%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2018. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-import(lists, [reverse/1,member/2]).
-spec module(beam_utils:module_code(), [compile:option()]) ->
module({Mod,Exp,Attr,Fs0,_}, _Opts) ->
%% First coalesce adjacent labels.
{Fs1,Lc} = beam_clean:clean_labels(Fs0),
%% Do the peep hole optimizations.
Fs = [function(F) || F <- Fs1],
function({function,Name,Arity,CLabel,Is0}) ->
Is1 = peep(Is0),
Is = beam_jump:remove_unused_labels(Is1),
Class:Error:Stack ->
io:fwrite("Function: ~w/~w\n", [Name,Arity]),
erlang:raise(Class, Error, Stack)
%% Peep-hole optimizations suitable to perform when most of the
%% optimations passes have been run.
%% (1) In a sequence of tests, we can remove any test instruction
%% that has been previously seen, because it will certainly
%% succeed.
%% For instance, in the following code sequence
%% is_eq_exact _Fail SomeRegister SomeLiteral
%% is_ne_exact _Fail SomeOtherRegister SomeOtherLiteral
%% is_eq_exact _Fail SomeRegister SomeLiteral
%% is_ne_exact _Fail SomeOtherRegister StillSomeOtherLiteral
%% the third test is redundant. The code sequence will be produced
%% by a combination of semicolon and command guards, such as
%% InEncoding =:= latin1, OutEncoding =:= unicode;
%% InEncoding =:= latin1, OutEncoding =:= utf8 ->
peep(Is) ->
peep(Is, gb_sets:empty(), []).
peep([{bif,tuple_size,_,[_]=Ops,Dst}=I|Is], SeenTests0, Acc) ->
%% Pretend that we have seen {test,is_tuple,_,Ops}.
SeenTests1 = gb_sets:add({is_tuple,Ops}, SeenTests0),
%% Kill all remembered tests that depend on the destination register.
SeenTests = kill_seen(Dst, SeenTests1),
peep(Is, SeenTests, [I|Acc]);
peep([{bif,map_get,_,[Key,Map],Dst}=I|Is], SeenTests0, Acc) ->
%% Pretend that we have seen {test,has_map_fields,_,[Map,Key]}
SeenTests1 = gb_sets:add({has_map_fields,[Map,Key]}, SeenTests0),
%% Kill all remembered tests that depend on the destination register.
SeenTests = kill_seen(Dst, SeenTests1),
peep(Is, SeenTests, [I|Acc]);
peep([{bif,_,_,_,Dst}=I|Is], SeenTests0, Acc) ->
%% Kill all remembered tests that depend on the destination register.
SeenTests = kill_seen(Dst, SeenTests0),
peep(Is, SeenTests, [I|Acc]);
peep([{gc_bif,_,_,_,_,Dst}=I|Is], SeenTests0, Acc) ->
%% Kill all remembered tests that depend on the destination register.
SeenTests = kill_seen(Dst, SeenTests0),
peep(Is, SeenTests, [I|Acc]);
peep([{jump,{f,L}},{label,L}=I|Is], _, Acc) ->
%% Sometimes beam_jump has missed this optimization.
peep(Is, gb_sets:empty(), [I|Acc]);
peep([{select,Op,R,F,Vls0}|Is], SeenTests0, Acc0) ->
case prune_redundant_values(Vls0, F) of
[] ->
%% No values left. Must convert to plain jump.
I = {jump,F},
peep([I|Is], gb_sets:empty(), Acc0);
[{atom,_}=Value,Lbl] when Op =:= select_val ->
%% Single value left. Convert to regular test.
Is1 = [{test,is_eq_exact,F,[R,Value]},{jump,Lbl}|Is],
peep(Is1, SeenTests0, Acc0);
[{integer,_}=Value,Lbl] when Op =:= select_val ->
%% Single value left. Convert to regular test.
Is1 = [{test,is_eq_exact,F,[R,Value]},{jump,Lbl}|Is],
peep(Is1, SeenTests0, Acc0);
[Arity,Lbl] when Op =:= select_tuple_arity ->
%% Single value left. Convert to regular test
Is1 = [{test,test_arity,F,[R,Arity]},{jump,Lbl}|Is],
peep(Is1, SeenTests0, Acc0);
[{atom,B1},Lbl,{atom,B2},Lbl] when B1 =:= not B2 ->
%% Replace with is_boolean test.
Is1 = [{test,is_boolean,F,[R]},{jump,Lbl}|Is],
peep(Is1, SeenTests0, Acc0);
[_|_]=Vls ->
I = {select,Op,R,F,Vls},
peep(Is, gb_sets:empty(), [I|Acc0])
peep([{get_map_elements,Fail,Src,List}=I|Is], _SeenTests, Acc0) ->
SeenTests = gb_sets:empty(),
case simplify_get_map_elements(Fail, Src, List, Acc0) of
{ok,Acc} ->
peep(Is, SeenTests, Acc);
error ->
peep(Is, SeenTests, [I|Acc0])
peep([{test,has_map_fields,Fail,Ops}=I|Is], SeenTests, Acc0) ->
case simplify_has_map_fields(Fail, Ops, Acc0) of
{ok,Acc} ->
peep(Is, SeenTests, Acc);
error ->
peep(Is, SeenTests, [I|Acc0])
peep([{test,Op,_,Ops}=I|Is], SeenTests0, Acc) ->
case beam_utils:is_pure_test(I) of
false ->
%% Bit syntax matching, which may modify registers and/or
%% match state. Clear all information about tests that
%% has succeeded.
peep(Is, gb_sets:empty(), [I|Acc]);
true ->
case is_test_redundant(Op, Ops, SeenTests0) of
true ->
%% This test or a similar test has already succeeded and
%% is therefore redundant.
peep(Is, SeenTests0, Acc);
false ->
%% Remember that we have seen this test.
Test = {Op,Ops},
SeenTests = gb_sets:insert(Test, SeenTests0),
peep(Is, SeenTests, [I|Acc])
peep([I|Is], _, Acc) ->
%% An unknown instruction. Throw away all information we
%% have collected about test instructions.
peep(Is, gb_sets:empty(), [I|Acc]);
peep([], _, Acc) -> reverse(Acc).
is_test_redundant(Op, Ops, Seen) ->
gb_sets:is_element({Op,Ops}, Seen) orelse
is_test_redundant_1(Op, Ops, Seen).
is_test_redundant_1(is_boolean, [R], Seen) ->
gb_sets:is_element({is_eq_exact,[R,{atom,false}]}, Seen) orelse
gb_sets:is_element({is_eq_exact,[R,{atom,true}]}, Seen);
is_test_redundant_1(_, _, _) -> false.
kill_seen(Dst, Seen0) ->
gb_sets:from_ordset(kill_seen_1(gb_sets:to_list(Seen0), Dst)).
kill_seen_1([{_,Ops}=Test|T], Dst) ->
case member(Dst, Ops) of
true -> kill_seen_1(T, Dst);
false -> [Test|kill_seen_1(T, Dst)]
kill_seen_1([], _) -> [].
prune_redundant_values([_Val,F|Vls], F) ->
prune_redundant_values(Vls, F);
prune_redundant_values([Val,Lbl|Vls], F) ->
[Val,Lbl|prune_redundant_values(Vls, F)];
prune_redundant_values([], _) -> [].
simplify_get_map_elements(Fail, Src, {list,[Key,Dst]},
[{get_map_elements,Fail,Src,{list,List1}}|Acc]) ->
case are_keys_literals([Key]) andalso are_keys_literals(List1) of
true ->
case member(Key, List1) of
true ->
%% The key is already in the other list. That is
%% very unusual, because there are optimizations to get
%% rid of duplicate keys. Therefore, don't try to
%% do anything smart here; just keep the
%% get_map_elements instructions separate.
false ->
List = [Key,Dst|List1],
false ->
simplify_get_map_elements(_, _, _, _) -> error.
simplify_has_map_fields(Fail, [Src|Keys0],
[{test,has_map_fields,Fail,[Src|Keys1]}|Acc]) ->
case are_keys_literals(Keys0) andalso are_keys_literals(Keys1) of
true ->
Keys = Keys0 ++ Keys1,
false ->
simplify_has_map_fields(_, _, _) -> error.
are_keys_literals([{x,_}|_]) -> false;
are_keys_literals([{y,_}|_]) -> false;
are_keys_literals([_|_]) -> true.