%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2,
-import(lists, [seq/2]).
suite() ->
all() ->
[integer, signed_integer, dynamic, more_dynamic, mml,
match_huge_int, bignum, unaligned_32_bit].
groups() ->
init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
end_per_testcase(_Case, _Config) ->
init_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line test_lib:interpret(?MODULE),
?line true = lists:member(?MODULE, int:interpreted()),
end_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
integer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line 0 = get_int(mkbin([])),
?line 0 = get_int(mkbin([0])),
?line 42 = get_int(mkbin([42])),
?line 255 = get_int(mkbin([255])),
?line 256 = get_int(mkbin([1,0])),
?line 257 = get_int(mkbin([1,1])),
?line 258 = get_int(mkbin([1,2])),
?line 258 = get_int(mkbin([1,2])),
?line 65534 = get_int(mkbin([255,254])),
?line 16776455 = get_int(mkbin([255,253,7])),
?line 4245492555 = get_int(mkbin([253,13,19,75])),
?line 4294967294 = get_int(mkbin([255,255,255,254])),
?line 4294967295 = get_int(mkbin([255,255,255,255])),
?line Eight = [200,1,19,128,222,42,97,111],
?line cmp128(Eight, uint(Eight)),
?line fun_clause(catch get_int(mkbin(seq(1,5)))),
get_int(Bin) ->
I = get_int1(Bin),
get_int(Bin, I).
get_int(Bin0, I) when size(Bin0) < 4 ->
Bin = <<0,Bin0/binary>>,
I = get_int1(Bin),
get_int(Bin, I);
get_int(_, I) -> I.
get_int1(<<I:0>>) -> I;
get_int1(<<I:8>>) -> I;
get_int1(<<I:16>>) -> I;
get_int1(<<I:24>>) -> I;
get_int1(<<I:32>>) -> I.
cmp128(<<I:128>>, I) -> equal;
cmp128(_, _) -> not_equal.
signed_integer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {no_match,_} = sint(mkbin([])),
?line {no_match,_} = sint(mkbin([1,2,3])),
?line 127 = sint(mkbin([127])),
?line -1 = sint(mkbin([255])),
?line -128 = sint(mkbin([128])),
?line 42 = sint(mkbin([42,255])),
?line 127 = sint(mkbin([127,255])).
sint(Bin) ->
case Bin of
<<I:8/signed>> -> I;
<<I:8/signed,_:3,_:5>> -> I;
Other -> {no_match,Other}
uint(L) -> uint(L, 0).
uint([H|T], Acc) -> uint(T, Acc bsl 8 bor H);
uint([], Acc) -> Acc.
dynamic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
dynamic(mkbin([255]), 8),
dynamic(mkbin([255,255]), 16),
dynamic(mkbin([255,255,255]), 24),
dynamic(mkbin([255,255,255,255]), 32),
dynamic(Bin, S1) when S1 >= 0 ->
S2 = size(Bin) * 8 - S1,
dynamic(Bin, S1, S2, (1 bsl S1) - 1, (1 bsl S2) - 1),
dynamic(Bin, S1-1);
dynamic(_, _) -> ok.
dynamic(Bin, S1, S2, A, B) ->
% io:format("~p ~p ~p ~p\n", [S1,S2,A,B]),
case Bin of
<<A:S1,B:S2>> ->
io:format("~p ~p ~p ~p\n", [S1,S2,A,B]),
_Other -> erlang:error(badmatch, [Bin,S1,S2,A,B])
more_dynamic(doc) -> "Extract integers at different alignments and of different sizes.";
more_dynamic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
% Unsigned big-endian numbers.
Unsigned = fun(Bin, List, SkipBef, N) ->
SkipAft = 8*size(Bin) - N - SkipBef,
<<_:SkipBef,Int:N,_:SkipAft>> = Bin,
Int = make_int(List, N, 0)
?line more_dynamic1(Unsigned, funny_binary(42)),
%% Signed big-endian numbers.
Signed = fun(Bin, List, SkipBef, N) ->
SkipAft = 8*size(Bin) - N - SkipBef,
<<_:SkipBef,Int:N/signed,_:SkipAft>> = Bin,
case make_signed_int(List, N) of
Int -> ok;
Other ->
io:format("Bin = ~p,", [Bin]),
io:format("SkipBef = ~p, N = ~p", [SkipBef,N]),
io:format("Expected ~p, got ~p", [Int,Other]),
?line more_dynamic1(Signed, funny_binary(43)),
%% Unsigned little-endian numbers.
UnsLittle = fun(Bin, List, SkipBef, N) ->
SkipAft = 8*size(Bin) - N - SkipBef,
<<_:SkipBef,Int:N/little,_:SkipAft>> = Bin,
Int = make_int(big_to_little(List, N), N, 0)
?line more_dynamic1(UnsLittle, funny_binary(44)),
%% Signed little-endian numbers.
SignLittle = fun(Bin, List, SkipBef, N) ->
SkipAft = 8*size(Bin) - N - SkipBef,
<<_:SkipBef,Int:N/signed-little,_:SkipAft>> = Bin,
Little = big_to_little(List, N),
Int = make_signed_int(Little, N)
?line more_dynamic1(SignLittle, funny_binary(45)),
more_dynamic1(Action, Bin) ->
BitList = bits_to_list(binary_to_list(Bin), 16#80),
more_dynamic2(Action, Bin, BitList, 0).
more_dynamic2(Action, Bin, [_|T]=List, Bef) ->
more_dynamic3(Action, Bin, List, Bef, size(Bin)*8),
more_dynamic2(Action, Bin, T, Bef+1);
more_dynamic2(_, _, [], _) -> ok.
more_dynamic3(Action, Bin, List, Bef, Aft) when Bef =< Aft ->
%% io:format("~p, ~p", [Bef,Aft-Bef]),
Action(Bin, List, Bef, Aft-Bef),
more_dynamic3(Action, Bin, List, Bef, Aft-1);
more_dynamic3(_, _, _, _, _) -> ok.
big_to_little(List, N) -> big_to_little(List, N, []).
big_to_little([B0,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7|T], N, Acc) when N >= 8 ->
big_to_little(T, N-8, [B0,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7|Acc]);
big_to_little(List, N, Acc) -> lists:sublist(List, 1, N) ++ Acc.
make_signed_int(_List, 0) -> 0;
make_signed_int([0|_]=List, N) -> make_int(List, N, 0);
make_signed_int([1|_]=List0, N) ->
List1 = reversed_sublist(List0, N, []),
List2 = two_complement_and_reverse(List1, 1, []),
-make_int(List2, length(List2), 0).
reversed_sublist(_List, 0, Acc) -> Acc;
reversed_sublist([H|T], N, Acc) -> reversed_sublist(T, N-1, [H|Acc]).
two_complement_and_reverse([H|T], Carry, Acc) ->
Sum = 1-H+Carry,
two_complement_and_reverse(T, Sum div 2, [Sum rem 2|Acc]);
two_complement_and_reverse([], Carry, Acc) -> [Carry|Acc].
make_int(_List, 0, Acc) -> Acc;
make_int([H|T], N, Acc) -> make_int(T, N-1, Acc bsl 1 bor H).
bits_to_list([_|T], 0) -> bits_to_list(T, 16#80);
bits_to_list([H|_]=List, Mask) ->
[case H band Mask of
0 -> 0;
_ -> 1
end|bits_to_list(List, Mask bsr 1)];
bits_to_list([], _) -> [].
fun_clause({'EXIT',{function_clause,_}}) -> ok.
mkbin(L) when is_list(L) -> list_to_binary(L).
funny_binary(N) ->
B0 = erlang:md5([N]),
{B1,_B2} = split_binary(B0, byte_size(B0) div 3),
mml(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line single_byte_binary = mml_choose(<<42>>),
?line multi_byte_binary = mml_choose(<<42,43>>).
mml_choose(<<_A:8>>) -> single_byte_binary;
mml_choose(<<_A:8,_T/binary>>) -> multi_byte_binary.
match_huge_int(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Sz = 1 bsl 27,
?line Bin = <<0:Sz,13:8>>,
?line skip_huge_int_1(Sz, Bin),
?line 0 = match_huge_int_1(Sz, Bin),
%% Test overflowing the size of an integer field.
?line nomatch = overflow_huge_int_skip_32(Bin),
case erlang:system_info(wordsize) of
4 ->
?line nomatch = overflow_huge_int_32(Bin);
8 ->
%% An attempt will be made to allocate heap space for
%% the bignum (which will probably fail); only if the
%% allocation succeds will the matching fail because
%% the binary is too small.
?line nomatch = overflow_huge_int_skip_64(Bin),
?line nomatch = overflow_huge_int_64(Bin),
%% Test overflowing the size of an integer field using variables as sizes.
?line Sizes = case erlang:system_info(wordsize) of
4 -> lists:seq(25, 32);
8 -> []
end ++ lists:seq(50, 64),
?line ok = overflow_huge_int_unit128(Bin, Sizes),
overflow_huge_int_unit128(Bin, [Sz0|Sizes]) ->
Sz = id(1 bsl Sz0),
case Bin of
<<_:Sz/unit:128,0,_/binary>> ->
_ ->
case Bin of
<<Var:Sz/unit:128,0,_/binary>> ->
_ ->
overflow_huge_int_unit128(Bin, Sizes)
overflow_huge_int_unit128(_, []) -> ok.
match_huge_int_1(I, Bin) ->
<<Int:I,13>> = Bin,
skip_huge_int_1(I, Bin) ->
<<_:I,13>> = Bin.
overflow_huge_int_skip_32(<<_:4294967296,0,_/binary>>) -> 1; % 1 bsl 32
overflow_huge_int_skip_32(<<_:33554432/unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> 2; % 1 bsl 25
overflow_huge_int_skip_32(<<_:67108864/unit:64,0,_/binary>>) -> 3; % 1 bsl 26
overflow_huge_int_skip_32(<<_:134217728/unit:32,0,_/binary>>) -> 4; % 1 bsl 27
overflow_huge_int_skip_32(<<_:268435456/unit:16,0,_/binary>>) -> 5; % 1 bsl 28
overflow_huge_int_skip_32(<<_:536870912/unit:8,0,_/binary>>) -> 6; % 1 bsl 29
overflow_huge_int_skip_32(<<_:1073741824/unit:8,0,_/binary>>) -> 7; % 1 bsl 30
overflow_huge_int_skip_32(<<_:2147483648/unit:8,0,_/binary>>) -> 8; % 1 bsl 31
overflow_huge_int_skip_32(_) -> nomatch.
overflow_huge_int_32(<<Int:4294967296,_/binary>>) -> {1,Int}; % 1 bsl 32
overflow_huge_int_32(<<Int:33554432/unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {2,Int}; % 1 bsl 25
overflow_huge_int_32(<<Int:67108864/unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {3,Int}; % 1 bsl 26
overflow_huge_int_32(<<Int:134217728/unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {4,Int}; % 1 bsl 27
overflow_huge_int_32(<<Int:268435456/unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {5,Int}; % 1 bsl 28
overflow_huge_int_32(<<Int:536870912/unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {6,Int}; % 1 bsl 29
overflow_huge_int_32(<<Int:1073741824/unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {7,Int}; % 1 bsl 30
overflow_huge_int_32(<<Int:2147483648/unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {8,Int}; % 1 bsl 31
overflow_huge_int_32(_) -> nomatch.
overflow_huge_int_skip_64(<<_:18446744073709551616,_/binary>>) -> 1; % 1 bsl 64
overflow_huge_int_skip_64(<<_:144115188075855872/unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> 2; % 1 bsl 57
overflow_huge_int_skip_64(<<_:288230376151711744/unit:64,0,_/binary>>) -> 3; % 1 bsl 58
overflow_huge_int_skip_64(<<_:576460752303423488/unit:32,0,_/binary>>) -> 4; % 1 bsl 59
overflow_huge_int_skip_64(<<_:1152921504606846976/unit:16,0,_/binary>>) -> 5; % 1 bsl 60
overflow_huge_int_skip_64(<<_:2305843009213693952/unit:8,0,_/binary>>) -> 6; % 1 bsl 61
overflow_huge_int_skip_64(<<_:4611686018427387904/unit:8,0,_/binary>>) -> 7; % 1 bsl 62
overflow_huge_int_skip_64(<<_:9223372036854775808/unit:8,0,_/binary>>) -> 8; % 1 bsl 63
overflow_huge_int_skip_64(_) -> nomatch.
overflow_huge_int_64(<<Int:18446744073709551616,_/binary>>) -> {1,Int}; % 1 bsl 64
overflow_huge_int_64(<<Int:144115188075855872/unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {2,Int}; % 1 bsl 57
overflow_huge_int_64(<<Int:288230376151711744/unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {3,Int}; % 1 bsl 58
overflow_huge_int_64(<<Int:576460752303423488/unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {4,Int}; % 1 bsl 59
overflow_huge_int_64(<<Int:1152921504606846976/unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {5,Int}; % 1 bsl 60
overflow_huge_int_64(<<Int:2305843009213693952/unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {6,Int}; % 1 bsl 61
overflow_huge_int_64(<<Int:4611686018427387904/unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {7,Int}; % 1 bsl 62
overflow_huge_int_64(<<Int:9223372036854775808/unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {8,Int}; % 1 bsl 63
overflow_huge_int_64(_) -> nomatch.
bignum(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Bin = id(<<42,0:1024/unit:8,43>>),
?line <<42:1025/little-integer-unit:8,_:8>> = Bin,
?line <<_:8,43:1025/integer-unit:8>> = Bin,
?line BignumBin = id(<<0:512/unit:8,258254417031933722623:9/unit:8>>),
?line <<258254417031933722623:(512+9)/unit:8>> = BignumBin,
erlang:garbage_collect(), %Search for holes in debug-build.
unaligned_32_bit(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% There used to be a risk for heap overflow (fixed in R11B-5).
?line L = unaligned_32_bit_1(<<-1:(64*1024)>>),
?line unaligned_32_bit_verify(L, 1638).
unaligned_32_bit_1(<<1:1,U:32,_:7,T/binary>>) ->
unaligned_32_bit_1(_) ->
unaligned_32_bit_verify([], 0) -> ok;
unaligned_32_bit_verify([4294967295|T], N) when N > 0 ->
unaligned_32_bit_verify(T, N-1).
id(I) -> I.