# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
# Copyright (c) 2014, Viktor Söderqvist <[email protected]>
# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
# ZSH users have a more modern shell which doesn't need to
# have the same safeguards as other shells. To use ZSH instead
# of the default shell, set ZSH=1.
ifdef ZSH
SHELL := $(shell which zsh)
# Temporary application name, taken from rule name.
APP = test_$(subst -,_,$@)
# Erlang, quickly!
ERL = erl +A0 -noinput -boot no_dot_erlang
# Platform detection, condensed version.
UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
PLATFORM = darwin
else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),FreeBSD)
PLATFORM = freebsd
else ifeq ($(shell uname -o),Msys)
PLATFORM = msys2
# Some systems do not have sub-second file times resolution.
# This is the case for older systems like OSX that uses the HFS+
# file system. HFS+ has a 1 second time resolution. This is a
# problem because the Erlang.mk tests rely on file modification
# times to ensure files were rebuilt. To fix this issue, we
# detect here whether the system supports sub-second resolution,
# and maybe sleep during test execution.
# Also see:
# * http://arstechnica.com/apple/2011/07/mac-os-x-10-7/12/#hfs-problems
# * https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/51650/linus-torvalds-and-the-os-x-filesystem
ifeq ($(shell touch a; sleep 0.01; touch b; sleep 0.01; touch c; test c -nt b -a b -nt a; echo $$?; rm a b c),1)
SLEEP = sleep 1
# In some cases it is more appropriate to wait until a command succeeds or fails.
# These functions run the given command every second and gives up after 10 tries.
define wait_for_success
count=10; \
until [ $$count = 0 ] || $1; do \
count=`expr $$count - 1`; \
sleep 1; \
done; \
if [ $$count = 0 ]; then \
false; \
define wait_for_failure
count=10; \
while [ $$count != 0 ] && $1; do \
count=`expr $$count - 1`; \
sleep 1; \
done; \
if [ $$count = 0 ]; then \
false; \
# OTP master, for downloading files for testing.
OTP_MASTER = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/erlang/otp/master
# Verbosity.
# V=0: Show info messages only.
# V=1: Show test commands.
# V=2: Also show normal Erlang.mk output.
# V=3: Also show verbose Erlang.mk output.
# V=4: Also show a trace of each command after expansion.
V ?= 0
# t: Verbosity control for tests.
# v: Verbosity control for erlang.mk.
# i: Command to display (or suppress) info messages.
ifeq ($V,0)
t = @
v = V=0 >/dev/null 2>&1
i = @echo $@:
else ifeq ($V,1)
t =
v = V=0 >/dev/null 2>&1
i = @echo == $@:
else ifeq ($V,2)
t = @echo " TEST " $@;
v = V=0
i = @echo == $@:
t =
v = V=$(shell echo $$(($(V)-2)))
i = @echo == $@:
# Automatic listing of targets from test files.
define list_targets
$(sort $(shell grep ^$1- $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) | cut -d: -f1))
# Main targets.
.PHONY: all clean init
all:: core
$t rm -rf erl_crash.dump packages/ test_*/
init: clean
$i "Prefetch Rebar if necessary"
$t if [ ! -d test_rebar_git ]; then \
git clone -q -n -- https://github.com/rebar/rebar test_rebar_git; \
$i "Generate a bleeding edge Erlang.mk"
$t cd .. && $(MAKE) $v
REBAR_GIT = file://$(CURDIR)/test_rebar_git
export REBAR_GIT
# Core.
.PHONY: core
define include_core
core:: core-$1
include core_$1.mk
$(eval $(foreach t,$(patsubst %.mk,%,$(patsubst core_%,%,$(wildcard core_*.mk))),$(call include_core,$t)))
# Plugins.
define include_plugin
all:: $1
include plugin_$1.mk
$(eval $(foreach t,$(patsubst %.mk,%,$(patsubst plugin_%,%,$(wildcard plugin_*.mk))),$(call include_plugin,$t)))
# Packages.
PACKAGES = $(foreach pkg,$(sort $(wildcard ../index/*.mk)),$(notdir $(basename $(pkg))))
EXCLUDE_FROM_CHECK = ['ci.erlang.mk', esh_mk, hexer_mk, inaka_mk, 'lfe.mk', rabbitmq_codegen]
packages: $(addprefix pkg-,$(PACKAGES))
define pkg_target
.PHONY: pkg-$1
pkg-$1: init
# Make sure $@ is defined inside the define.
$(eval @ = pkg-$1)
# Get the real application's name.
$(eval APP_NAME := $(shell sed '2!d;s/pkg_$1_name = //' ../index/$1.mk))
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library in packages/$1_pkg"
$t mkdir -p packages/$1_pkg/
$t cp ../erlang.mk packages/$1_pkg/
$t cd packages/$1_pkg/ && $(MAKE) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Add package $1 to the Makefile"
$t perl -ni.bak -e 'print;if ($$$$.==1) {print "DEPS = $1\n"}' packages/$1_pkg/Makefile
$i "Compile package $1"
$t if ! ( cd packages/$1_pkg/ && $(MAKE) $(PATCHES) $v ); then \
echo "$1: compile error" >> packages/errors.log; \
false; \
$i "Check that $1 has a .app file"
$t if ! test -f packages/$1_pkg/deps/$(APP_NAME)/ebin/$(APP_NAME).app; then \
echo "$1: no .app file" >> packages/errors.log; \
false; \
$i "Check that all applications and their modules can be loaded"
$t if ! ( cd packages/$1_pkg/ && $(ERL) -pa deps/*/ebin/ -eval " \
Apps0 = [list_to_atom(App) || \"deps/\" ++ App \
<- filelib:wildcard(\"deps/*\")], \
Apps = [App || App <- Apps0, not lists:member(App, $(EXCLUDE_FROM_CHECK))], \
[begin \
io:format(\"Loading application ~p~n\", [App]), \
case application:load(App) of \
ok -> ok; \
{error, {already_loaded, App}} -> ok \
end, \
{ok, Mods} = application:get_key(App, modules), \
[try io:format(\" Loading module ~p~n\", [Mod]), \
{module, Mod} = code:load_file(Mod) \
catch C:R -> timer:sleep(500), erlang:C(R) \
end || Mod <- Mods] \
end || App <- Apps], \
halt()." ); then \
echo "$1: load error" >> packages/errors.log; \
false; \
$i "Recompile package $1"
$t if ! ( cd packages/$1_pkg/ && $(MAKE) $(PATCHES) FULL=1 $v ); then \
echo "$(1): recompile error" >> packages/errors.log; \
false; \
$i "Check that $1 has a .app file"
$t if ! test -f packages/$1_pkg/deps/$(APP_NAME)/ebin/$(APP_NAME).app; then \
echo "$1: no .app file" >> packages/errors.log; \
false; \
$i "Check that all applications and their modules can still be loaded"
$t if ! ( cd packages/$1_pkg/ && $(ERL) -pa deps/*/ebin/ -eval " \
Apps0 = [list_to_atom(App) || \"deps/\" ++ App \
<- filelib:wildcard(\"deps/*\")], \
Apps = [App || App <- Apps0, not lists:member(App, $(EXCLUDE_FROM_CHECK))], \
[begin \
io:format(\"Loading application ~p~n\", [App]), \
case application:load(App) of \
ok -> ok; \
{error, {already_loaded, App}} -> ok \
end, \
{ok, Mods} = application:get_key(App, modules), \
[try io:format(\" Loading module ~p~n\", [Mod]), \
{module, Mod} = code:load_file(Mod) \
catch C:R -> timer:sleep(500), erlang:C(R) \
end || Mod <- Mods] \
end || App <- Apps], \
halt()." ); then \
echo "$1: recompile+load error" >> packages/errors.log; \
false; \
$i "Check that no erl_crash.dump file exists"
$t if ( ! find packages/$1_pkg/ -type f -name erl_crash.dump ); then \
echo "$(1): erl_crash.dump found" >> packages/errors.log; \
$(if $(KEEP_BUILDS),,
$i "OK; delete the build directory"
$t rm -rf packages/$1_pkg/)
$(foreach pkg,$(PACKAGES),$(eval $(call pkg_target,$(pkg))))