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+ <H1>[99s-extend] Streaming response in cowboy question</H1>
+ <B>Grzegorz Junka</B>
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+ TITLE="[99s-extend] Streaming response in cowboy question">list1 at
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+ <I>Wed Dec 12 22:14:50 CET 2012</I>
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+<PRE>I am implementing a proxy on top of Cowboy. Is it possible to stream the
+response back to Cowboy as I receive it from the destination server?
+I am thinking about something like specifying a fun instead of Response
+Body when sending the reply so that Cowboy could call it to receive the
+response in chunks (see send_req in
+<A HREF=""></A>).
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+ <H1>[99s-extend] Streaming response in cowboy question</H1>
+ <B>Lo&#239;c Hoguin</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[99s-extend] Streaming response in cowboy question">essen at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed Dec 12 22:30:46 CET 2012</I>
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+<PRE>On 12/12/2012 10:14 PM, Grzegorz Junka wrote:
+&gt;<i> I am implementing a proxy on top of Cowboy. Is it possible to stream the
+</I>&gt;<i> response back to Cowboy as I receive it from the destination server?
+</I>&gt;<i> I am thinking about something like specifying a fun instead of Response
+</I>&gt;<i> Body when sending the reply so that Cowboy could call it to receive the
+</I>&gt;<i> response in chunks (see send_req in
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>).
+Lookup cowboy_req:set_resp_body_fun? Tell me if that fits your needs.
+Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+Erlang Cowboy
+Nine Nines
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+ <H1>[99s-extend] Nine Nines IRC Channel</H1>
+ <B>Lo&#239;c Hoguin</B>
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+ <I>Sun Dec 16 19:24:00 CET 2012</I>
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+I have started the #ninenines IRC Channel on for anyone
+looking for quick help or willing to participate in Cowboy development
+or any other related project (Ranch, Bullet, Sheriff and upcoming projects).
+Discussions will be centered about these projects and related subjects.
+Repositories will soon be updated with information about this IRC channel.
+Feel free to come and hang out.
+Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+Erlang Cowboy
+Nine Nines
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+ <H1>[99s-extend] Nine Nines IRC Channel</H1>
+ <B>Jeremy Ong</B>
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+ <I>Sun Dec 16 20:10:16 CET 2012</I>
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+<PRE>See you there!
+Jeremy (banachtarski)
+On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Lo&#239;c Hoguin &lt;<A HREF="">essen at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> Hello,
+</I>&gt;<i> I have started the #ninenines IRC Channel on for anyone
+</I>&gt;<i> looking for quick help or willing to participate in Cowboy development or
+</I>&gt;<i> any other related project (Ranch, Bullet, Sheriff and upcoming projects).
+</I>&gt;<i> Discussions will be centered about these projects and related subjects.
+</I>&gt;<i> Repositories will soon be updated with information about this IRC channel.
+</I>&gt;<i> Feel free to come and hang out.
+</I>&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;<i> Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+</I>&gt;<i> Erlang Cowboy
+</I>&gt;<i> Nine Nines
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
+</I>&gt;<i> ______________________________**_________________
+</I>&gt;<i> Extend mailing list
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+ <H1>[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage</H1>
+ <B>rambocoder</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage">erlang at
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+ <I>Fri Dec 21 04:34:23 CET 2012</I>
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+<PRE>Does anybody know either from benchmarks or real world data what is the
+average memory footprint of each concurrent HTTPS connection to cowboy?
+SSL app in Erlang reuses SSL session-ids so I am not sure if the Apache
+Bench I test with reuses the session id or it does not.
+BTW, what makes an erlang api &quot;documented&quot; vs &quot;undocumented&quot;. For example
+ssl:session_info/1 function here (
+<A HREF=""></A> ) has a
+spec and a short doc, but session_info is not described
+<A HREF=""></A> .ssl:session_info/1 is a useful
+function to be able to track if the load generator is reusing the SSL
+session_id or it is generating new one, because that would make all the
+difference during measurement due to Erlang caching SSL sessions by default.
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+ <H1>[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage</H1>
+ <B>Lo&#239;c Hoguin</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage">essen at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Fri Dec 21 12:45:23 CET 2012</I>
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+<PRE>On 12/21/2012 04:34 AM, rambocoder wrote:
+&gt;<i> Does anybody know either from benchmarks or real world data what is the
+</I>&gt;<i> average memory footprint of each concurrent HTTPS connection to cowboy?
+I don't have anything, sorry. I'm guessing it consumes a lot more than
+TCP though.
+&gt;<i> SSL app in Erlang reuses SSL session-ids so I am not sure if the Apache
+</I>&gt;<i> Bench I test with reuses the session id or it does not.
+I wouldn't know, but I wouldn't trust Apache Bench doing the right
+thing. Any other benchmark tool usually works better in my experience.
+&gt;<i> BTW, what makes an erlang api &quot;documented&quot; vs &quot;undocumented&quot;. For
+</I>&gt;<i> example ssl:session_info/1 function here (
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A> ) has
+</I>&gt;<i> a spec and a short doc, but session_info is not described
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A> .ssl:session_info/1 is a useful
+</I>&gt;<i> function to be able to track if the load generator is reusing the SSL
+</I>&gt;<i> session_id or it is generating new one, because that would make all the
+</I>&gt;<i> difference during measurement due to Erlang caching SSL sessions by default.
+The documentation is separate (they're not using edoc). It's perhaps not
+deemed useful enough for documenting it. I wouldn't worry about using it
+for measurements though.
+Try asking Ingela on the ML about it, perhaps they just forgot to
+document it.
+Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+Erlang Cowboy
+Nine Nines
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+ <H1>[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage</H1>
+ <B>rambocoder</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage">erlang at
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+ <I>Fri Dec 21 17:49:37 CET 2012</I>
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+<PRE>In my preliminary testing, I used Jmeter this morning since it's an
+easy GUI load testing app and this is what I am seeing:
+With R15B03-01 [smp:4:4] [async-threads:4] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true], when
+I establish 1K concurrent connections via HTTPS, each connection takes up
+about 68K of memory.
+Unfortunately, after about 1050-1200 connections, on my test server the
+Erlang scheduler jumps to 100% CPU utilization on all 4 schedulers, while
+up to that point the scheduler's load was oscillating up and down. Using
+the Observer, there is only 1 ssl_connection_sup in the ssl application,
+having to deal with 1000+ gen_fsm workers, so that might be the bottleneck.
+Since the ulimit on my server is 50000 I don't think I am hitting any type
+of file handler's limit.
+Lo&#239;c and the group, am I missing some setting that is causing the scheduler
+to go to 100% CPU and the run que in observer to be 99?
+On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 6:45 AM, Lo&#239;c Hoguin &lt;<A HREF="">essen at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> On 12/21/2012 04:34 AM, rambocoder wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Does anybody know either from benchmarks or real world data what is the
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> average memory footprint of each concurrent HTTPS connection to cowboy?
+</I>&gt;<i> I don't have anything, sorry. I'm guessing it consumes a lot more than TCP
+</I>&gt;<i> though.
+</I>&gt;<i> SSL app in Erlang reuses SSL session-ids so I am not sure if the Apache
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Bench I test with reuses the session id or it does not.
+</I>&gt;<i> I wouldn't know, but I wouldn't trust Apache Bench doing the right thing.
+</I>&gt;<i> Any other benchmark tool usually works better in my experience.
+</I>&gt;<i> BTW, what makes an erlang api &quot;documented&quot; vs &quot;undocumented&quot;. For
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> example ssl:session_info/1 function here (
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> <A HREF="**blob/maint/lib/ssl/src/ssl.**erl#L411&lt;">**blob/maint/lib/ssl/src/ssl.**erl#L411&lt;</A>&gt;) has
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> a spec and a short doc, but session_info is not described
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> <A HREF="**ssl.html&lt;">**ssl.html&lt;</A>&gt;.ssl:session_info/1 is a useful
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> function to be able to track if the load generator is reusing the SSL
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> session_id or it is generating new one, because that would make all the
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> difference during measurement due to Erlang caching SSL sessions by
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> default.
+</I>&gt;<i> The documentation is separate (they're not using edoc). It's perhaps not
+</I>&gt;<i> deemed useful enough for documenting it. I wouldn't worry about using it
+</I>&gt;<i> for measurements though.
+</I>&gt;<i> Try asking Ingela on the ML about it, perhaps they just forgot to document
+</I>&gt;<i> it.
+</I>&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;<i> Lo&#271;c Hoguin
+</I>&gt;<i> Erlang Cowboy
+</I>&gt;<i> Nine Nines
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
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+ <H1>[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage</H1>
+ <B>Lo&#239;c Hoguin</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage">essen at
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+ <I>Fri Dec 21 17:51:14 CET 2012</I>
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+<PRE>Can you try enabling eprof to see where the VM spends its time?
+On 12/21/2012 05:49 PM, rambocoder wrote:
+&gt;<i> In my preliminary testing, I used Jmeter this morning since it's an
+</I>&gt;<i> easy GUI load testing app and this is what I am seeing:
+</I>&gt;<i> With R15B03-01 [smp:4:4] [async-threads:4] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true],
+</I>&gt;<i> when I establish 1K concurrent connections via HTTPS, each connection
+</I>&gt;<i> takes up about 68K of memory.
+</I>&gt;<i> Unfortunately, after about 1050-1200 connections, on my test server the
+</I>&gt;<i> Erlang scheduler jumps to 100% CPU utilization on all 4 schedulers,
+</I>&gt;<i> while up to that point the scheduler's load was oscillating up and down.
+</I>&gt;<i> Using the Observer, there is only 1 ssl_connection_sup in the ssl
+</I>&gt;<i> application, having to deal with 1000+ gen_fsm workers, so that might be
+</I>&gt;<i> the bottleneck. Since the ulimit on my server is 50000 I don't think I
+</I>&gt;<i> am hitting any type of file handler's limit.
+</I>&gt;<i> Lo&#239;c and the group, am I missing some setting that is causing the
+</I>&gt;<i> scheduler to go to 100% CPU and the run que in observer to be 99?
+</I>&gt;<i> Sincerely,
+</I>&gt;<i> rambocoder
+</I>&gt;<i> On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 6:45 AM, Lo&#239;c Hoguin &lt;<A HREF="">essen at</A>
+</I>&gt;<i> &lt;mailto:<A HREF="">essen at</A>&gt;&gt; wrote:
+</I>&gt;<i> On 12/21/2012 04:34 AM, rambocoder wrote:
+</I>&gt;<i> Does anybody know either from benchmarks or real world data what
+</I>&gt;<i> is the
+</I>&gt;<i> average memory footprint of each concurrent HTTPS connection to
+</I>&gt;<i> cowboy?
+</I>&gt;<i> I don't have anything, sorry. I'm guessing it consumes a lot more
+</I>&gt;<i> than TCP though.
+</I>&gt;<i> SSL app in Erlang reuses SSL session-ids so I am not sure if the
+</I>&gt;<i> Apache
+</I>&gt;<i> Bench I test with reuses the session id or it does not.
+</I>&gt;<i> I wouldn't know, but I wouldn't trust Apache Bench doing the right
+</I>&gt;<i> thing. Any other benchmark tool usually works better in my experience.
+</I>&gt;<i> BTW, what makes an erlang api &quot;documented&quot; vs &quot;undocumented&quot;. For
+</I>&gt;<i> example ssl:session_info/1 function here (
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
+</I>&gt;<i> &lt;<A HREF=""></A>&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> ) has
+</I>&gt;<i> a spec and a short doc, but session_info is not described
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
+</I>&gt;<i> &lt;<A HREF=""></A>&gt; .ssl:session_info/1 is
+</I>&gt;<i> a useful
+</I>&gt;<i> function to be able to track if the load generator is reusing
+</I>&gt;<i> the SSL
+</I>&gt;<i> session_id or it is generating new one, because that would make
+</I>&gt;<i> all the
+</I>&gt;<i> difference during measurement due to Erlang caching SSL sessions
+</I>&gt;<i> by default.
+</I>&gt;<i> The documentation is separate (they're not using edoc). It's perhaps
+</I>&gt;<i> not deemed useful enough for documenting it. I wouldn't worry about
+</I>&gt;<i> using it for measurements though.
+</I>&gt;<i> Try asking Ingela on the ML about it, perhaps they just forgot to
+</I>&gt;<i> document it.
+</I>&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;<i> Lo&#271;c Hoguin
+</I>&gt;<i> Erlang Cowboy
+</I>&gt;<i> Nine Nines
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
+</I>&gt;<i> _______________________________________________
+</I>&gt;<i> Extend mailing list
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF="">Extend at</A>
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
+Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+Erlang Cowboy
+Nine Nines
+<A HREF=""></A>
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+ <H1>[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage</H1>
+ <B>rambocoder</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage">erlang at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Fri Dec 21 20:25:10 CET 2012</I>
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+<PRE>Long story short, I solved the problem by adding {max_connections, 50000}
+to cowboy:start_https because it default to 1024 at
+<A HREF=""></A>
+However, before I figured out that setting, I did run eprof and these are
+the function calls it was spending most of it's time on
+-------- ----- --- ----
+ [----------]
+dict:get_slot/2 174 1.73 1658 [
+ 9.53]
+dict:on_bucket/3 171 1.77 1701 [
+ 9.95]
+erlang:setelement/3 684 3.23 3098 [
+ 4.53]
+dict:store_bkt_val/3 600 5.24 5028 [
+ 8.38]
+Then I ran etop and it showed that ranch_acceptor:maybe_wait had the most
+reductions were, so I looked at the code in that
+<A HREF=""></A> and
+realized that like a newb I did not set the maximum connections for the
+listener :)
+Problem solved. Looks like I won't need to put HAProxy in front of Cowboy
+after all.
+Thank you,
+On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 11:51 AM, Lo&#239;c Hoguin &lt;<A HREF="">essen at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> Can you try enabling eprof to see where the VM spends its time?
+</I>&gt;<i> On 12/21/2012 05:49 PM, rambocoder wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> In my preliminary testing, I used Jmeter this morning since it's an
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> easy GUI load testing app and this is what I am seeing:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> With R15B03-01 [smp:4:4] [async-threads:4] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true],
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> when I establish 1K concurrent connections via HTTPS, each connection
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> takes up about 68K of memory.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Unfortunately, after about 1050-1200 connections, on my test server the
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Erlang scheduler jumps to 100% CPU utilization on all 4 schedulers,
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> while up to that point the scheduler's load was oscillating up and down.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Using the Observer, there is only 1 ssl_connection_sup in the ssl
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> application, having to deal with 1000+ gen_fsm workers, so that might be
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> the bottleneck. Since the ulimit on my server is 50000 I don't think I
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> am hitting any type of file handler's limit.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Lo&#239;c and the group, am I missing some setting that is causing the
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> scheduler to go to 100% CPU and the run que in observer to be 99?
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Sincerely,
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> rambocoder
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 6:45 AM, Lo&#239;c Hoguin &lt;<A HREF="">essen at</A>
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> &lt;mailto:<A HREF="">essen at</A>&gt;&gt; wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> On 12/21/2012 04:34 AM, rambocoder wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Does anybody know either from benchmarks or real world data what
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> is the
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> average memory footprint of each concurrent HTTPS connection to
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> cowboy?
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> I don't have anything, sorry. I'm guessing it consumes a lot more
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> than TCP though.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> SSL app in Erlang reuses SSL session-ids so I am not sure if the
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Apache
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Bench I test with reuses the session id or it does not.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> I wouldn't know, but I wouldn't trust Apache Bench doing the right
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> thing. Any other benchmark tool usually works better in my experience.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> BTW, what makes an erlang api &quot;documented&quot; vs &quot;undocumented&quot;. For
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> example ssl:session_info/1 function here (
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> <A HREF="**__blob/maint/lib/ssl/src/ssl._**">**__blob/maint/lib/ssl/src/ssl._**</A>
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> _erl#L411&lt;<A HREF=""></A>&gt;
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> &lt;<A HREF="**otp/blob/maint/lib/ssl/src/**">**otp/blob/maint/lib/ssl/src/**</A>
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> ssl.erl#L411&lt;<A HREF=""></A>&gt;
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> ) has
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> a spec and a short doc, but session_info is not described
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> <A HREF="**__ssl.html&lt;">**__ssl.html&lt;</A>&gt;
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> &lt;<A HREF="**man/ssl.html&lt;">**man/ssl.html&lt;</A>&gt;&gt;
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> .ssl:session_info/1 is
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> a useful
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> function to be able to track if the load generator is reusing
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> the SSL
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> session_id or it is generating new one, because that would make
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> all the
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> difference during measurement due to Erlang caching SSL sessions
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> by default.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> The documentation is separate (they're not using edoc). It's perhaps
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> not deemed useful enough for documenting it. I wouldn't worry about
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> using it for measurements though.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Try asking Ingela on the ML about it, perhaps they just forgot to
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> document it.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Lo&#271;c Hoguin
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Erlang Cowboy
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Nine Nines
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> ______________________________**_________________
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Extend mailing list
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> <A HREF="">Extend at</A>
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> <A HREF="**listinfo/extend&lt;">**listinfo/extend&lt;</A>&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;<i> Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+</I>&gt;<i> Erlang Cowboy
+</I>&gt;<i> Nine Nines
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
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+ <H1>[99s-extend] [ANN] Ranch 0.6.0 Xmas Edition Released</H1>
+ <B>Lo&#239;c Hoguin</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[99s-extend] [ANN] Ranch 0.6.0 Xmas Edition Released">essen at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Mon Dec 24 23:42:43 CET 2012</I>
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+<PRE>Ho ho ho!
+I have just tagged version 0.6.0 of the Ranch project!
+Ranch is a socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols.
+ <A HREF=""></A>
+Ranch is used by the next version of Cowboy, 0.8.0, set to be released
+early February, but also in Basho's Riak multi-data center replication
+amongst others.
+All tickets have been resolved. A significant contribution was made by
+Andrew Majorov to improve the fault tolerance capabilities of the
+application, making sure it always restarts properly when things go
+wrong. This has been made possible thanks to the amazing project from
+Daniel Luna, chaos_monkey (<A HREF=""></A>).
+The guide has also been improved and completed.
+ <A HREF=""></A>
+If the guide isn't enough, drop by our new IRC channel dedicated to
+Cowboy, Ranch and all our other projects! #ninenines on Freenode.
+Following is the list of change since last time:
+ * Improve fault tolerance thanks to chaos_monkey testing
+ * Add 'nodelay' option to transports
+ * Add 'verify' option to ranch_ssl transport
+ * Add 'socket' option to pass an already open socket to the listener
+ * Add Transport:sendfile/2 function (uses a fallback if unavailable)
+ * Allow IP tuples in Transport:connect/3
+ * Add ranch:set_max_connections/2 to update the value live
+ * Add ranch:get_max_connections/1 to retrieve it
+We are always looking for feedback, especially now that there is no
+ticket left open on this project. If you are using Ranch and have
+questions or needs that it doesn't cover, please send them to us.
+Commercial support will be available starting from January, ping me if
+you are interested. Details will be announced at a later time on the mailing list.
+I want to thank all contributors for helping this project by opening
+tickets, sending patches and offering feedback. I am as always very
+grateful for any and all contributions. I wouldn't have made it this far
+without the tremendous help I receive everyday.
+Thanks to all and have a nice holiday!
+Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+Erlang Santa
+Nine Nines
+<A HREF=""></A>
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+<LI><A HREF="000019.html">[99s-extend] Streaming response in cowboy question
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+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
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+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+<LI><A HREF="000027.html">[99s-extend] [ANN] Ranch 0.6.0 Xmas Edition Released
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+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+<LI><A HREF="000018.html">[99s-extend] Streaming response in cowboy question
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+<I>Grzegorz Junka
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+<I>Grzegorz Junka
+<LI><A HREF="000019.html">[99s-extend] Streaming response in cowboy question
+</A><A NAME="19">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+<LI><A HREF="000020.html">[99s-extend] Nine Nines IRC Channel
+</A><A NAME="20">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+<LI><A HREF="000021.html">[99s-extend] Nine Nines IRC Channel
+</A><A NAME="21">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Jeremy Ong
+<LI><A HREF="000022.html">[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage
+</A><A NAME="22">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="000023.html">[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage
+</A><A NAME="23">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+<LI><A HREF="000024.html">[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage
+</A><A NAME="24">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="000025.html">[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage
+</A><A NAME="25">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+<LI><A HREF="000026.html">[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage
+</A><A NAME="26">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="000027.html">[99s-extend] [ANN] Ranch 0.6.0 Xmas Edition Released
+</A><A NAME="27">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <a name="end"><b>Last message date:</b></a>
+ <i>Mon Dec 24 23:42:43 CET 2012</i><br>
+ <b>Archived on:</b> <i>Wed May 28 18:41:42 CEST 2014</i>
+ <p>
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+ <li><b><a href="">More info on this list...
+ </a></b></li>
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+ <i>This archive was generated by
+ Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).</i>
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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+ <a name="start"></A>
+ <h1>December 2012 Archives by subject</h1>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <b>Messages sorted by:</b>
+ <a href="thread.html#start">[ thread ]</a>
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+ <li><b><a href="">More info on this list...
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+ <p><b>Starting:</b> <i>Wed Dec 12 22:14:50 CET 2012</i><br>
+ <b>Ending:</b> <i>Mon Dec 24 23:42:43 CET 2012</i><br>
+ <b>Messages:</b> 10<p>
+ <ul>
+<LI><A HREF="000027.html">[99s-extend] [ANN] Ranch 0.6.0 Xmas Edition Released
+</A><A NAME="27">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+<LI><A HREF="000022.html">[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage
+</A><A NAME="22">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="000023.html">[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage
+</A><A NAME="23">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+<LI><A HREF="000024.html">[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage
+</A><A NAME="24">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="000025.html">[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage
+</A><A NAME="25">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+<LI><A HREF="000026.html">[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage
+</A><A NAME="26">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="000020.html">[99s-extend] Nine Nines IRC Channel
+</A><A NAME="20">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+<LI><A HREF="000021.html">[99s-extend] Nine Nines IRC Channel
+</A><A NAME="21">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Jeremy Ong
+<LI><A HREF="000018.html">[99s-extend] Streaming response in cowboy question
+</A><A NAME="18">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Grzegorz Junka
+<LI><A HREF="000019.html">[99s-extend] Streaming response in cowboy question
+</A><A NAME="19">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <a name="end"><b>Last message date:</b></a>
+ <i>Mon Dec 24 23:42:43 CET 2012</i><br>
+ <b>Archived on:</b> <i>Wed May 28 18:41:42 CEST 2014</i>
+ <p>
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+ <li><b><a href="">More info on this list...
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+ <i>This archive was generated by
+ Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).</i>
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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+ <a name="start"></A>
+ <h1>December 2012 Archives by thread</h1>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <b>Messages sorted by:</b>
+ <a href="subject.html#start">[ subject ]</a>
+ <a href="author.html#start">[ author ]</a>
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+ <li><b><a href="">More info on this list...
+ </a></b></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p><b>Starting:</b> <i>Wed Dec 12 22:14:50 CET 2012</i><br>
+ <b>Ending:</b> <i>Mon Dec 24 23:42:43 CET 2012</i><br>
+ <b>Messages:</b> 10<p>
+ <ul>
+<!--0 01355346890.18- -->
+<LI><A HREF="000018.html">[99s-extend] Streaming response in cowboy question
+</A><A NAME="18">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Grzegorz Junka
+<!--1 01355346890.18-01355347846.19- -->
+<LI><A HREF="000019.html">[99s-extend] Streaming response in cowboy question
+</A><A NAME="19">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+<!--0 01355682240.20- -->
+<LI><A HREF="000020.html">[99s-extend] Nine Nines IRC Channel
+</A><A NAME="20">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+<!--1 01355682240.20-01355685016.21- -->
+<LI><A HREF="000021.html">[99s-extend] Nine Nines IRC Channel
+</A><A NAME="21">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Jeremy Ong
+<!--0 01356060863.22- -->
+<LI><A HREF="000022.html">[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage
+</A><A NAME="22">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--1 01356060863.22-01356090323.23- -->
+<LI><A HREF="000023.html">[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage
+</A><A NAME="23">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+<!--2 01356060863.22-01356090323.23-01356108577.24- -->
+<LI><A HREF="000024.html">[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage
+</A><A NAME="24">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--3 01356060863.22-01356090323.23-01356108577.24-01356108674.25- -->
+<LI><A HREF="000025.html">[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage
+</A><A NAME="25">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+<!--3 01356060863.22-01356090323.23-01356108577.24-01356108674.25-01356117910.26- -->
+<LI><A HREF="000026.html">[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS connection memory usage
+</A><A NAME="26">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--0 01356388963.27- -->
+<LI><A HREF="000027.html">[99s-extend] [ANN] Ranch 0.6.0 Xmas Edition Released
+</A><A NAME="27">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Lo&#239;c Hoguin
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <a name="end"><b>Last message date:</b></a>
+ <i>Mon Dec 24 23:42:43 CET 2012</i><br>
+ <b>Archived on:</b> <i>Wed May 28 18:41:42 CEST 2014</i>
+ <p>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <b>Messages sorted by:</b>
+ <a href="subject.html#start">[ subject ]</a>
+ <a href="author.html#start">[ author ]</a>
+ <a href="date.html#start">[ date ]</a>
+ <li><b><a href="">More info on this list...
+ </a></b></li>
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+ <i>This archive was generated by
+ Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).</i>
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