%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% File : dialyzer.erl
%%% Authors : Tobias Lindahl <tobiasl@it.uu.se>
%%% Kostis Sagonas <kostis@it.uu.se>
%%% Description : This is the interface for the Dialyzer tool.
%%% Created : 27 Apr 2004 by Tobias Lindahl <tobiasl@it.uu.se>
%% NOTE: Only functions exported by this module are available to
%% other applications.
%% Interfaces:
%% - plain_cl/0 : to be used ONLY by the dialyzer C program.
%% - run/1: Erlang interface for a command line-like analysis
%% - gui/0/1: Erlang interface for the gui.
%% - format_warning/1: Get the string representation of a warning.
%% - format_warning/1: Likewise, but with an option whether
%% to display full path names or not
%% - plt_info/1: Get information of the specified plt.
-spec plain_cl() -> no_return().
plain_cl() ->
case dialyzer_cl_parse:start() of
{check_init, Opts} ->
cl_halt(cl_check_init(Opts), Opts);
{plt_info, Opts} ->
cl_halt(cl_print_plt_info(Opts), Opts);
{{gui, Type}, Opts} ->
try check_gui_options(Opts)
catch throw:{dialyzer_error, Msg} -> cl_error(Msg)
case Opts#options.check_plt of
true ->
case cl_check_init(Opts#options{get_warnings = false}) of
{ok, _} -> gui_halt(internal_gui(Type, Opts), Opts);
{error, _} = Error -> cl_halt(Error, Opts)
false ->
gui_halt(internal_gui(Type, Opts), Opts)
{cl, Opts} ->
case Opts#options.check_plt of
true ->
case cl_check_init(Opts#options{get_warnings = false}) of
{error, _} = Error -> cl_halt(Error, Opts);
{ok, _} -> cl_halt(cl(Opts), Opts)
false ->
cl_halt(cl(Opts), Opts)
{error, Msg} ->
cl_check_init(#options{analysis_type = AnalType} = Opts) ->
case AnalType of
plt_build -> {ok, ?RET_NOTHING_SUSPICIOUS};
plt_add -> {ok, ?RET_NOTHING_SUSPICIOUS};
plt_remove -> {ok, ?RET_NOTHING_SUSPICIOUS};
Other when Other =:= succ_typings; Other =:= plt_check ->
F = fun() ->
NewOpts = Opts#options{analysis_type = plt_check},
{Ret, _Warnings} = dialyzer_cl:start(NewOpts),
cl_print_plt_info(Opts) ->
F = fun() ->
print_plt_info(#options{init_plts = PLTs, output_file = OutputFile}) ->
PLTInfo = get_plt_info(PLTs),
do_print_plt_info(PLTInfo, OutputFile).
get_plt_info([PLT|PLTs]) ->
String =
case dialyzer_plt:included_files(PLT) of
{ok, Files} ->
io_lib:format("The PLT ~s includes the following files:\n~p\n\n",
[PLT, Files]);
{error, read_error} ->
Msg = io_lib:format("Could not read the PLT file ~p\n\n", [PLT]),
throw({dialyzer_error, Msg});
{error, no_such_file} ->
Msg = io_lib:format("The PLT file ~p does not exist\n\n", [PLT]),
throw({dialyzer_error, Msg})
String ++ get_plt_info(PLTs);
get_plt_info([]) -> "".
do_print_plt_info(PLTInfo, OutputFile) ->
case OutputFile =:= none of
true ->
io:format("~s", [PLTInfo]),
false ->
case file:open(OutputFile, [write]) of
{ok, FileDesc} ->
io:format(FileDesc, "~s", [PLTInfo]),
ok = file:close(FileDesc),
{error, Reason} ->
Msg1 = io_lib:format("Could not open output file ~p, Reason: ~p\n",
[OutputFile, Reason]),
throw({dialyzer_error, Msg1})
cl(Opts) ->
F = fun() ->
{Ret, _Warnings} = dialyzer_cl:start(Opts),
-spec run(dial_options()) -> [dial_warning()].
run(Opts) ->
try dialyzer_options:build([{report_mode, quiet},
{erlang_mode, true}|Opts]) of
{error, Msg} ->
throw({dialyzer_error, Msg});
OptsRecord ->
case cl_check_init(OptsRecord) of
case dialyzer_cl:start(OptsRecord) of
{?RET_DISCREPANCIES, Warnings} -> Warnings;
{error, ErrorMsg1} ->
throw({dialyzer_error, ErrorMsg1})
throw:{dialyzer_error, ErrorMsg} ->
erlang:error({dialyzer_error, lists:flatten(ErrorMsg)})
internal_gui(Type, OptsRecord) ->
F = fun() ->
case Type of
gs -> dialyzer_gui:start(OptsRecord);
wx -> dialyzer_gui_wx:start(OptsRecord)
-spec gui() -> 'ok'.
gui() ->
-spec gui(dial_options()) -> 'ok'.
gui(Opts) ->
try dialyzer_options:build([{report_mode, quiet}|Opts]) of
{error, Msg} ->
throw({dialyzer_error, Msg});
OptsRecord ->
ok = check_gui_options(OptsRecord),
case cl_check_init(OptsRecord) of
F = fun() ->
case doit(F) of
{ok, _} -> ok;
{error, Msg} -> throw({dialyzer_error, Msg})
{error, ErrorMsg1} ->
throw({dialyzer_error, ErrorMsg1})
throw:{dialyzer_error, ErrorMsg} ->
erlang:error({dialyzer_error, lists:flatten(ErrorMsg)})
check_gui_options(#options{analysis_type = succ_typings}) ->
check_gui_options(#options{analysis_type = Mode}) ->
Msg = io_lib:format("Analysis mode ~w is illegal in GUI mode", [Mode]),
throw({dialyzer_error, Msg}).
-spec plt_info(file:filename()) ->
{'ok', [{'files', [file:filename()]}]} | {'error', atom()}.
plt_info(Plt) ->
case dialyzer_plt:included_files(Plt) of
{ok, Files} -> {ok, [{files, Files}]};
Error -> Error
%% Machinery
-type doit_ret() :: {'ok', dial_ret()} | {'error', string()}.
doit(F) ->
{ok, F()}
throw:{dialyzer_error, Msg} ->
{error, lists:flatten(Msg)}
-spec cl_error(string()) -> no_return().
cl_error(Msg) ->
cl_halt({error, Msg}, #options{}).
-spec gui_halt(doit_ret(), #options{}) -> no_return().
gui_halt(R, Opts) ->
cl_halt(R, Opts#options{report_mode = quiet}).
-spec cl_halt(doit_ret(), #options{}) -> no_return().
cl_halt({ok, R = ?RET_NOTHING_SUSPICIOUS}, #options{report_mode = quiet}) ->
cl_halt({ok, R = ?RET_DISCREPANCIES}, #options{report_mode = quiet}) ->
cl_halt({ok, R = ?RET_NOTHING_SUSPICIOUS}, #options{}) ->
io:put_chars("done (passed successfully)\n"),
cl_halt({ok, R = ?RET_DISCREPANCIES}, #options{output_file = Output}) ->
io:put_chars("done (warnings were emitted)\n"),
cl_halt({error, Msg1}, #options{output_file = Output}) ->
%% Msg2 = "dialyzer: Internal problems were encountered in the analysis",
io:format("\ndialyzer: ~s\n", [Msg1]),
-spec cl_check_log('none' | file:filename()) -> 'ok'.
cl_check_log(none) ->
cl_check_log(Output) ->
io:format(" Check output file `~s' for details\n", [Output]).
-spec format_warning(dial_warning()) -> string().
format_warning(W) ->
format_warning(W, basename).
-spec format_warning(dial_warning(), fopt()) -> string().
format_warning({_Tag, {File, Line}, Msg}, FOpt) when is_list(File),
is_integer(Line) ->
F = case FOpt of
fullpath -> File;
basename -> filename:basename(File)
String = lists:flatten(message_to_string(Msg)),
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s:~w: ~s", [F, Line, String])).
%% Message classification and pretty-printing below. Messages appear in
%% categories and in more or less alphabetical ordering within each category.
%%----- Warnings for general discrepancies ----------------
message_to_string({apply, [Args, ArgNs, FailReason,
SigArgs, SigRet, Contract]}) ->
io_lib:format("Fun application with arguments ~s ", [Args]) ++
call_or_apply_to_string(ArgNs, FailReason, SigArgs, SigRet, Contract);
message_to_string({app_call, [M, F, Args, Culprit, ExpectedType, FoundType]}) ->
io_lib:format("The call ~s:~s~s requires that ~s is of type ~s not ~s\n",
[M, F, Args, Culprit, ExpectedType, FoundType]);
message_to_string({bin_construction, [Culprit, Size, Seg, Type]}) ->
io_lib:format("Binary construction will fail since the ~s field ~s in"
" segment ~s has type ~s\n", [Culprit, Size, Seg, Type]);
message_to_string({call, [M, F, Args, ArgNs, FailReason,
SigArgs, SigRet, Contract]}) ->
io_lib:format("The call ~w:~w~s ", [M, F, Args]) ++
call_or_apply_to_string(ArgNs, FailReason, SigArgs, SigRet, Contract);
message_to_string({call_to_missing, [M, F, A]}) ->
io_lib:format("Call to missing or unexported function ~w:~w/~w\n", [M, F, A]);
message_to_string({exact_eq, [Type1, Op, Type2]}) ->
io_lib:format("The test ~s ~s ~s can never evaluate to 'true'\n",
[Type1, Op, Type2]);
message_to_string({fun_app_args, [Args, Type]}) ->
io_lib:format("Fun application with arguments ~s will fail"
" since the function has type ~s\n", [Args, Type]);
message_to_string({fun_app_no_fun, [Op, Type, Arity]}) ->
io_lib:format("Fun application will fail since ~s :: ~s"
" is not a function of arity ~w\n", [Op, Type, Arity]);
message_to_string({guard_fail, []}) ->
"Clause guard cannot succeed.\n";
message_to_string({guard_fail, [Arg1, Infix, Arg2]}) ->
io_lib:format("Guard test ~s ~s ~s can never succeed\n", [Arg1, Infix, Arg2]);
message_to_string({neg_guard_fail, [Arg1, Infix, Arg2]}) ->
io_lib:format("Guard test not(~s ~s ~s) can never succeed\n",
[Arg1, Infix, Arg2]);
message_to_string({guard_fail, [Guard, Args]}) ->
io_lib:format("Guard test ~w~s can never succeed\n", [Guard, Args]);
message_to_string({neg_guard_fail, [Guard, Args]}) ->
io_lib:format("Guard test not(~w~s) can never succeed\n", [Guard, Args]);
message_to_string({guard_fail_pat, [Pat, Type]}) ->
io_lib:format("Clause guard cannot succeed. The ~s was matched"
" against the type ~s\n", [Pat, Type]);
message_to_string({improper_list_constr, [TlType]}) ->
io_lib:format("Cons will produce an improper list"
" since its 2nd argument is ~s\n", [TlType]);
message_to_string({no_return, [Type|Name]}) ->
NameString =
case Name of
[] -> "The created fun ";
[F, A] -> io_lib:format("Function ~w/~w ", [F, A])
case Type of
no_match -> NameString ++ "has no clauses that will ever match\n";
only_explicit -> NameString ++ "only terminates with explicit exception\n";
only_normal -> NameString ++ "has no local return\n";
both -> NameString ++ "has no local return\n"
message_to_string({record_constr, [RecConstr, FieldDiffs]}) ->
io_lib:format("Record construction ~s violates the"
" declared type of field ~s\n", [RecConstr, FieldDiffs]);
message_to_string({record_constr, [Name, Field, Type]}) ->
io_lib:format("Record construction violates the declared type for #~w{}"
" since ~s cannot be of type ~s\n", [Name, Field, Type]);
message_to_string({record_matching, [String, Name]}) ->
io_lib:format("The ~s violates the"
" declared type for #~w{}\n", [String, Name]);
message_to_string({record_match, [Pat, Type]}) ->
io_lib:format("Matching of ~s tagged with a record name violates the declared"
" type of ~s\n", [Pat, Type]);
message_to_string({pattern_match, [Pat, Type]}) ->
io_lib:format("The ~s can never match the type ~s\n", [Pat, Type]);
message_to_string({pattern_match_cov, [Pat, Type]}) ->
io_lib:format("The ~s can never match since previous"
" clauses completely covered the type ~s\n",
[Pat, Type]);
message_to_string({unmatched_return, [Type]}) ->
io_lib:format("Expression produces a value of type ~s,"
" but this value is unmatched\n", [Type]);
message_to_string({unused_fun, []}) ->
io_lib:format("Function will never be called\n", []);
message_to_string({unused_fun, [F, A]}) ->
io_lib:format("Function ~w/~w will never be called\n", [F, A]);
%%----- Warnings for specs and contracts -------------------
message_to_string({contract_diff, [M, F, _A, Contract, Sig]}) ->
io_lib:format("Type specification ~w:~w~s"
" is not equal to the success typing: ~w:~w~s\n",
[M, F, Contract, M, F, Sig]);
message_to_string({contract_subtype, [M, F, _A, Contract, Sig]}) ->
io_lib:format("Type specification ~w:~w~s"
" is a subtype of the success typing: ~w:~w~s\n",
[M, F, Contract, M, F, Sig]);
message_to_string({contract_supertype, [M, F, _A, Contract, Sig]}) ->
io_lib:format("Type specification ~w:~w~s"
" is a supertype of the success typing: ~w:~w~s\n",
[M, F, Contract, M, F, Sig]);
message_to_string({contract_range, [Contract, M, F, ArgStrings, Line, CRet]}) ->
io_lib:format("The contract ~w:~w~s cannot be right because the inferred"
" return for ~w~s on line ~w is ~s\n",
[M, F, Contract, F, ArgStrings, Line, CRet]);
message_to_string({invalid_contract, [M, F, A, Sig]}) ->
io_lib:format("Invalid type specification for function ~w:~w/~w."
" The success typing is ~s\n", [M, F, A, Sig]);
message_to_string({extra_range, [M, F, A, ExtraRanges, SigRange]}) ->
io_lib:format("The specification for ~w:~w/~w states that the function"
" might also return ~s but the inferred return is ~s\n",
[M, F, A, ExtraRanges, SigRange]);
message_to_string({overlapping_contract, []}) ->
"Overloaded contract has overlapping domains;"
" such contracts are currently unsupported and are simply ignored\n";
message_to_string({spec_missing_fun, [M, F, A]}) ->
io_lib:format("Contract for function that does not exist: ~w:~w/~w\n",
[M, F, A]);
%%----- Warnings for opaque type violations -------------------
message_to_string({call_with_opaque, [M, F, Args, ArgNs, ExpArgs]}) ->
io_lib:format("The call ~w:~w~s contains ~s when ~s\n",
[M, F, Args, form_positions(ArgNs), form_expected(ExpArgs)]);
message_to_string({call_without_opaque, [M, F, Args, ExpectedTriples]}) ->
io_lib:format("The call ~w:~w~s does not have ~s\n",
[M, F, Args, form_expected_without_opaque(ExpectedTriples)]);
message_to_string({opaque_eq, [Type, _Op, OpaqueType]}) ->
io_lib:format("Attempt to test for equality between a term of type ~s"
" and a term of opaque type ~s\n", [Type, OpaqueType]);
message_to_string({opaque_guard, [Guard, Args]}) ->
io_lib:format("Guard test ~w~s breaks the opaqueness of its argument\n",
[Guard, Args]);
message_to_string({opaque_match, [Pat, OpaqueType, OpaqueTerm]}) ->
Term = if OpaqueType =:= OpaqueTerm -> "the term";
true -> OpaqueTerm
io_lib:format("The attempt to match a term of type ~s against the ~s"
" breaks the opaqueness of ~s\n", [OpaqueType, Pat, Term]);
message_to_string({opaque_neq, [Type, _Op, OpaqueType]}) ->
io_lib:format("Attempt to test for inequality between a term of type ~s"
" and a term of opaque type ~s\n", [Type, OpaqueType]);
message_to_string({opaque_type_test, [Fun, Opaque]}) ->
io_lib:format("The type test ~s(~s) breaks the opaqueness of the term ~s\n", [Fun, Opaque, Opaque]);
%%----- Warnings for concurrency errors --------------------
message_to_string({race_condition, [M, F, Args, Reason]}) ->
io_lib:format("The call ~w:~w~s ~s\n", [M, F, Args, Reason]);
%%----- Warnings for behaviour errors --------------------
message_to_string({callback_type_mismatch, [B, F, A, ST, CT]}) ->
io_lib:format("The inferred return type of ~w/~w (~s) has nothing in common"
" with ~s, which is the expected return type for the callback of"
" ~w behaviour\n", [F, A, ST, CT, B]);
message_to_string({callback_arg_type_mismatch, [B, F, A, N, ST, CT]}) ->
io_lib:format("The inferred type for the ~s argument of ~w/~w (~s) is"
" not a supertype of ~s, which is expected type for this"
" argument in the callback of the ~w behaviour\n",
[ordinal(N), F, A, ST, CT, B]);
message_to_string({callback_spec_type_mismatch, [B, F, A, ST, CT]}) ->
io_lib:format("The return type ~s in the specification of ~w/~w is not a"
" subtype of ~s, which is the expected return type for the"
" callback of ~w behaviour\n", [ST, F, A, CT, B]);
message_to_string({callback_spec_arg_type_mismatch, [B, F, A, N, ST, CT]}) ->
io_lib:format("The specified type for the ~s argument of ~w/~w (~s) is"
" not a supertype of ~s, which is expected type for this"
" argument in the callback of the ~w behaviour\n",
[ordinal(N), F, A, ST, CT, B]);
message_to_string({callback_missing, [B, F, A]}) ->
io_lib:format("Undefined callback function ~w/~w (behaviour '~w')\n",
[F, A, B]);
message_to_string({callback_info_missing, [B]}) ->
io_lib:format("Callback info about the ~w behaviour is not available\n", [B]).
%% Auxiliary functions below
call_or_apply_to_string(ArgNs, FailReason, SigArgs, SigRet,
{IsOverloaded, Contract}) ->
PositionString = form_position_string(ArgNs),
case FailReason of
only_sig ->
case ArgNs =:= [] of
true ->
%% We do not know which argument(s) caused the failure
io_lib:format("will never return since the success typing arguments"
" are ~s\n", [SigArgs]);
false ->
io_lib:format("will never return since it differs in the ~s argument"
" from the success typing arguments: ~s\n",
[PositionString, SigArgs])
only_contract ->
case (ArgNs =:= []) orelse IsOverloaded of
true ->
%% We do not know which arguments caused the failure
io_lib:format("breaks the contract ~s\n", [Contract]);
false ->
io_lib:format("breaks the contract ~s in the ~s argument\n",
[Contract, PositionString])
both ->
io_lib:format("will never return since the success typing is ~s -> ~s"
" and the contract is ~s\n", [SigArgs, SigRet, Contract])
form_positions(ArgNs) ->
case ArgNs of
[_] -> "an opaque term as ";
[_,_|_] -> "opaque terms as "
end ++ form_position_string(ArgNs) ++
case ArgNs of
[_] -> " argument";
[_,_|_] -> " arguments"
%% We know which positions N are to blame;
%% the list of triples will never be empty.
form_expected_without_opaque([{N, T, TStr}]) ->
case erl_types:t_is_opaque(T) of
true ->
io_lib:format("an opaque term of type ~s as ", [TStr]);
false ->
io_lib:format("a term of type ~s (with opaque subterms) as ", [TStr])
end ++ form_position_string([N]) ++ " argument";
form_expected_without_opaque(ExpectedTriples) -> %% TODO: can do much better here
{ArgNs, _Ts, _TStrs} = lists:unzip3(ExpectedTriples),
"opaque terms as " ++ form_position_string(ArgNs) ++ " arguments".
form_expected(ExpectedArgs) ->
case ExpectedArgs of
[T] ->
TS = erl_types:t_to_string(T),
case erl_types:t_is_opaque(T) of
true -> io_lib:format("an opaque term of type ~s is expected", [TS]);
false -> io_lib:format("a structured term of type ~s is expected", [TS])
[_,_|_] -> "terms of different types are expected in these positions"
form_position_string(ArgNs) ->
case ArgNs of
[] -> "";
[N1] -> ordinal(N1);
[_,_|_] ->
[Last|Prevs] = lists:reverse(ArgNs),
", " ++ Head = lists:flatten([io_lib:format(", ~s",[ordinal(N)]) ||
N <- lists:reverse(Prevs)]),
Head ++ " and " ++ ordinal(Last)
ordinal(1) -> "1st";
ordinal(2) -> "2nd";
ordinal(3) -> "3rd";
ordinal(N) when is_integer(N) -> io_lib:format("~wth",[N]).