%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Purpose : Do necessary checking of Core Erlang code.
%% Check Core module for errors. Seeing this module is used in the
%% compiler after optimisations we do more checking than would be
%% necessary after just parsing. Don't check all constructs.
%% We check the following:
%% All referred functions, called and exported, are defined.
%% Format of export list.
%% Format of attributes
%% Used variables are defined.
%% Variables in let and funs.
%% Patterns case clauses.
%% Values only as multiple values/variables/patterns.
%% Return same number of values as requested
%% Correct number of arguments
%% Checks to add:
%% Consistency of values/variables
%% Consistency of function return values/calls.
%% We keep the names defined variables and functions in a ordered list
%% of variable names and function name/arity pairs.
-import(lists, [reverse/1,all/2,foldl/3]).
-import(ordsets, [add_element/2,is_element/2,union/2]).
%% Types used in this module
-type fa() :: {atom(), arity()}.
-type err_desc() :: 'invalid_attributes' | 'invalid_exports'
| {'arg_mismatch', fa()} | {'bittype_unit', fa()}
| {'illegal_expr', fa()} | {'illegal_guard', fa()}
| {'illegal_pattern', fa()} | {'illegal_try', fa()}
| {'not_bs_pattern', fa()} | {'not_pattern', fa()}
| {'not_var', fa()} | {'pattern_mismatch', fa()}
| {'return_mismatch', fa()} | {'undefined_function', fa()}
| {'duplicate_var', cerl:var_name(), fa()}
| {'unbound_var', cerl:var_name(), fa()}
| {'undefined_function', fa(), fa()}
| {'tail_segment_not_at_end', fa()}.
-type error() :: {module(), err_desc()}.
-type warning() :: {module(), term()}.
%% Define the lint state record.
-record(lint, {module :: module(), % Current module
func :: fa(), % Current function
errors = [] :: [error()], % Errors
warnings= [] :: [warning()]}). % Warnings
%% format_error(Error)
%% Return a string describing the error.
-spec format_error(err_desc()) -> [char() | list()].
format_error(invalid_attributes) -> "invalid attributes";
format_error(invalid_exports) -> "invalid exports";
format_error({arg_mismatch,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("argument count mismatch in ~w/~w", [F,A]);
format_error({bittype_unit,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("unit without size in bit syntax pattern/expression in ~w/~w", [F,A]);
format_error({illegal_expr,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("illegal expression in ~w/~w", [F,A]);
format_error({illegal_guard,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("illegal guard expression in ~w/~w", [F,A]);
format_error({illegal_pattern,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("illegal pattern in ~w/~w", [F,A]);
format_error({illegal_try,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("illegal try expression in ~w/~w", [F,A]);
format_error({not_bs_pattern,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("expecting bit syntax pattern in ~w/~w", [F,A]);
format_error({not_pattern,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("expecting pattern in ~w/~w", [F,A]);
format_error({not_var,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("expecting variable in ~w/~w", [F,A]);
format_error({pattern_mismatch,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("pattern count mismatch in ~w/~w", [F,A]);
format_error({return_mismatch,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("return count mismatch in ~w/~w", [F,A]);
format_error({undefined_function,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("function ~w/~w undefined", [F,A]);
format_error({duplicate_var,N,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("duplicate variable ~s in ~w/~w", [N,F,A]);
format_error({unbound_var,N,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("unbound variable ~s in ~w/~w", [N,F,A]);
format_error({undefined_function,{F1,A1},{F2,A2}}) ->
io_lib:format("undefined function ~w/~w in ~w/~w", [F1,A1,F2,A2]);
format_error({tail_segment_not_at_end,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("binary tail segment not at end in ~w/~w", [F,A]).
-type ret() :: {'ok', [{module(), [warning(),...]}]}
| {'error', [{module(), [error(),...]}],
[{module(), [warning(),...]}]}.
-spec module(cerl:c_module()) -> ret().
module(M) -> module(M, []).
-spec module(cerl:c_module(), [compile:option()]) -> ret().
module(#c_module{name=M,exports=Es,attrs=As,defs=Ds}, _Opts) ->
Defined = defined_funcs(Ds),
St0 = #lint{module=M#c_literal.val},
St1 = check_exports(Es, St0),
St2 = check_attrs(As, St1),
St3 = module_defs(Ds, Defined, St2),
St4 = check_state(Es, Defined, St3),
%% defined_funcs([FuncDef]) -> [Fname].
defined_funcs(Fs) ->
foldl(fun ({#c_var{name={_I,_A}=IA},_}, Def) ->
add_element(IA, Def)
end, [], Fs).
%% return_status(State) ->
%% {ok,[Warning]} | {error,[Error],[Warning]}
%% Pack errors and warnings properly and return ok | error.
return_status(St) ->
Ws = reverse(St#lint.warnings),
case reverse(St#lint.errors) of
[] -> {ok,[{St#lint.module,Ws}]};
Es -> {error,[{St#lint.module,Es}],[{St#lint.module,Ws}]}
%% add_error(ErrorDescriptor, State) -> State'
%% add_warning(ErrorDescriptor, State) -> State'
%% Note that we don't use line numbers here.
add_error(E, St) -> St#lint{errors=[{?MODULE,E}|St#lint.errors]}.
%%add_warning(W, St) -> St#lint{warnings=[{none,core_lint,W}|St#lint.warnings]}.
check_exports(Es, St) ->
case all(fun (#c_var{name={Name,Arity}})
when is_atom(Name), is_integer(Arity) -> true;
(_) -> false
end, Es) of
true -> St;
false -> add_error(invalid_exports, St)
check_attrs(As, St) ->
case all(fun ({#c_literal{},V}) -> core_lib:is_literal(V);
(_) -> false
end, As) of
true -> St;
false -> add_error(invalid_attributes, St)
check_state(Es, Defined, St) ->
foldl(fun (#c_var{name={_N,_A}=F}, St1) ->
case is_element(F, Defined) of
true -> St1;
false -> add_error({undefined_function,F}, St)
end, St, Es).
%% module_defs(CoreBody, Defined, State) -> State.
module_defs(B, Def, St) ->
%% Set top level function name.
foldl(fun (Func, St0) ->
{#c_var{name={_F,_A}=FA},_} = Func,
St1 = St0#lint{func=FA},
function(Func, Def, St1)
end, St, B).
%% functions([Fdef], Defined, State) -> State.
functions(Fs, Def, St0) ->
foldl(fun (F, St) -> function(F, Def, St) end, St0, Fs).
%% function(CoreFunc, Defined, State) -> State.
function({#c_var{name={_,_}},B}, Def, St) ->
%% Body must be a fun!
case B of
#c_fun{} -> expr(B, Def, any, St);
_ -> add_error({illegal_expr,St#lint.func}, St)
%% body(Expr, Defined, RetCount, State) -> State.
body(#c_values{es=Es}, Def, Rt, St) ->
return_match(Rt, length(Es), expr_list(Es, Def, St));
body(E, Def, Rt, St0) ->
St1 = expr(E, Def, Rt, St0),
case is_simple_top(E) of
true -> return_match(Rt, 1, St1);
false -> St1
%% guard(Expr, Defined, State) -> State.
%% Guards are boolean expressions with test wrapped in a protected.
guard(Expr, Def, St) -> gexpr(Expr, Def, 1, St).
%% guard_list([Expr], Defined, State) -> State.
%% guard_list(Es, Def, St0) ->
%% foldl(fun (E, St) -> guard(E, Def, St) end, St0, Es).
%% gbody(Expr, Defined, RetCount, State) -> State.
gbody(#c_values{es=Es}, Def, Rt, St) ->
return_match(Rt, length(Es), gexpr_list(Es, Def, St));
gbody(E, Def, Rt, St0) ->
St1 = gexpr(E, Def, Rt, St0),
case is_simple_top(E) of
true -> return_match(Rt, 1, St1);
false -> St1
gexpr(#c_var{name=N}, Def, _Rt, St) when is_atom(N); is_integer(N) ->
expr_var(N, Def, St);
gexpr(#c_literal{}, _Def, _Rt, St) -> St;
gexpr(#c_cons{hd=H,tl=T}, Def, _Rt, St) ->
gexpr_list([H,T], Def, St);
gexpr(#c_tuple{es=Es}, Def, _Rt, St) ->
gexpr_list(Es, Def, St);
gexpr(#c_binary{segments=Ss}, Def, _Rt, St) ->
gbitstr_list(Ss, Def, St);
gexpr(#c_seq{arg=Arg,body=B}, Def, Rt, St0) ->
St1 = gexpr(Arg, Def, any, St0), %Ignore values
gbody(B, Def, Rt, St1);
gexpr(#c_let{vars=Vs,arg=Arg,body=B}, Def, Rt, St0) ->
St1 = gbody(Arg, Def, let_varcount(Vs), St0), %This is a guard body
{Lvs,St2} = variable_list(Vs, St1),
gbody(B, union(Lvs, Def), Rt, St2);
args=As}, Def, 1, St) ->
gexpr_list(As, Def, St);
gexpr(#c_primop{name=#c_literal{val=A},args=As}, Def, _Rt, St0) when is_atom(A) ->
gexpr_list(As, Def, St0);
Def, Rt, St) ->
gbody(E, Def, Rt, St);
gexpr(#c_case{arg=Arg,clauses=Cs}, Def, Rt, St0) ->
PatCount = case_patcount(Cs),
St1 = gbody(Arg, Def, PatCount, St0),
clauses(Cs, Def, PatCount, Rt, St1);
gexpr(_Core, _, _, St) ->
add_error({illegal_guard,St#lint.func}, St).
%% gexpr_list([Expr], Defined, State) -> State.
gexpr_list(Es, Def, St0) ->
foldl(fun (E, St) -> gexpr(E, Def, 1, St) end, St0, Es).
%% gbitstr_list([Elem], Defined, State) -> State.
gbitstr_list(Es, Def, St0) ->
foldl(fun (E, St) -> gbitstr(E, Def, St) end, St0, Es).
gbitstr(#c_bitstr{val=V,size=S}, Def, St) ->
gexpr_list([V,S], Def, St).
%% expr(Expr, Defined, RetCount, State) -> State.
expr(#c_var{name={_,_}=FA}, Def, _Rt, St) ->
expr_fname(FA, Def, St);
expr(#c_var{name=N}, Def, _Rt, St) -> expr_var(N, Def, St);
expr(#c_literal{}, _Def, _Rt, St) -> St;
expr(#c_cons{hd=H,tl=T}, Def, _Rt, St) ->
expr_list([H,T], Def, St);
expr(#c_tuple{es=Es}, Def, _Rt, St) ->
expr_list(Es, Def, St);
expr(#c_binary{segments=Ss}, Def, _Rt, St) ->
bitstr_list(Ss, Def, St);
expr(#c_fun{vars=Vs,body=B}, Def, Rt, St0) ->
{Vvs,St1} = variable_list(Vs, St0),
return_match(Rt, 1, body(B, union(Vvs, Def), any, St1));
expr(#c_seq{arg=Arg,body=B}, Def, Rt, St0) ->
St1 = expr(Arg, Def, any, St0), %Ignore values
body(B, Def, Rt, St1);
expr(#c_let{vars=Vs,arg=Arg,body=B}, Def, Rt, St0) ->
St1 = body(Arg, Def, let_varcount(Vs), St0), %This is a body
{Lvs,St2} = variable_list(Vs, St1),
body(B, union(Lvs, Def), Rt, St2);
expr(#c_letrec{defs=Fs,body=B}, Def0, Rt, St0) ->
Def1 = union(defined_funcs(Fs), Def0), %All defined stuff
St1 = functions(Fs, Def1, St0),
body(B, Def1, Rt, St1#lint{func=St0#lint.func});
expr(#c_case{arg=Arg,clauses=Cs}, Def, Rt, St0) ->
Pc = case_patcount(Cs),
St1 = body(Arg, Def, Pc, St0),
clauses(Cs, Def, Pc, Rt, St1);
Def, Rt, St) ->
%% If the timeout is 'infinity', the after code can never
%% be reached. We don't care if the return count is wrong.
clauses(Cs, Def, 1, Rt, St);
expr(#c_receive{clauses=Cs,timeout=T,action=A}, Def, Rt, St0) ->
St1 = expr(T, Def, 1, St0),
St2 = body(A, Def, Rt, St1),
clauses(Cs, Def, 1, Rt, St2);
expr(#c_apply{op=Op,args=As}, Def, _Rt, St0) ->
St1 = apply_op(Op, Def, length(As), St0),
expr_list(As, Def, St1);
expr(#c_call{module=M,name=N,args=As}, Def, _Rt, St0) ->
St1 = expr(M, Def, 1, St0),
St2 = expr(N, Def, 1, St1),
expr_list(As, Def, St2);
expr(#c_primop{name=#c_literal{val=A},args=As}, Def, _Rt, St0) when is_atom(A) ->
expr_list(As, Def, St0);
expr(#c_catch{body=B}, Def, Rt, St) ->
return_match(Rt, 1, body(B, Def, 1, St));
expr(#c_try{arg=A,vars=Vs,body=B,evars=Evs,handler=H}, Def, Rt, St0) ->
St1 = case Evs of
[_, _, _] -> St0;
_ -> add_error({illegal_try,St0#lint.func}, St0)
St2 = body(A, Def, let_varcount(Vs), St1),
{Ns,St3} = variable_list(Vs, St2),
St4 = body(B, union(Ns, Def), Rt, St3),
{Ens,St5} = variable_list(Evs, St4),
body(H, union(Ens, Def), Rt, St5);
expr(_Other, _, _, St) ->
%%io:fwrite("clint: ~p~n", [_Other]),
add_error({illegal_expr,St#lint.func}, St).
%% expr_list([Expr], Defined, State) -> State.
expr_list(Es, Def, St0) ->
foldl(fun (E, St) -> expr(E, Def, 1, St) end, St0, Es).
%% bitstr_list([Elem], Defined, State) -> State.
bitstr_list(Es, Def, St0) ->
foldl(fun (E, St) -> bitstr(E, Def, St) end, St0, Es).
bitstr(#c_bitstr{val=V,size=S}, Def, St) ->
expr_list([V,S], Def, St).
%% apply_op(Op, Defined, ArgCount, State) -> State.
%% A apply op is either an fname or an expression.
apply_op(#c_var{name={_I,A}=IA}, Def, Ac, St0) ->
St1 = expr_fname(IA, Def, St0),
arg_match(Ac, A, St1);
apply_op(E, Def, _, St) -> expr(E, Def, 1, St). %Hard to check
%% expr_var(VarName, Defined, State) -> State.
expr_var(N, Def, St) ->
case is_element(N, Def) of
true -> St;
false -> add_error({unbound_var,N,St#lint.func}, St)
%% expr_fname(Fname, Defined, State) -> State.
expr_fname(Fname, Def, St) ->
case is_element(Fname, Def) of
true -> St;
false -> add_error({undefined_function,Fname,St#lint.func}, St)
%% let_varcount([Var]) -> int().
let_varcount([]) -> any; %Ignore values
let_varcount(Es) -> length(Es).
%% case_patcount([Clause]) -> int().
case_patcount([#c_clause{pats=Ps}|_]) -> length(Ps).
%% clauses([Clause], Defined, PatCount, RetCount, State) -> State.
clauses(Cs, Def, Pc, Rt, St0) ->
foldl(fun (C, St) -> clause(C, Def, Pc, Rt, St) end, St0, Cs).
%% clause(Clause, Defined, PatCount, RetCount, State) -> State.
clause(#c_clause{pats=Ps,guard=G,body=B}, Def0, Pc, Rt, St0) ->
St1 = pattern_match(Pc, length(Ps), St0),
{Pvs,St2} = pattern_list(Ps, Def0, St1),
Def1 = union(Pvs, Def0),
St3 = guard(G, Def1, St2),
body(B, Def1, Rt, St3).
%% variable(Var, [PatVar], State) -> {[VarName],State}.
variable(#c_var{name=N}, Ps, St) ->
case is_element(N, Ps) of
true -> {[],add_error({duplicate_var,N,St#lint.func}, St)};
false -> {[N],St}
variable(_, Def, St) -> {Def,add_error({not_var,St#lint.func}, St)}.
%% variable_list([Var], State) -> {[Var],State}.
%% variable_list([Var], [PatVar], State) -> {[Var],State}.
variable_list(Vs, St) -> variable_list(Vs, [], St).
variable_list(Vs, Ps, St) ->
foldl(fun (V, {Ps0,St0}) ->
{Vvs,St1} = variable(V, Ps0, St0),
{union(Vvs, Ps0),St1}
end, {Ps,St}, Vs).
%% pattern(Pattern, Defined, State) -> {[PatVar],State}.
%% pattern(Pattern, Defined, [PatVar], State) -> {[PatVar],State}.
%% Patterns are complicated by sizes in binaries. These are pure
%% input variables which create no bindings. We, therefore, need to
%% carry around the original defined variables to get the correct
%% handling.
%% pattern(P, Def, St) -> pattern(P, Def, [], St).
pattern(#c_var{name=N}, Def, Ps, St) ->
pat_var(N, Def, Ps, St);
pattern(#c_literal{}, _Def, Ps, St) -> {Ps,St};
pattern(#c_cons{hd=H,tl=T}, Def, Ps, St) ->
pattern_list([H,T], Def, Ps, St);
pattern(#c_tuple{es=Es}, Def, Ps, St) ->
pattern_list(Es, Def, Ps, St);
pattern(#c_binary{segments=Ss}, Def, Ps, St0) ->
St = pat_bin_tail_check(Ss, St0),
pat_bin(Ss, Def, Ps, St);
pattern(#c_alias{var=V,pat=P}, Def, Ps, St0) ->
{Vvs,St1} = variable(V, Ps, St0),
pattern(P, Def, union(Vvs, Ps), St1);
pattern(_, _, Ps, St) -> {Ps,add_error({not_pattern,St#lint.func}, St)}.
pat_var(N, _Def, Ps, St) ->
case is_element(N, Ps) of
true -> {Ps,add_error({duplicate_var,N,St#lint.func}, St)};
false -> {add_element(N, Ps),St}
%% pat_bin_list([Elem], Defined, [PatVar], State) -> {[PatVar],State}.
pat_bin(Es, Def0, Ps0, St0) ->
{Ps,_,St} = foldl(fun (E, {Ps,Def,St}) ->
pat_segment(E, Def, Ps, St)
end, {Ps0,Def0,St0}, Es),
pat_segment(#c_bitstr{val=V,size=S,type=T}, Def0, Ps0, St0) ->
St1 = pat_bit_expr(S, T, Def0, St0),
{Ps,St2} = pattern(V, Def0, Ps0, St1),
Def = case V of
#c_var{name=Name} -> add_element(Name, Def0);
_ -> Def0
pat_segment(_, Def, Ps, St) ->
{Ps,Def,add_error({not_bs_pattern,St#lint.func}, St)}.
%% pat_bin_tail_check([Elem], State) -> State.
%% There must be at most one tail segment (a size-less segment of
%% type binary) and it must occur at the end.
pat_bin_tail_check([#c_bitstr{size=#c_literal{val=all}}], St) ->
%% Size-less field is OK at the end of the list of segments.
pat_bin_tail_check([#c_bitstr{size=#c_literal{val=all}}|_], St) ->
add_error({tail_segment_not_at_end,St#lint.func}, St);
pat_bin_tail_check([_|Ss], St) ->
pat_bin_tail_check(Ss, St);
pat_bin_tail_check([], St) -> St.
%% pat_bit_expr(SizePat, Type, Defined, State) -> State.
%% Check the Size pattern, this is an input! Because of optimizations,
%% we must allow any kind of constant and literal here.
pat_bit_expr(#c_var{name=N}, _, Def, St) -> expr_var(N, Def, St);
pat_bit_expr(#c_literal{}, _, _, St) -> St;
pat_bit_expr(#c_binary{}, _, _Def, St) ->
%% Literal binaries may be expressed as a bit syntax construction
%% expression if such expression is more compact than the literal.
%% Example: <<0:100000000>>
pat_bit_expr(_, _, _, St) ->
add_error({illegal_expr,St#lint.func}, St).
%% pattern_list([Var], Defined, State) -> {[PatVar],State}.
%% pattern_list([Var], Defined, [PatVar], State) -> {[PatVar],State}.
pattern_list(Pats, Def, St) -> pattern_list(Pats, Def, [], St).
pattern_list(Pats, Def, Ps0, St0) ->
foldl(fun (P, {Ps,St}) -> pattern(P, Def, Ps, St) end, {Ps0,St0}, Pats).
%% pattern_match(Required, Supplied, State) -> State.
%% Check that the required number of patterns match the supplied.
pattern_match(N, N, St) -> St;
pattern_match(_Req, _Sup, St) ->
add_error({pattern_mismatch,St#lint.func}, St).
%% return_match(Required, Supplied, State) -> State.
%% Check that the required number of return values match the supplied.
return_match(any, _Sup, St) -> St;
return_match(N, N, St) -> St;
return_match(_Req, _Sup, St) ->
add_error({return_mismatch,St#lint.func}, St).
%% arg_match(Required, Supplied, State) -> State.
arg_match(N, N, St) -> St;
arg_match(_Req, _Sup, St) ->
add_error({arg_mismatch,St#lint.func}, St).
%% Only check if the top-level is a simple.
-spec is_simple_top(cerl:cerl()) -> boolean().
is_simple_top(#c_var{}) -> true;
is_simple_top(#c_cons{}) -> true;
is_simple_top(#c_tuple{}) -> true;
is_simple_top(#c_binary{}) -> true;
is_simple_top(#c_literal{}) -> true;
is_simple_top(_) -> false.