<MakerFile 5.0Y>
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TableTitleLOFFigureTOCHeading1Heading2Heading3 EquationVariablesP�AaAO%C�O&D�O(E�O)F�O+G�O,H�O3I�O4J�O6K�O7L�O9M�O:N�y�yz��{��|��}��~�����Fi�<$paratext[ReportTitle]>X�<$paratext[Heading1]>�
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Figure All8Figure<$paranumonly>, �<$paratext>,� on page<$pagenum>
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Ar���. pO��L=uO��LLu PO��LLoraO��LL $pO��LLSeO��JL
Test case 1.x� O��LLa.O��LLeAlO��LLnuO��JLp
Test case 2.<agO��LLre9��LaguO��JLm
Test case 3.em>9��Nal39��Oanl9��<t o9��jg9��Q &9��Tlra9��Z $p9��[FiP�LLi$pO��LL,ra9��Mpa9��Rda9��St <9��Uda9��Vt<$9��W9��X9��YP�JL
Test case 5.$ntP �LLP$�LLP3�LLP4�JL
Test case 6.P5�LLP9�LLPA�LLPB�JL
Test case 7.
Test case 4.P��LLP��LLAr9��;pA0SF�I�9�eaO��SF�I�9�e�L�AlFݺ�\��]V�OzlceFݺ�\��]V�X�lׯ!FݺFݺ��]�ӝO{l�OFݺFݺ��]�ӝX�lׯ" Fݺ$ٲ��],XO|l$pFݺ$ٲ��],XX�lׯ #9�k�mFݺ��]�ӝO}fttk�mFݺ��]�ӝX�lׯ!!$k�m$ٲ��],XO~f#Pk�m$ٲ��],XX�lׯ""%Lk�m�\��]V�Of#Tek�m�\��]V�X�lׯ$$&�Lk�m!"@��]�n�O� f.,
k�m!"@��]�n�X�lׯ--'t ck�m!"@{תt8oO�
f8lk�mFݺ��]�ӝX�lׯ99+ׯSF�I�Pgl��],Xk�mFݺ��]�ӝPh9�k�mFݺ��]�ӝ�O}))k�mFݺ)��F4 - �Module->View� opens a View window showing the module code. ��Y5 - �Options->Attach->Init,� so the module opens an attachment window on the first ]$��call. 2��+6 - Run DT:list() which appends two lists.
@��n�T7 - An attachment window should now open with the first line in the function list/0 N��תImarked with bold style and with an arrow to the right of the row number. �\��U8 - Press the �Continue� button and the result will occur in the erlang shell. j��:9 - �Windows->Monitor� to raise the Monitor window. x��ݺ,10 - �File->Exit� close the debugger. ݺ�@��
9� ��F� Purpose: �@��lITo create a setting file to be used in the test cases with break points.
� ���]1 - Do 1 to 3 in Test case 3. ���"2 - �Options->Attach->On Break ��Vi3 - �File->Save Settings wi��. 84 - Make sure that Dir is $HOME/.erlang_tools/debugger. o ��n H5 - Change �NoName.state� to �test1.state� and then press �Save�. �*@��is
.` ��� Purpose: nn@�� sTo set a normal break point.
i� �� l71 - �File->Load Settings� in the Monitor window. wit���ri2 - Load �test1.state�. ���8 M3 - �Module->View->DT� opens up a View window showing the module code. l����Z4 - Double click on row 100, it should be the second row in the list/0 function. The row ���cl@should now be colored red with �-@-� instead of the row number.
9���F�5 - Run DT:list(). ���e R6 - An attachment window shold now open with the row 100 marked red in bold style ��� Twith an arrow after �-@-�. ��@��>AW7 - Press the �Continue� button to finish it off. Then close the Monitor window.
84 `��ir
uH �� Purpose: V@��ta!To set a functional break point.
p ��71 - �File->Load Settings� in the Monitor window. �~��2 - Load �test1.state�. n���
i.3 - Scroll down to list/0 in the View window. ���or74 - �Breaks->Function Break� in the View window. ���8 T5 - A function break window is shown with DT filled in in the Module field. Set Fun���Do'cion to list and Arity to 0. Press Ok. ecok�mFݺ��]�ӝPfk�mFݺ��]�ӝX�lׯ
+ thSF�I�PHguDT��e k�mFݺ��]�ӝPIhi tk�mFݺ��]�ӝ�infRi��:6 - The first row should now be marked as an break point. ��he7 - Run DT:list(). $��
R8 - An attachment window shold now open with the row 99 marked red in bold style 2��k with an arrow after �-@-�. 71 @@��etO9 - Press the Continue button to finish it off. Then close the Monitor window.
� ��. Purpose: ���Br"To set a conditional break point. ���TIn the Conditional Break window the C-Module is in this case the same as the Module ld���Mentry. The reason to this is to not have more test modules to keep track on. ���RWhen running the test the conditional break will stop when the c_break receives a �@��Ebinding with �N� equal to 3. Read more about it in the user�s guide.
h� �� t m���in71 - �File->Load Settings� in the Monitor window. ��6 2 - Load �test1.state�. b��ak3 - �Module->View->DT e(��).F4 - Click on row 116 and then choose �Breaks->Conditional Break... 6��edO5 - Module is DT and Line is 116. As C-Module write DT and as C-function write @�D��e c_break. Press ok. nisR��se6 - Run debugger_test:fac(10). `��F7 - An Attachment window opens and in the bindings area �N� equals 3. n�� bG8 - Press Continue button and the result is shown in the erlang shell. odu|�� t/9 - �File->Close� in the Monitor window. ry.�@��s tk�mFݺ��]�ӝPKfo k�mFݺ��]�ӝX�lׯ+reaFݺ�\��]V�:lFݺ�\��]V���wimore aboset�UT��l���6C#DE29 April 1998FGRunning H/F 1HFݺFݺ��]�ӝ:l�FݺFݺ��]�ӝst�ak3 Vid��). H��N�mk>CH��.. H���Fݺ$ٲ��],X: lde Fݺ$ٲ��],X��ti��e ssUTUT��d��se k�mFݺ��]�ӝ:!f�k�mFݺ��]�ӝt bindingslsd��8 rk�m$ٲ��],X:"f tk�m$ٲ��],X���File->heUTUT��`����k�m��]N�#nk�m��]��]ӝk�mh�k�m�\��]V�:$f]V�k�m�\��]V�����wiUTUT��h��GITest Document for the DEBUGGERJK29 April 1998LM3NninSF�I�:%e&*�ӝH$@�3R�`@:&f'%H$@�3R�`@H-H-�FootnoteFݺ3�j�ׯ:'f&)%((Footnote�]���O(n'��]������Jcq�3QǦ`@: )o'*%�seJcq�3QǦ`@Jcz��Jcz���
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�$`����Test Document for the DEBUGGER
�8`��?This document describes different test cases for the DEBUGGER.
!"@R`��fRelease: R4
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Test module: z��en4path = /clearcase/otp/tools/devtools/debugger/test/ ra�@��$pJmodule = debugger_test.erl, called DT in the text below
� ��LiNotes: ure���R- Presume that an erlang shell already has been started, if nothing else is said. ���fU- Remove the $HOME/.erlang_tools/debbuger directory. Copy your private setting files ���to another directory first. at���;- ERL_ROOT is the directory where Erlang/OTP is installed. l�@��Li
/8 ��y Purpose: F��E;VTo see that the debugger is installed in the right way. The debugger should be in the T��fScode path and not the interpreter. The interpereter should be in the ERL_ROOT/misc b@�� ddirectory.
ibe| ��as1 - c(DT). BUG���2 - DT:installation_ok(). ���Te!3 - Two OK messages should show. a�@��p/
� ��� Purpose: e�@��rl To start and stop the debugger.
��.1 - Start the debugger with debugger:start(). ��la`2 - Choose �File->Exit� in the Monitor window and then �No� in the Confirmation winME ��budow. e.��ri'3 - The debugger should now be closed. to<@�� f
r ��e Purpose: h�@��inETo interpret a module, view it and start it in an attachment window.
� ��1 - debugger:start () ���E;82 - �Module->Interpret...� in the Monitor window. Th���beN3 - Find DT and interpret it in the Interpret window then press �Done�. ���
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