path: root/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
blob: 6e6574c0b3dbed507e7ca3e2379c8bc1c44e2173 (plain) (tree)




















%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2018. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Purpose : Common utilities used by several optimization passes.



-import(lists, [map/2,reverse/1]).

%% instruction() describes all instructions that are used during optimization
%% (from beam_a to beam_z).
-type instruction() :: atom() | tuple().

-type code_index() :: gb_trees:tree(beam_asm:label(), [instruction()]).

-type int_function() :: {'function',beam_asm:function_name(),arity(),

-type module_code() ::

%% Internal types.
-type fail() :: beam_asm:fail() | 'fail'.
-type test() :: {'test',atom(),fail(),[beam_asm:src()]} |

%% replace_labels(FunctionIs, Tail, ReplaceDb, Fallback) -> FunctionIs.
%%  Replace all labels in instructions according to the ReplaceDb.
%%  If label is not found the Fallback is called with the label to
%%  produce a new one.

-spec replace_labels([instruction()],
                     #{beam_asm:label() => beam_asm:label()},
                     fun((beam_asm:label()) -> term())) -> [instruction()].
replace_labels(Is, Acc, D, Fb) ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, Acc, D, Fb).

%% is_pure_test({test,Op,Fail,Ops}) -> true|false.
%%  Return 'true' if the test instruction does not modify any
%%  registers and/or bit syntax matching state.

-spec is_pure_test(test()) -> boolean().

is_pure_test({test,is_eq,_,[_,_]}) -> true;
is_pure_test({test,is_ne,_,[_,_]}) -> true;
is_pure_test({test,is_eq_exact,_,[_,_]}) -> true;
is_pure_test({test,is_ne_exact,_,[_,_]}) -> true;
is_pure_test({test,is_ge,_,[_,_]}) -> true;
is_pure_test({test,is_lt,_,[_,_]}) -> true;
is_pure_test({test,is_nonempty_list,_,[_]}) -> true;
is_pure_test({test,is_tagged_tuple,_,[_,_,_]}) -> true;
is_pure_test({test,test_arity,_,[_,_]}) -> true;
is_pure_test({test,has_map_fields,_,[_|_]}) -> true;
is_pure_test({test,is_bitstr,_,[_]}) -> true;
is_pure_test({test,is_function2,_,[_,_]}) -> true;
is_pure_test({test,Op,_,Ops}) ->
    erl_internal:new_type_test(Op, length(Ops)).

%% split_even/1
%% [1,2,3,4,5,6] -> {[1,3,5],[2,4,6]}

-spec split_even(list()) -> {list(),list()}.

split_even(Rs) -> split_even(Rs, [], []).

%%% Local functions.

replace_labels_1([{test,Test,{f,Lbl},Ops}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{test,Test,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)},Ops}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{test,Test,{f,Lbl},Live,Ops,Dst}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{test,Test,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)},Live,Ops,Dst}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{select,I,R,{f,Fail0},Vls0}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
    Vls = map(fun ({f,L}) -> {f,label(L, D, Fb)};
		   (Other) -> Other
	      end, Vls0),
    Fail = label(Fail0, D, Fb),
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{select,I,R,{f,Fail},Vls}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{'try',R,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{'try',R,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)}}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{'catch',R,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{'catch',R,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)}}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{jump,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{jump,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)}}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{loop_rec,{f,Lbl},R}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{loop_rec,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)},R}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{loop_rec_end,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{loop_rec_end,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)}}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{wait,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{wait,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)}}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{wait_timeout,{f,Lbl},To}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{wait_timeout,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)},To}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{recv_mark=Op,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{Op,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)}}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{recv_set=Op,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{Op,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)}}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{bif,Name,{f,Lbl},As,R}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) when Lbl =/= 0 ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{bif,Name,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)},As,R}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{gc_bif,Name,{f,Lbl},Live,As,R}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) when Lbl =/= 0 ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{gc_bif,Name,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)},Live,As,R}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{call,Ar,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{call,Ar,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)}}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{make_fun2,{f,Lbl},U1,U2,U3}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{make_fun2,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)},U1,U2,U3}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{bs_init,{f,Lbl},Info,Live,Ss,Dst}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) when Lbl =/= 0 ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{bs_init,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)},Info,Live,Ss,Dst}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{bs_put,{f,Lbl},Info,Ss}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) when Lbl =/= 0 ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{bs_put,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)},Info,Ss}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{put_map=I,{f,Lbl},Op,Src,Dst,Live,List}|Is], Acc, D, Fb)
  when Lbl =/= 0 ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{I,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)},Op,Src,Dst,Live,List}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{get_map_elements=I,{f,Lbl},Src,List}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) when Lbl =/= 0 ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [{I,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)},Src,List}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([I|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
    replace_labels_1(Is, [I|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([], Acc, _, _) -> Acc.

label(Old, D, Fb) ->
    case D of
        #{Old := New} -> New;
        _ -> Fb(Old)

split_even([], Ss, Ds) ->
split_even([S,D|Rs], Ss, Ds) ->
    split_even(Rs, [S|Ss], [D|Ds]).