path: root/README.md
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Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 240 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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index 408098f..0000000
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@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-A build tool for Erlang that just works.
-[Check out our upcoming user guide!](doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc)
-The README only contains legacy documentation that was not moved to
-the guide yet. Check there if you don't find what you're looking for.
-`erlang.mk` requires GNU Make and expects to be ran in a standard
-unix environment with Erlang installed and in the `$PATH`.
-Common workflow
-A common workflow when editing a file would be to run `make` regularly
-to see if it compiles (or less often `make clean app` if you want to
-recompile everything), followed by `make dialyze` to see if there are
-any type errors and then `make tests` to run the test suites. The
-result of the test runs can be browsed from the `logs/index.html` file.
-Compiling and dependencies
-[Check out our upcoming user guide!](doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc)
-[Check out our upcoming user guide!](doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc)
-Extending Erlang.mk
-You may add additional operations to them by using the double
-colons. Make will run all targets sharing the same name when
-``` Makefile
- @rm anotherfile
-You can enable verbose mode by calling Make with the variable
-`V` set to 1.
-``` bash
-$ make V=1
-Parallel execution
-*Parallel execution is currently enabled (experimental).*
-Parallel execution can be enabled through the use of the
-`-j` option. The following output showcases concurrent
-downloading of dependencies.
-``` bash
-$ make -j32
-Cloning into '/home/essen/ninenines/cowboy/deps/ranch'...
-Cloning into '/home/essen/ninenines/cowboy/deps/cowlib'...
-The `-O` option will ensure that output from different
-targets is grouped, which is particularly useful when
-running tests with different frameworks at the same time.
-The disadvantage of this option however is that there is
-no output until the target is completed.
-The``MAKEFLAGS` variable can be used to set it permanently
-on your system. It can be set in your `.zshrc`, `.bashrc`
-or equivalent file.
-``` bash
-MAKEFLAGS="-j32 -O"
-C/C++ compiler plugin
-[Check out our upcoming user guide!](doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc)
-Common_test plugin
-This plugin is available by default. It adds the following
-`ct` runs all test suites for this application.
-There is nothing to configure to use it, simply create your
-test suites in the `./test/` directory and erlang.mk will
-figure everything out automatically.
-You can override the list of suites that will run when using
-`make tests` by setting the `CT_SUITES` variable.
-You can add extra `ct_run` options by defining the `CT_OPTS`
-variable. For more information please see `erl -man ct_run`.
-You can run an individual test suite by using the special `ct-*`
-targets. For example if you have a common_test suite named `spdy`
-and you want to run only this suite and not the others, you can
-use the `make ct-spdy` command.
-Dialyzer plugin
-[Check out our upcoming user guide!](doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc)
-EDoc plugin
-This plugin is available by default.
-EDoc options can be specified in Erlang format by defining
-the `EDOC_OPTS` variable. For more information please see
-`erl -man edoc`.
-Elvis plugin
-This plugin is available by default. It adds the following
-`elvis` runs Elvis style checker for this application.
-The `ELVIS_CONFIG` variable specifies the location of the
-configuration file which holds the rules to be applied.
-If there's no `elvis.config` file the default one will be
-downloaded. When the `ELVIS` variable points to a non-existing
-file then the `elvis` executable will be downloaded as well.
-Any other option should go in the `ELVIS_OPTS` variable.
-ErlyDTL plugin
-This plugin is available by default. It adds automatic
-compilation of ErlyDTL templates found in `templates/*.dtl`
-or any subdirectory.
-By default it ignores names of subdirectories and compiles
-`a/b/templatename.dtl` into `templatename_dtl.beam`. To include
-subdirectories names in the compiled module name add
-`DTL_FULL_PATH=1` into your Makefile - `a/b/templatename.dtl`
-will be compiled into `a_b_templatename_dtl.beam`.
-Escript plugin
-This plugin is available by default. It adds the following
-`escript` which creates a shell-executable archive named
-the same as your `$(PROJECT)`, containing the following files
-from your application and its dependencies:
-* `*.beam`
-* contents of `priv/`
-* `sys.config` for your application
-There are a number of optional configuration parameters:
-* `ESCRIPT_NAME` if a different output file is required
-* `ESCRIPT_COMMENT` to alter the comment line in the escript header
-* `ESCRIPT_BEAMS` for the paths searched for `*.beam` files to include
-* `ESCRIPT_SYS_CONFIG` defaults to `rel/sys.config`
-* `ESCRIPT_EMU_ARGS` for the parameters used to start the VM
-* `ESCRIPT_SHEBANG` for the line used by your shell to start `escript`
-* `ESCRIPT_STATIC` for non-beam directories to be included as well
-Refer to http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/escript.html for
-more information on `escript` functionality in general.
-EUnit plugin
-[Check out our upcoming user guide!](doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc)
-Relx plugin
-[Check out our upcoming user guide!](doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc)
-Shell plugin
-[Check out our upcoming user guide!](doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc)
-Triq plugin
-This plugin is available by default. It adds the following
-`triq` will check all the properties found in `ebin` or
-the test directory specified in `TEST_DIR`.
-You can use the `t` variable to give a specific module
-or function to run, for example:
-``` bash
-$ make triq t=cow_http_hd
-``` bash
-$ make triq t=cow_http_hd:prop_parse_accept
-Xref plugin
-This plugin is available by default. It adds the following
-`xref` Erlang Xref Runner (inspired in rebar's rebar_xref)
-The `XREF_CONFIG` variable specifies the location of the
-configuration file which holds the checks to be applied.
-If there is no `xref.config` all `xref` checks will be
-applied to the binaries located in the `/ebin` directory.
-[Check out our upcoming user guide!](doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc)
- * Official IRC Channel: #ninenines on irc.freenode.net
- * [Mailing Lists](http://lists.ninenines.eu)