf app1/test
$i "Test 'ct' passed."
eunit: app1
$i "eunit: Testing the 'eunit' target."
$i "Running eunit test case inside module src/t.erl"
$t $(call create-module-t)
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 distclean $v
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 eunit $v
$i "Checking that the eunit test in module t."
$t echo t | cmp app1/test-eunit.log -
$t rm app1/test-eunit.log
$i "Running eunit tests in a separate directory."
$t mkdir -p app1/eunit
$t printf '%s\n' \
'-module(t_tests).' \
'-include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").' \
'succ_test() ->' \
' ?assertEqual(2, t:succ(1)),' \
' os:cmd("echo t_tests >> test-eunit.log").' \
> app1/eunit/t_tests.erl
$t printf '%s\n' \
'-module(x_tests).' \
'-include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").' \
'succ_test() ->' \
' ?assertEqual(2, t:succ(1)),' \
' os:cmd("echo x_tests >> test-eunit.log").' \
> app1/eunit/x_tests.erl
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 distclean TEST_DIR=eunit $v
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 eunit TEST_DIR=eunit $v
$i "Checking that '$(MAKE) eunit' didn't run the tests in t_tests twice, etc."
$t printf "%s\n" t t_tests x_tests | cmp app1/test-eunit.log -
$t rm app1/test-eunit.log
$i "Checking that '$(MAKE) eunit' returns non-zero for a failing test."
$t rm -f app1/eunit/*
$t printf "%s\n" \
"-module(t_tests)." \
'-include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").' \
"succ_test() ->" \
" ?assertEqual(42, t:succ(1))." \
> app1/eunit/t_tests.erl
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 distclean TEST_DIR=eunit $v
$t if $(MAKE) -C app1 eunit TEST_DIR=eunit $v ; then false ; fi
$t rm -rf app1/eunit app1/src/t.erl app1/test-eunit.log
$i "Test 'eunit' passed."
# TODO: do coverage for 'tests' instead of 'eunit ct' when triq is fixed
tests-cover: app1
$i "tests-cover: Testing 'eunit' and 'ct' with COVER=1"
$i "Setting up eunit and ct suites."
$t $(call create-module-t)
$t mkdir -p app1/test
$t printf "%s\n" \
"-module(m_SUITE)." \
"-export([all/0, testcase1/1])." \
"all() -> [testcase1]." \
"testcase1(_) -> 2 = m:succ(1)." \
> app1/test/m_SUITE.erl
$i "Running tests with coverage analysis."
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 eunit ct COVER=1 $v
$t [ -e app1/test-eunit.log ]
$t [ -e app1/eunit.coverdata ]
$t [ -e app1/ct.coverdata ]
$i "Generating coverage report."
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 cover-report COVER=1 $v
$t [ -e app1/cover/m.COVER.html ]
$t [ -e app1/cover/t.COVER.html ]
$t [ -e app1/cover/index.html ]
$i "Checking combined coverage from eunit and ct."
$t [ `grep 'Total: 100%' app1/cover/index.html | wc -l` -eq 1 ]
$i "Checking that cover-report-clean removes cover report."
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 cover-report-clean $v
$t [ ! -e app1/cover ]
$i "Checking that coverdata-clean removes cover data."
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 coverdata-clean $v
$t [ ! -e app1/eunit.coverdata ]
@# clean up
$t rm -rf app1/src/t.erl app1/test app1/test-eunit.log
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 clean $v
$i "Test 'tests-cover' passed."
docs: app1
$i "docs: Testing EDoc including DOC_DEPS."
$t printf "%s\n" \
"PROJECT = app1" \
"DOC_DEPS = edown" \
"dep_edown = git https://github.com/uwiger/edown.git 0.7" \
"EDOC_OPTS = {doclet, edown_doclet}" \
"include erlang.mk" \
"distclean:: distclean-doc-md" \
"distclean-doc-md:" \
" rm -rf doc/*.md" \
> app1/Makefile-doc
$i "Downloading doc deps (edown) and building docs."
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 -f Makefile-doc docs $v
$i "Checking that '$(MAKE) docs' using edown generated a markdown file."
$t [ -e app1/doc/m.md ]
$i "Checking that '$(MAKE) distclean' deletes all generated doc files."
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 -f Makefile-doc distclean $v
$t [ "`ls app1/doc/`" = "" ]
$i "Cleaning up test data."
$t rm app1/Makefile-doc
$i "Test 'docs' passed."
define app1_setup
$i "Setting up app."
$t mkdir -p app1
$t cd .. && $(MAKE)
$t cp ../erlang.mk app1/
$t $(MAKE) -C app1 -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib
$t printf "%s\n" \
"-module(m)." \
"-export([succ/1])." \
"succ(N) -> N + 1." \
> app1/src/m.erl
define pkg_test_target
$t rm -rf app1 erl_crash.dump
$(call app1_setup)
# Running 'make' twice to make sure it recompiles fine.
pkg-$(1): pkg-$(1)-clean pkg-$(1)-app1
$i " pkgs: Checking that '$(1)' builds correctly"
$t printf "%s\n" \
"PROJECT = app1" \
"DEPS = $(1)" \
"include erlang.mk" \
> app1/Makefile
$t \
if [ "$(1)" = "amqp_client" ]; then \
elif [ "$(1)" = "rabbit" ]; then \
else \
$(MAKE) -C app1; \
fi; \
if [ $$$$? -ne 0 ]; then \
echo "$(1): make error" >> pkgs.log; \
else \
$(MAKE) -C app1; if [ $$$$? -ne 0 ]; then \
echo "$(1): re-make error" >> pkgs.log; \
else \
find . -type f -name erl_crash.dump; if [ $$$$? -ne 0 ]; then \
echo "$(1): erl_crash.dump found" >> pkgs.log; \
else \
erl +A0 -noinput -boot start_clean -pa app1/deps/*/ebin -eval " \
Apps = [list_to_atom(App) || \"app1/deps/\" ++ App \
<- filelib:wildcard(\"app1/deps/*\")], \
[begin \
io:format(\"Loading application ~p~n\", [App]), \
case application:load(App) of \
{error, _} -> ok; \
ok -> \
{ok, Mods} = application:get_key(App, modules), \
[try io:format(\" Loading module ~p~n\", [Mod]), \
{module, Mod} = code:load_file(Mod) \
catch C:R -> timer:sleep(500), erlang:C(R) \
end || Mod <- Mods] \
end \
end || App <- Apps], \
halt()."; if [ $$$$? -ne 0 ]; then \
echo "$(1): load error" >> pkgs.log; \
fi \
fi \
fi \
PACKAGES = $(foreach pkg,$(sort $(wildcard ../index/*.mk)),$(notdir $(basename $(pkg))))
$(foreach pkg,$(PACKAGES),$(eval $(call pkg_test_target,$(pkg))))
pkgs: $(addprefix pkg-,$(PACKAGES))
@if [ -f pkgs.log ]; then \
echo "+-------------------------------+"; \
echo "+-------------------------------+"; \
cat pkgs.log; \
exit 33; \
# Test application used for testing.
$(call app1_setup)
# Extra module in app1 used for testing eunit
define create-module-t
printf '%s\n' \
'-module(t).' \
'-export([succ/1]).' \
'succ(N) -> N + 1.' \
'-ifdef(TEST).' \
'-include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").' \
'succ_test() ->' \
' ?assertEqual(2, succ(1)),' \
' os:cmd("echo t >> test-eunit.log").' \
'-endif.' \
> app1/src/t.erl