%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
init_per_testcase(Case, Config) when is_atom(Case), is_list(Config) ->
Dog = test_server:timetrap(?t:minutes(10)),
fin_per_testcase(Case, Config) when is_atom(Case), is_list(Config) ->
Dog = ?config(watchdog, Config),
all(suite) ->
%% A bug reported by Tobias Lindahl for a development version of R11B.
tobias(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line 1 = tobias_1([1,2,3]),
tobias_1([H|_T]) ->
%% In an R11B compiler, the move optimizer in beam_block would
%% confuse H and _T.
tobias_2(0, 0),
tobias_2(_, _) ->
%% A bug reported by Richard Carlsson. Used to crash beam_asm
%% because of a put_string instruction with an empty string.
%% The real problem was in sys_core_fold (empty strings should
%% be replaced by []).
-record(r, {s = ""}).
empty_string(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line #r{s="x"} = empty_string_1(#r{}),
empty_string_1(T) ->
case T of
#r{s = ""} -> T #r{s = "x"}
md5(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
case ?MODULE of
misc_SUITE -> md5();
_ -> {skip,"Enough to run this case once."}
md5() ->
?line Dir = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
?line Beams = filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Dir, "*.beam")),
?line io:format("Found ~w beam files", [length(Beams)]),
?line lists:foreach(fun md5_1/1, Beams).
md5_1(Beam) ->
?line {ok,{Mod,[Vsn]}} = beam_lib:version(Beam),
?line {ok,Code} = file:read_file(Beam),
?line {Mod,<<Vsn:128>>} = {Mod,code:module_md5(Code)}.
%% Cover some code that handles internal errors.
silly_coverage(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% sys_core_fold, sys_core_setel, v3_kernel
BadCoreErlang = {c_module,[],
?line expect_error(fun() -> sys_core_fold:module(BadCoreErlang, []) end),
?line expect_error(fun() -> sys_core_dsetel:module(BadCoreErlang, []) end),
?line expect_error(fun() -> v3_kernel:module(BadCoreErlang, []) end),
%% v3_codgen
CodegenInput = {?MODULE,[{foo,0}],[],[{function,foo,0,[a|b],a,b}]},
?line expect_error(fun() -> v3_codegen:module(CodegenInput, []) end),
%% beam_block
BlockInput = {?MODULE,[{foo,0}],[],
?line expect_error(fun() -> beam_block:module(BlockInput, []) end),
%% beam_bool
BoolInput = {?MODULE,[{foo,0}],[],
?line expect_error(fun() -> beam_bool:module(BoolInput, []) end),
%% beam_dead
DeadInput = {?MODULE,[{foo,0}],[],
?line expect_error(fun() -> beam_block:module(DeadInput, []) end),
%% beam_clean
CleanInput = {?MODULE,[{foo,0}],[],
?line expect_error(fun() -> beam_clean:module(CleanInput, []) end),
%% beam_peep
PeepInput = {?MODULE,[{foo,0}],[],
?line expect_error(fun() -> beam_peep:module(PeepInput, []) end),
%% beam_bsm. This is tricky. Our function must be sane enough to not crash
%% btb_index/1, but must crash the main optimization pass.
BsmInput = {?MODULE,[{foo,0}],[],
?line expect_error(fun() -> beam_bsm:module(BsmInput, []) end),
%% beam_receive.
ReceiveInput = {?MODULE,[{foo,0}],[],
?line expect_error(fun() -> beam_receive:module(ReceiveInput, []) end),
expect_error(Fun) ->
try Fun() of
Any ->
io:format("~p", [Any]),
_:_ ->
io:format("~p\n", [erlang:get_stacktrace()])
confused_literals(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {0,infinity} = confused_literals_1(int),
?line {0.0,infinity} = confused_literals_1(float),
confused_literals_1(int) -> {0,infinity};
confused_literals_1(float) -> {0.0,infinity}.
integer_encoding(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
case ?MODULE of
misc_SUITE -> integer_encoding_1(Config);
_ -> {skip,"Enough to run this case once."}
integer_encoding_1(Config) ->
Dog = test_server:timetrap(?t:minutes(4)),
?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line SrcFile = filename:join(PrivDir, "misc_SUITE_integer_encoding.erl"),
?line DataFile = filename:join(PrivDir, "integer_encoding.data"),
Mod = misc_SUITE_integer_encoding,
%% Create files.
?line {ok,Src} = file:open(SrcFile, [write]),
?line {ok,Data} = file:open(DataFile, [write]),
io:format(Src, "-module(~s).\n", [Mod]),
io:put_chars(Src, "-export([t/1]).\n"),
io:put_chars(Src, "t(Last) ->[\n"),
io:put_chars(Data, "[\n"),
?line do_integer_encoding(-(id(1) bsl 10000), Src, Data),
?line do_integer_encoding(id(1) bsl 10000, Src, Data),
?line do_integer_encoding(2048, 0, Src, Data),
io:put_chars(Src, "Last].\n\n"),
?line ok = file:close(Src),
io:put_chars(Data, "0].\n\n"),
?line ok = file:close(Data),
%% Compile and load Erlang module.
?line SrcRoot = filename:rootname(SrcFile),
?line {ok,Mod,Binary} = compile:file(SrcRoot, [binary,report]),
?line {module,Mod} = code:load_binary(Mod, SrcRoot, Binary),
%% Compare lists.
?line List = Mod:t(0),
?line {ok,[List]} = file:consult(DataFile),
OneBsl10000 = id(1) bsl 10000,
?line [-(1 bsl 10000),OneBsl10000|_] = List,
%% Cleanup.
?line file:delete(SrcFile),
?line file:delete(DataFile),
do_integer_encoding(0, _, _, _) -> ok;
do_integer_encoding(N, I0, Src, Data) ->
I1 = (I0 bsl 5) bor (random:uniform(32) - 1),
do_integer_encoding(I1, Src, Data),
I2 = -(I1 bxor (random:uniform(32) - 1)),
do_integer_encoding(I2, Src, Data),
do_integer_encoding(N-1, I1, Src, Data).
do_integer_encoding(I, Src, Data) ->
Str = integer_to_list(I),
io:put_chars(Src, Str),
io:put_chars(Src, ", \n"),
io:put_chars(Data, Str),
io:put_chars(Data, ", \n").
id(I) -> I.