path: root/src
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2019-09-20 16:22:53 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2019-09-22 16:46:44 +0200
commit07e79aa3a70546fe4419b94cbf41c38a6eb039a1 (patch)
tree017d06819a79254c19dfafee8a2d0410be02b466 /src
parent53f0888993d7bb464c094ada645b075e43560403 (diff)
Always switch_protocol
When doing a CONNECT from http to http or from socks to socks we may want to use different configuration options. Switching the protocol explicitly helps us achieve that. It will also signal through events that a protocol switch occurred.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 6 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/src/gun.erl b/src/gun.erl
index ca6c730..93a8d40 100644
--- a/src/gun.erl
+++ b/src/gun.erl
@@ -945,16 +945,11 @@ ensure_alpn(Protocols0, TransOpts) ->
tls_handshake(internal, {tls_handshake, HandshakeEvent, Protocols},
State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=gun_tcp, protocol=CurrentProtocol}) ->
case normal_tls_handshake(Socket, State0, HandshakeEvent, Protocols) of
- {ok, TLSSocket, CurrentProtocol, State1} ->
- %% We only need to switch the transport when the protocol remains the same.
- %% The transport is given in Proto:init/4 in the other case.
- {keep_state, State} = commands([{switch_transport, gun_tls, TLSSocket}], State1),
- {next_state, connected, State};
- {ok, TLSSocket, NewProtocol, State1} ->
+ {ok, TLSSocket, NewProtocol, State} ->
{switch_transport, gun_tls, TLSSocket},
{switch_protocol, NewProtocol}
- ], State1);
+ ], State);
{error, Reason, State} ->
commands({error, Reason}, State)
@@ -984,16 +979,7 @@ tls_handshake(info, {gun_tls_proxy, Socket, {ok, Negotiated}, {HandshakeEvent, P
socket => Socket,
protocol => NewProtocol
}, EvHandlerState0),
- State = State0#state{event_handler_state=EvHandlerState},
- case NewProtocol of
- CurrentProtocol ->
- %% We only need to switch the transport when the protocol remains the same.
- %% The transport is given in Proto:init/4 in the other case.
- ProtoState = CurrentProtocol:switch_transport(Transport, Socket, ProtoState0),
- {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState}};
- _ ->
- commands([{switch_protocol, NewProtocol}], State)
- end;
+ commands([{switch_protocol, NewProtocol}], State0#state{event_handler_state=EvHandlerState});
tls_handshake(info, {gun_tls_proxy, Socket, Error = {error, Reason}, {HandshakeEvent, _}},
State=#state{socket=Socket, event_handler=EvHandler, event_handler_state=EvHandlerState0}) ->
EvHandlerState = EvHandler:tls_handshake_end(HandshakeEvent#{
diff --git a/src/gun_http.erl b/src/gun_http.erl
index 85fd2c4..44575bf 100644
--- a/src/gun_http.erl
+++ b/src/gun_http.erl
@@ -313,14 +313,9 @@ handle_head(Data, State=#http_state{version=ClientVersion, content_handlers=Hand
{[{origin, <<"https">>, NewHost, NewPort, connect},
{tls_handshake, HandshakeEvent, Protocols}], EvHandlerState1};
_ ->
- case Protocols of
- [http] ->
- {[{state, State2},
- {origin, <<"http">>, NewHost, NewPort, connect}], EvHandlerState1};
- [http2] ->
- {[{origin, <<"http">>, NewHost, NewPort, connect},
- {switch_protocol, http2}], EvHandlerState1}
- end
+ [Protocol] = Protocols,
+ {[{origin, <<"http">>, NewHost, NewPort, connect},
+ {switch_protocol, Protocol}], EvHandlerState1}
{_, _} when Status >= 100, Status =< 199 ->
ReplyTo ! {gun_inform, self(), stream_ref(StreamRef), Status, Headers},