path: root/lib/asn1/src/asn1rtt_per.erl
blob: 672c84593c2c69c4304b47b20a2e1be93a67ab0d (plain) (tree)










%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2012-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
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%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
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%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
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%% %CopyrightEnd%


skipextensions(Bytes0, Nr, ExtensionBitstr) when is_bitstring(ExtensionBitstr) ->
    Prev = Nr - 1,
    case ExtensionBitstr of
	<<_:Prev,1:1,_/bitstring>> ->
	    {Len,Bytes1} = decode_length(Bytes0),
	    <<_:Len/binary,Bytes2/bitstring>> = Bytes1,
	    skipextensions(Bytes2, Nr+1, ExtensionBitstr);
	<<_:Prev,0:1,_/bitstring>> ->
	    skipextensions(Bytes0, Nr+1, ExtensionBitstr);
	_ ->

align(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
align(BitStr) when is_bitstring(BitStr) ->
    AlignBits = bit_size(BitStr) rem 8,
    <<_:AlignBits,Rest/binary>> = BitStr,

decode_length(Buffer)  -> % un-constrained
    case align(Buffer) of
	<<0:1,Oct:7,Rest/binary>> ->
	<<2:2,Val:14,Rest/binary>> ->
	<<3:2,_Val:14,_Rest/binary>> ->
	    %% this case should be fixed

%% complete(InList) -> ByteList
%% Takes a coded list with bits and bytes and converts it to a list of bytes
%% Should be applied as the last step at encode of a complete ASN.1 type

complete(L0) ->
    L = complete(L0, []),
    case list_to_bitstring(L) of
	<<>> -> <<0>>;
	Bin -> Bin

complete([], []) ->
complete([], [H|More]) ->
    complete(H, More);
complete([align|T], More) ->
    complete(T, More);
complete([[]|T], More) ->
    complete(T, More);
complete([[_|_]=H], More) ->
    complete(H, More);
complete([[_|_]=H|T], More) ->
    complete(H, [T|More]);
complete([H|T], More) when is_integer(H); is_binary(H) ->
    [H|complete(T, More)];
complete([H|T], More) ->
    [H|complete(T, bit_size(H), More)];
complete(Bin, More) when is_binary(Bin) ->
    [Bin|complete([], More)];
complete(Bin, More) ->
    [Bin|complete([], bit_size(Bin), More)].

complete([], Bits, []) ->
    case Bits band 7 of
	0 -> [];
	N -> [<<0:(8-N)>>]
complete([], Bits, [H|More]) ->
    complete(H, Bits, More);
complete([align|T], Bits, More) ->
    case Bits band 7 of
	0 -> complete(T, More);
	1 -> [<<0:7>>|complete(T, More)];
	2 -> [<<0:6>>|complete(T, More)];
	3 -> [<<0:5>>|complete(T, More)];
	4 -> [<<0:4>>|complete(T, More)];
	5 -> [<<0:3>>|complete(T, More)];
	6 -> [<<0:2>>|complete(T, More)];
	7 -> [<<0:1>>|complete(T, More)]
complete([[]|T], Bits, More) ->
    complete(T, Bits, More);
complete([[_|_]=H], Bits, More) ->
    complete(H, Bits, More);
complete([[_|_]=H|T], Bits, More) ->
    complete(H, Bits, [T|More]);
complete([H|T], Bits, More) when is_integer(H);
				 is_binary(H) ->
    [H|complete(T, Bits, More)];
complete([H|T], Bits, More) ->
    [H|complete(T, Bits+bit_size(H), More)];
complete(Bin, Bits, More) when is_binary(Bin) ->
    [Bin|complete([], Bits, More)];
complete(Bin, Bits, More) ->
    [Bin|complete([], Bits+bit_size(Bin), More)].