

ranch:handshake - Perform the transport handshake


handshake(Ref)       -> handshake(Ref, [])
handshake(Ref, Opts) -> {ok, Socket}

Ref    :: ranch:ref()
Opts   :: any()
Socket :: any()

Perform the transport handshake.

This function must be called by the protocol process in order to retrieve the socket for the connection. Ranch performs the handshake necessary to give control of the socket to this process and also does the transport handshake, for example setting up the TLS connection.

Currently the socket can be obtained from a Protocol:start_link/4 argument and as a return value from ranch:handshake/1,2. In Ranch 2.0 the socket will only be available from ranch:handshake/1,2.



The listener name.


Transport handshake options.

Allowed options depend on the transport module.

Return value

An ok tuple is returned containing the socket for the connection.

This function will trigger an exception when an error occurs.


  • 1.6: Function introduced. Replaces ranch:accept_ack/1.


Initialize the connection process
start_link(Ref, _, Transport, Opts) ->
    Pid = proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, init,
        [Ref, Transport, Opts]),
    {ok, Pid}.

init(Ref, Transport, Opts) ->
    {ok, Socket} = ranch:handshake(Ref),
    loop(#state{ref=Ref, socket=Socket,
        transport=Transport, opts=Opts}).

See also

ranch:start_listener(3), ranch:recv_proxy_header(3), ranch:remove_connection(3), ranch(3)

Ranch 1.7 Function Reference


Version select

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