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<holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
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<prepared>Kenneth Lundin</prepared>
<p>The Asn1 application provides:</p>
<list type="bulleted">
<item>An ASN.1 compiler for Erlang, which generates encode and
decode functions to be used by Erlang programs sending and
receiving ASN.1 specified data.</item>
<item>Run-time functions used by the generated code.</item>
<item>Support for the following encoding rules:
Basic Encoding Rules (<em>BER</em>)
Distinguished Encoding Rules (<em>DER</em>), a specialized
form of BER that is used in security-conscious
Packed Encoding Rules (<em>PER</em>); both the aligned and
unaligned variant.
<p>ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) is a formal language for
describing data structures to be exchanged between distributed
computer systems. The purpose of ASN.1 is to have a platform
and programming language independent notation to express types
using a standardized set of rules for the transformation of
values of a defined type into a stream of bytes. This stream of
bytes can then be sent on any type of communication
channel. This way, two applications written in different
programming languages running on different computers with
different internal representation of data can exchange instances
of structured data types.</p>
<p>It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the ASN.1
notation as documented in the standard definition [<cite
id="X.680"></cite>] which is the primary text. It may also be
helpful, but not necessary, to read the standard definitions
[<cite id="X.681"></cite>] [<cite id="X.682"></cite>] [<cite
id="X.683"></cite>] [<cite id="X.690"></cite>] [<cite
id="X.691"></cite>]. </p>
<p>A good book explaining those reference texts is
[<cite id="DUBUISSON"></cite>], which is free to download at
<url href="http://www.oss.com/asn1/dubuisson.html">http://www.oss.com/asn1/dubuisson.html</url>.
<p>This application covers all features of ASN.1 up to the 1997
edition of the specification. In the 2002 edition of ASN.1 a
number of new features were introduced. The following features
of the 2002 edition are fully or partly supported as shown
<list type="bulleted">
<p>Decimal notation (e.g., "1.5e3") for REAL values. The
NR1, NR2 and NR3 formats as explained in ISO6093 are
<p>The RELATIVE-OID type for relative object identifiers is
fully supported.</p>
<p>The subtype constraint (CONTAINING/ENCODED BY) to
constrain the content of an octet string or a bit string is
parsed when compiling, but no further action is taken. This
constraint is not a PER-visible constraint.</p>
<p>The subtype constraint by regular expressions (PATTERN)
for character string types is parsed when compiling, but no
further action is taken. This constraint is not a
PER-visible constraint.</p>
<p>Multiple-line comments as in C, <c>/* ... */</c>, are
<title>Getting Started with Asn1</title>
<title>A First Example</title>
<p>The following example demonstrates the basic functionality used to run
the Erlang ASN.1 compiler.</p>
<p>Create a file called <c>People.asn</c> containing the following:</p>
Person ::= SEQUENCE {
name PrintableString,
location INTEGER {home(0),field(1),roving(2)},
END </pre>
<p>This file (<c>People.asn</c>) must be compiled before it can be
The ASN.1 compiler checks that the syntax is correct and that the
text represents proper ASN.1 code before generating an abstract
syntax tree. The code-generator then uses the abstract syntax
tree in order to generate code.
<p>The generated Erlang files will be placed in the current directory or
in the directory specified with the <c>{outdir,Dir}</c> option.
The following shows how the compiler
can be called from the Erlang shell:</p>
1><input> asn1ct:compile("People", [ber]).</input>
2> </pre>
<p>The <c>verbose</c> option can be given to have information
about the generated files printed:</p>
2><input> asn1ct:compile("People", [ber,verbose]).</input>
Erlang ASN.1 compiling "People.asn"
3> </pre>
<p>The ASN.1 module <c>People</c> is now accepted and the
abstract syntax tree is saved in the <c>People.asn1db</c> file;
the generated Erlang code is compiled using the Erlang compiler
and loaded into the Erlang runtime system. Now there is an API
for <c>encode/2</c> and <c>decode/2</c> in the module
<c>People</c>, which is invoked by: <br></br>
<c><![CDATA['People':encode(<Type name>, <Value>)]]></c>
or <br></br>
<c><![CDATA['People':decode(<Type name>, <Value>)]]></c></p>
<p>Assume there is a network
application which receives instances of the ASN.1 defined
type Person, modifies and sends them back again:</p>
<code type="none">
{Port,{data,Bytes}} ->
case 'People':decode('Person',Bytes) of
{ok,P} ->
{ok,Answer} = 'People':encode('Person',mk_answer(P)),
Port ! {self(),{command,Answer}};
{error,Reason} ->
end, </code>
<p>In the example above, a series of bytes is received from an
external source and the bytes are then decoded into a valid
Erlang term. This was achieved with the call
<c>'People':decode('Person',Bytes)</c> which returned
an Erlang value of the ASN.1 type <c>Person</c>. Then an answer was
constructed and encoded using
<c>'People':encode('Person',Answer)</c> which takes an
instance of a defined ASN.1 type and transforms it to a
binary according to the BER or PER encoding rules.
The encoder and the decoder can also be run from
the shell.</p>
2> <input>Rockstar = {'Person',"Some Name",roving,50}.</input>
{'Person',"Some Name",roving,50}
3> <input>{ok,Bin} = 'People':encode('Person',Rockstar).</input>
4> <input>{ok,Person} = 'People':decode('Person',Bin).</input>
{ok,{'Person',"Some Name",roving,50}}
5> </pre>
<title>Module dependencies</title>
<p>It is common that asn1 modules import defined types, values and
other entities from another asn1 module.</p>
<p>Earlier versions of the asn1 compiler required that modules that
were imported from had to be compiled before the module that
imported. This caused problems when asn1 modules had circular
<p>Now are referenced modules parsed when the compiler finds an
entity that is imported. There will not be any code generated for
the referenced module. However, the compiled module rely on
that the referenced modules also will be compiled.</p>
<title>The Asn1 Application User Interface</title>
<p>The Asn1 application provides two separate user interfaces:</p>
<list type="bulleted">
<p>The module <c>asn1ct</c> which provides the compile-time functions
(including the compiler).</p>
<p>The module <c>asn1rt_nif</c> which provides the run-time functions
for the ASN.1 decoder for the BER back-end.</p>
<p>The reason for the division of the interface into compile-time
and run-time
is that only run-time modules (<c>asn1rt*</c>) need to be loaded in
an embedded system.
<title>Compile-time Functions</title>
<p>The ASN.1 compiler can be invoked directly from the command-line
by means of the <c>erlc</c> program. This is convenient when compiling
many ASN.1 files from the command-line or when using Makefiles.
Here are some examples of how the <c>erlc</c> command can be used to invoke the
ASN.1 compiler:</p>
erlc Person.asn
erlc -bper Person.asn
erlc -bber ../Example.asn
erlc -o ../asnfiles -I ../asnfiles -I /usr/local/standards/asn1 Person.asn </pre>
<p>The useful options for the ASN.1 compiler are:</p>
<tag><c>-b[ber | per | uper]</c></tag>
<p>Choice of encoding rules, if omitted <c>ber</c> is the
<tag><c>-o OutDirectory</c></tag>
<p>Where to put the generated files, default is the current
<tag><c>-I IncludeDir</c></tag>
<p>Where to search for <c>.asn1db</c> files and asn1
source specs in order to resolve references to other
modules. This option can be repeated many times if there
are several places to search in. The compiler will always
search the current directory first.</p>
<p>DER encoding rule. Only when using <c>-ber</c> option.</p>
<p>This functionality works together with the flags
<c>ber</c>. It enables the
specialized decodes, see the <seealso marker="asn1_spec">Specialized Decode</seealso> chapter.
<p>A buffer that holds a message, being decoded may
also have some following bytes. Now it is possible to get
those following bytes returned together with the decoded
value. If an asn1 spec is compiled with this option a tuple
<c>{ok,Value,Rest}</c> is returned. <c>Rest</c> may be a
list or a binary. Earlier versions of the compiler ignored
those following bytes.</p>
<tag><c>+'Any Erlc Option'</c></tag>
<p>You may add any option to the Erlang compiler when
compiling the generated Erlang files. Any option
unrecognised by the asn1 compiler will be passed to the
Erlang compiler.</p>
<p>For a complete description of <c>erlc</c> see Erts Reference Manual.</p>
<p>The compiler and other compile-time functions can also be invoked from
the Erlang shell. Below follows a brief
description of the primary functions, for a
complete description of each function see
<seealso marker="asn1ct">the Asn1 Reference Manual</seealso>, the
<c>asn1ct</c> module.</p>
<p>The compiler is invoked by using <c>asn1ct:compile/1</c> with
default options, or <c>asn1ct:compile/2</c> if explicit options
are given.
asn1ct:compile("H323-MESSAGES.asn1"). </pre>
<p>which equals:</p>
asn1ct:compile("H323-MESSAGES.asn1",[ber]). </pre>
<p>If one wants PER encoding:</p>
asn1ct:compile("H323-MESSAGES.asn1",[per]). </pre>
<p>The generic encode and decode functions can be invoked like this:</p>
'H323-MESSAGES':decode('SomeChoiceType',Bytes). </pre>
<title>Run-time Functions</title>
<p>When an ASN.1 specification is compiled with the <c>ber</c>
option, the module <c>asn1rt_nif</c> module and the NIF library in
<c>asn1/priv_dir</c> will be needed at run-time.</p>
<p>By invoking the function <c>info/0</c> in a generated module, one
gets information about which compiler options were used.</p>
<p>Errors detected at
compile time appear on the screen together with
a line number indicating where in the source file the error
was detected. If no errors are found, an Erlang ASN.1 module will
be created as default.</p>
<p>The run-time encoders and decoders execute within a catch and
returns <c>{ok, Data}</c> or
<c>{error, {asn1, Description}}</c> where
<c>Description</c> is
an Erlang term describing the error. </p>
<marker id="inlineExamples"></marker>
<title>Multi File Compilation</title>
<p>There are various reasons for using a multi file compilation:</p>
<list type="bulleted">
<item>You want to choose name for the generated module by
any reason. Maybe you need to compile the same specs for
different encoding/decoding standards.</item>
<item>You want only one resulting module.</item>
<p>You need to specify which asn1 specs you will
compile in a module that must have the extension
<c>.set.asn</c>. You chose name of the module and provide the
names of the asn1 specs. For instance, if you have the specs
<c>File1.asn</c>, <c>File2.asn</c> and <c>File3.asn</c> your
module <c>MyModule.set.asn</c> will look like:</p>
File3.asn </pre>
<p>If you compile with:</p>
<code type="none">
~> erlc MyModule.set.asn </code>
<p>the result will be one merged module <c>MyModule.erl</c> with
the generated code from the three asn1 specs.
<title>A quick note about tags</title>
<p>Tags used to be important for all users of ASN.1, because it
was necessary to manually add tags to certain constructs in order
for the ASN.1 specification to be valid. Here is an example of
an old-style specification:</p>
Afters ::= CHOICE { cheese [0] IA5String,
dessert [1] IA5String }
END </pre>
<p>Without the tags (the numbers in square brackets) the ASN.1
compiler would refuse to compile the file.</p>
<p>In 1994 the global tagging mode AUTOMATIC TAGS was introduced.
By putting AUTOMATIC TAGS in the module header, the ASN.1 compiler
will automatically add tags when needed. Here is the same
specification in AUTOMATIC TAGS mode:</p>
Afters ::= CHOICE { cheese IA5String,
dessert IA5String }
<p>Tags will not be mentioned any more in this manual.</p>
<marker id="ASN1Types"></marker>
<title>The ASN.1 Types</title>
<p>This section describes the ASN.1 types including their
functionality, purpose and how values are assigned in Erlang.
<p>ASN.1 has both primitive and constructed types:</p>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><em>Primitive types</em></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><em>Constructed types</em></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#BOOLEAN">BOOLEAN</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#SEQUENCE">SEQUENCE</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#INTEGER">INTEGER</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#SET">SET</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#REAL">REAL</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#CHOICE">CHOICE</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#NULL">NULL</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#SOF">SET OF and SEQUENCE OF</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#ENUMERATED">ENUMERATED</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#ANY">ANY</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#BIT STRING">BIT STRING</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#ANY">ANY DEFINED BY</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#OCTET STRING">OCTET STRING</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#NegotiationTypes">EXTERNAL</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#Character Strings">Character Strings</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#NegotiationTypes">EMBEDDED PDV</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#OBJECT IDENTIFIER">OBJECT IDENTIFIER</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#NegotiationTypes">CHARACTER STRING</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#Object Descriptor">Object Descriptor</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"><seealso marker="#The TIME types">The TIME types</seealso></cell>
<cell align="left" valign="middle"></cell>
<tcaption>The supported ASN.1 types</tcaption>
<marker id="TypeNameValue"></marker>
<p>Values of each ASN.1 type has its own representation in Erlang
described in the following subsections. Users shall provide
these values for encoding according to the representation, as
in the example below.</p>
Operational ::= BOOLEAN --ASN.1 definition </pre>
<p>In Erlang code it may look like:</p>
Val = true,
{ok,Bytes} = MyModule:encode('Operational', Val), </pre>
<p>Below follows a description of how
values of each type can be represented in Erlang.
<marker id="BOOLEAN"></marker>
<p>Booleans in ASN.1 express values that can be either
The meanings assigned to TRUE or FALSE is beyond the scope
of this text. <br></br>
In ASN.1 it is possible to have:</p>
Operational ::= BOOLEAN
<p>Assigning a value to the type Operational in Erlang is possible by
using the following Erlang code:</p>
<code type="erl">
Myvar1 = true,
<p>Thus, in Erlang the atoms <c>true</c> and <c>false</c> are used
to encode a boolean value.</p>
<marker id="INTEGER"></marker>
<p>ASN.1 itself specifies indefinitely large integers, and the Erlang
systems with versions 4.3 and higher, support very large
integers, in practice indefinitely large integers.</p>
<p>The concept of sub-typing can be applied to integers as well
as to other ASN.1 types. The details of sub-typing are not
explained here, for further info see [<cite id="X.680"></cite>]. A variety
of syntaxes are allowed when defining a type as an integer:</p>
T2 ::= INTEGER (-2..7)
T3 ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)
T4 ::= INTEGER (0<..MAX)
T5 ::= INTEGER (MIN<..-99)
T6 ::= INTEGER {red(0),blue(1),white(2)}
<p>The Erlang representation of an ASN.1 INTEGER is an integer or
an atom if a so called <c>Named Number List</c> (see T6 above)
is specified.</p>
<p>Below is an example of Erlang code which assigns values for the
above types: </p>
T1value = 0,
T2value = 6,
T6value1 = blue,
T6value2 = 0,
T6value3 = white
<p>The Erlang variables above are now bound to valid instances of
ASN.1 defined types. This style of value can be passed directly
to the encoder for transformation into a series of bytes.</p>
<p>The decoder will return an atom if the value corresponds to a
symbol in the Named Number List.</p>
<marker id="REAL"></marker>
<p>The following ASN.1 type is used for real numbers:</p>
R1 ::= REAL
<p>It can be assigned a value in Erlang as:</p>
R1value1 = "2.14",
R1value2 = {256,10,-2},
<p>In the last line note that the tuple {256,10,-2} is the real number
2.56 in a special notation, which will encode faster than simply
stating the number as <c>"2.56"</c>. The arity three tuple is
<c>{Mantissa,Base,Exponent}</c> i.e. Mantissa * Base^Exponent.</p>
<marker id="NULL"></marker>
<p>Null is suitable in cases where supply and recognition of a value
is important but the actual value is not.</p>
Notype ::= NULL
<p>The NULL type can be assigned in Erlang:</p>
N1 = 'NULL',
<p>The actual value is the quoted atom 'NULL'.</p>
<marker id="ENUMERATED"></marker>
<p>The enumerated type can be used, when the value we wish to
describe, may only take one of a set of predefined values.</p>
DaysOfTheWeek ::= ENUMERATED {
wednesday(4),thursday(5),friday(6),saturday(7) }
<p>For example to assign a weekday value in Erlang use the same atom
as in the <c>Enumerations</c> of the type definition:</p>
Day1 = saturday,
<p>The enumerated type is very similar to an integer type, when
defined with a set of predefined values. An enumerated type
differs from an integer in that it may only have specified
values, whereas an integer can also have any other value.</p>
<marker id="BIT STRING"></marker>
<title>BIT STRING</title>
<p>The BIT STRING type can be used to model information which
is made up of arbitrary length series of bits. It is intended
to be used for a selection of flags, not for binary files. <br></br>
In ASN.1 BIT STRING definitions may look like:
Bits1 ::= BIT STRING
Bits2 ::= BIT STRING {foo(0),bar(1),gnu(2),gnome(3),punk(14)}
<p>There are two notations available for representation of
BIT STRING values in Erlang and as input to the encode functions.</p>
<list type="ordered">
<item>A bitstring. By default, a BIT STRING with no
symbolic names will be decoded to an Erlang bitstring.</item>
<item>A list of atoms corresponding to atoms in the <c>NamedBitList</c>
in the BIT STRING definition. A BIT STRING with symbolic
names will always be decoded to this format.</item>
Bits1Val1 = <<0:1,1:1,0:1,1:1,1:1>>,
Bits2Val1 = [gnu,punk],
Bits2Val2 = <<2#1110:4>>,
Bits2Val3 = [bar,gnu,gnome],
<p><c>Bits2Val2</c> and <c>Bits2Val3</c> above denote the same value.</p>
<p><c>Bits2Val1</c> is assigned symbolic values. The assignment means
that the bits corresponding to <c>gnu</c> and <c>punk</c> i.e. bits
2 and 14 are set to 1 and the rest set to 0. The symbolic values
appear as a list of values. If a named value appears, which is not
specified in the type definition, a run-time error will occur.</p>
<p>BIT STRINGS may also be sub-typed with, for example, a SIZE
Bits3 ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(0..31)) </pre>
<p>This means that no bit higher than 31 can ever be set.</p>
<title>Deprecated representations for BIT STRING</title>
<p>In addition to the representations described above, the
following deprecated representations are available if the
specification has been compiled with the
<c>legacy_erlang_types</c> option:</p>
<list type="ordered">
<item>A list of binary digits (0 or 1). This format is
accepted as input to the encode functions, and a BIT STRING
will be decoded to this format if the
<em>legacy_bit_string</em> option has been given.
<item>As <c>{Unused,Binary}</c> where <c>Unused</c> denotes
how many trailing zero-bits 0 to 7 that are unused in the
least significant byte in <c>Binary</c>. This format is
accepted as input to the encode functions, and a <c>BIT
STRING</c> will be decoded to this format if
<em>compact_bit_string</em> has been given.
<item>A hexadecimal number (or an integer). This format
should be avoided, since it is easy to misinterpret a BIT
STRING value in this format.
<marker id="OCTET STRING"></marker>
<title>OCTET STRING</title>
<p>The OCTET STRING is the simplest of all ASN.1 types. The
OCTET STRING only moves or transfers e.g. binary files or other
unstructured information complying to two rules. Firstly, the
bytes consist of octets and secondly, encoding is not
<p>It is possible to have the following ASN.1 type definitions:</p>
O2 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(28)) </pre>
<p>With the following example assignments in Erlang:</p>
O1Val = <<17,13,19,20,0,0,255,254>>,
O2Val = <<"must be exactly 28 chars....">>,</pre>
<p>By default, an OCTET STRING is always represented as
an Erlang binary. If the specification has been compiled with
the <c>legacy_erlang_types</c> option, the encode functions
will accept both lists and binaries, and the decode functions
will decode an OCTET STRING to a list.</p>
<marker id="Character Strings"></marker>
<title>Character Strings</title>
<p>ASN.1 supports a wide variety of character sets. The main difference
between OCTET STRINGS and the Character strings is that OCTET
STRINGS have no imposed semantics on the bytes delivered.</p>
<p>However, when using for instance the IA5String (which closely
resembles ASCII) the byte 65 (in decimal
notation) <em>means</em> the character 'A'.
<p>For example, if a defined type is to be a VideotexString and
an octet is received with the unsigned integer value X, then
the octet should be interpreted as specified in the standard
ITU-T T.100,T.101.
<p>The ASN.1 to Erlang compiler
will not determine the correct interpretation of each BER
(Basic Encoding Rules) string octet value with different
Character strings. Interpretation of octets is the
responsibility of the application. Therefore, from the BER
string point of view, octets appear to be very similar to
character strings and are compiled in the same way.
<p>It should be noted that when PER (Packed Encoding Rules) is
used, there is a significant difference in the encoding scheme
between OCTET STRINGS and other strings. The constraints
specified for a type are especially important for PER, where
they affect the encoding.
<p>Please note that <em>all</em> the Character strings are
supported and it is possible to use the following ASN.1 type
Digs ::= NumericString (SIZE(1..3))
TextFile ::= IA5String (SIZE(0..64000)) </pre>
<p>and the following Erlang assignments:</p>
DigsVal1 = "456",
DigsVal2 = "123",
TextFileVal1 = "abc...xyz...",
TextFileVal2 = [88,76,55,44,99,121 .......... a lot of characters here ....] </pre>
<p>The Erlang representation for "BMPString" and
"UniversalString" is either a list of ASCII values or a list
of quadruples. The quadruple representation associates to the
Unicode standard representation of characters. The ASCII
characters are all represented by quadruples beginning with
three zeros like {0,0,0,65} for the 'A' character. When
decoding a value for these strings the result is a list of
quadruples, or integers when the value is an ASCII character.</p>
<p>The following example shows how it works. We have the following
specification in the file <c>PrimStrings.asn1</c>.</p>
BMP ::= BMPString
<p>Encoding and decoding some strings:</p>
1> <input>asn1ct:compile('PrimStrings', [ber]).</input>
2> <input>{ok,Bytes1} = 'PrimStrings':encode('BMP', [{0,0,53,53},{0,0,45,56}]).</input>
3> <input>'PrimStrings':decode('BMP', Bytes1).</input>
4> <input>{ok,Bytes2} = 'PrimStrings':encode('BMP', [{0,0,53,53},{0,0,0,65}]).</input>
5> <input>'PrimStrings':decode('BMP', Bytes2).</input>
6> <input>{ok,Bytes3} = 'PrimStrings':encode('BMP', "BMP string").</input>
7> <input>'PrimStrings':decode('BMP', Bytes3).</input>
{ok,"BMP string"} </pre>
<p>The UTF8String type is represented as a UTF-8 encoded binary in
Erlang. Such binaries can be created directly using the binary syntax
or by converting from a list of Unicode code points using the
<c>unicode:characters_to_binary/1</c> function.</p>
<p>Here are some examples showing how UTF-8 encoded binaries can
be created and manipulated:</p>
1> <input>Gs = "Мой маленький Гном".</input>
2> <input>Gbin = unicode:characters_to_binary(Gs).</input>
3> <input>Gbin = <<"Мой маленький Гном"/utf8>>.</input>
4> <input>Gs = unicode:characters_to_list(Gbin).</input>
<p>See the <seealso marker="stdlib:unicode">unicode</seealso> module
for more details.</p>
<p>In the following example we will use this ASN.1 specification:</p>
UTF ::= UTF8String
<p>Encoding and decoding a string with Unicode characters:</p>
5> <input>asn1ct:compile('UTF', [ber]).</input>
6> <input>{ok,Bytes1} = 'UTF':encode('UTF', <<"Гном"/utf8>>).</input>
7> <input>{ok,Bin1} = 'UTF':decode('UTF', Bytes1).</input>
8> <input>io:format("~ts\n", [Bin1]).</input>
9> <input>unicode:characters_to_list(Bin1).</input>
<marker id="OBJECT IDENTIFIER"></marker>
<title>OBJECT IDENTIFIER</title>
<p>The OBJECT IDENTIFIER is used whenever a unique identity is required.
An ASN.1 module, a transfer syntax, etc. is identified with an
OBJECT IDENTIFIER. Assume the example below:</p>
<p>Therefore, the example below is a valid Erlang instance of the
type 'Oid'.</p>
OidVal1 = {1,2,55},
<p>The OBJECT IDENTIFIER value is simply a tuple with the
consecutive values which must be integers.
<p>The first value is limited to the values 0, 1 or 2 and the
second value must be in the range 0..39 when the first value
is 0 or 1.
<p>The OBJECT IDENTIFIER is a very important type and it is
widely used within different standards to uniquely identify
various objects. In [<cite id="DUBUISSON"></cite>], there is an
easy-to-understand description of the usage of
<marker id="Object Descriptor"></marker>
<title>Object Descriptor</title>
<p>Values of this type can be assigned a value as an ordinary string i.e. <br></br>
"This is the value of an Object descriptor"</p>
<marker id="The TIME types"></marker>
<title>The TIME Types</title>
<p>Two different time types are defined within ASN.1, Generalized
Time and UTC (Universal Time Coordinated), both are assigned a
value as an ordinary string within double quotes i.e.
<p>In case of DER encoding the compiler does not check the validity
of the time values. The DER requirements upon those strings is
regarded as a matter for the application to fulfill.</p>
<marker id="SEQUENCE"></marker>
<p>The structured types of ASN.1 are constructed from other types
in a manner similar to the concepts of array and struct in C.
comparable with a struct in C and a record in Erlang.
A SEQUENCE may be defined as:</p>
Pdu ::= SEQUENCE {
d NULL } </pre>
<p>This is a 4-component structure called 'Pdu'. The major format
for representation of SEQUENCE in Erlang is the record format.
For each SEQUENCE and <c>SET</c> in an ASN.1 module an Erlang
record declaration is generated. For <c>Pdu</c> above, a record
like this is defined:</p>
-record('Pdu',{a, b, c, d}). </pre>
<p>The record declarations for a module <c>M</c> are placed in a
separate <c>M.hrl</c> file.</p>
<p>Values can be assigned in Erlang as shown below:</p>
MyPdu = #'Pdu'{a=22,b=77.99,c={0,1,2,3,4},d='NULL'}. </pre>
<p>The decode functions will return a record as result when decoding
a <c>SEQUENCE</c> or a <c>SET</c>.</p>
<p>A <c>SEQUENCE</c> and a <c>SET</c> may contain a component
with a <c>DEFAULT</c> key word followed by the actual value that
is the default value. The <c>DEFAULT</c> keyword means that the
application doing the encoding can omit encoding of the value,
thus resulting in fewer bytes to send to the receiving
<p>An application can use the atom <c>asn1_DEFAULT</c> to indicate
that the encoding should be omitted for that position in
the SEQUENCE.</p>
<p>Depending on the encoding rules, the encoder may also compare
the given value to the default value and automatically omit the
encoding if they are equal. How much effort the encoder makes to
to compare the values depends on the encoding rules. The DER
encoding rules forbids encoding a value equal to the default value,
so it has a more thorough and time-consuming comparison than the
encoders for the other encoding rules.</p>
<p>In the following example we will use this ASN.1 specification:</p>
Seq1 ::= SEQUENCE {
b Seq2 DEFAULT {aa TRUE, bb 15}
Seq2 ::= SEQUENCE {
Seq3 ::= SEQUENCE {
bs BIT STRING {a(0), b(1), c(2)} DEFAULT {a, c}
END </pre>
<p>Here is an example where the BER encoder is able to omit encoding
of the default values:</p>
1> <input>asn1ct:compile('File', [ber]).</input>
2> <input>'File':encode('Seq1', {'Seq1',asn1_DEFAULT,asn1_DEFAULT}).</input>
3> <input>'File':encode('Seq1', {'Seq1',1,{'Seq2',true,15}}).</input>
{ok,<<48,0>>} </pre>
<p>And here is an example with a named BIT STRING where the BER
encoder will not omit the encoding:</p>
4> <input>'File':encode('Seq3', {'Seq3',asn1_DEFAULT).</input>
5> <input>'File':encode('Seq3', {'Seq3',<<16#101:3>>).</input>
{ok,<<48,4,128,2,5,160>>} </pre>
<p>The DER encoder will omit the encoding for the same BIT STRING:</p>
6> <input>asn1ct:compile('File', [ber,der]).</input>
7> <input>'File':encode('Seq3', {'Seq3',asn1_DEFAULT).</input>
8> <input>'File':encode('Seq3', {'Seq3',<<16#101:3>>).</input>
{ok,<<48,0>>} </pre>
<marker id="SET"></marker>
<p>In Erlang, the SET type is used exactly as SEQUENCE. Note
that if the BER or DER encoding rules are used, decoding a
SET is slower than decoding a SEQUENCE because the components
must be sorted.</p>
<title>Notes about extensibility for SEQUENCE and SET</title>
<p>When a SEQUENCE or SET contains an extension marker and
extension components like this:</p>
<p>It means that the type may get more components in newer
versions of the ASN.1 spec. In this case it has got a new
component <c>b</c>. Thus, incoming messages that will be decoded
may have more or fever components than this one.
<p>The component <c>b</c> will be treated as
an original component when encoding a message. In this case, as
it is not an optional element, it must be encoded.
<p>During decoding the <c>b</c> field of the record will get the decoded
value of the <c>b</c>
component if present and otherwise the value <c>asn1_NOVALUE</c>.</p>
<marker id="CHOICE"></marker>
<p>The CHOICE type is a space saver and is similar to the concept of a
'union' in the C language.</p>
T ::= CHOICE {
END </pre>
<p>It is then possible to assign values:</p>
TVal1 = {y,17},
TVal2 = {z,{0,1,2}},
<p>A CHOICE value is always represented as the tuple
<c>{ChoiceAlternative, Val}</c> where <c>ChoiceAlternative</c>
is an atom denoting the selected choice alternative.
<title>Extensible CHOICE</title>
<p>When a CHOICE contains an extension marker and the decoder detects
an unknown alternative of the CHOICE the value is represented as:</p>
{asn1_ExtAlt, BytesForOpenType}
<p>Where <c>BytesForOpenType</c> is a list of bytes constituting the
encoding of the "unknown" CHOICE alternative. </p>
<marker id="SOF"></marker>
<title>SET OF and SEQUENCE OF</title>
<p>The SET OF and SEQUENCE OF types correspond to the concept of an array
found in several programming languages. The Erlang syntax for
both of these types is straight forward. For example:</p>
Arr1 ::= SET SIZE (5) OF INTEGER (4..9)
<p>We may have the following in Erlang:</p>
Arr1Val = [4,5,6,7,8],
Arr2Val = ["abc",[14,34,54],"Octets"], </pre>
<p>Please note that the definition of the SET OF type implies that
the order of the components is undefined, but in practice there is
no difference between SET OF and SEQUENCE OF. The ASN.1 compiler
for Erlang does not randomize the order of the SET OF components
before encoding.</p>
<p>However, in case of a value of the type <c>SET OF</c>, the DER
encoding format requires the elements to be sent in ascending
order of their encoding, which implies an expensive sorting
procedure in run-time. Therefore it is strongly recommended to
use <c>SEQUENCE OF</c> instead of <c>SET OF</c> if it is possible.</p>
<marker id="ANY"></marker>
<title>ANY and ANY DEFINED BY</title>
<p>The types <c>ANY</c> and <c>ANY DEFINED BY</c> have been removed
from the standard since 1994. It is recommended not to use
these types any more. They may, however, exist in some old ASN.1
The idea with this type was to leave a "hole" in a definition where
one could put unspecified data of any kind, even non ASN.1 data.</p>
<p>A value of this type is encoded as an <c>open type</c>.</p>
<p>Instead of <c>ANY</c>/<c>ANY DEFINED BY</c> one should use
<c>information object class</c>, <c>table constraints</c> and
<c>parameterization</c>. In particular the construct
<c>TYPE-IDENTIFIER.@Type</c> accomplish the same as the
deprecated <c>ANY</c>.</p>
<p>See also <seealso marker="#Information Object">Information object</seealso></p>
<marker id="NegotiationTypes"></marker>
<p>These types are used in presentation layer negotiation. They are
encoded according to their associated type, see [<cite id="X.680"></cite>].</p>
<p>The <c>EXTERNAL</c> type had a slightly different associated type
before 1994. [<cite id="X.691"></cite>] states that encoding shall follow
the older associate type. Therefore does generated encode/decode
functions convert values of the newer format to the older format
before encoding. This implies that it is allowed to use
<c>EXTERNAL</c> type values of either format for encoding. Decoded
values are always returned on the newer format.</p>
<title>Embedded Named Types</title>
<p>The structured types previously described may very well have other named types
as their components. The general syntax to assign a value to the component C
of a named ASN.1 type T in Erlang is the record syntax
Where <c>Value</c> may be a value of yet another type T2.</p>
<p>For example:</p>
a Arr1,
b T }
Arr1 ::= SET SIZE (5) OF INTEGER (4..9)
T ::= CHOICE {
END </pre>
<p>The SEQUENCE b can be encoded like this in Erlang:</p>
1> 'EmbeddedExample':encode('B', {'B',[4,5,6,7,8],{x,"7.77"}}).
{ok,<<5,56,0,8,3,55,55,55,46,69,45,50>>} </pre>
<title>Naming of Records in .hrl Files</title>
<p>When an asn1 specification is compiled all defined types of
type SET or SEQUENCE will result in a corresponding record in the
generated hrl file. This is because the values for SET/SEQUENCE
as mentioned in sections above are represented as records.</p>
<p>Though there are some special cases of this functionality that
are presented below.</p>
<title>Embedded Structured Types</title>
<p>It is also possible in ASN.1 to have components that are themselves
structured types.
For example, it is possible to have:</p>
Emb ::= SEQUENCE {
b SET {
b FooType } }
FooType ::= [3] VisibleString </pre>
<p>The following records are generated because of the type <c>Emb</c>:</p>
-record('Emb,{a, b, c}).
-record('Emb_b',{a, b = asn1_DEFAULT}). % the embedded SET type
<p>Values of the <c>Emb</c> type can be assigned like this:</p>
<code type="none">
V = #'Emb'{a=["qqqq",[1,2,255]],
b = #'Emb_b'{a=99},
c ={b,"Can you see this"}}.
<p>For an embedded type of type SEQUENCE/SET in a SEQUENCE/SET
the record name is extended with an underscore and the component
name. If the embedded structure is deeper with SEQUENCE, SET or
CHOICE types in the line, each component-/alternative-name will
be added to the record-name.</p>
<p>For example:</p>
} </pre>
<p>will result in the following record:</p>
-record('Seq_a_b',{c}). </pre>
<p>If the structured type has a component with an embedded
SEQUENCE OF/SET OF which embedded type in turn is a
SEQUENCE/SET it will give a record with the SEQOF/SETOF
addition as in the following example:</p>
Seq ::= SEQUENCE {
} </pre>
<p>This results in the records:</p>
-record('Seq_c_SETOF'{d}). </pre>
<p>A parameterized type should be considered as an embedded
type. Each time a such type is referenced an instance of it is
defined. Thus in the following example a record with name
<c>'Seq_b'</c> is generated in the .hrl file and used to hold
Seq ::= SEQUENCE {
PType{T} ::= SEQUENCE{
id T
} </pre>
<title>Recursive Types</title>
<p>Types may refer to themselves. Suppose:</p>
Rec ::= CHOICE {
nothing NULL,
something SEQUENCE {
c Rec }} </pre>
<p>This type is recursive; that is, it refers to itself. This is allowed
in ASN.1 and the ASN.1-to-Erlang compiler supports this recursive
type. A value for this type is assigned in Erlang as shown below:</p>
V = {something,#'Rec_something'{a = 77,
b = "some octets here",
c = {nothing,'NULL'}}}. </pre>
<title>ASN.1 Values</title>
<p>Values can be assigned to ASN.1 type within the ASN.1 code
itself, as opposed to the actions taken in the previous chapter where
a value was assigned to an ASN.1 type in Erlang. The full value
syntax of ASN.1 is supported and [X.680] describes in detail how
to assign values in ASN.1. Below is a short example:</p>
tt TT ::= {a 77,b {"kalle","kula"}} </pre>
<p>The value defined here could be used in several ways.
Firstly, it could be used as the value in some DEFAULT component:</p>
SS ::= SET {
val TT DEFAULT tt } </pre>
<p>It could also be used from inside an Erlang program. If the above ASN.1
code was defined in ASN.1 module <c>Values</c>, then the ASN.1 value
<c>tt</c> can be reached from Erlang as
a function call to <c>'Values':tt()</c> as in the example below.</p>
1> <input>Val = 'Values':tt().</input>
2> <input>{ok,Bytes} = 'Values':encode('TT',Val).</input>
4> <input>'Values':decode('TT',Bytes).</input>
<p>The above example shows that a function is generated by the compiler
that returns a valid Erlang representation of the value, even though
the value is of a complex type.</p>
<p>Furthermore, there is a macro generated for each value in the .hrl
file. So, the defined value <c>tt</c> can also be extracted by
<c>?tt</c> in application code.</p>
<p>MACRO is not supported as the the type is no longer part of the
ASN.1 standard.</p>
<marker id="Information Object"></marker>
<title>ASN.1 Information Objects (X.681)</title>
<p>Information Object Classes, Information Objects and Information
Object Sets, (in the following called classes, objects and
object sets respectively), are defined in the standard
definition [<cite id="X.681"></cite>]. In the following only a brief
explanation is given. </p>
<p>These constructs makes it possible to define open types,
i.e. values of that type can be of any ASN.1 type. It is also
possible to define relationships between different types and
values, since classes can hold types, values, objects, object
sets and other classes in its fields.
An Information Object Class may be defined in ASN.1 as:</p>
&id PrintableString UNIQUE
[REPLY &Reply]
[ERROR &Error]
} </pre>
<p>An object is an instance of a class and an object set is a set
containing objects of one specified class. A definition may look like
<p>The object <c>object1</c> is an instance of the CLASS
GENERAL-PROCEDURE and has one type field and one fixed type value
field. The object <c>object2</c> also has an OPTIONAL field ERROR,
which is a type field.</p>
NEW MESSAGE PrintableString
ADDRESS "home"
ADDRESS "remote"
} </pre>
<p>The field ADDRESS is a UNIQUE field. Objects in an object set must
have unique values in their UNIQUE field, as in GENERAL-PROCEDURES: </p>
object1 | object2} </pre>
<p>One can not encode a class, object or object set, only referring to
it when defining other ASN.1 entities. Typically one refers to a
class and to object sets by table constraints and component
relation constraints [<cite id="X.682"></cite>] in ASN.1 types, as in: </p>
StartMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
} </pre>
<p>In the type <c>StartMessage</c> the constraint following the
<c>content</c> field tells that in a value of type
<c>StartMessage</c> the value in the <c>content</c> field must
come from the same object that is chosen by the <c>msgId</c>
<p>So, the value <c>#'StartMessage'{msgId="home",content="Any Printable String"}</c> is legal to encode as a StartMessage
value, while the value <c>#'StartMessage'{msgId="remote", content="Some String"}</c> is illegal since the constraint
in StartMessage tells that when you have chosen a value from a
specific object in the object set GENERAL-PROCEDURES in the
msgId field you have to choose a value from that same object in
the content field too. In this second case it should have been
any INTEGER value.</p>
<p><c>StartMessage</c> can in the <c>content</c> field be
encoded with a value of any type that an object in the
<c>GENERAL-PROCEDURES</c> object set has in its <c>NEW MESSAGE</c> field. This field refers to a type field
<c>&Message</c> in the class. The <c>msgId</c> field is always
encoded as a PrintableString, since the field refers to a fixed type
in the class.</p>
<p>In practice, object sets are usually declared to be extensible so
so that more objects can be added to the set later. Extensibility is
indicated like this:</p>
object1 | object2, ...} </pre>
<p>When decoding a type that uses an extensible set constraint,
there is always the possibility that the value in the UNIQUE
field is unknown (i.e. the type has been encoded with a later
version of the ASN.1 specification). When that happens, the
unencoded data will be returned wrapped in a tuple like this:</p>
<p>where <c>Binary</c> is an Erlang binary that contains the encoded
data. (If the option <c>legacy_erlang_types</c> has been given,
just the binary will be returned.)</p>
<title>Parameterization (X.683)</title>
<p>Parameterization, which is defined in the standard [<cite id="X.683"></cite>], can be used when defining types, values, value
sets, information object classes, information objects or
information object sets.
A part of a definition can be supplied as a parameter. For
instance, if a Type is used in a definition with certain
purpose, one want the type-name to express the intention. This
can be done with parameterization.</p>
<p>When many types (or an other ASN.1 entity) only differs in some
minor cases, but the structure of the types are similar, only
one general type can be defined and the differences may be supplied
through parameters. </p>
<p>One example of use of parameterization is:</p>
General{Type} ::= SEQUENCE
number INTEGER,
string Type
T1 ::= General{PrintableString}
T2 ::= General{BIT STRING}
<p>An example of a value that can be encoded as type T1 is {12,"hello"}.</p>
<p>Observe that the compiler not generates encode/decode functions for
parameterized types, only for the instances of the parameterized
types. So, if a file contains the types General{}, T1 and T2 above,
encode/decode functions will only be generated for T1 and T2.