# Core: Packages and dependencies.
CORE_DEPS_CASES = build-c-8cc build-c-imagejs build-erl build-js pkg search
CORE_DEPS_TARGETS = $(addprefix core-deps-,$(CORE_DEPS_CASES))
.PHONY: core-deps $(CORE_DEPS_TARGETS) clean-core-deps $(CORE_DEPS_CLEAN_TARGETS)
clean-core-deps: $(CORE_DEPS_CLEAN_TARGETS)
$t rm -rf $(APP_TO_CLEAN)/
core-deps: $(CORE_DEPS_TARGETS)
ifneq ($(PLATFORM),msys2)
core-deps-build-c-8cc: build clean-core-deps-build-c-8cc
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Add 8cc to the list of build dependencies"
$t sed -i.bak '2i\
dep_8cc = git https://github.com/rui314/8cc master\
' $(APP)/Makefile
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all dependencies were fetched"
$t test -d $(APP)/deps/8cc
$i "Check that 8cc can be started"
$t $(APP)/deps/8cc/8cc -h $v
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ $(APP)/deps/*/ebin/ -eval " \
[ok = application:load(App) || App <- [$(APP)]], \
{ok, Deps} = application:get_key($(APP), applications), \
false = lists:member('8cc', Deps), \
core-deps-build-c-imagejs: build clean-core-deps-build-c-imagejs
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Add imagejs to the list of build dependencies"
$t sed -i.bak '2i\
BUILD_DEPS = imagejs\
dep_imagejs = git https://github.com/jklmnn/imagejs master\
' $(APP)/Makefile
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all dependencies were fetched"
$t test -d $(APP)/deps/imagejs
$i "Check that imagejs works"
$t $(APP)/deps/imagejs/imagejs bmp $(APP)/deps/imagejs/Makefile
$t test -f $(APP)/deps/imagejs/Makefile.bmp
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ $(APP)/deps/*/ebin/ -eval " \
[ok = application:load(App) || App <- [$(APP)]], \
{ok, Deps} = application:get_key($(APP), applications), \
false = lists:member(imagejs, Deps), \
core-deps-build-erl: build clean-core-deps-build-erl
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Add cowlib to the list of build dependencies"
$t sed -i.bak '2i\
BUILD_DEPS = cowlib\
' $(APP)/Makefile
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all dependencies were fetched"
$t test -d $(APP)/deps/cowlib
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ $(APP)/deps/*/ebin/ -eval " \
[ok = application:load(App) || App <- [$(APP), cowlib]], \
{ok, Deps} = application:get_key($(APP), applications), \
false = lists:member(cowlib, Deps), \
core-deps-build-js: build clean-core-deps-build-js
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Add jquery to the list of build dependencies"
$t sed -i.bak '2i\
BUILD_DEPS = jquery\
dep_jquery = git https://github.com/jquery/jquery master\
' $(APP)/Makefile
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all dependencies were fetched"
$t test -d $(APP)/deps/jquery
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ $(APP)/deps/*/ebin/ -eval " \
[ok = application:load(App) || App <- [$(APP)]], \
{ok, Deps} = application:get_key($(APP), applications), \
false = lists:member(jquery, Deps), \
core-deps-pkg: build clean-core-deps-pkg
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Add Cowboy to the list of dependencies"
$t sed -i.bak '2i\
DEPS = cowboy\
' $(APP)/Makefile
ifdef LEGACY
$i "Add Cowboy to the applications key in the .app.src file"
$t sed -i.bak '8i\
cowboy,' $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src
$i "Build the application"
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
$i "Check that all dependencies were fetched"
$t test -d $(APP)/deps/cowboy
$t test -d $(APP)/deps/cowlib
$t test -d $(APP)/deps/ranch
$i "Check that the application was compiled correctly"
$t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ $(APP)/deps/*/ebin/ -eval " \
[ok = application:load(App) || App <- [$(APP), cowboy, cowlib, ranch]], \
{ok, Deps} = application:get_key($(APP), applications), \
true = lists:member(cowboy, Deps), \
core-deps-search: build clean-core-deps-search
$i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)"
$t mkdir $(APP)/
$t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
$t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v
$i "Run 'make search' and check that it prints packages"
$t test -n "`$(MAKE) -C $(APP) search`"
$i "Run 'make search q=cowboy' and check that it prints packages"
$t test -n "`$(MAKE) -C $(APP) search q=cowboy`"