diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2022-11-21 17:53:29 +0100
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2022-11-21 17:53:29 +0100
commitc98c045affe053ba37e062e2754f32dcd65a0b30 (patch)
parente960c4e7bac5a6872055638f5291b79c2aafa51f (diff)
Don't infinite loop gun_pool on bad configuration
We leave the pool in a degraded state if the configuration given is invalid and a lookup/connect can't be made.
2 files changed, 30 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/gun_pool.erl b/src/gun_pool.erl
index 5d49a7c..e99a364 100644
--- a/src/gun_pool.erl
+++ b/src/gun_pool.erl
@@ -631,14 +631,21 @@ handle_common(info, {gun_down, ConnPid, Protocol, _Reason, _KilledStreams}, _, S
{up, Protocol, _} = maps:get(ConnPid, Conns),
{next_state, degraded, StateData#state{conns=Conns#{ConnPid => down}}};
%% @todo We do not want to reconnect automatically when the pool is dynamic.
-handle_common(info, {'DOWN', _MRef, process, ConnPid0, _Reason}, _,
+handle_common(info, {'DOWN', _MRef, process, ConnPid0, Reason}, _,
StateData=#state{host=Host, port=Port, opts=Opts, table=Tid, conns=Conns0, conns_meta=ConnsMeta0}) ->
Conns = maps:remove(ConnPid0, Conns0),
ConnsMeta = maps:remove(ConnPid0, ConnsMeta0),
- ConnOpts = conn_opts(Tid, Opts),
- {ok, ConnPid} = gun:open(Host, Port, ConnOpts),
- _ = monitor(process, ConnPid),
- {next_state, degraded, StateData#state{conns=Conns#{ConnPid => down}, conns_meta=ConnsMeta}};
+ case Reason of
+ %% The process is down because of a configuration error.
+ %% Do NOT attempt to reconnect, leave the pool in a degraded state.
+ badarg ->
+ {next_state, degraded, StateData#state{conns=Conns, conns_meta=ConnsMeta}};
+ _ ->
+ ConnOpts = conn_opts(Tid, Opts),
+ {ok, ConnPid} = gun:open(Host, Port, ConnOpts),
+ _ = monitor(process, ConnPid),
+ {next_state, degraded, StateData#state{conns=Conns#{ConnPid => down}, conns_meta=ConnsMeta}}
+ end;
handle_common({call, From}, info, StateName, #state{host=Host, port=Port,
opts=Opts, table=Tid, conns=Conns, conns_meta=ConnsMeta}) ->
{keep_state_and_data, {reply, From, {StateName, #{
diff --git a/test/pool_SUITE.erl b/test/pool_SUITE.erl
index 7643368..3105aa6 100644
--- a/test/pool_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/pool_SUITE.erl
@@ -376,8 +376,25 @@ reconnect_h2(Config) ->
%% @todo reconnect_ws
stop_pool(Config) ->
- doc("Confirm the pool can be used for HTTP/1.1 connections."),
+ doc("Confirm the pool can be stopped."),
Port = config(port, Config),
{ok, ManagerPid} = gun_pool:start_pool("localhost", Port, #{scope => ?FUNCTION_NAME}),
gun_pool:stop_pool("localhost", Port, #{scope => ?FUNCTION_NAME}).
+degraded_configuration_error(Config) ->
+ doc("Confirm the pool ends up in a degraded state "
+ "when connection is impossible because of bad configuration."),
+ Port = config(port, Config),
+ %% We attempt to connect to an unreachable IP.
+ {ok, ManagerPid} = gun_pool:start_pool({20, 20, 20, 1}, Port, #{
+ conn_opts => #{tcp_opts => [{ip, {127, 0, 0, 1}}]},
+ scope => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ size => 1
+ }),
+ %% Wait for the lookup/connect to fail.
+ timer:sleep(500),
+ {degraded, #{conns := Conns}} = gun_pool:info(ManagerPid),
+ true = Conns =:= #{},
+ %% We can stop the pool even if degraded.
+ gun_pool:stop_pool({20, 20, 20, 1}, Port, #{scope => ?FUNCTION_NAME}).