path: root/test/rfc7231_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2022-11-21 15:46:19 +0100
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2022-11-21 15:46:19 +0100
commite960c4e7bac5a6872055638f5291b79c2aafa51f (patch)
treee5f63e10deaf823372b4108bb16d5b7e110fbd6e /test/rfc7231_SUITE.erl
parent395490ea791cad34fd9130feb37eb145b16c1dde (diff)
Support positive HTTP/1.0 responses to CONNECT requests
Diffstat (limited to 'test/rfc7231_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/test/rfc7231_SUITE.erl b/test/rfc7231_SUITE.erl
index c274ecb..a948b30 100644
--- a/test/rfc7231_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/rfc7231_SUITE.erl
@@ -36,17 +36,20 @@ do_proxy_start(Transport, Status) ->
do_proxy_start(Transport, Status, ConnectRespHeaders) ->
do_proxy_start(Transport, Status, ConnectRespHeaders, 0).
-do_proxy_start(Transport0, Status, ConnectRespHeaders, Delay) ->
+do_proxy_start(Transport, Status, ConnectRespHeaders, Delay) ->
+ do_proxy_start(Transport, Status, ConnectRespHeaders, Delay, <<"HTTP/1.1">>).
+do_proxy_start(Transport0, Status, ConnectRespHeaders, Delay, ConnectRespVersion) ->
Transport = case Transport0 of
tcp -> gun_tcp;
tls -> gun_tls
Self = self(),
- Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> do_proxy_init(Self, Transport, Status, ConnectRespHeaders, Delay) end),
+ Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> do_proxy_init(Self, Transport, Status, ConnectRespHeaders, Delay, ConnectRespVersion) end),
Port = receive_from(Pid),
{ok, Pid, Port}.
-do_proxy_init(Parent, Transport, Status, ConnectRespHeaders, Delay) ->
+do_proxy_init(Parent, Transport, Status, ConnectRespHeaders, Delay, ConnectRespVersion) ->
{ok, ListenSocket} = case Transport of
gun_tcp ->
gen_tcp:listen(0, [binary, {active, false}]);
@@ -76,7 +79,7 @@ do_proxy_init(Parent, Transport, Status, ConnectRespHeaders, Delay) ->
Parent ! {self(), {request, Method, Authority, Version, Headers}},
{OriginHost, OriginPort} = cow_http_hd:parse_host(Authority),
ok = Transport:send(ClientSocket, [
- <<"HTTP/1.1 ">>,
+ ConnectRespVersion, <<" ">>,
<<" Reason phrase\r\n">>,
@@ -416,6 +419,41 @@ do_connect_failure(Status) ->
} = gun:info(ConnPid),
+connect_response_http10(_) ->
+ doc("CONNECT can be used to establish a TCP connection "
+ "to a server via an HTTP/1.0 proxy. (RFC7230 2.6, RFC7231 4.3.6)"),
+ {ok, OriginPid, OriginPort} = init_origin(tcp),
+ {ok, ProxyPid, ProxyPort} = do_proxy_start(tcp, 201, [], 0, <<"HTTP/1.0">>),
+ Authority = iolist_to_binary(["localhost:", integer_to_binary(OriginPort)]),
+ {ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", ProxyPort),
+ {ok, http} = gun:await_up(ConnPid),
+ StreamRef = gun:connect(ConnPid, #{
+ host => "localhost",
+ port => OriginPort
+ }),
+ {request, <<"CONNECT">>, Authority, 'HTTP/1.1', _} = receive_from(ProxyPid),
+ {response, fin, 201, _} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef),
+ handshake_completed = receive_from(OriginPid),
+ {up, http} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef),
+ _ = gun:get(ConnPid, "/proxied", [], #{tunnel => StreamRef}),
+ Data = receive_from(OriginPid),
+ Lines = binary:split(Data, <<"\r\n">>, [global]),
+ [<<"host: ", Authority/bits>>] = [L || <<"host: ", _/bits>> = L <- Lines],
+ #{
+ transport := tcp,
+ protocol := http,
+ origin_scheme := <<"http">>,
+ origin_host := "localhost",
+ origin_port := OriginPort,
+ intermediaries := [#{
+ type := connect,
+ host := "localhost",
+ port := ProxyPort,
+ transport := tcp,
+ protocol := http
+ }]} = gun:info(ConnPid),
+ gun:close(ConnPid).
connect_authority_form(_) ->
doc("CONNECT requests must use the authority-form. (RFC7231 4.3.6)"),
{ok, _OriginPid, OriginPort} = init_origin(tcp),