%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
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%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
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%% %CopyrightEnd%
all(suite) ->
init_per_testcase(Case, Config) when is_atom(Case), is_list(Config) ->
Dog = test_server:timetrap(?t:minutes(1)),
fin_per_testcase(Case, Config) when is_atom(Case), is_list(Config) ->
Dog = ?config(watchdog, Config),
basic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line L0 = lists:seq(1, 10),
?line L1 = my_map(fun(X) -> {x,X} end, L0),
?line L1 = [{x,X} || X <- L0],
?line L0 = my_map(fun({x,X}) -> X end, L1),
?line [1,2,3,4,5] = [X || X <- L0, X < 6],
?line [4,5,6] = [X || X <- L0, X > 3, X < 7],
?line [] = [X || X <- L0, X > 32, X < 7],
?line [1,3,5,7,9] = [X || X <- L0, odd(X)],
?line [2,4,6,8,10] = [X || X <- L0, not odd(X)],
?line [1,3,5,9] = [X || X <- L0, odd(X), X =/= 7],
?line [2,4,8,10] = [X || X <- L0, not odd(X), X =/= 6],
%% Append is specially handled.
?line [1,3,5,9,2,4,8,10] = [X || X <- L0, odd(X), X =/= 7] ++
[X || X <- L0, not odd(X), X =/= 6],
%% Guards BIFs are evaluated in guard context. Weird, but true.
?line [{a,b,true},{x,y,true,true}] = [X || X <- tuple_list(), element(3, X)],
%% Filter expressions with andalso/orelse.
?line "abc123" = alphanum("?abc123.;"),
%% Error cases.
?line [] = [{xx,X} || X <- L0, element(2, X) == no_no_no],
?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch [X || X <- L1, list_to_atom(X) == dum]),
?line [] = [X || X <- L1, X+1 < 2],
?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch [X || X <- L1, odd(X)]),
?line fc([x], catch [E || E <- id(x)]),
tuple_list() ->
my_map(F, L) ->
[F(X) || X <- L].
odd(X) ->
X rem 2 == 1.
alphanum(Str) ->
[C || C <- Str, ((C >= $0) andalso (C =< $9))
orelse ((C >= $a) andalso (C =< $z))
orelse ((C >= $A) andalso (C =< $Z))].
deeply_nested(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
[[99,98,97,96,42,17,1764,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,7,2,1]] = deeply_nested_1(),
deeply_nested_1() ->
%% This used to compile really, really SLOW before R11B-1...
[[X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7(),X8,X9,X10,X11,X12,X13,X14,X15,X16,X17,X18(),X19,X20] ||
X1 <- [99],X2 <- [98],X3 <- [97],X4 <- [96],X5 <- [42],X6 <- [17],
X7 <- [fun() -> X5*X5 end],X8 <- [12],X9 <- [11],X10 <- [10],
X11 <- [9],X12 <- [8],X13 <- [7],X14 <- [6],X15 <- [5],
X16 <- [4],X17 <- [3],X18 <- [fun() -> X16+X17 end],X19 <- [2],X20 <- [1]].
no_generator(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Seq = lists:seq(-10, 17),
?line [no_gen_verify(no_gen(A, B), A, B) || A <- Seq, B <- Seq],
%% Literal expression, for coverage.
?line [a] = [a || true],
?line [a,b,c] = [a || true] ++ [b,c],
no_gen(A, B) ->
[{A,B} || A+B =:= 0] ++
[{A,B} || A*B =:= 0] ++
[{A,B} || A rem B =:= 3] ++
[{A,B} || A =:= B] ++
[{one_more,A,B} || no_gen_one_more(A, B)] ++
[A || A =:= 1] ++
[A || A =:= 2] ++
[A || A =:= 3] ++
[A || A =:= 4] ++
[A || A =:= 5] ++
[A || A =:= 6] ++
[A || A =:= 7] ++
[A || A =:= 8] ++
[A || A =:= 9] ++
[B || B =:= 1] ++
[B || B =:= 2] ++
[B || B =:= 3] ++
[B || B =:= 4] ++
[B || B =:= 5] ++
[B || B =:= 6] ++
[B || B =:= 7] ++
[B || B =:= 8] ++
[B || B =:= 9].
no_gen_verify(Res, A, B) ->
Pair = {A,B},
ShouldBe = no_gen_eval(fun() -> A+B =:= 0 end, Pair) ++
no_gen_eval(fun() -> A*B =:= 0 end, Pair) ++
no_gen_eval(fun() -> B =/= 0 andalso A rem B =:= 3 end, Pair) ++
no_gen_eval(fun() -> A =:= B end, Pair) ++
no_gen_eval(fun() -> A + 1 =:= B end, {one_more,A,B}) ++
no_gen_eval(fun() -> 1 =< A andalso A =< 9 end, A) ++
no_gen_eval(fun() -> 1 =< B andalso B =< 9 end, B),
case Res of
ShouldBe -> ok;
_ ->
io:format("A = ~p; B = ~p; Expected = ~p, actual = ~p", [A,B,ShouldBe,Res]),
no_gen_eval(Fun, Res) ->
case Fun() of
true -> [Res];
false -> []
no_gen_one_more(A, B) -> A + 1 =:= B.
empty_generator(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line [] = [X || {X} <- [], (false or (X/0 > 3))],
id(I) -> I.
fc(Args, {'EXIT',{function_clause,[{?MODULE,_,Args}|_]}}) -> ok;
fc(Args, {'EXIT',{function_clause,[{?MODULE,Name,Arity}|_]}})
when length(Args) =:= Arity ->
true = test_server:is_native(?MODULE);
fc(Args, {'EXIT',{{case_clause,ActualArgs},_}})
when ?MODULE =:= lc_inline_SUITE ->
Args = tuple_to_list(ActualArgs).