%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% @doc Common Test user interface module for the OTP snmp application
%%% The purpose of this module is to make snmp configuration easier for
%%% the test case writer. Many test cases can use default values for common
%%% operations and then no snmp configuration files need to be supplied. When
%%% it is necessary to change particular configuration parameters, a subset
%%% of the relevant snmp configuration files may be passed to <code>ct_snmp</code>
%%% by means of Common Test configuration files.
%%% For more specialized configuration parameters, it is possible to place a
%%% "simple snmp configuration file" in the test suite data directory.
%%% To simplify the test suite, Common Test keeps track
%%% of some of the snmp manager information. This way the test suite doesn't
%%% have to handle as many input parameters as it would if it had to interface the
%%% OTP snmp manager directly.
%%% <p> The following snmp manager and agent parameters are configurable: </p>
%%% <pre>
%%% {snmp,
%%% %%% Manager config
%%% [{start_manager, boolean()} % Optional - default is true
%%% {users, [{user_name(), [call_back_module(), user_data()]}]}, %% Optional
%%% {usm_users, [{usm_user_name(), usm_config()}]},%% Optional - snmp v3 only
%%% % managed_agents is optional
%%% {managed_agents,[{agent_name(), [user_name(), agent_ip(), agent_port(), [agent_config()]]}]},
%%% {max_msg_size, integer()}, % Optional - default is 484
%%% {mgr_port, integer()}, % Optional - default is 5000
%%% {engine _id, string()}, % Optional - default is "mgrEngine"
%%% %%% Agent config
%%% {start_agent, boolean()}, % Optional - default is false
%%% {agent_sysname, string()}, % Optional - default is "ct_test"
%%% {agent_manager_ip, manager_ip()}, % Optional - default is localhost
%%% {agent_vsns, list()}, % Optional - default is [v2]
%%% {agent_trap_udp, integer()}, % Optional - default is 5000
%%% {agent_udp, integer()}, % Optional - default is 4000
%%% {agent_notify_type, atom()}, % Optional - default is trap
%%% {agent_sec_type, sec_type()}, % Optional - default is none
%%% {agent_passwd, string()}, % Optional - default is ""
%%% {agent_engine_id, string()}, % Optional - default is "agentEngine"
%%% {agent_max_msg_size, string()},% Optional - default is 484
%%% %% The following parameters represents the snmp configuration files
%%% %% context.conf, standard.conf, community.conf, vacm.conf,
%%% %% usm.conf, notify.conf, target_addr.conf and target_params.conf.
%%% %% Note all values in agent.conf can be altered by the parametes
%%% %% above. All these configuration files have default values set
%%% %% up by the snmp application. These values can be overridden by
%%% %% suppling a list of valid configuration values or a file located
%%% %% in the test suites data dir that can produce a list
%%% %% of valid configuration values if you apply file:consult/1 to the
%%% %% file.
%%% {agent_contexts, [term()] | {data_dir_file, rel_path()}}, % Optional
%%% {agent_community, [term()] | {data_dir_file, rel_path()}},% Optional
%%% {agent_sysinfo, [term()] | {data_dir_file, rel_path()}}, % Optional
%%% {agent_vacm, [term()] | {data_dir_file, rel_path()}}, % Optional
%%% {agent_usm, [term()] | {data_dir_file, rel_path()}}, % Optional
%%% {agent_notify_def, [term()] | {data_dir_file, rel_path()}},% Optional
%%% {agent_target_address_def, [term()] | {data_dir_file, rel_path()}},% Optional
%%% {agent_target_param_def, [term()] | {data_dir_file, rel_path()}},% Optional
%%% ]}.
%%% </pre>
%%% <p>The <code>MgrAgentConfName</code> parameter in the functions
%%% should be a name you allocate in your test suite using a
%%% <code>require</code> statement.
%%% Example (where <code>MgrAgentConfName = snmp_mgr_agent</code>):</p>
%%% <pre> suite() -> [{require, snmp_mgr_agent, snmp}].</pre>
%%% <p>or</p>
%%% <pre> ct:require(snmp_mgr_agent, snmp).</pre>
%%% <p> Note that Usm users are needed for snmp v3 configuration and are
%%% not to be confused with users.</p>
%%% <p> Snmp traps, inform and report messages are handled by the
%%% user callback module. For more information about this see
%%% the snmp application. </p>
%%% <p> Note: It is recommended to use the .hrl-files created by the
%%% Erlang/OTP mib-compiler to define the oids.
%%% Example for the getting the erlang node name from the erlNodeTable
%%% in the OTP-MIB:</p>
%%% <pre>Oid = ?erlNodeEntry ++ [?erlNodeName, 1] </pre>
%%% <p>It is also possible to set values for snmp application configuration
%%% parameters, such as <code>config</code>, <code>server</code>,
%%% <code>net_if</code>, etc (see the "Configuring the application" chapter in
%%% the OTP snmp User's Guide for a list of valid parameters and types). This is
%%% done by defining a configuration data variable on the following form:</p>
%%% <pre>
%%% {snmp_app, [{manager, [snmp_app_manager_params()]},
%%% {agent, [snmp_app_agent_params()]}]}.</pre>
%%% <p>A name for the data needs to be allocated in the suite using
%%% <code>require</code> (see example above), and this name passed as
%%% the <code>SnmpAppConfName</code> argument to <code>start/3</code>.
%%% <code>ct_snmp</code> specifies default values for some snmp application
%%% configuration parameters (such as <code>{verbosity,trace}</code> for the
%%% <code>config</code> parameter). This set of defaults will be
%%% merged with the parameters specified by the user, and user values
%%% override <code>ct_snmp</code> defaults.</p>
%%% Common Types
%%% @type agent_ip() = ip()
%%% @type manager_ip() = ip()
%%% @type agent_name() = atom()
%%% @type ip() = string() | {integer(), integer(),
%%% integer(), integer()}
%%% @type agent_port() = integer()
%%% @type agent_config() = {Item, Value}
%%% @type user_name() = atom()
%%% @type usm_user_name() = string()
%%% @type usm_config() = string()
%%% @type call_back_module() = atom()
%%% @type user_data() = term()
%%% @type oids() = [oid()]
%%% @type oid() = [byte()]
%%% @type snmpreply() = {error_status(), error_index(), varbinds()}
%%% @type error_status() = noError | atom()
%%% @type error_index() = integer()
%%% @type varbinds() = [varbind()]
%%% @type varbind() = term()
%%% @type value_type() = o ('OBJECT IDENTIFIER') | i ('INTEGER') |
%%% u ('Unsigned32') | g ('Unsigned32') | s ('OCTET STRING')
%%% @type varsandvals() = [var_and_val()]
%%% @type var_and_val() = {oid(), value_type(), value()}
%%% @type sec_type() = none | minimum | semi
%%% @type rel_path() = string()
%%% @type snmp_app_manager_params() = term()
%%% @type snmp_app_agent_params() = term()
%%% API
-export([start/2, start/3, stop/1, get_values/3, get_next_values/3, set_values/4,
set_info/1, register_users/2, register_agents/2, register_usm_users/2,
unregister_users/1, unregister_agents/1, update_usm_users/2,
%% Manager values
-define(CT_SNMP_LOG_FILE, "ct_snmp_set.log").
-define(MGR_PORT, 5000).
-define(MAX_MSG_SIZE, 484).
-define(ENGINE_ID, "mgrEngine").
%% Agent values
-define(AGENT_ENGINE_ID, "agentEngine").
-define(TRAP_UDP, 5000).
-define(AGENT_UDP, 4000).
-define(CONF_FILE_VER, [v2]).
-define(AGENT_MAX_MSG_SIZE, 484).
-define(AGENT_NOTIFY_TYPE, trap).
-define(AGENT_SEC_TYPE, none).
-define(AGENT_PASSWD, "").
%%% API
%%% @spec start(Config, MgrAgentConfName) -> ok
%%% @equiv start(Config, MgrAgentConfName, undefined)
start(Config, MgrAgentConfName) ->
start(Config, MgrAgentConfName, undefined).
%%% @spec start(Config, MgrAgentConfName, SnmpAppConfName) -> ok
%%% Config = [{Key, Value}]
%%% Key = atom()
%%% Value = term()
%%% MgrAgentConfName = atom()
%%% SnmpConfName = atom()
%%% @doc Starts an snmp manager and/or agent. In the manager case,
%%% registrations of users and agents as specified by the configuration
%%% <code>MgrAgentConfName</code> will be performed. When using snmp
%%% v3 also so called usm users will be registered. Note that users,
%%% usm_users and managed agents may also be registered at a later time
%%% using ct_snmp:register_users/2, ct_snmp:register_agents/2, and
%%% ct_snmp:register_usm_users/2. The agent started will be
%%% called <code>snmp_master_agent</code>. Use ct_snmp:load_mibs/1 to load
%%% mibs into the agent. With <code>SnmpAppConfName</code> it's possible
%%% to configure the snmp application with parameters such as <code>config</code>,
%%% <code>mibs</code>, <code>net_if</code>, etc. The values will be merged
%%% with (and possibly override) default values set by <code>ct_snmp</code>.
start(Config, MgrAgentConfName, SnmpAppConfName) ->
StartManager= ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, start_manager}, true),
StartAgent = ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, start_agent}, false),
SysName = ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, agent_sysname}, "ct_test"),
{ok, HostName} = inet:gethostname(),
{ok, Addr} = inet:getaddr(HostName, inet),
IP = tuple_to_list(Addr),
AgentManagerIP = ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, agent_manager_ip}, IP),
setup_agent(StartAgent, MgrAgentConfName, SnmpAppConfName,
Config, SysName, AgentManagerIP, IP),
setup_manager(StartManager, MgrAgentConfName, SnmpAppConfName,
Config, AgentManagerIP),
manager_register(StartManager, MgrAgentConfName).
%%% @spec stop(Config) -> ok
%%% Config = [{Key, Value}]
%%% Key = atom()
%%% Value = term()
%%% @doc Stops the snmp manager and/or agent removes all files created.
stop(Config) ->
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
MgrDir = filename:join(PrivDir,"mgr"),
ConfDir = filename:join(PrivDir, "conf"),
DbDir = filename:join(PrivDir,"db"),
catch del_dir(MgrDir),
catch del_dir(ConfDir),
catch del_dir(DbDir).
%%% @spec get_values(Agent, Oids, MgrAgentConfName) -> SnmpReply
%%% Agent = agent_name()
%%% Oids = oids()
%%% MgrAgentConfName = atom()
%%% SnmpReply = snmpreply()
%%% @doc Issues a synchronous snmp get request.
get_values(Agent, Oids, MgrAgentConfName) ->
[Uid | _] = agent_conf(Agent, MgrAgentConfName),
{ok, SnmpReply, _} = snmpm:sync_get2(Uid, target_name(Agent), Oids),
%%% @spec get_next_values(Agent, Oids, MgrAgentConfName) -> SnmpReply
%%% Agent = agent_name()
%%% Oids = oids()
%%% MgrAgentConfName = atom()
%%% SnmpReply = snmpreply()
%%% @doc Issues a synchronous snmp get next request.
get_next_values(Agent, Oids, MgrAgentConfName) ->
[Uid | _] = agent_conf(Agent, MgrAgentConfName),
{ok, SnmpReply, _} = snmpm:sync_get_next2(Uid, target_name(Agent), Oids),
%%% @spec set_values(Agent, VarsAndVals, MgrAgentConfName, Config) -> SnmpReply
%%% Agent = agent_name()
%%% Oids = oids()
%%% MgrAgentConfName = atom()
%%% Config = [{Key, Value}]
%%% SnmpReply = snmpreply()
%%% @doc Issues a synchronous snmp set request.
set_values(Agent, VarsAndVals, MgrAgentConfName, Config) ->
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
[Uid | _] = agent_conf(Agent, MgrAgentConfName),
Oids = lists:map(fun({Oid, _, _}) -> Oid end, VarsAndVals),
TargetName = target_name(Agent),
{ok, SnmpGetReply, _} = snmpm:sync_get2(Uid, TargetName, Oids),
{ok, SnmpSetReply, _} = snmpm:sync_set2(Uid, TargetName, VarsAndVals),
case SnmpSetReply of
{noError, 0, _} when PrivDir /= false ->
log(PrivDir, Agent, SnmpGetReply, VarsAndVals);
_ ->
%%% @spec set_info(Config) -> [{Agent, OldVarsAndVals, NewVarsAndVals}]
%%% Config = [{Key, Value}]
%%% Agent = agent_name()
%%% OldVarsAndVals = varsandvals()
%%% NewVarsAndVals = varsandvals()
%%% @doc Returns a list of all successful set requests performed in
%%% the test case in reverse order. The list contains the involved
%%% user and agent, the value prior to the set and the new value. This
%%% is intended to facilitate the clean up in the end_per_testcase
%%% function i.e. the undoing of the set requests and its possible
%%% side-effects.
set_info(Config) ->
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
SetLogFile = filename:join(PrivDir, ?CT_SNMP_LOG_FILE),
case file:consult(SetLogFile) of
{ok, SetInfo} ->
_ ->
%%% @spec register_users(MgrAgentConfName, Users) -> ok | {error, Reason}
%%% MgrAgentConfName = atom()
%%% Users = [user()]
%%% Reason = term()
%%% @doc Register the manager entity (=user) responsible for specific agent(s).
%%% Corresponds to making an entry in users.conf
register_users(MgrAgentConfName, Users) ->
{snmp, SnmpVals} = ct:get_config(MgrAgentConfName),
NewSnmpVals = lists:keyreplace(users, 1, SnmpVals, {users, Users}),
ct_config:update_config(MgrAgentConfName, {snmp, NewSnmpVals}),
%%% @spec register_agents(MgrAgentConfName, ManagedAgents) -> ok | {error, Reason}
%%% MgrAgentConfName = atom()
%%% ManagedAgents = [agent()]
%%% Reason = term()
%%% @doc Explicitly instruct the manager to handle this agent.
%%% Corresponds to making an entry in agents.conf
register_agents(MgrAgentConfName, ManagedAgents) ->
{snmp, SnmpVals} = ct:get_config(MgrAgentConfName),
NewSnmpVals = lists:keyreplace(managed_agents, 1, SnmpVals,
{managed_agents, ManagedAgents}),
ct_config:update_config(MgrAgentConfName, {snmp, NewSnmpVals}),
%%% @spec register_usm_users(MgrAgentConfName, UsmUsers) -> ok | {error, Reason}
%%% MgrAgentConfName = atom()
%%% UsmUsers = [usm_user()]
%%% Reason = term()
%%% @doc Explicitly instruct the manager to handle this USM user.
%%% Corresponds to making an entry in usm.conf
register_usm_users(MgrAgentConfName, UsmUsers) ->
{snmp, SnmpVals} = ct:get_config(MgrAgentConfName),
NewSnmpVals = lists:keyreplace(users, 1, SnmpVals, {usm_users, UsmUsers}),
ct_config:update_config(MgrAgentConfName, {snmp, NewSnmpVals}),
EngineID = ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, engine_id}, ?ENGINE_ID),
setup_usm_users(UsmUsers, EngineID).
%%% @spec unregister_users(MgrAgentConfName) -> ok | {error, Reason}
%%% MgrAgentConfName = atom()
%%% Reason = term()
%%% @doc Removes information added when calling register_users/2.
unregister_users(MgrAgentConfName) ->
Users = lists:map(fun({UserName, _}) -> UserName end,
ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, users})),
{snmp, SnmpVals} = ct:get_config(MgrAgentConfName),
NewSnmpVals = lists:keyreplace(users, 1, SnmpVals, {users, []}),
ct_config:update_config(MgrAgentConfName, {snmp, NewSnmpVals}),
%%% @spec unregister_agents(MgrAgentConfName) -> ok | {error, Reason}
%%% MgrAgentConfName = atom()
%%% Reason = term()
%%% @doc Removes information added when calling register_agents/2.
unregister_agents(MgrAgentConfName) ->
ManagedAgents = lists:map(fun({_, [Uid, AgentIP, AgentPort, _]}) ->
{Uid, AgentIP, AgentPort}
ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, managed_agents})),
{snmp, SnmpVals} = ct:get_config(MgrAgentConfName),
NewSnmpVals = lists:keyreplace(managed_agents, 1, SnmpVals,
{managed_agents, []}),
ct_config:update_config(MgrAgentConfName, {snmp, NewSnmpVals}),
%%% @spec update_usm_users(MgrAgentConfName, UsmUsers) -> ok | {error, Reason}
%%% MgrAgentConfName = atom()
%%% UsmUsers = usm_users()
%%% Reason = term()
%%% @doc Alters information added when calling register_usm_users/2.
update_usm_users(MgrAgentConfName, UsmUsers) ->
{snmp, SnmpVals} = ct:get_config(MgrAgentConfName),
NewSnmpVals = lists:keyreplace(usm_users, 1, SnmpVals,
{usm_users, UsmUsers}),
ct_config:update_config(MgrAgentConfName, {snmp, NewSnmpVals}),
EngineID = ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, engine_id}, ?ENGINE_ID),
do_update_usm_users(UsmUsers, EngineID).
%%% @spec load_mibs(Mibs) -> ok | {error, Reason}
%%% Mibs = [MibName]
%%% MibName = string()
%%% Reason = term()
%%% @doc Load the mibs into the agent 'snmp_master_agent'.
load_mibs(Mibs) ->
snmpa:load_mibs(snmp_master_agent, Mibs).
%%% Internal functions
prepare_snmp_env() ->
%% To make sure application:set_env is not overwritten by any
%% app-file settings.
%% Fix for older versions of snmp where there are some
%% inappropriate default values for alway starting an
%% agent.
application:unset_env(snmp, agent).
setup_manager(false, _, _, _, _) ->
setup_manager(true, MgrConfName, SnmpConfName, Config, IP) ->
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
MaxMsgSize = ct:get_config({MgrConfName,max_msg_size}, ?MAX_MSG_SIZE),
Port = ct:get_config({MgrConfName,mgr_port}, ?MGR_PORT),
EngineID = ct:get_config({MgrConfName,engine_id}, ?ENGINE_ID),
MgrDir = filename:join(PrivDir,"mgr"),
%%% Users, Agents and Usms are in test suites register after the
%%% snmp application is started.
Users = [],
Agents = [],
Usms = [],
snmp_config:write_manager_snmp_files(MgrDir, IP, Port, MaxMsgSize,
EngineID, Users, Agents, Usms),
SnmpEnv = merge_snmp_conf([{config, [{dir, MgrDir},{db_dir, MgrDir},
{verbosity, trace}]},
{server, [{verbosity, trace}]},
{net_if, [{verbosity, trace}]},
{versions, [v1, v2, v3]}],
application:set_env(snmp, manager, SnmpEnv).
setup_agent(false,_, _, _, _, _, _) ->
setup_agent(true, AgentConfName, SnmpConfName,
Config, SysName, ManagerIP, AgentIP) ->
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
Vsns = ct:get_config({AgentConfName, agent_vsns}, ?CONF_FILE_VER),
TrapUdp = ct:get_config({AgentConfName, agent_trap_udp}, ?TRAP_UDP),
AgentUdp = ct:get_config({AgentConfName, agent_udp}, ?AGENT_UDP),
NotifType = ct:get_config({AgentConfName, agent_notify_type},
SecType = ct:get_config({AgentConfName, agent_sec_type}, ?AGENT_SEC_TYPE),
Passwd = ct:get_config({AgentConfName, agent_passwd}, ?AGENT_PASSWD),
AgentEngineID = ct:get_config({AgentConfName, agent_engine_id},
AgentMaxMsgSize = ct:get_config({AgentConfName, agent_max_msg_size},
ConfDir = filename:join(PrivDir, "conf"),
DbDir = filename:join(PrivDir,"db"),
snmp_config:write_agent_snmp_files(ConfDir, Vsns, ManagerIP, TrapUdp,
AgentIP, AgentUdp, SysName,
NotifType, SecType, Passwd,
AgentEngineID, AgentMaxMsgSize),
override_default_configuration(Config, AgentConfName),
SnmpEnv = merge_snmp_conf([{db_dir, DbDir},
{config, [{dir, ConfDir},
{verbosity, trace}]},
{agent_type, master},
{agent_verbosity, trace},
{net_if, [{verbosity, trace}]}],
application:set_env(snmp, agent, SnmpEnv).
merge_snmp_conf(Defaults, undefined) ->
merge_snmp_conf([Def={Key,DefList=[P|_]}|DefParams], UserParams) when is_tuple(P) ->
case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, UserParams) of
false ->
[Def | merge_snmp_conf(DefParams, UserParams)];
{value,{Key,UserList}} ->
DefList1 = [{SubKey,Val} || {SubKey,Val} <- DefList,
lists:keysearch(SubKey, 1, UserList) == false],
[{Key,DefList1++UserList} | merge_snmp_conf(DefParams,
lists:keydelete(Key, 1, UserParams))]
merge_snmp_conf([Def={Key,_}|DefParams], UserParams) ->
case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, UserParams) of
false ->
[Def | merge_snmp_conf(DefParams, UserParams)];
{value,_} ->
merge_snmp_conf(DefParams, UserParams)
merge_snmp_conf([], UserParams) ->
manager_register(false, _) ->
manager_register(true, MgrAgentConfName) ->
Agents = ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, managed_agents}, []),
Users = ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, users}, []),
UsmUsers = ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, usm_users}, []),
EngineID = ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, engine_id}, ?ENGINE_ID),
setup_usm_users(UsmUsers, EngineID),
setup_users(Users) ->
lists:foreach(fun({Id, [Module, Data]}) ->
snmpm:register_user(Id, Module, Data)
end, Users).
setup_managed_agents(_,[]) ->
[{AgentName, [Uid, AgentIp, AgentUdpPort, AgentConf0]} |
Rest]) ->
NewAgentIp = case AgentIp of
IpTuple when is_tuple(IpTuple) ->
HostName when is_list(HostName) ->
{ok,Hostent} = inet:gethostbyname(HostName),
[IpTuple|_] = Hostent#hostent.h_addr_list,
AgentConf =
case lists:keymember(engine_id,1,AgentConf0) of
true ->
false ->
DefaultEngineID = ct:get_config({AgentConfName,agent_engine_id},
ok = snmpm:register_agent(Uid, target_name(AgentName),
[{address,NewAgentIp},{port,AgentUdpPort} |
setup_usm_users(UsmUsers, EngineID)->
lists:foreach(fun({UsmUser, Conf}) ->
snmpm:register_usm_user(EngineID, UsmUser, Conf)
end, UsmUsers).
takedown_users(Users) ->
lists:foreach(fun({Id}) ->
end, Users).
takedown_managed_agents([{Uid, AgentIp, AgentUdpPort} |
Rest]) ->
NewAgentIp = case AgentIp of
IpTuple when is_tuple(IpTuple) ->
HostName when is_list(HostName) ->
{ok,Hostent} = inet:gethostbyname(HostName),
[IpTuple|_] = Hostent#hostent.h_addr_list,
ok = snmpm:unregister_agent(Uid, NewAgentIp, AgentUdpPort),
takedown_managed_agents([]) ->
do_update_usm_users(UsmUsers, EngineID) ->
lists:foreach(fun({UsmUser, {Item, Val}}) ->
snmpm:update_usm_user_info(EngineID, UsmUser,
Item, Val)
end, UsmUsers).
log(PrivDir, Agent, {_, _, Varbinds}, NewVarsAndVals) ->
Fun = fun(#varbind{oid = Oid, variabletype = Type, value = Value}) ->
{Oid, Type, Value}
OldVarsAndVals = lists:map(Fun, Varbinds),
File = filename:join(PrivDir, ?CT_SNMP_LOG_FILE),
{ok, Fd} = file:open(File, [write, append]),
io:format(Fd, "~p.~n", [{Agent, OldVarsAndVals, NewVarsAndVals}]),
del_dir(Dir) ->
{ok, Files} = file:list_dir(Dir),
FullPathFiles = lists:map(fun(File) -> filename:join(Dir, File) end,
lists:foreach(fun file:delete/1, FullPathFiles),
agent_conf(Agent, MgrAgentConfName) ->
Agents = ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, managed_agents}),
case lists:keysearch(Agent, 1, Agents) of
{value, {Agent, AgentConf}} ->
_ ->
exit({error, {unknown_agent, Agent, Agents}})
override_default_configuration(Config, MgrAgentConfName) ->
ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, agent_contexts}, undefined)),
ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, agent_community}, undefined)),
ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, agent_sysinfo}, undefined)),
ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, agent_vacm}, undefined)),
ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, agent_usm}, undefined)),
ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, agent_notify_def}, undefined)),
ct:get_config({MgrAgentConfName, agent_target_param_def},
override_contexts(_, undefined) ->
override_contexts(Config, {data_dir_file, File}) ->
Dir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
FullPathFile = filename:join(Dir, File),
{ok, ContextInfo} = file:consult(FullPathFile),
override_contexts(Config, ContextInfo);
override_contexts(Config, Contexts) ->
Dir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
File = filename:join(Dir,"context.conf"),
snmp_config:write_agent_context_config(Dir, "", Contexts).
override_sysinfo(_, undefined) ->
override_sysinfo(Config, {data_dir_file, File}) ->
Dir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
FullPathFile = filename:join(Dir, File),
{ok, SysInfo} = file:consult(FullPathFile),
override_sysinfo(Config, SysInfo);
override_sysinfo(Config, SysInfo) ->
Dir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
File = filename:join(Dir,"standard.conf"),
snmp_config:write_agent_standard_config(Dir, "", SysInfo).
override_target_address(_, undefined) ->
override_target_address(Config, {data_dir_file, File}) ->
Dir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
FullPathFile = filename:join(Dir, File),
{ok, TargetAddressConf} = file:consult(FullPathFile),
override_target_address(Config, TargetAddressConf);
override_target_address(Config, TargetAddressConf) ->
Dir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
File = filename:join(Dir,"target_addr.conf"),
snmp_config:write_agent_target_addr_config(Dir, "", TargetAddressConf).
override_target_params(_, undefined) ->
override_target_params(Config, {data_dir_file, File}) ->
Dir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
FullPathFile = filename:join(Dir, File),
{ok, TargetParamsConf} = file:consult(FullPathFile),
override_target_params(Config, TargetParamsConf);
override_target_params(Config, TargetParamsConf) ->
Dir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
File = filename:join(Dir,"target_params.conf"),
snmp_config:write_agent_target_params_config(Dir, "", TargetParamsConf).
override_notify(_, undefined) ->
override_notify(Config, {data_dir_file, File}) ->
Dir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
FullPathFile = filename:join(Dir, File),
{ok, NotifyConf} = file:consult(FullPathFile),
override_notify(Config, NotifyConf);
override_notify(Config, NotifyConf) ->
Dir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
File = filename:join(Dir,"notify.conf"),
snmp_config:write_agent_notify_config(Dir, "", NotifyConf).
override_usm(_, undefined) ->
override_usm(Config, {data_dir_file, File}) ->
Dir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
FullPathFile = filename:join(Dir, File),
{ok, UsmConf} = file:consult(FullPathFile),
override_usm(Config, UsmConf);
override_usm(Config, UsmConf) ->
Dir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
File = filename:join(Dir,"usm.conf"),
snmp_config:write_agent_usm_config(Dir, "", UsmConf).
override_community(_, undefined) ->
override_community(Config, {data_dir_file, File}) ->
Dir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
FullPathFile = filename:join(Dir, File),
{ok, CommunityConf} = file:consult(FullPathFile),
override_community(Config, CommunityConf);
override_community(Config, CommunityConf) ->
Dir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
File = filename:join(Dir,"community.conf"),
snmp_config:write_agent_community_config(Dir, "", CommunityConf).
override_vacm(_, undefined) ->
override_vacm(Config, {data_dir_file, File}) ->
Dir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
FullPathFile = filename:join(Dir, File),
{ok, VacmConf} = file:consult(FullPathFile),
override_vacm(Config, VacmConf);
override_vacm(Config, VacmConf) ->
Dir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
File = filename:join(Dir,"vacm.conf"),
snmp_config:write_agent_vacm_config(Dir, "", VacmConf).
target_name(Agent) ->