read_part(Req :: cowboy_req:req()) -> read_part(Req, #{}) read_part(Req :: cowboy_req:req(), Opts) -> {ok, Headers, Req} | {done, Req} Opts :: cowboy_req:read_body_opts() Headers :: #{binary() => binary()}
cowboy_req:read_part - Read the next multipart headers
read_part(Req :: cowboy_req:req()) -> read_part(Req, #{}) read_part(Req :: cowboy_req:req(), Opts) -> {ok, Headers, Req} | {done, Req} Opts :: cowboy_req:read_body_opts() Headers :: #{binary() => binary()}
Read the next part of a multipart body.
This function reads the request body and parses it as
multipart. Each parts of a multipart representation have
their own headers and body. This function parses and returns
headers. Examples of multipart media types are
and multipart/byteranges
Cowboy will skip any data remaining until the beginning of the next part. This includes the preamble to the multipart message but also the body of a previous part if it hasn’t been read. Both are skipped automatically when calling this function.
Cowboy will read the body before parsing in chunks of size up to 64KB, with a period of 5 seconds. This is tailored for reading part headers and might not be the most efficient for skipping the previous part’s body.
The headers returned are MIME headers, NOT HTTP headers.
They can be parsed using the functions from the cow_multipart
module. In addition, the cow_multipart:form_data/1
can be used to quickly extract information from multipart/form-data
Once a part has been read, it can not be read again.
Once the body has been read, Cowboy sets the content-length header if it was not previously provided.
The Req object.
A map of body reading options. Please refer to cowboy_req:read_body(3) for details about each option.
This function defaults the length
to 64KB and the period
to 5 seconds.
An ok
tuple is returned containing the next part’s headers
as a map.
A done
tuple is returned if there are no more parts to read.
The Req object returned in the tuple must be used for that point onward. It contains a more up to date representation of the request. For example it may have an added content-length header once the body has been read.
2.0: Function introduced. Replaces part/1,2
acc_multipart(Req0, Acc) -> case cowboy_req:read_part(Req0) of {ok, Headers, Req1} -> {ok, Body, Req} = stream_body(Req1, <<>>), acc_multipart(Req, [{Headers, Body}|Acc]); {done, Req} -> {lists:reverse(Acc), Req} end. stream_body(Req0, Acc) -> case cowboy_req:read_part_body(Req0) of {more, Data, Req} -> stream_body(Req, << Acc/binary, Data/binary >>); {ok, Data, Req} -> {ok, << Acc/binary, Data/binary >>, Req} end.
skip_body_multipart(Req0, Acc) -> case cowboy_req:read_part(Req0) of {ok, Headers, Req} -> skip_body_multipart(Req, [Headers|Acc]); {done, Req} -> {lists:reverse(Acc), Req} end.
{ok, Headers, Req} = cowboy_req:read_part(Req0, #{length => 1000000}).