%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2,init_per_testcase/2,fin_per_testcase/2,
-import(lists, [foldl/3,flatmap/2]).
suite() -> [{suite_callbacks,[ts_install_scb]}].
all() ->
[bsl_bsr, logical, t_not, relop_simple, relop,
groups() ->
init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
init_per_testcase(Case, Config) when is_atom(Case), is_list(Config) ->
[{watchdog, Dog}|Config].
fin_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
Dog=?config(watchdog, Config),
%% Test the bsl and bsr operators.
bsl_bsr(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Vs = [unvalue(V) || V <- [-16#8000009-2,-1,0,1,2,73,16#8000000,bad,[]]],
Cases = [{Op,X,Y} || Op <- ['bsr','bsl'], X <- Vs, Y <- Vs],
?line run_test_module(Cases, false),
{comment,integer_to_list(length(Cases)) ++ " cases"}.
logical(doc) -> "Test the logical operators and internal BIFs.";
logical(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Vs0 = [true,false,bad],
Vs = [unvalue(V) || V <- Vs0],
Cases = [{Op,X,Y} || Op <- ['and','or','xor'], X <- Vs, Y <- Vs],
?line run_test_module(Cases, false),
{comment,integer_to_list(length(Cases)) ++ " cases"}.
t_not(doc) -> "Test the not operator and internal BIFs.";
t_not(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Cases = [{'not',unvalue(V)} || V <- [true,false,42,bad]],
?line run_test_module(Cases, false),
{comment,integer_to_list(length(Cases)) ++ " cases"}.
relop_simple(doc) -> "Test that simlpe relations between relation operators hold.";
relop_simple(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Big1 = 19738924729729787487784874,
Big2 = 38374938373887374983978484,
F1 = float(Big1),
F2 = float(Big2),
T1 = erlang:make_tuple(3,87),
T2 = erlang:make_tuple(3,87),
Terms = [-F2,Big2,-F1,-Big1,-33,-33.0,0,0.0,42,42.0,Big1,F1,Big2,F2,a,b,
?line Combos = [{V1,V2} || V1 <- Terms, V2 <- Terms],
lists:foreach(fun({A,B}) -> relop_simple_do(A,B) end,
repeat(fun() -> Size = random:uniform(100),
Rnd1 = make_rand_term(Size),
{Rnd2,0} = clone_and_mutate(Rnd1, random:uniform(Size)),
relop_simple_do(V1,V2) ->
%%io:format("compare ~p\n and ~p\n",[V1,V2]),
L = V1 < V2,
?line L = not (V1 >= V2),
?line L = V2 > V1,
?line L = not (V2 =< V1),
G = V1 > V2,
?line G = not (V1 =< V2),
?line G = V2 < V1,
?line G = not (V2 >= V1),
ID = V1 =:= V2,
?line ID = V2 =:= V1,
?line ID = not (V1 =/= V2),
?line ID = not (V2 =/= V1),
EQ = V1 == V2,
?line EQ = V2 == V1,
?line EQ = not (V1 /= V2),
?line EQ = not (V2 /= V1),
?line case {L, EQ, ID, G, cmp_emu(V1,V2)} of
{ true, false, false, false, -1} -> ok;
{false, true, false, false, 0} -> ok;
{false, true, true, false, 0} -> ok;
{false, false, false, true, +1} -> ok
%% Emulate internal "cmp"
cmp_emu(A,B) when is_tuple(A), is_tuple(B) ->
SA = size(A),
SB = size(B),
if SA =:= SB -> cmp_emu(tuple_to_list(A),tuple_to_list(B));
SA > SB -> +1;
SA < SB -> -1
cmp_emu([A|TA],[B|TB]) ->
case cmp_emu(A,B) of
0 -> cmp_emu(TA,TB);
cmp_emu(A,B) ->
%% We cheat and use real "cmp" for the primitive types.
if A < B -> -1;
A > B -> +1;
true -> 0
make_rand_term(1) ->
make_rand_term(Arity) ->
case random:uniform(3) of
1 ->
2 ->
3 ->
{Car,Rest} = make_rand_term_rand_size(Arity),
make_rand_term_single() ->
Range = 1 bsl random:uniform(200),
case random:uniform(12) of
1 -> random;
2 -> uniform;
3 -> random:uniform(Range) - (Range div 2);
4 -> Range * (random:uniform() - 0.5);
5 -> 0;
6 -> 0.0;
7 -> make_ref();
8 -> self();
9 -> term_to_binary(random:uniform(Range));
10 -> fun(X) -> X*Range end;
11 -> fun(X) -> X/Range end;
12 -> []
make_rand_term_rand_size(1) ->
{make_rand_term(1), 0};
make_rand_term_rand_size(MaxArity) ->
Arity = random:uniform(MaxArity-1),
{make_rand_term(Arity), MaxArity-Arity}.
make_rand_list(0) -> [];
make_rand_list(Arity) ->
{Term, Rest} = make_rand_term_rand_size(Arity),
[Term | make_rand_list(Rest)].
clone_and_mutate(Term, 0) ->
{clone(Term), 0};
clone_and_mutate(_Term, 1) ->
{Mutation, _} = make_rand_term_rand_size(10), % MUTATE!
{Mutation, 0};
clone_and_mutate(Term, Cnt) when is_tuple(Term) ->
{Clone,NewCnt} = clone_and_mutate(tuple_to_list(Term),Cnt),
{my_list_to_tuple(Clone), NewCnt};
clone_and_mutate([Term|Tail], Cnt) ->
{Car,Cnt1} = clone_and_mutate(Term,Cnt),
{Cdr,Cnt2} = clone_and_mutate(Tail,Cnt1),
{[Car | Cdr], Cnt2};
clone_and_mutate(Term, Cnt) ->
{clone(Term), Cnt-1}.
clone(Term) ->
my_list_to_tuple(List) ->
try list_to_tuple(List)
error:badarg ->
%%io:format("my_list_to_tuple got badarg exception.\n"),
purify_list(List) ->
lists:reverse(purify_list(List, [])).
purify_list([], Acc) -> Acc;
purify_list([H|T], Acc) -> purify_list(T, [H|Acc]);
purify_list(Other, Acc) -> [Other|Acc].
relop(doc) -> "Test the relational operators and internal BIFs on literals.";
relop(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Big1 = -38374938373887374983978484,
Big2 = 19738924729729787487784874,
F1 = float(Big1),
F2 = float(Big2),
Vs0 = [a,b,-33,-33.0,0,0.0,42,42.0,Big1,Big2,F1,F2],
?line Vs = [unvalue(V) || V <- Vs0],
Ops = ['==', '/=', '=:=', '=/=', '<', '=<', '>', '>='],
?line binop(Ops, Vs).
complex_relop(doc) ->
"Test the relational operators and internal BIFs on lists and tuples.";
complex_relop(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Big = 99678557475484872464269855544643333,
Float = float(Big),
Vs0 = [an_atom,42.0,42,Big,Float],
Vs = flatmap(fun(X) -> [unvalue({X}),unvalue([X])] end, Vs0),
Ops = ['==', '/=', '=:=', '=/=', '<', '=<', '>', '>='],
?line binop(Ops, Vs).
binop(Ops, Vs) ->
Run = fun(Op, N) -> ?line Cases = [{Op,V1,V2} || V1 <- Vs, V2 <- Vs],
?line run_test_module(Cases, true),
N + length(Cases) end,
?line NumCases = foldl(Run, 0, Ops),
{comment,integer_to_list(NumCases) ++ " cases"}.
run_test_module(Cases, GuardsOk) ->
?line Es = [expr(C) || C <- Cases],
?line Ok = unvalue(ok),
?line Gts = case GuardsOk of
true ->
Ges = [guard_expr(C) || C <- Cases],
?line lists:foldr(fun guard_test/2, [Ok], Ges);
false ->
?line Fun1 = make_function(guard_tests, Gts),
?line Bts = lists:foldr(fun body_test/2, [Ok], Es),
?line Fun2 = make_function(body_tests, Bts),
?line Bbts = lists:foldr(fun internal_bif/2, [Ok], Es),
?line Fun3 = make_function(bif_tests, Bbts),
?line Id = {function,1,id,1,[{clause,1,[{var,1,'I'}],[],[{var,1,'I'}]}]},
?line Module = make_module(op_tests, [Fun1,Fun2,Fun3,Id]),
?line lists:foreach(fun(F) -> io:put_chars([erl_pp:form(F),"\n"]) end, Module),
%% Compile, load, and run the generated module.
Native = case ?t:is_native(?MODULE) of
true -> [native];
false -> []
?line {ok,Mod,Code1} = compile:forms(Module, [time|Native]),
?line code:delete(Mod),
?line code:purge(Mod),
?line {module,Mod} = code:load_binary(Mod, Mod, Code1),
?line run_function(Mod, guard_tests),
?line run_function(Mod, body_tests),
?line run_function(Mod, bif_tests),
?line true = code:delete(Mod),
?line code:purge(Mod),
expr({Op,X}) ->
E = {op,1,Op,{call,1,{atom,1,id},[X]}},
Res = eval([{op,1,Op,X}]),
expr({Op,X,Y}) ->
E = {op,1,Op,{call,1,{atom,1,id},[X]},Y},
Res = eval([{op,1,Op,X,Y}]),
guard_expr({Op,X}) ->
E = {op,1,Op,X},
Res = eval([E]),
guard_expr({Op,X,Y}) ->
E = {op,1,Op,X,Y},
Res = eval([E]),
run_function(Mod, Name) ->
case catch Mod:Name() of
{'EXIT',Reason} ->
io:format("~p", [get(last)]),
_Other ->
guard_test({E,Expr,Res}, Tail) ->
True = unvalue(true),
body_test({E,Expr,{'EXIT',_}}, Tail) ->
{match,1,{tuple,1,[unvalue('EXIT'), {var,1,'_'}]},
body_test({E,Expr,Res}, Tail) ->
internal_bif({{op,_,Op,X},Expr,Res}, Tail) ->
internal_bif(Op, [X], Expr, Res, Tail);
internal_bif({{op,_,Op,X,Y},Expr,Res}, Tail) ->
internal_bif(Op, [X,Y], Expr, Res, Tail).
internal_bif(Op, Args, Expr, {'EXIT',_}, Tail) ->
{match,1,{tuple,1,[unvalue('EXIT'), {var,1,'_'}]},
internal_bif(Op, Args, Expr, Res, Tail) ->
save_term(Term) ->
make_module(Name, Funcs) ->
{attribute,0,compile,[{hipe,[{regalloc,linear_scan}]}]} |
Funcs ++ [{eof,0}]].
make_function(Name, Body) ->
eval(E) ->
?line case catch erl_eval:exprs(E, []) of
{'EXIT',Reason} -> {'EXIT',Reason};
{value,Val,_Bs} -> Val
unvalue(V) -> erl_parse:abstract(V).
value({nil,_}) -> [];
value({integer,_,X}) -> X;
value({string,_,X}) -> X;
value({float,_,X}) -> X;
value({atom,_,X}) -> X;
value({tuple,_,Es}) ->
list_to_tuple(lists:map(fun(X) -> value(X) end, Es));
value({cons,_,H,T}) ->
[value(H) | value(T)].
repeat(_, 0) -> ok;
repeat(Fun, N) ->
repeat(Fun, N-1).