path: root/lib/common_test/src/ct_suite_callback.erl
blob: 06c7fc3833268eccac04ee8ba47bc67bdbaacd82 (plain) (tree)








































%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2010. All Rights Reserved.
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%% %CopyrightEnd%

%%% @doc Common Test Framework test execution control module.
%%% <p>This module is a proxy for calling and handling suite callbacks.</p>


%% API Exports

-type proplist() :: [{atom(),term()}].

-define(config_name, suite_callbacks).

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% API Functions
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

%% @doc Called before any suites are started
-spec init(State :: term()) -> ok |
			       {error, Reason :: term()}.
init(Opts) ->
    call([{CB, call_init, undefined} || CB <- get_new_callbacks(Opts)],
	 ct_suite_callback_init_dummy, init, []),

%% @doc Called after all suites are done.
-spec terminate(Callbacks :: term()) ->
terminate(Callbacks) ->
    call([{CBId, fun call_terminate/3} || {CBId,_,_} <- Callbacks],
	 ct_suite_callback_terminate_dummy, terminate, Callbacks),

%% @doc Called as each test case is started. This includes all configuration
%% tests.
-spec init_tc(Mod :: atom(), Func :: atom(), Args :: list()) ->
    NewConfig :: proplist() |
    {skip, Reason :: term()} |
    {auto_skip, Reason :: term()} |
    {fail, Reason :: term()}.
init_tc(ct_framework, _Func, Args) ->
init_tc(Mod, init_per_suite, Config) ->
    call(fun call_generic/3, Config, [pre_init_per_suite, Mod]);
init_tc(Mod, end_per_suite, Config) ->
    call(fun call_generic/3, Config, [pre_end_per_suite, Mod]);
init_tc(_Mod, {init_per_group, GroupName, _}, Config) ->
    call(fun call_generic/3, Config, [pre_init_per_group, GroupName]);
init_tc(_Mod, {end_per_group, GroupName, _}, Config) ->
    call(fun call_generic/3, Config, [pre_end_per_group, GroupName]);
init_tc(_Mod, TC, Config) ->
    call(fun call_generic/3, Config, [pre_init_per_testcase, TC]).

%% @doc Called as each test case is completed. This includes all configuration
%% tests.
-spec end_tc(Mod :: atom(),
	     Func :: atom(),
	     Args :: list(),
	     Result :: term(),
	     Resturn :: term()) ->
    NewConfig :: proplist() |
    {skip, Reason :: term()} |
    {auto_skip, Reason :: term()} |
    {fail, Reason :: term()} |
end_tc(ct_framework, _Func, _Args, Result, _Return) ->

end_tc(Mod, init_per_suite, Config, _Result, Return) when is_list(Return) ->
    call(fun call_generic/3, Return, [post_init_per_suite, Mod, Config]);
end_tc(Mod, init_per_suite, Config, Result, _Return) ->
    call(fun call_generic/3, Result, [post_init_per_suite, Mod, Config]);

end_tc(Mod, end_per_suite, Config, Result, _Return) ->
    call(fun call_generic/3, Result, [post_end_per_suite, Mod, Config]);

end_tc(_Mod, {init_per_group, GroupName, _}, Config, _Result, Return)
  when is_list(Return) ->
    call(fun call_generic/3, Return, [post_init_per_group, GroupName, Config]);
end_tc(_Mod, {init_per_group, GroupName, _}, Config, Result, _Return) ->
    call(fun call_generic/3, Result, [post_init_per_group, GroupName, Config]);

end_tc(_Mod, {end_per_group, GroupName, _}, Config, Result, _Return) ->
    call(fun call_generic/3, Result, [post_end_per_group, GroupName, Config]);

end_tc(_Mod, TC, Config, Result, _Return) ->
    call(fun call_generic/3, Result, [post_end_per_testcase, TC, Config]).

on_tc_skip(How, {_Suite, Case, Reason}) ->
    call(fun call_cleanup/3, {How, Reason}, [on_tc_skip, Case]).

on_tc_fail(_How, {_Suite, Case, Reason}) ->
    call(fun call_cleanup/3, Reason, [on_tc_fail, Case]).

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Internal Functions
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
call_init(Mod, Config, Meta) when is_atom(Mod) ->
    call_init({Mod, []}, Config, Meta);
call_init({Mod, State}, Config, Scope) ->
    {Id, NewState} = Mod:init(State),
    {Config, {Id, scope(Scope), {Mod, NewState}}}.
call_terminate({Mod, State}, _, _) ->
    catch_apply(Mod,terminate,[State], ok),

call_cleanup({Mod, State}, Reason, [Function | Args]) ->
    NewState = catch_apply(Mod,Function, Args ++ [Reason, State],
    {Reason, {Mod, NewState}}.

call_generic({Mod, State}, Value, [Function | Args]) ->
    {NewValue, NewState} = catch_apply(Mod, Function, Args ++ [Value, State],
    {NewValue, {Mod, NewState}}.

%% Generic call function
call(Fun, Config, Meta) ->
    CBs = get_callbacks(),
    call([{CBId,Fun} || {CBId,_, _} <- CBs] ++ get_new_callbacks(Config, Fun),
	     remove(?config_name,Config), Meta, CBs).

call([{CB, call_init, NextFun} | Rest], Config, Meta, CBs) ->
	{Config, {NewId, _, {Mod,_State}} = NewCB} = call_init(CB, Config, Meta),
	{NewCBs, NewRest} = case proplists:get_value(NewId, CBs, NextFun) of
				undefined -> {CBs ++ [NewCB],Rest};
				ExistingCB when is_tuple(ExistingCB) ->
				    {CBs, Rest};
				_ ->
				    {CBs ++ [NewCB],[{NewId, NextFun} | Rest]}
	ct_logs:log("Suite Callback","Started a SCB: Mod: ~p, Id: ~p",
	call(NewRest, Config, Meta, NewCBs)
    catch Error:Reason ->
	    ct_logs:log("Suite Callback","Failed to start a SCB: ~p:~p",
	    call(Rest, Config, Meta, CBs)
call([{CBId, Fun} | Rest], Config, Meta, CBs) ->
        {_,Scope,ModState} = lists:keyfind(CBId, 1, CBs),
        {NewConf, NewCBInfo} =  Fun(ModState, Config, Meta),
        NewCalls = get_new_callbacks(NewConf, Fun),
        NewCBs = lists:keyreplace(CBId, 1, CBs, {CBId, Scope, NewCBInfo}),
        call(NewCalls  ++ Rest, remove(?config_name, NewConf), Meta,
             terminate_if_scope_ends(CBId, Meta, NewCBs))
    catch throw:{error_in_scb_call,Reason} ->
            call(Rest, {fail, Reason}, Meta,
                 terminate_if_scope_ends(CBId, Meta, CBs))
call([], Config, _Meta, CBs) ->

remove(Key,List) when is_list(List) ->
    [Conf || Conf <- List, is_tuple(Conf) =:= false
		 orelse element(1, Conf) =/= Key];
remove(_, Else) ->

%% Translate scopes, i.e. init_per_group,group1 -> end_per_group,group1 etc
scope([pre_init_per_testcase, TC|_]) ->
    [post_end_per_testcase, TC];
scope([pre_init_per_group, GroupName|_]) ->
    [post_end_per_group, GroupName];
scope([post_init_per_group, GroupName|_]) ->
    [post_end_per_group, GroupName];
scope([pre_init_per_suite, SuiteName|_]) ->
    [post_end_per_suite, SuiteName];
scope([post_init_per_suite, SuiteName|_]) ->
    [post_end_per_suite, SuiteName];
scope(init) ->

terminate_if_scope_ends(CBId, [Function,Tag|T], CBs) when T =/= [] ->
terminate_if_scope_ends(CBId, Function, CBs) ->
    case lists:keyfind(CBId, 1, CBs) of
        {CBId, Function, _ModState} = CB ->
            lists:keydelete(CBId, 1, CBs);
        _ ->

%% Fetch callback functions
get_new_callbacks(Config, Fun) ->
    lists:foldl(fun(NewCB, Acc) ->
			[{NewCB, call_init, Fun} | Acc]
		end, [], get_new_callbacks(Config)).

get_new_callbacks(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    lists:flatmap(fun({?config_name, CallbackConfigs}) ->
		     (_) ->
		  end, Config);
get_new_callbacks(_Config) ->

save_suite_data_async(CBs) ->
    ct_util:save_suite_data_async(?config_name, CBs).

get_callbacks() ->

catch_apply(M,F,A, Default) ->
    catch error:Reason ->
	    case erlang:get_stacktrace() of
            %% Return the default if it was the SCB module which did not have the function.
		[{M,F,A}|_] when Reason == undef ->
		Trace ->
		    ct_logs:log("Suite Callback","Call to SCB failed: ~p:~p",
			     io_lib:format("~p:~p/~p SCB call failed",