-record('Dos', {
opt = asn1_NOVALUE,
def = asn1_DEFAULT
-define(def_DEFAULT, <<5>>).
dos(Rules) ->
%% test roundtrip default
E1 = roundtrip(#'Dos'{}, #'Dos'{def = ?def_DEFAULT}),
%% test the value dos defined in the .asn file
E2 = roundtrip('DefaultOctetString':dos()),
%% sanity test a fully specified SEQUENCE
E3 = roundtrip(#'Dos'{opt = <<1,2,3>>, def = <<6>>}),
%% test def is/isn't encoded according to the value
if Rules == ber ->
<<48, 0>> = E1,
<<48, 4, 16#82, 2, 16#12, 16#34>> = E2,
<<48, 8, 16#82, 3, 1, 2, 3, 16#8A, 1, 6>> = E3;
true ->
roundtrip(Value) ->
roundtrip(Value, Value).
roundtrip(Value, Exp) ->
asn1_test_lib:roundtrip('DefaultOctetString', 'Dos', Value, Exp).