path: root/src/gun.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gun.erl')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/src/gun.erl b/src/gun.erl
index 3802ee0..5a7750b 100644
--- a/src/gun.erl
+++ b/src/gun.erl
@@ -893,13 +893,12 @@ connecting(_, {retries, Retries, LookupInfo}, State=#state{opts=Opts,
case gun_tcp:connect(LookupInfo, ConnectTimeout) of
{ok, Socket} when Transport =:= gun_tcp ->
Protocol = case maps:get(protocols, Opts, [http]) of
- [http] -> gun_http;
- [http2] -> gun_http2;
- [{socks, _}] -> gun_socks
+ [{P, _}] -> P;
+ [P] -> P
EvHandlerState = EvHandler:connect_end(ConnectEvent#{
socket => Socket,
- protocol => Protocol:name()
+ protocol => Protocol
}, EvHandlerState1),
{next_state, connected, State#state{event_handler_state=EvHandlerState},
{next_event, internal, {connected, Socket, Protocol}}};
@@ -951,10 +950,10 @@ tls_handshake(internal, {tls_handshake, HandshakeEvent, Protocols},
%% The transport is given in Proto:init/4 in the other case.
{keep_state, State} = commands([{switch_transport, gun_tls, TLSSocket}], State1),
{next_state, connected, State};
- {ok, TLSSocket, NewProtocol, State1=#state{protocol_state=ProtoState}} ->
+ {ok, TLSSocket, NewProtocol, State1} ->
{keep_state, State} = commands([
{switch_transport, gun_tls, TLSSocket},
- {switch_protocol, NewProtocol, ProtoState}
+ {switch_protocol, NewProtocol}
], State1),
{next_state, connected, State};
{error, Reason, State} ->
@@ -984,7 +983,7 @@ tls_handshake(info, {gun_tls_proxy, Socket, {ok, Negotiated}, {HandshakeEvent, P
NewProtocol = protocol_negotiated(Negotiated, Protocols),
EvHandlerState = EvHandler:tls_handshake_end(HandshakeEvent#{
socket => Socket,
- protocol => NewProtocol:name()
+ protocol => NewProtocol
}, EvHandlerState0),
State1 = State0#state{event_handler_state=EvHandlerState},
{keep_state, State} = case NewProtocol of
@@ -994,7 +993,7 @@ tls_handshake(info, {gun_tls_proxy, Socket, {ok, Negotiated}, {HandshakeEvent, P
ProtoState = CurrentProtocol:switch_transport(Transport, Socket, ProtoState0),
{keep_state, State1#state{protocol_state=ProtoState}};
_ ->
- commands([{switch_protocol, NewProtocol, ProtoState0}], State1)
+ commands([{switch_protocol, NewProtocol}], State1)
{next_state, connected, State};
tls_handshake(info, {gun_tls_proxy, Socket, Error = {error, Reason}, {HandshakeEvent, _}},
@@ -1019,7 +1018,7 @@ normal_tls_handshake(Socket, State=#state{event_handler=EvHandler, event_handler
Protocol = protocol_negotiated(ssl:negotiated_protocol(TLSSocket), Protocols),
EvHandlerState = EvHandler:tls_handshake_end(HandshakeEvent#{
socket => TLSSocket,
- protocol => Protocol:name()
+ protocol => Protocol
}, EvHandlerState1),
{ok, TLSSocket, Protocol, State#state{event_handler_state=EvHandlerState}};
{error, Reason} ->
@@ -1029,32 +1028,33 @@ normal_tls_handshake(Socket, State=#state{event_handler=EvHandler, event_handler
{error, Reason, State#state{event_handler_state=EvHandlerState}}
-protocol_negotiated({ok, <<"h2">>}, _) -> gun_http2;
-protocol_negotiated({ok, <<"http/1.1">>}, _) -> gun_http;
-protocol_negotiated({error, protocol_not_negotiated}, [{socks, _}]) -> gun_socks;
-protocol_negotiated({error, protocol_not_negotiated}, _) -> gun_http.
+protocol_negotiated({ok, <<"h2">>}, _) -> http2;
+protocol_negotiated({ok, <<"http/1.1">>}, _) -> http;
+protocol_negotiated({error, protocol_not_negotiated}, [{socks, _}]) -> socks;
+protocol_negotiated({error, protocol_not_negotiated}, _) -> http.
not_fully_connected(Type, Event, State) ->
handle_common_connected(Type, Event, ?FUNCTION_NAME, State).
-connected(internal, {connected, Socket, Protocol=gun_socks},
+connected(internal, {connected, Socket, socks},
State=#state{owner=Owner, opts=Opts, transport=Transport}) ->
- [{socks, ProtoOpts}] = [Proto || Proto = {socks, _} <- maps:get(protocols, Opts)],
+ Protocol = gun_socks,
+ [{socks, ProtoOpts}] = maps:get(protocols, Opts),
ProtoState = Protocol:init(Owner, Socket, Transport, ProtoOpts),
Owner ! {gun_up, self(), Protocol:name()},
{next_state, not_fully_connected, active(State#state{socket=Socket,
protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState})};
-connected(internal, {connected, Socket, Protocol},
- State=#state{owner=Owner, opts=Opts, transport=Transport}) ->
- ProtoOptsKey = case Protocol of
- gun_http -> http_opts;
- gun_http2 -> http2_opts
- end,
- ProtoOpts = maps:get(ProtoOptsKey, Opts, #{}),
+connected(internal, {connected, Socket, Protocol0},
+ State0=#state{owner=Owner, opts=Opts, transport=Transport}) ->
+ Protocol = protocol_handler(Protocol0),
+ ProtoOpts = maps:get(Protocol:opts_name(), Opts, #{}),
ProtoState = Protocol:init(Owner, Socket, Transport, ProtoOpts),
Owner ! {gun_up, self(), Protocol:name()},
- {keep_state, keepalive_timeout(active(State#state{socket=Socket,
- protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState}))};
+ State = active(State0#state{socket=Socket, protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState}),
+ case Protocol:has_keepalive() of
+ true -> {keep_state, keepalive_timeout(State)};
+ false -> {keep_state, State}
+ end;
%% Public HTTP interface.
connected(cast, {headers, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Method, Path, Headers, InitialFlow},
State=#state{origin_host=Host, origin_port=Port,
@@ -1299,32 +1299,33 @@ commands([{switch_transport, Transport, Socket}|Tail], State=#state{
commands(Tail, active(State#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
messages=Transport:messages(), protocol_state=ProtoState,
-%% @todo The two loops should be reunified and this clause generalized.
-commands([{switch_protocol, Protocol=gun_ws, ProtoState}], State=#state{
- event_handler=EvHandler, event_handler_state=EvHandlerState0}) ->
- EvHandlerState = EvHandler:protocol_changed(#{protocol => Protocol:name()}, EvHandlerState0),
- {keep_state, keepalive_cancel(State#state{protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState,
- event_handler_state=EvHandlerState})};
-%% @todo And this state should probably not be ignored.
-%% @todo Socks can be switching to *http* and we don't seem to support it properly yet.
-commands([{switch_protocol, Protocol, _ProtoState0}|Tail], State=#state{
+commands([{switch_protocol, Protocol0}|Tail], State0=#state{
owner=Owner, opts=Opts, socket=Socket, transport=Transport, protocol=CurrentProtocol,
event_handler=EvHandler, event_handler_state=EvHandlerState0}) ->
+ {Protocol, ProtoOpts} = case Protocol0 of
+ {P, PO} -> {protocol_handler(P), PO};
+ P ->
+ Protocol1 = protocol_handler(P),
+ {Protocol1, maps:get(Protocol1:opts_name(), Opts, #{})}
+ end,
%% When we switch_protocol from socks we must send a gun_socks_connected message.
_ = case CurrentProtocol of
gun_socks -> Owner ! {gun_socks_connected, self(), Protocol:name()};
_ -> ok
- ProtoOpts = maps:get(http2_opts, Opts, #{}),
ProtoState = Protocol:init(Owner, Socket, Transport, ProtoOpts),
EvHandlerState = EvHandler:protocol_changed(#{protocol => Protocol:name()}, EvHandlerState0),
- commands(Tail, keepalive_timeout(State#state{protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState,
- event_handler_state=EvHandlerState}));
+ State = State0#state{protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState, event_handler_state=EvHandlerState},
+ case Protocol:has_keepalive() of
+ true -> commands(Tail, keepalive_timeout(State));
+ false -> commands(Tail, keepalive_cancel(State))
+ end;
%% Perform a TLS handshake.
commands([TLSHandshake={tls_handshake, _, _}], State) ->
{next_state, tls_handshake, State,
{next_event, internal, TLSHandshake}};
%% Switch from not_fully_connected to connected.
+%% @todo Do this in switch_protocol.
commands([{mode, http}], State) ->
{next_state, connected, active(State)}.
@@ -1370,6 +1371,11 @@ disconnect_flush(State=#state{socket=Socket, messages={OK, Closed, Error}}) ->
+protocol_handler(http) -> gun_http;
+protocol_handler(http2) -> gun_http2;
+protocol_handler(ws) -> gun_ws;
+protocol_handler(socks) -> gun_socks.
active(State=#state{active=false}) ->
active(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}) ->