%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% User interface
%% Exported to be used in spawn
%% Internal constants
-define(MAX, 999999999999999).
-define(RANGE_MAX, 16#7ffffff).
%%% Interface
%% run() -> _
%% Compiles and runs all benchmarks in the current directory,
%% and creates a report
run([Comment]) ->
%%% Generic Benchmark functions
%% compiler_options() -> OptionsList
%% OptionsList = list() - See Erlang/OTP module compile
compiler_options() ->
[report_errors, report_warnings].
%% run(OptionsList) ->
%% OptionsList = list() - See Erlang/OTP module compile
%% Help function to run/0.
run(Comment,OptionsList) ->
Bms = compile_benchmarks(OptionsList),
%% compile_benchmarks(OptionsList) -> [BmInfo| _]
%% OptionsList = list() - See Erlang/OTP module compile
%% BmInfo = {Module, Iterations, [BmFunctionName| _]}
%% Module = atom()
%% Iterations = integer()
%% BmFunctionName = atom()
%% Compiles all benchmark modules in the current directory and
%% returns info about the benchmarks.
compile_benchmarks(OptionsList) ->
{ok, FilesInCurrentDir} = file:list_dir("."),
BmFiles = [BmFile || BmFile <- lists:sort(FilesInCurrentDir),
lists:suffix("_bm.erl", BmFile)],
lists:foldr(fun(Module, BmInfoAcc) ->
BmInfo = bm_compile(Module, OptionsList),
[BmInfo | BmInfoAcc]
end, [], BmFiles).
%% bm_compile(FileName, OptionsList) -> BmInfo
%% FileName = string()
%% OptionsList = list() - See Erlang/OTP module compile
%% BmInfo = {Module, Iterations, [BmFunctionName| _]}
%% Iterations = integer()
%% Module = atom()
%% BmFunctionName = atom()
%% Compiles the benchmark module implemented in <FileName> and returns
%% information about the benchmark tests.
bm_compile(FileName, OptionsList) ->
io:format("Compiling ~s...\n", [FileName]), % Progress info to user
case c:c(FileName, OptionsList) of
{ok, Mod} ->
%% If compilation fails there is no point in trying to continue
error ->
Reason =
io_lib:format("Could not compile file ~s", [FileName])),
exit(self(), Reason)
%% bm_init(Module) -> ok
%% calls the Module:init/0 function to let each benchmark make initialisation if
%% there is need for that.
bm_init(Module) ->
case catch Module:init() of
ok ->
Other ->
ok % the init function is not mandatory yet
%% bm_cases(Module) -> {Module, Iter, [BmFunctionName |_]}
%% Module = atom()
%% Iter = integer()
%% BmFunctionName = atom()
%% Fetches the number of iterations and the names of the benchmark
%% functions for the module <Module>.
bm_cases(Module) ->
case catch Module:benchmarks() of
{Iter, BmList} when integer(Iter), list(BmList) ->
{Module, Iter, BmList};
%% The benchmark is incorrect implemented there is no point in
%% trying to continue
Other ->
Reason =
io_lib:format("Incorrect return value: ~p "
"from ~p:benchmarks()",
[Other, Module])),
exit(self(), Reason)
%% run_benchmarks(Bms) ->
%% Bms = [{Module, Iter, [BmFunctionName |_]} | _]
%% Module = atom()
%% Iter = integer()
%% BmFunctionName = atom()
%% Runs all the benchmark tests described in <Bms>.
run_benchmarks(Comment,Bms) ->
Ver = erlang:system_info(version),
Machine = erlang:system_info(machine),
SysInfo = {Ver,Machine,Comment},
Res = [bms_run(Mod, Tests, Iter, SysInfo) || {Mod,Iter,Tests} <- Bms],
%% Create an intermediate file that is later used to generate a bench
%% mark report.
Name = Ver ++ [$.|Machine] ++ Comment ++ ".bmres",
{ok, IntermediatFile} = file:open(Name, [write]),
%% Create mark that identifies version of the benchmark modules
io:format(IntermediatFile, "~p.\n", [erlang:phash(Bms, ?RANGE_MAX)]),
io:format(IntermediatFile, "~p.\n", [Res]),
%% bms_run(Module, BmTests, Iter, Info) ->
%% Module = atom(),
%% BmTests = [BmFunctionName|_],
%% BmFunctionName = atom()
%% Iter = integer(),
%% SysInfo = {Ver, Machine}
%% Ver = string()
%% Machine = string()
%% Runs all benchmark tests in module <Module>.
bms_run(Module, BmTests, Iter, SysInfo) ->
io:format("Running ~s:", [Module]), % Progress info to user
Res =
{Module,{SysInfo,[{Bm, bm_run(Module, Bm, Iter)} || Bm <- BmTests]}},
%% bm_run(Module, BmTest, Iter) -> Elapsed
%% Module = atom(),
%% BmTest = atom(),
%% Iter = integer()
%% Elapsed = integer() - elapsed time in milliseconds.
%% Runs the benchmark Module:BmTest(Iter)
bm_run(Module, BmTest, Iter) ->
io:format(" ~s", [BmTest]), % Progress info to user
spawn_link(?MODULE, measure, [self(), Module, BmTest, Iter]),
{Elapsed, ok} ->
{_Elapsed, Fault} ->
Reason =
io_lib:format("~w", [Fault])),
exit(self(), Reason)
%% measure(Parent, Module, BmTest, Iter) -> _
%% Parent = pid(),
%% Module = atom(),
%% BmTest = atom(),
%% Iter = integer()
%% Measures the time it take to execute Module:Bm(Iter)
%% and send the result to <Parent>.
measure(Parent, Module, BmTest, Iter) ->
Res = (catch apply(Module, BmTest, [Iter])),
{_TotalRunTime, TimeSinceLastCall} = statistics(runtime),
Parent ! {TimeSinceLastCall, Res}.
%%% Report functions
%% report() -> _
%% Creates a report of the bench marking test that appeals to a human.
%% Currently this means creating a html-file. (Other formats could be added)
report() ->
{ok, AllFiles} = file:list_dir("."),
BmResultFiles = [File || File <- AllFiles, lists:suffix(".bmres", File)],
Results = fetch_bmres_data(BmResultFiles),
%% fetch_bmres_data(BmResultFiles) -> Results
%% BmResultFiles = [FileName | _]
%% FileName = string()
%% Results = [[{Bm, Res} | _]]
%% Bm = atom() - Name of benchmark module
%% Res = [{VersionInfo, [{Test, Time} | _]}]
%% VersionInfo = {Ver, Machine}
%% Ver = string()
%% Machine = string()
%% Test = atom()
%% Time = integer()
%% Reads result data from intermediate files
fetch_bmres_data(BmResultFiles) ->
fetch_bmres_data(BmResultFiles, [], undefined).
%% fetch_bmres_data(BmResultFiles, AccResData, Check) -> Results
%% BmResultFiles = [FileName | _]
%% FileName = string()
%% AccResData = see Results fetch_bmres_data/1
%% Check = integer() | undefined (first time)
%% Help function to fetch_bmres_data/1
fetch_bmres_data([], AccResData, _Check) ->
fetch_bmres_data([Name | BmResultFiles], AccResData, Check) ->
{DataList, NewCheck} = read_bmres_file(Name, Check),
fetch_bmres_data(BmResultFiles, [DataList| AccResData], NewCheck).
%% read_bmres_file(Name, Check) ->
%% Name = string()
%% Check = integer() | undefined
%% Reads the data from the result files. Checks that all result
%% files where created with the same set of tests.
read_bmres_file(Name, Check) ->
case file:consult(Name) of
{ok, [Check1, List]} when Check =:= undefined, integer(Check1) ->
{List, Check1};
{ok, [Check, List]} when integer(Check) ->
{List, Check};
{ok, [Check1, List]} when integer(Check1) ->
Reason =
io_lib:format("Different test setup, remove old setup "
"result by removing *.bmres files and "
"try again", [])),
exit(self(), Reason);
{error, Reason} when atom(Reason) ->
exit(self(), Reason);
{error, Reason} ->
exit(self(), file:format(Reason))
%% create_report(Results) ->
%% Results = see Results fetch_bmres_data/1
%% Organizes <Result> so it will be right for create_html_report/1
%% i.e. group results for the same benchmark test, run on different versions
%% of erlang.
create_report(Results) ->
Dictionary =
lists:foldl(fun(BmResultList, Dict0) ->
lists:foldl(fun({Bm, VerResult}, Dict1) ->
dict:append(Bm, VerResult,
end,Dict0, BmResultList)
dict:new(), Results),
%% create_html_report(ResultList) -> _
%% ResultList = [{Bm, Res} | _]
%% Bm = atom() - Name of benchmark module
%% Res = [{VersionInfo, [{Test, Time} | _]} | _]
%% VersionInfo = {Ver, Machine}
%% Ver = string()
%% Machine = string()
%% Test = atom()
%% Time = integer()
%% Writes the result to an html-file
create_html_report(ResultList) ->
{ok, OutputFile} = file:open("index.html", [write]),
%% Create the begining of the result html-file.
Head = Title = "Benchmark Results",
io:put_chars(OutputFile, "<html>\n"),
io:put_chars(OutputFile, "<head>\n"),
io:format(OutputFile, "<title>~s</title>\n", [Title]),
io:put_chars(OutputFile, "</head>\n"),
io:put_chars(OutputFile, "<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\"" ++
" link=\"#0000FF\" vlink=\"#800080\" alink=\"#FF0000\">\n"),
io:format(OutputFile, "<h1>~s</h1>\n", [Head]),
%% Add the result tables
lists:foreach(fun(Element) ->
create_html_table(OutputFile, Element) end,
%% Put in the end-html tags
io:put_chars(OutputFile, "</body>\n"),
io:put_chars(OutputFile, "</html>\n"),
%% create_html_table(File, {Bm, Res}) -> _
%% File = file() - html file to write data to.
%% Bm = atom() - Name of benchmark module
%% Res = [{VersionInfo, [{Test, Time} | _]}]
%% VersionInfo = {Ver, Machine}
%% Ver = string()
%% Machine = string()
%% Test = atom()
%% Time = integer()
%% Creates a html table that displays the result of the benchmark <Bm>.
create_html_table(File, {Bm, Res}) ->
{MinTime, Order} = min_time_and_sort(Res),
io:format(File, "<h2>~s</h2>\n" , [Bm]),
%% Fun that calculates relative measure values and puts them in
%% a dictionary
RelativeMesureFun = fun({TestName, Time}, Dict1) ->
dict:append(TestName, Time/MinTime, Dict1)
%% For all erlang versions that the benchmark tests has been run,
%% calculate the relative measure values and put them in a dictionary.
ResultDict =
lists:foldl(fun({_VerInfo, Bms}, Dict0) ->
lists:foldl(RelativeMesureFun, Dict0, Bms) end,
dict:new(), Res),
%% Create the table and its headings
io:put_chars(File, "<table border=0 cellpadding=1><tr>"
"<td bgcolor=\"#000000\">\n"),
io:put_chars(File, "<table cellpadding=3 border=0 cellspacing=1>\n"),
io:put_chars(File, "<tr bgcolor=white>"),
io:put_chars(File, "<td>Test</td>"),
Heads = table_headers(Res),
lists:foreach(fun({Ver,Machine,Comment}) ->
io:format(File, "<td>~s<br>~s<br>~s</td>",
[Ver,Machine,Comment]) end, Heads),
io:put_chars(File, "</tr>\n"),
%% Create table rows
lists:foreach(fun(Name) ->
create_html_row(File, Name, ResultDict)
end, Order),
%% Tabel end-tags
io:put_chars(File, "</table></td></tr></table>\n"),
%% Create link to benchmark source code
io:format(File, "<p><a href=\"~s.erl\">Source for ~s.erl</a>\n",
%% create_html_row(File, Name, Dict) -> _
%% File = file() - html file to write data to.
%% Name = atom() - Name of benchmark test
%% Dict = dict() - Dictonary where the relative time measures for
%% the test can be found.
%% Creates an actual html table-row.
create_html_row(File, Name, Dict) ->
ReletiveTimes = dict:fetch(Name, Dict),
io:put_chars(File, "<tr bgcolor=white>\n"),
io:format(File, "<td>~s</td>", [Name]),
lists:foreach(fun(Time) ->
io:format(File, "<td>~-8.2f</td>", [Time]) end,
io:put_chars(File, "</tr>\n").
%% min_time_and_sort(ResultList) -> {MinTime, Order}
%% ResultList = [{VersionInfo, [{Test, Time} | _]}]
%% MinTime = integer() - The execution time of the fastes test
%% Order = [BmFunctionName|_] - the order of the testcases in
%% increasing execution time.
%% BmFunctionName = atom()
min_time_and_sort(ResultList) ->
%% Use the results from the run on the highest version
%% of Erlang as norm.
{_, TestRes} =
lists:foldl(fun ({Ver, ResList},
CurrentVer) when Ver > CurrentVer ->
{Ver, ResList};
(_, VerAndRes) ->
end, {"0", []}, ResultList),
{lists:foldl(fun ({_, Time0}, Min1) when Time0 < Min1 ->
(_, Min1) ->
end, ?MAX, TestRes),
[Name || {Name, _} <- lists:keysort(2, TestRes)]}.
%% table_headers(VerResultList) -> SysInfo
%% VerResultList = [{{Ver, Machine},[{BmFunctionName, Time}]} | _]
%% Ver = string()
%% Machine = string()
%% BmFunctionName = atom()
%% Time = integer()
%% SysInfo = {Ver, Machine}
table_headers(VerResultList) ->
[SysInfo || {SysInfo, _} <- VerResultList].