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diff --git a/kerl b/kerl
index f6c9e88..d18d532 100755
--- a/kerl
+++ b/kerl
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ usage()
echo "kerl: build and install Erlang/OTP"
echo "usage: $0 <command> [options ...]"
- printf "\n <command> Command to be executed\n\n"
+ echo "\n <command> Command to be executed\n\n"
echo "Valid commands are:"
echo " build Build specified release or git repository"
echo " install Install the specified release at the given location"
@@ -1200,6 +1200,24 @@ list_print()
echo "There are no $1 available"
+ # TODO Assert that there is exactly 1 match
+ # TODO This function is a misnomer because it's becoming
+ # totally specialised to finding an installation by name
+ # We really only want to match if a single install has a path
+ # such that $(basename $installpath) == $2
+ # There are some possible extensions to this we could
+ # consider, such as:
+ # - match as above if there's exactly 1 match
+ # - if 2+ matches: prefer one in a subdir from $PWD
+ # - probably more!
+ # FIXME 'grep -w' treats '-' as word boundary, so a search for
+ # 'foo-1' will match both '/path/foo-1' and '/path/bar-foo-1'
+ grep -w "$2" "$KERL_BASE_DIR/otp_$1" 2>&1
if [ -f "$KERL_BASE_DIR/otp_$1" ]; then
@@ -1561,7 +1579,19 @@ case "$1" in
# kerl path <install>
# Print path to installation with name <install>, else non-zero exit
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
- get_active_path
+ # TODO Print a warning if no active path
+ activepath=$(get_active_path)
+ if [ -z "$activepath" ]; then
+ echo "No active kerl-managed erlang installation"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "$activepath"
+ else
+ # TODO Move this inside something like assert_valid_installation
+ # that either prints exactly 1 match or exits non-zero
+ # TODO Print exactly 1 otherwise error
+ activepath=$(list_print1 installations "$2" | cut -d' ' -f2)
+ echo $activepath