%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% Due to the fact that the application buttons in the appmon window
%%% gets too small to read when the number of applications increases,
%%% this listbox window has been created.
%%% Because of the limitations of GS a listbox was chosen to keep
%%% the nodes and applications. When it's possible to scroll a frame I
%%% think one should put in scrollbars in the appmon main window.
%%% The listbox solution is too slow with lots of applications.
%%% In the listbox the nodes are shown with their applications beneith.
%%% By double clicking on an application name, or a single click and
%%% then pressing the load button, its application window is started.
-export ([
-export ([init/1]).
-define (LB_W, 200). % List box width
-define (LB_H, 400). % List box height
-define (BUTT_W, 100).
-define (WIN_W, ?LB_W + ?BUTT_W + 25). % Window width
-define (WIN_H, ?LB_H + 20). % Window height
%%% #node{}
%%% The record 'node' contains the name of the node, its status and
%%% the applications running on that node.
%%% node == atom ()
%%% status == alive || dead
%%% apps == [#app{}]
-record (node, {node, %% Name of the node
status = alive,
apps = []}).
%%% #app{}
%%% The record 'app' contains the name of the application and its pid
%%% app == atom ()
%%% pid == pid ()
-record (app, {app,
%%% #win{}
%%% The record 'win' contains the pid of the listbox window,
%%% its x and y position, its width and height.
%%% pid == win_closed || pid ()
%%% x == integer ()
%%% y == integer ()
%%% width == integer ()
%%% height == integer ()
-record (win, {pid = win_closed,
x = 50,
y = 50,
width = ?WIN_W,
height = ?WIN_H}).
%%% Every function in the interface is called with the pid
%%% of this recieve loop, called 'LbPid'.
%%% start /1
%%% start returns the pid of the spawned receive loop or
%%% it will call exit/2 after a timeout.
%%% Pre:
%%% CallingPid == pid ()
%%% Def:
%%% pid () || exit/2
start (CallingPid) ->
PidInit = spawn (?MODULE, init, [CallingPid]),
%% Wait for a initialization completion message from
%% the spawned process before returning its Pid.
{initialization_complete, PidInit} ->
%% (Conditional) Failure to start within the time limit
%% will result in termination (Timeout may be infinite).
60000 ->
exit (PidInit, kill),
exit ({startup_timeout, ?MODULE})
%%% stop /1
%%% stop exits the receive loop
%%% Post:
%%% exiting the receive loop
stop (LbPid) ->
call (LbPid, stop).
%%% add_node /2
%%% add_node adds the given node to the DB list.
%%% Pre:
%%% Node == atom ()
%%% Post:
%%% Node is added to the DB list
add_node (LbPid, Node) ->
call (LbPid, {add_node, Node}).
%%% remove_node /2
%%% remove_node removes the given node from the DB list.
%%% Pre:
%%% Node == atom ()
%%% Post:
%%% Node is removed from the DB list
remove_node (LbPid, Node) ->
call (LbPid, {remove_node, Node}).
%%% add_apps /3
%%% add_apps add the given applications to the given
%%% node in the DB list.
%%% Pre:
%%% Apps == [App]
%%% App == {Name, Pid}
%%% Name == atom ()
%%% Pid == pid ()
%%% Node == atom ()
%%% Post:
%%% Node#node{apps = Apps}
add_apps (LbPid, Apps, Node) ->
call (LbPid, {add_apps, Apps, Node}).
%%% remove_app /3
%%% remove_app remove the given application from the
%%% given node in the DB list.
%%% Pre:
%%% App == atom ()
%%% Node == atom ()
%%% Def:
%%% Node#node{apps = OldApps - App}
remove_app (LbPid, App, Node) ->
call (LbPid, {remove_app, App, Node}).
%%% open_win /3
%%% open_win opens the listbox window with the given nodes
%%% and their applications.
%%% Pre:
%%% Nodes_apps == [{Node, Status, Apps}]
%%% Node == atom ()
%%% Status == alive || dead
%%% Apps == [App]
%%% App == {AppName, AppPid}
%%% AppName == atom ()
%%% AppPid == pid ()
%%% Post:
%%% Window with listbox
open_win (LbPid, Nodes_apps) ->
call (LbPid, {open_win, Nodes_apps}).
%%% update_status /3
%%% update_status changes the status for the given node.
%%% Pre:
%%% Node == atom ()
%%% Status == alive || dead
%%% Def:
%%% Node#node{status = Status}
update_status (LbPid, Node, Status) ->
call (LbPid, {update_status, Node, Status}).
%%% call /2
%%% call sends the given action to the listbox receive loop.
%%% Pre:
%%% Action == atom () || tuple ()
call (LbPid, Action) ->
LbPid ! Action.
%%% init /1
init (CallingPid) ->
CallingPid ! {initialization_complete, self ()},
loop (#win{}, []).
%%% loop /2
%%% loop is the recive loop for the listbox window process.
%%% Pre:
%%% Win == #win{}
%%% Data == [#node{}]
loop (Win, Data) ->
{add_node, Node} ->
NewData = add_node_1 (Node, Data),
update (NewData, Win#win.pid),
loop (Win, NewData);
{remove_node, Node} ->
NewData = dead_node (Node, Data),
update (NewData, Win#win.pid),
loop (Win, NewData);
{add_apps, Apps, Node} ->
NewData = add_apps_1 (Apps, Node, Data),
update (NewData, Win#win.pid),
loop (Win, NewData);
{remove_app, App, Node} ->
NewData = remove_app_1 (App, Node, Data),
update (NewData, Win#win.pid),
loop (Win, NewData);
{open_win, Nodes_apps} ->
NewData = parse_data ([], Nodes_apps),
NewWin = Win#win{pid = init_win ({Win#win.x, Win#win.y})},
update (NewData, NewWin#win.pid),
loop (NewWin, NewData);
{update_status, Node, Status} ->
NewData = update_status_1 (Node, Status, Data),
update (NewData, Win#win.pid),
loop (Win, NewData);
stop ->
{gs, _Id, destroy, _D, _Arg} ->
{gs, _Id, configure, _D, [W, H | _]} ->
NewWin = configure (Win#win.pid, W, H),
loop (NewWin, Data);
{gs, lb, doubleclick, _, _Txt} ->
load_app (gs:read (lb, selection), Data),
loop (Win, Data);
{gs, lb, click, _, _Txt} ->
loop (Win, Data);
{gs, close, click, _D, _Arg} ->
case Win#win.pid of
win_closed ->
_opened ->
gs:destroy (Win#win.pid)
loop (#win{}, Data);
{gs, load, click, _D, _Txt} ->
load_app (gs:read (lb, selection), Data),
loop (Win, Data);
{gs, clear, click, _D, _Txt} ->
gs:config (lb, {selection, clear}),
loop (Win, Data);
_ ->
loop (Win, Data)
%%% init_win /1
init_win ({X, Y}) ->
GS = gs:start (),
Win = gs:window (win, GS, [{x, X},
{y, Y},
{width, ?WIN_W},
{height, ?WIN_H},
{title,"Appmon: nodes and applications"},
{configure, true}]),
gs:listbox (lb, Win, [{x, 5},
{y, 10},
{width, ?LB_W},
{height, ?LB_H},
{vscroll, right},
{hscroll, bottom},
{selectmode, single},
{click, true},
{doubleclick, true}]),
gs:button (load, Win, [{x, ?WIN_W - ?BUTT_W - 10},
{y, ?WIN_H - 120},
{width, ?BUTT_W},
{label, {text, "Load"}}]),
gs:button (clear, Win, [{x, ?WIN_W - ?BUTT_W - 10},
{y, ?WIN_H - 80},
{width, ?BUTT_W},
{label, {text, "Clear"}}]),
gs:button (close, Win, [{x, ?WIN_W - ?BUTT_W - 10},
{y, ?WIN_H - 40},
{width, ?BUTT_W},
{label, {text, "Close"}}]),
gs:config (Win, {map, true}),
%%% add_node_1 /2
%%% add_node adds the given node in the given window
%%% with its appications in a listbox.
add_node_1 (Node, []) ->
[new_node (Node)];
add_node_1 (Node, [H | T]) ->
T1 = lists:keysort (#node.node, [new_node (Node) | T]),
[H | T1].
%%% dead_node /2
%%% dead_node returns a list with the given node's
%%% status changed to dead.
dead_node (Node, Data) ->
case lists:keysearch (Node, #node.node, Data) of
{value, Node_rec} ->
L = Node_rec#node.apps,
lists:keyreplace (Node, #node.node,
Data, new_node (Node, dead, L));
_false ->
%%% add_apps_1 /3
%%% add_apps_1 returns a list with the given application
%%% into the old list inserted.
add_apps_1 (Apps, Node, Data) ->
case lists:keysearch (Node, #node.node, Data) of
{value, _Node_rec} ->
NewApps = parse_apps (Apps, []),
lists:keyreplace (Node, #node.node,
Data, new_node (Node, NewApps));
_false ->
%%% remove_app_1 /3
%%% remove_app_1 returns a list with the given application
%%% removed from the old list.
remove_app_1 (App, Node, Data) ->
case lists:keysearch (Node, #node.node, Data) of
{value, Node_rec} ->
L = Node_rec#node.apps,
L2 = lists:keydelete (App, #app.app, L),
lists:keyreplace(Node, #node.node, Data, new_node(Node,L2));
_false ->
%%% configure /3
%%% configure returns a win record after the window has been
%%% configured.
configure (WPid, W, H) ->
X = gs:read (WPid, x),
Y = gs:read (WPid, y),
gs:config (lb, [{width, W - ?BUTT_W - 25}, {height, H - 20}]),
gs:config (load, [{x, W - ?BUTT_W - 10}, {y, H - 120}]),
gs:config (clear, [{x, W - ?BUTT_W - 10}, {y, H - 80}]),
gs:config (close, [{x, W - ?BUTT_W - 10}, {y, H - 40}]),
#win{pid = WPid, x = X, y = Y, width = W, height = H}.
%%% load_app /2
%%% load_app opens the application window by calling
%%% the appmon_a module.
load_app ([], _Data) -> %% no application chosen
load_app ([Index], Data) ->
App = gs:read (lb, {get, Index}),
case string:substr (App, 1, 3) of
" " ->
AppName = list_to_atom (string:substr (App, 4)),
case get_node (AppName, Index, Data) of
no_node ->
NodeName ->
appmon_a:start (NodeName, AppName)
_ ->
%%% update_status_1 /3
%%% update_status_1 returns a list with the given
%%% node's status updated.
update_status_1 (Node, Status, Data) ->
case lists:keysearch (Node, #node.node, Data) of
{value, Node_rec} ->
lists:keyreplace (Node,
_not_found ->
%%% update /2
%%% update updates the listbox with new data.
update (_Data, win_closed) ->
update (Data, _Win) ->
gs:config (lb, clear),
lb_print (Data).
%%% lb_print /1
%%% lb_print prints the list into the listbox.
lb_print ([]) ->
lb_print ([#node{node = Node, status = Status, apps = Apps} | T]) ->
Str = io_lib:format ("~p (~p)", [Node, Status]),
gs:config (lb, {add, Str}),
case Status of
alive ->
lb_print_apps (Apps);
_dead ->
gs:config (lb, {add, ""}),
lb_print (T).
%%% lb_print_apps /1
%%% lb_print_apps prints the applications into the listbox.
lb_print_apps ([]) ->
lb_print_apps ([#app{app = App} | T]) ->
Str = io_lib:format (" ~p", [App]),
gs:config (lb, {add, Str}),
lb_print_apps (T).
%%% new_node /1, 2, 3
%%% new_node returna a new node record constructed
%%% with the given data
new_node (Node) ->
#node{node = Node}.
new_node (Node, Apps) ->
#node{node = Node, apps = Apps}.
new_node (Node, Status, Apps) ->
#node{node = Node, status = Status, apps = Apps}.
%%% new_app /2
%%% new_app returns a new application record
%%% constructed with the given data.
new_app (App, Pid) ->
#app{app = App, pid = Pid}.
%%% parse_apps /2
%%% parse_apps returns a list of application records.
parse_apps ([], [H | T]) ->
[H | lists:keysort (#app.app, T)];
parse_apps ([App | T], L) ->
Pid = element (1, App),
Name = element (2, App),
parse_apps (T, [new_app (Name, Pid) | L]).
%%% get_node /3
%%% get_node returns the node from the given list
%%% or else no_node if it doesn't exists.
get_node (_App, _Index, []) ->
get_node (App, Index, [Node | T]) ->
Length = length (Node#node.apps) + 1,
case Length < Index of
true ->
get_node (App, Index - Length, T);
false ->
%%% parse_data /2
%%% parse_data returns a list with node records.
parse_data (Data, []) ->
parse_data (Data, [{Node, Status, Apps} | T]) ->
Apps_1 = parse_apps (Apps, []),
parse_data ([new_node (Node, Status, Apps_1) | Data], T).