blob: 163dbb032d41d20d38de50cb40c848b3b220ff4a (
plain) (
cXM bWLA�h
hd memoryb 7hd ownergd
nonode@nohost $ hd heird nonehd named asn1_AA2hd sizeahd noded
nonode@nohosthd named_tabled truehd typed sethd keyposahd
protectiond protectedhd
minor_versiona hd
extended_infoj bbWLA�hd EXTERNALhd typedefd falsed undefinedd EXTERNALhd typel hd tagd UNIVERSALad IMPLICITa jhd SEQUENCEd falsed falsed undefinedl hd
ComponentTyped undefinedd direct-referencehd typejd OBJECT IDENTIFIERjjd nod OPTIONALl hd UNIVERSALajd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd indirect-referencehd typejd INTEGERjjd nod OPTIONALl hd UNIVERSALajd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd data-value-descriptorhd typejd ObjectDescriptorjjd nod OPTIONALd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd encodinghd typejhd CHOICEl hd
ComponentTyped undefinedd single-ASN1-typehd typel hd tagd CONTEXTa d EXPLICITa jd ANYjjd nod mandatoryl hd CONTEXTa jd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd
octet-alignedhd typel hd tagd CONTEXTad IMPLICITa jd OCTET STRINGjjd nod mandatoryl hd CONTEXTajd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd arbitraryhd typel hd tagd CONTEXTad IMPLICITa jhd
BIT STRINGjjjd nod mandatoryl hd CONTEXTajd undefinedjjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedjjjd no �bWLA�hd ABSTRACT-SYNTAXhd classdefd trued undefinedd ABSTRACT-SYNTAXhd objectclassl hd fixedtypevaluefieldd idhd typejd OBJECT IDENTIFIERjjd nod UNIQUEd MANDATORYhd typefieldd Typed MANDATORYhd fixedtypevaluefieldd propertyhd typejhd
BIT STRINGjjjd nod undefinedhd DEFAULTk jhd WITH SYNTAXl hd typefieldreferenced Typed
IDENTIFIEDd BYhd valuefieldreferenced idl d HASd PROPERTYhd valuefieldreferenced propertyjj RbWLA�hd CHARACTER STRINGhd typedefd falsed undefinedd CHARACTER STRINGhd typel hd tagd UNIVERSALad IMPLICITa jhd SEQUENCEd falsed falsed undefinedl hd
ComponentTyped undefinedd identificationhd typejhd CHOICEl hd
ComponentTyped undefinedd syntaxeshd typejhd SEQUENCEd falsed falsed undefinedl hd
ComponentTyped undefinedd abstracthd typejd OBJECT IDENTIFIERjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd transferhd typejd OBJECT IDENTIFIERjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedjjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd syntaxhd typejd OBJECT IDENTIFIERjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd presentation-context-idhd typejd INTEGERjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd context-negotiationhd typejhd SEQUENCEd falsed falsed undefinedl hd
ComponentTyped undefinedd presentation-context-idhd typejd INTEGERjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd transfer-syntaxhd typejd OBJECT IDENTIFIERjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedjjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd transfer-syntaxhd typejd OBJECT IDENTIFIERjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd fixedhd typejd NULLjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedjjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd string-valuehd typejd OCTET STRINGjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedjjjd no HbWLA�hd EMBEDDED PDVhd typedefd falsed undefinedd EMBEDDED PDVhd typel hd tagd UNIVERSALad IMPLICITa jhd SEQUENCEd falsed falsed undefinedl hd
ComponentTyped undefinedd identificationhd typejhd CHOICEl hd
ComponentTyped undefinedd syntaxeshd typejhd SEQUENCEd falsed falsed undefinedl hd
ComponentTyped undefinedd abstracthd typejd OBJECT IDENTIFIERjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd transferhd typejd OBJECT IDENTIFIERjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedjjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd syntaxhd typejd OBJECT IDENTIFIERjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd presentation-context-idhd typejd INTEGERjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd context-negotiationhd typejhd SEQUENCEd falsed falsed undefinedl hd
ComponentTyped undefinedd presentation-context-idhd typejd INTEGERjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd transfer-syntaxhd typejd OBJECT IDENTIFIERjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedjjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd transfer-syntaxhd typejd OBJECT IDENTIFIERjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd fixedhd typejd NULLjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedjjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedhd
ComponentTyped undefinedd
data-valuehd typejd OCTET STRINGjjd nod mandatoryd undefinedd undefinedjjjd no hbWLA�hd MODULEh d modulead AA2jd AUTOMATIChd exportsd allhd importsjd undefinedhl d Bjjjjjj VbWLA�hd Bhd typedefd truead Bhd typejhd SEQUENCEd falsed falsed undefinedl hd
ComponentTypead ahd typel hd tagd CONTEXTa d IMPLICITa jd INTEGERjjd nod mandatoryl hd CONTEXTa jahd
ComponentTypead bhd typel hd tagd CONTEXTad IMPLICITa jd BOOLEANjjd nod mandatoryl hd CONTEXTajajjjd no 8bWLA�hd TYPE-IDENTIFIERhd classdefd trued undefinedd TYPE-IDENTIFIERhd objectclassl hd fixedtypevaluefieldd idhd typejd OBJECT IDENTIFIERjjd nod UNIQUEd MANDATORYhd typefieldd Typed MANDATORYjhd WITH SYNTAXl hd typefieldreferenced Typed
IDENTIFIEDd BYhd valuefieldreferenced idj