path: root/test/ws_SUITE.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/ws_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/test/ws_SUITE.erl b/test/ws_SUITE.erl
index c04acc2..201403e 100644
--- a/test/ws_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/ws_SUITE.erl
@@ -22,19 +22,30 @@
%% ct.
all() ->
- [{group, ws}].
+ [{group, http}, {group, http2}].
groups() ->
- [{ws, [], ct_helper:all(?MODULE)}].
+ Tests = ct_helper:all(?MODULE),
+ HTTP1Tests = [
+ http10_upgrade_error,
+ http11_request_error,
+ http11_keepalive,
+ http11_keepalive_default_silence_pings
+ ],
+ [
+ {http, [], Tests},
+ {http2, [], Tests -- HTTP1Tests}
+ ].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
Routes = [
{"/", ws_echo_h, []},
{"/reject", ws_reject_h, []}
- {ok, _} = cowboy:start_clear(ws, [], #{env => #{
- dispatch => cowboy_router:compile([{'_', Routes}])
- }}),
+ {ok, _} = cowboy:start_clear(ws, [], #{
+ enable_connect_protocol => true,
+ env => #{dispatch => cowboy_router:compile([{'_', Routes}])}
+ }),
Port = ranch:get_port(ws),
[{port, Port}|Config].
@@ -45,16 +56,37 @@ end_per_suite(_) ->
await(Config) ->
doc("Ensure gun:await/2 can be used to receive Websocket frames."),
- {ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", config(port, Config)),
- {ok, _} = gun:await_up(ConnPid),
+ Protocol = config(name, config(tc_group_properties, Config)),
+ {ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", config(port, Config), #{
+ protocols => [Protocol],
+ http2_opts => #{notify_settings_changed => true}
+ }),
+ {ok, Protocol} = gun:await_up(ConnPid),
+ do_await_enable_connect_protocol(Protocol, ConnPid),
StreamRef = gun:ws_upgrade(ConnPid, "/", []),
{upgrade, [<<"websocket">>], _} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef),
Frame = {text, <<"Hello!">>},
- gun:ws_send(ConnPid, Frame),
+ gun:ws_send(ConnPid, StreamRef, Frame),
{ws, Frame} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef),
-error_http10_upgrade(Config) ->
+headers_normalized_upgrade(Config) ->
+ doc("Headers passed to ws_upgrade are normalized before being used."),
+ Protocol = config(name, config(tc_group_properties, Config)),
+ {ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", config(port, Config), #{
+ protocols => [Protocol],
+ http2_opts => #{notify_settings_changed => true}
+ }),
+ {ok, Protocol} = gun:await_up(ConnPid),
+ do_await_enable_connect_protocol(Protocol, ConnPid),
+ StreamRef = gun:ws_upgrade(ConnPid, "/", #{
+ atom_header_name => <<"value">>,
+ "string_header_name" => <<"value">>
+ }),
+ {upgrade, [<<"websocket">>], _} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef),
+ gun:close(ConnPid).
+http10_upgrade_error(Config) ->
doc("Attempting to upgrade HTTP/1.0 to Websocket produces an error."),
{ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", config(port, Config), #{
http_opts => #{version => 'HTTP/1.0'}
@@ -70,28 +102,7 @@ error_http10_upgrade(Config) ->
-headers_normalized_upgrade(Config) ->
- doc("Headers passed to ws_upgrade are normalized before being used."),
- {ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", config(port, Config)),
- {ok, _} = gun:await_up(ConnPid),
- StreamRef = gun:ws_upgrade(ConnPid, "/", #{
- atom_header_name => <<"value">>,
- "string_header_name" => <<"value">>
- }),
- {upgrade, [<<"websocket">>], _} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef),
- gun:close(ConnPid).
-error_http_request(Config) ->
- doc("Ensure that requests are rejected while using Websocket."),
- {ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", config(port, Config)),
- {ok, _} = gun:await_up(ConnPid),
- StreamRef1 = gun:ws_upgrade(ConnPid, "/", []),
- {upgrade, [<<"websocket">>], _} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef1),
- StreamRef2 = gun:get(ConnPid, "/"),
- {error, {connection_error, {badstate, _}}} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef2),
- gun:close(ConnPid).
-keepalive(Config) ->
+http11_keepalive(Config) ->
doc("Ensure that Gun automatically sends ping frames."),
{ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", config(port, Config), #{
ws_opts => #{
@@ -106,7 +117,7 @@ keepalive(Config) ->
{ws, pong} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef),
-keepalive_default_silence_pings(Config) ->
+http11_keepalive_default_silence_pings(Config) ->
doc("Ensure that Gun does not forward ping/pong by default."),
{ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", config(port, Config), #{
ws_opts => #{keepalive => 100}
@@ -118,10 +129,25 @@ keepalive_default_silence_pings(Config) ->
{error, timeout} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef, 1000),
-reject_upgrade(Config) ->
- doc("Ensure Websocket connections can be rejected."),
+http11_request_error(Config) ->
+ doc("Ensure that HTTP/1.1 requests are rejected while using Websocket."),
{ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", config(port, Config)),
{ok, _} = gun:await_up(ConnPid),
+ StreamRef1 = gun:ws_upgrade(ConnPid, "/", []),
+ {upgrade, [<<"websocket">>], _} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef1),
+ StreamRef2 = gun:get(ConnPid, "/"),
+ {error, {connection_error, {badstate, _}}} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef2),
+ gun:close(ConnPid).
+reject_upgrade(Config) ->
+ doc("Ensure Websocket connections can be rejected."),
+ Protocol = config(name, config(tc_group_properties, Config)),
+ {ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", config(port, Config), #{
+ protocols => [Protocol],
+ http2_opts => #{notify_settings_changed => true}
+ }),
+ {ok, Protocol} = gun:await_up(ConnPid),
+ do_await_enable_connect_protocol(Protocol, ConnPid),
StreamRef = gun:ws_upgrade(ConnPid, "/reject", []),
{gun_response, ConnPid, StreamRef, nofin, 400, _} ->
@@ -134,7 +160,7 @@ reject_upgrade(Config) ->
reply_to(Config) ->
- doc("Ensure we can send a list of frames in one gun:ws_send call."),
+ doc("Ensure the reply_to request option is respected."),
Self = self(),
Frame = {text, <<"Hello!">>},
ReplyTo = spawn(fun() ->
@@ -144,36 +170,61 @@ reply_to(Config) ->
{ws, Frame} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef),
Self ! {self(), ok}
- {ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", config(port, Config)),
- {ok, _} = gun:await_up(ConnPid),
+ Protocol = config(name, config(tc_group_properties, Config)),
+ {ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", config(port, Config), #{
+ protocols => [Protocol],
+ http2_opts => #{notify_settings_changed => true}
+ }),
+ {ok, Protocol} = gun:await_up(ConnPid),
+ do_await_enable_connect_protocol(Protocol, ConnPid),
StreamRef = gun:ws_upgrade(ConnPid, "/", [], #{reply_to => ReplyTo}),
ReplyTo ! {ConnPid, StreamRef},
- receive {ReplyTo, ready} -> gun:ws_send(ConnPid, Frame) after 1000 -> error(timeout) end,
+ receive {ReplyTo, ready} -> gun:ws_send(ConnPid, StreamRef, Frame) after 1000 -> error(timeout) end,
receive {ReplyTo, ok} -> gun:close(ConnPid) after 1000 -> error(timeout) end.
send_many(Config) ->
doc("Ensure we can send a list of frames in one gun:ws_send call."),
- {ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", config(port, Config)),
- {ok, _} = gun:await_up(ConnPid),
+ Protocol = config(name, config(tc_group_properties, Config)),
+ {ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", config(port, Config), #{
+ protocols => [Protocol],
+ http2_opts => #{notify_settings_changed => true}
+ }),
+ {ok, Protocol} = gun:await_up(ConnPid),
+ do_await_enable_connect_protocol(Protocol, ConnPid),
StreamRef = gun:ws_upgrade(ConnPid, "/", []),
{upgrade, [<<"websocket">>], _} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef),
Frame1 = {text, <<"Hello!">>},
Frame2 = {binary, <<"World!">>},
- gun:ws_send(ConnPid, [Frame1, Frame2]),
+ gun:ws_send(ConnPid, StreamRef, [Frame1, Frame2]),
{ws, Frame1} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef),
{ws, Frame2} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef),
send_many_close(Config) ->
doc("Ensure we can send a list of frames in one gun:ws_send call, including a close frame."),
- {ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", config(port, Config)),
- {ok, _} = gun:await_up(ConnPid),
+ Protocol = config(name, config(tc_group_properties, Config)),
+ {ok, ConnPid} = gun:open("localhost", config(port, Config), #{
+ protocols => [Protocol],
+ http2_opts => #{notify_settings_changed => true}
+ }),
+ {ok, Protocol} = gun:await_up(ConnPid),
+ do_await_enable_connect_protocol(Protocol, ConnPid),
StreamRef = gun:ws_upgrade(ConnPid, "/", []),
{upgrade, [<<"websocket">>], _} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef),
Frame1 = {text, <<"Hello!">>},
Frame2 = {binary, <<"World!">>},
- gun:ws_send(ConnPid, [Frame1, Frame2, close]),
+ gun:ws_send(ConnPid, StreamRef, [Frame1, Frame2, close]),
{ws, Frame1} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef),
{ws, Frame2} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef),
{ws, close} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef),
+%% Internal.
+do_await_enable_connect_protocol(http, _) ->
+ ok;
+%% We cannot do a CONNECT :protocol request until the server tells us we can.
+do_await_enable_connect_protocol(http2, ConnPid) ->
+ {notify, settings_changed, #{enable_connect_protocol := true}}
+ = gun:await(ConnPid, undefined), %% @todo Maybe have a gun:await/1?
+ ok.