%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% External exports
%% load_mod(Mod, File, Binary, Db) -> {ok, Mod}
%% Mod = module()
%% File = string() Source file (including path)
%% Binary = binary()
%% Db = ETS identifier
%% Load a new module into the database.
%% We want the loading of a module to be synchronous so that no other
%% process tries to interpret code in a module not being completely
%% loaded. This is achieved as this function is called from
%% dbg_iserver. We are suspended until the module has been loaded.
-spec load_mod(Mod, file:filename(), binary(), ets:tid()) ->
{'ok', Mod} when Mod :: atom().
load_mod(Mod, File, Binary, Db) ->
Flag = process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Pid = spawn_link(load_mod1(Mod, File, Binary, Db)),
{'EXIT', Pid, What} ->
process_flag(trap_exit, Flag),
-spec load_mod1(atom(), file:filename(), binary(), ets:tid()) ->
fun(() -> no_return()).
load_mod1(Mod, File, Binary, Db) ->
fun() ->
store_module(Mod, File, Binary, Db),
exit({ok, Mod})
%% Internal functions
store_module(Mod, File, Binary, Db) ->
{interpreter_module, Exp, Abst, Src, MD5} = binary_to_term(Binary),
Forms = case abstr(Abst) of
{abstract_v1,_} ->
{abstract_v2,_} ->
{raw_abstract_v1,Code0} ->
Code = interpret_file_attribute(Code0),
dbg_idb:insert(Db, mod_file, File),
dbg_idb:insert(Db, defs, []),
put(vcount, 0),
put(fun_count, 0),
put(funs, []),
put(mod_md5, MD5),
store_forms(Forms, Mod, Db, Exp),
%% store_funs(Db, Mod),
NewBinary = store_mod_line_no(Mod, Db, binary_to_list(Src)),
dbg_idb:insert(Db, mod_bin, NewBinary),
dbg_idb:insert(Db, mod_raw, <<Src/binary,0:8>>). %% Add eos
standard_transforms(Forms0) ->
Forms = erl_expand_records:module(Forms0, []),
%% Adjust line numbers using the file/2 attribute.
%% Also take the absolute value of line numbers.
%% This simple fix will make the marker point at the correct line
%% (assuming the file attributes are correct) in the source; it will
%% not point at code in included files.
interpret_file_attribute(Code) ->
abstr(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> binary_to_term(Bin);
abstr(Term) -> Term.
% store_funs(Db, Mod) ->
% store_funs_1(get(funs), Db, Mod).
% store_funs_1([{Name,Index,Uniq,_,_,Arity,Cs}|Fs], Db, Mod) ->
% dbg_idb:insert(Db, {Mod,Name,Arity,false}, Cs),
% dbg_idb:insert(Db, {'fun',Mod,Index,Uniq}, {Name,Arity,Cs}),
% store_funs_1(Fs, Db, Mod);
% store_funs_1([], _, _) -> ok.
store_forms([{function,_,Name,Arity,Cs0}|Fs], Mod, Db, Exp) ->
FA = {Name,Arity},
put(current_function, FA),
Cs = clauses(Cs0),
Exported = lists:member(FA, Exp),
dbg_idb:insert(Db, {Mod,Name,Arity,Exported}, Cs),
store_forms(Fs, Mod, Db, Exp);
store_forms([{attribute,_,_Name,_Val}|Fs], Mod, Db, Exp) ->
store_forms(Fs, Mod, Db, Exp);
store_forms([_|Fs], Mod, Db, Exp) ->
%% Ignore other forms such as {eof,_} or {warning,_}.
store_forms(Fs, Mod, Db, Exp);
store_forms([], _, _, _) ->
store_mod_line_no(Mod, Db, Contents) ->
store_mod_line_no(Mod, Db, Contents, 1, 0, []).
store_mod_line_no(_, _, [], _, _, NewCont) ->
store_mod_line_no(Mod, Db, Contents, LineNo, Pos, NewCont) when is_integer(LineNo) ->
{ContTail,Pos1,NewCont1} = store_line(Mod, Db, Contents, LineNo, Pos, NewCont),
store_mod_line_no(Mod, Db, ContTail, LineNo+1, Pos1, NewCont1).
store_line(_, Db, Contents, LineNo, Pos, NewCont) ->
{ContHead,ContTail,PosNL} = get_nl(Contents,Pos+8,[]),
{ContTail,PosNL+1,[make_lineno(LineNo, 8, ContHead)|NewCont]}.
make_lineno(N, P, Acc) ->
S = integer_to_list(N),
S ++ [$:|spaces(P-length(S)-1, Acc)].
spaces(P, Acc) when P > 0 ->
spaces(P-1, [$\s|Acc]);
spaces(_, Acc) -> Acc.
get_nl([10|T],Pos,Head) -> {lists:reverse([10|Head]),T,Pos};
get_nl([H|T],Pos,Head) ->
get_nl([],Pos,Head) -> {lists:reverse(Head),[],Pos}.
%%% Rewrite the abstract syntax tree to that it will be easier (== faster)
%%% to interpret.
clauses([C0|Cs]) ->
C1 = clause(C0, true),
clauses([]) -> [].
clause({clause,Anno,H0,G0,B0}, Lc) ->
H1 = head(H0),
G1 = guard(G0),
B1 = exprs(B0, Lc),
head(Ps) -> patterns(Ps).
%% These patterns are processed "sequentially" for purposes of variable
%% definition etc.
patterns([P0|Ps]) ->
P1 = pattern(P0),
patterns([]) -> [].
%% N.B. Only valid patterns are included here.
pattern({var,Anno,V}) -> {var,ln(Anno),V};
pattern({char,Anno,I}) -> {value,ln(Anno),I};
pattern({integer,Anno,I}) -> {value,ln(Anno),I};
pattern({match,Anno,Pat1,Pat2}) ->
pattern({float,Anno,F}) -> {value,ln(Anno),F};
pattern({atom,Anno,A}) -> {value,ln(Anno),A};
pattern({string,Anno,S}) -> {value,ln(Anno),S};
pattern({nil,Anno}) -> {value,ln(Anno),[]};
pattern({cons,Anno,H0,T0}) ->
H1 = pattern(H0),
T1 = pattern(T0),
pattern({tuple,Anno,Ps0}) ->
Ps1 = pattern_list(Ps0),
pattern({map,Anno,Fs0}) ->
Fs1 = lists:map(fun ({map_field_exact,L,K,V}) ->
{map_field_exact,L,expr(K, false),pattern(V)}
end, Fs0),
pattern({op,_,'-',{integer,Anno,I}}) ->
pattern({op,_,'+',{integer,Anno,I}}) ->
pattern({op,_,'-',{char,Anno,I}}) ->
pattern({op,_,'+',{char,Anno,I}}) ->
pattern({op,_,'-',{float,Anno,I}}) ->
pattern({op,_,'+',{float,Anno,I}}) ->
pattern({bin,Anno,Grp}) ->
Grp1 = pattern_list(bin_expand_strings(Grp)),
pattern({bin_element,Anno,Expr0,Size0,Type0}) ->
{Size1,Type} = make_bit_type(Anno, Size0, Type0),
Expr1 = pattern(Expr0),
Expr = coerce_to_float(Expr1, Type0),
Size = pattern(Size1),
%% Evaluate compile-time expressions.
pattern({op,_,'++',{nil,_},R}) ->
pattern({op,_,'++',{cons,Li,H,T},R}) ->
pattern({op,_,'++',{string,Li,L},R}) ->
pattern(string_to_conses(Li, L, R));
pattern({op,_Line,_Op,_A}=Op) ->
pattern({op,_Line,_Op,_L,_R}=Op) ->
string_to_conses(Anno, Cs, Tail) ->
lists:foldr(fun (C, T) -> {cons,Anno,{char,Anno,C},T} end, Tail, Cs).
coerce_to_float({value,Anno,Int}=E, [float|_]) when is_integer(Int) ->
error:badarg -> E
coerce_to_float(E, _) -> E.
%% These patterns are processed "in parallel" for purposes of variable
%% definition etc.
pattern_list([P0|Ps]) ->
P1 = pattern(P0),
pattern_list([]) -> [].
guard([G0|Gs]) ->
G1 = and_guard(G0),
guard([]) -> [].
and_guard([G0|Gs]) ->
G1 = guard_test(G0),
and_guard([]) -> [].
guard_test({call,Anno,{remote,_,{atom,_,erlang},{atom,_,F}},As0}) ->
As = gexpr_list(As0),
guard_test({op,Anno,Op,L0}) ->
true = erl_internal:arith_op(Op, 1) orelse %Assertion.
erl_internal:bool_op(Op, 1),
L1 = gexpr(L0),
guard_test({op,Anno,Op,L0,R0}) when Op =:= 'andalso'; Op =:= 'orelse' ->
L1 = gexpr(L0),
R1 = gexpr(R0), %They see the same variables
guard_test({op,Anno,Op,L0,R0}) ->
true = erl_internal:comp_op(Op, 2) orelse %Assertion.
erl_internal:bool_op(Op, 2) orelse
erl_internal:arith_op(Op, 2),
L1 = gexpr(L0),
R1 = gexpr(R0), %They see the same variables
guard_test({var,_,_}=V) ->V; % Boolean var
guard_test({atom,Anno,true}) -> {value,ln(Anno),true};
%% All other constants at this level means false.
guard_test({atom,Anno,_}) -> {value,ln(Anno),false};
guard_test({integer,Anno,_}) -> {value,ln(Anno),false};
guard_test({char,Anno,_}) -> {value,ln(Anno),false};
guard_test({float,Anno,_}) -> {value,ln(Anno),false};
guard_test({string,Anno,_}) -> {value,ln(Anno),false};
guard_test({nil,Anno}) -> {value,ln(Anno),false};
guard_test({cons,Anno,_,_}) -> {value,ln(Anno),false};
guard_test({tuple,Anno,_}) -> {value,ln(Anno),false};
guard_test({map,Anno,_}) -> {value,ln(Anno),false};
guard_test({map,Anno,_,_}) -> {value,ln(Anno),false};
guard_test({bin,Anno,_}) -> {value,ln(Anno),false}.
gexpr({var,Anno,V}) -> {var,ln(Anno),V};
gexpr({integer,Anno,I}) -> {value,ln(Anno),I};
gexpr({char,Anno,I}) -> {value,ln(Anno),I};
gexpr({float,Anno,F}) -> {value,ln(Anno),F};
gexpr({atom,Anno,A}) -> {value,ln(Anno),A};
gexpr({string,Anno,S}) -> {value,ln(Anno),S};
gexpr({nil,Anno}) -> {value,ln(Anno),[]};
gexpr({cons,Anno,H0,T0}) ->
case {gexpr(H0),gexpr(T0)} of
{{value,Line,H1},{value,Line,T1}} -> {value,Line,[H1|T1]};
{H1,T1} -> {cons,ln(Anno),H1,T1}
gexpr({tuple,Anno,Es0}) ->
Es1 = gexpr_list(Es0),
gexpr({map,Anno,Fs0}) ->
new_map(Fs0, Anno, fun gexpr/1);
gexpr({map,Anno,E0,Fs0}) ->
E1 = gexpr(E0),
Fs1 = map_fields(Fs0, fun gexpr/1),
gexpr({bin,Anno,Flds0}) ->
Flds = gexpr_list(bin_expand_strings(Flds0)),
gexpr({bin_element,Anno,Expr0,Size0,Type0}) ->
{Size1,Type} = make_bit_type(Anno, Size0, Type0),
Expr = gexpr(Expr0),
Size = gexpr(Size1),
%%% The erl_expand_records pass has added the module name 'erlang' to
%%% all BIF calls, even in guards.
gexpr({call,Anno,{remote,_,{atom,_,erlang},{atom,_,self}},[]}) ->
gexpr({call,Anno,{remote,_,{atom,_,erlang},{atom,_,F}},As0}) ->
As = gexpr_list(As0),
gexpr({op,Anno,Op,A0}) ->
erl_internal:arith_op(Op, 1),
A1 = gexpr(A0),
gexpr({op,Anno,Op,L0,R0}) when Op =:= 'andalso'; Op =:= 'orelse' ->
L1 = gexpr(L0),
R1 = gexpr(R0), %They see the same variables
gexpr({op,Anno,Op,L0,R0}) ->
true = erl_internal:arith_op(Op, 2) orelse erl_internal:comp_op(Op, 2)
orelse erl_internal:bool_op(Op, 2),
L1 = gexpr(L0),
R1 = gexpr(R0), %They see the same variables
%% These expressions are processed "in parallel" for purposes of variable
%% definition etc.
gexpr_list([E0|Es]) ->
E1 = gexpr(E0),
gexpr_list([]) -> [].
%% These expressions are processed "sequentially" for purposes of variable
%% definition etc.
exprs([E], Lc) ->
[expr(E, Lc)];
exprs([E0|Es], Lc) ->
E1 = expr(E0, false),
[E1|exprs(Es, Lc)];
exprs([], _Lc) -> [].
expr({var,Anno,V}, _Lc) -> {var,ln(Anno),V};
expr({integer,Anno,I}, _Lc) -> {value,ln(Anno),I};
expr({char,Anno,I}, _Lc) -> {value,ln(Anno),I};
expr({float,Anno,F}, _Lc) -> {value,ln(Anno),F};
expr({atom,Anno,A}, _Lc) -> {value,ln(Anno),A};
expr({string,Anno,S}, _Lc) -> {value,ln(Anno),S};
expr({nil,Anno}, _Lc) -> {value,ln(Anno),[]};
expr({cons,Anno,H0,T0}, _Lc) ->
case {expr(H0, false),expr(T0, false)} of
{{value,Line,H1},{value,Line,T1}} -> {value,Line,[H1|T1]};
{H1,T1} -> {cons,ln(Anno),H1,T1}
expr({tuple,Anno,Es0}, _Lc) ->
Es1 = expr_list(Es0),
expr({map,Anno,Fs}, _Lc) ->
new_map(Fs, Anno, fun (E) -> expr(E, false) end);
expr({map,Anno,E0,Fs0}, _Lc) ->
E1 = expr(E0, false),
Fs1 = map_fields(Fs0),
expr({block,Anno,Es0}, Lc) ->
%% Unfold block into a sequence.
Es1 = exprs(Es0, Lc),
expr({'if',Anno,Cs0}, Lc) ->
Cs1 = icr_clauses(Cs0, Lc),
expr({'case',Anno,E0,Cs0}, Lc) ->
E1 = expr(E0, false),
Cs1 = icr_clauses(Cs0, Lc),
expr({'receive',Anno,Cs0}, Lc) ->
Cs1 = icr_clauses(Cs0, Lc),
expr({'receive',Anno,Cs0,To0,ToEs0}, Lc) ->
To1 = expr(To0, false),
ToEs1 = exprs(ToEs0, Lc),
Cs1 = icr_clauses(Cs0, Lc),
expr({'fun',Anno,{clauses,Cs0}}, _Lc) ->
%% New R10B-2 format (abstract_v2).
Cs = fun_clauses(Cs0),
Name = new_fun_name(),
expr({'fun',Anno,{function,F,A}}, _Lc) ->
%% New R8 format (abstract_v2).
Line = ln(Anno),
As = new_vars(A, Line),
Name = new_fun_name(),
Cs = [{clause,Line,As,[],[{local_call,Line,F,As,true}]}],
expr({named_fun,Anno,FName,Cs0}, _Lc) ->
Cs = fun_clauses(Cs0),
Name = new_fun_name(),
expr({'fun',Anno,{function,{atom,_,M},{atom,_,F},{integer,_,A}}}, _Lc)
when 0 =< A, A =< 255 ->
%% New format in R15 for fun M:F/A (literal values).
{value,ln(Anno),erlang:make_fun(M, F, A)};
expr({'fun',Anno,{function,M,F,A}}, _Lc) ->
%% New format in R15 for fun M:F/A (one or more variables).
MFA = expr_list([M,F,A]),
expr({call,Anno,{remote,_,{atom,_,erlang},{atom,_,self}},[]}, _Lc) ->
expr({call,Anno,{remote,_,{atom,_,erlang},{atom,_,get_stacktrace}},[]}, _Lc) ->
expr({call,Anno,{remote,_,{atom,_,erlang},{atom,_,throw}},[_]=As}, _Lc) ->
expr({call,Anno,{remote,_,{atom,_,erlang},{atom,_,error}},[_]=As}, _Lc) ->
expr({call,Anno,{remote,_,{atom,_,erlang},{atom,_,exit}},[_]=As}, _Lc) ->
expr({call,Anno,{remote,_,{atom,_,erlang},{atom,_,raise}},[_,_,_]=As}, _Lc) ->
expr({call,Anno,{remote,_,{atom,_,erlang},{atom,_,apply}},[_,_,_]=As0}, Lc) ->
As = expr_list(As0),
expr({call,Anno,{remote,_,{atom,_,Mod},{atom,_,Func}},As0}, Lc) ->
As = expr_list(As0),
case erlang:is_builtin(Mod, Func, length(As)) of
false ->
true ->
case bif_type(Mod, Func, length(As0)) of
safe -> {safe_bif,ln(Anno),Mod,Func,As};
unsafe ->{bif,ln(Anno),Mod,Func,As}
expr({call,Anno,{remote,_,Mod0,Func0},As0}, Lc) ->
%% New R8 format (abstract_v2).
Mod = expr(Mod0, false),
Func = expr(Func0, false),
As = consify(expr_list(As0)),
expr({call,Anno,{atom,_,Func},As0}, Lc) ->
As = expr_list(As0),
expr({call,Anno,Fun0,As0}, Lc) ->
Fun = expr(Fun0, false),
As = expr_list(As0),
expr({'catch',Anno,E0}, _Lc) ->
%% No new variables added.
E1 = expr(E0, false),
expr({'try',Anno,Es0,CaseCs0,CatchCs0,As0}, Lc) ->
%% No new variables added.
Es = expr_list(Es0),
CaseCs = icr_clauses(CaseCs0, Lc),
CatchCs = icr_clauses(CatchCs0, Lc),
As = expr_list(As0),
expr({lc,Anno,E0,Gs0}, _Lc) -> %R8.
Gs = lists:map(fun ({generate,L,P0,Qs}) ->
{generate,L,pattern(P0),expr(Qs, false)};
({b_generate,L,P0,Qs}) -> %R12.
{b_generate,L,pattern(P0),expr(Qs, false)};
(Expr) ->
case erl_lint:is_guard_test(Expr) of
true -> {guard,guard([[Expr]])};
false -> expr(Expr, false)
end, Gs0),
{lc,ln(Anno),expr(E0, false),Gs};
expr({bc,Anno,E0,Gs0}, _Lc) -> %R12.
Gs = lists:map(fun ({generate,L,P0,Qs}) ->
{generate,L,pattern(P0),expr(Qs, false)};
({b_generate,L,P0,Qs}) -> %R12.
{b_generate,L,pattern(P0),expr(Qs, false)};
(Expr) ->
case erl_lint:is_guard_test(Expr) of
true -> {guard,guard([[Expr]])};
false -> expr(Expr, false)
end, Gs0),
{bc,ln(Anno),expr(E0, false),Gs};
expr({match,Anno,P0,E0}, _Lc) ->
E1 = expr(E0, false),
P1 = pattern(P0),
expr({op,Anno,Op,A0}, _Lc) ->
A1 = expr(A0, false),
expr({op,Anno,'++',L0,R0}, _Lc) ->
L1 = expr(L0, false),
R1 = expr(R0, false), %They see the same variables
expr({op,Anno,'--',L0,R0}, _Lc) ->
L1 = expr(L0, false),
R1 = expr(R0, false), %They see the same variables
expr({op,Anno,'!',L0,R0}, _Lc) ->
L1 = expr(L0, false),
R1 = expr(R0, false), %They see the same variables
expr({op,Anno,Op,L0,R0}, _Lc) when Op =:= 'andalso'; Op =:= 'orelse' ->
L1 = expr(L0, false),
R1 = expr(R0, false), %They see the same variables
expr({op,Anno,Op,L0,R0}, _Lc) ->
L1 = expr(L0, false),
R1 = expr(R0, false), %They see the same variables
expr({bin,Anno,Grp}, _Lc) ->
Grp1 = expr_list(bin_expand_strings(Grp)),
expr({bin_element,Anno,Expr0,Size0,Type0}, _Lc) ->
{Size1,Type} = make_bit_type(Anno, Size0, Type0),
Expr = expr(Expr0, false),
Size = expr(Size1, false),
consify([A|As]) ->
consify([]) -> {value,0,[]}.
make_bit_type(Line, default, Type0) ->
case erl_bits:set_bit_type(default, Type0) of
{ok,all,Bt} -> {{atom,Line,all},erl_bits:as_list(Bt)};
{ok,undefined,Bt} -> {{atom,Line,undefined},erl_bits:as_list(Bt)};
{ok,Size,Bt} -> {{integer,Line,Size},erl_bits:as_list(Bt)}
make_bit_type(_Line, Size, Type0) -> %Integer or 'all'
{ok,Size,Bt} = erl_bits:set_bit_type(Size, Type0),
%% The debugger converts both strings "abc" and lists [67, 68, 69]
%% into {value, Line, [67, 68, 69]}, making it impossible to later
%% distingish one or the other inside binaries when evaluating. To
%% avoid <<[67, 68, 69]>> from evaluating, we convert strings into
%% chars to avoid the ambiguity.
bin_expand_strings(Es) ->
lists:foldr(fun ({bin_element,Line,{string,_,S},Sz,Ts}, Es1) ->
lists:foldr(fun (C, Es2) ->
end, Es1, S);
(E, Es1) -> [E|Es1]
end, [], Es).
%% -type expr_list([Expression]) -> [Expression].
%% These expressions are processed "in parallel" for purposes of variable
%% definition etc.
expr_list([E0|Es]) ->
E1 = expr(E0, false),
expr_list([]) -> [].
icr_clauses([C0|Cs], Lc) ->
C1 = clause(C0, Lc),
[C1|icr_clauses(Cs, Lc)];
icr_clauses([], _) -> [].
fun_clauses([{clause,A,H,G,B}|Cs]) ->
[{clause,ln(A),head(H),guard(G),exprs(B, true)}|fun_clauses(Cs)];
fun_clauses([]) -> [].
new_map(Fs0, Anno, F) ->
Line = ln(Anno),
Fs1 = map_fields(Fs0, F),
Fs2 = [{L,K,V} || {map_field_assoc,L,K,V} <- Fs1],
{value,Line,map_literal(Fs2, #{})}
throw:not_literal ->
map_literal([{_,{value,_,K},{value,_,V}}|T], M) ->
map_literal(T, maps:put(K, V, M));
map_literal([_|_], _) ->
map_literal([], M) -> M.
map_fields(Fs) ->
map_fields(Fs, fun (E) -> expr(E, false) end).
map_fields([{map_field_assoc,A,N,V}|Fs], F) ->
map_fields([{map_field_exact,A,N,V}|Fs], F) ->
map_fields([], _) -> [].
%% new_var_name() -> VarName.
new_var_name() ->
C = get(vcount),
put(vcount, C+1),
list_to_atom("%" ++ integer_to_list(C)).
%% new_vars(Count, Line) -> [Var].
%% Make Count new variables.
new_vars(N, L) -> new_vars(N, L, []).
new_vars(N, L, Vs) when N > 0 ->
V = {var,L,new_var_name()},
new_vars(N-1, L, [V|Vs]);
new_vars(0, _, Vs) -> Vs.
new_fun_name() ->
{F,A} = get(current_function),
I = get(fun_count),
put(fun_count, I+1),
Name = "-" ++ atom_to_list(F) ++ "/" ++ integer_to_list(A) ++
"-fun-" ++ integer_to_list(I) ++ "-",
ln(Anno) ->
bif_type(erlang, Name, Arity) ->
case erl_internal:guard_bif(Name, Arity) of
true ->
%% Guard BIFs are safe (except for self/0, but it is
%% handled with a special instruction anyway).
false ->
bif_type(_, _, _) -> unsafe.
bif_type(register) -> safe;
bif_type(unregister) -> safe;
bif_type(whereis) -> safe;
bif_type(registered) -> safe;
bif_type(setelement) -> safe;
bif_type(atom_to_list) -> safe;
bif_type(list_to_atom) -> safe;
bif_type(integer_to_list) -> safe;
bif_type(list_to_integer) -> safe;
bif_type(float_to_list) -> safe;
bif_type(list_to_float) -> safe;
bif_type(tuple_to_list) -> safe;
bif_type(list_to_tuple) -> safe;
bif_type(make_ref) -> safe;
bif_type(time) -> safe;
bif_type(date) -> safe;
bif_type(processes) -> safe;
bif_type(process_info) -> safe;
bif_type(load_module) -> safe;
bif_type(delete_module) -> safe;
bif_type(halt) -> safe;
bif_type(check_process_code) -> safe;
bif_type(purge_module) -> safe;
bif_type(pid_to_list) -> safe;
bif_type(list_to_pid) -> safe;
bif_type(module_loaded) -> safe;
bif_type(binary_to_term) -> safe;
bif_type(term_to_binary) -> safe;
bif_type(nodes) -> safe;
bif_type(is_alive) -> safe;
bif_type(disconnect_node) -> safe;
bif_type(binary_to_list) -> safe;
bif_type(list_to_binary) -> safe;
bif_type(split_binary) -> safe;
bif_type(hash) -> safe;
bif_type(pre_loaded) -> safe;
bif_type(set_cookie) -> safe;
bif_type(get_cookie) -> safe;
bif_type(_) -> unsafe.