%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
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%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% File : dialyzer_options.erl
%%% Authors : Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
%%% Description : Provides a better way to start Dialyzer from a script.
%%% Created : 17 Oct 2004 by Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
-spec build(dial_options()) -> #options{} | {'error', string()}.
build(Opts) ->
DefaultWarns1 = ordsets:from_list(DefaultWarns),
InitPlt = dialyzer_plt:get_default_plt(),
DefaultOpts = #options{},
DefaultOpts1 = DefaultOpts#options{legal_warnings = DefaultWarns1,
init_plts = [InitPlt]},
Opts1 = preprocess_opts(Opts),
NewOpts = build_options(Opts1, DefaultOpts1),
throw:{dialyzer_options_error, Msg} -> {error, Msg}
preprocess_opts([]) -> [];
preprocess_opts([{init_plt, File}|Opts]) ->
[{plts, [File]}|preprocess_opts(Opts)];
preprocess_opts([Opt|Opts]) ->
postprocess_opts(Opts = #options{}) ->
Opts1 = check_output_plt(Opts),
check_output_plt(Opts = #options{analysis_type = Mode, from = From,
output_plt = OutPLT}) ->
case is_plt_mode(Mode) of
true ->
case From =:= byte_code of
true -> Opts;
false ->
Msg = "Byte code compiled with debug_info is needed to build the PLT",
throw({dialyzer_error, Msg})
false ->
case OutPLT =:= none of
true -> Opts;
false ->
Msg = io_lib:format("Output PLT cannot be specified "
"in analysis mode ~w", [Mode]),
throw({dialyzer_error, lists:flatten(Msg)})
adapt_get_warnings(Opts = #options{analysis_type = Mode,
get_warnings = Warns}) ->
%% Warnings are off by default in plt mode, and on by default in
%% success typings mode. User defined warning mode overrides the
%% default.
case is_plt_mode(Mode) of
true ->
case Warns =:= maybe of
true -> Opts#options{get_warnings = false};
false -> Opts
false ->
case Warns =:= maybe of
true -> Opts#options{get_warnings = true};
false -> Opts
-spec bad_option(string(), term()) -> no_return().
bad_option(String, Term) ->
Msg = io_lib:format("~s: ~P", [String, Term, 25]),
throw({dialyzer_options_error, lists:flatten(Msg)}).
build_options([{OptName, undefined}|Rest], Options) when is_atom(OptName) ->
build_options(Rest, Options);
build_options([{OptionName, Value} = Term|Rest], Options) ->
case OptionName of
apps ->
OldValues = Options#options.files_rec,
AppDirs = get_app_dirs(Value),
assert_filenames(Term, AppDirs),
build_options(Rest, Options#options{files_rec = AppDirs ++ OldValues});
files ->
assert_filenames(Term, Value),
build_options(Rest, Options#options{files = Value});
files_rec ->
OldValues = Options#options.files_rec,
assert_filenames(Term, Value),
build_options(Rest, Options#options{files_rec = Value ++ OldValues});
analysis_type ->
NewOptions =
case Value of
succ_typings -> Options#options{analysis_type = Value};
plt_add -> Options#options{analysis_type = Value};
plt_build -> Options#options{analysis_type = Value};
plt_check -> Options#options{analysis_type = Value};
plt_remove -> Options#options{analysis_type = Value};
dataflow -> bad_option("Analysis type is no longer supported", Term);
old_style -> bad_option("Analysis type is no longer supported", Term);
Other -> bad_option("Unknown analysis type", Other)
assert_plt_op(Options, NewOptions),
build_options(Rest, NewOptions);
check_plt when is_boolean(Value) ->
build_options(Rest, Options#options{check_plt = Value});
defines ->
assert_defines(Term, Value),
OldVal = Options#options.defines,
NewVal = ordsets:union(ordsets:from_list(Value), OldVal),
build_options(Rest, Options#options{defines = NewVal});
from when Value =:= byte_code; Value =:= src_code ->
build_options(Rest, Options#options{from = Value});
get_warnings ->
build_options(Rest, Options#options{get_warnings = Value});
plts ->
assert_filenames(Term, Value),
build_options(Rest, Options#options{init_plts = Value});
include_dirs ->
assert_filenames(Term, Value),
OldVal = Options#options.include_dirs,
NewVal = ordsets:union(ordsets:from_list(Value), OldVal),
build_options(Rest, Options#options{include_dirs = NewVal});
use_spec ->
build_options(Rest, Options#options{use_contracts = Value});
old_style ->
bad_option("Analysis type is no longer supported", old_style);
output_file ->
build_options(Rest, Options#options{output_file = Value});
output_format ->
build_options(Rest, Options#options{output_format = Value});
output_plt ->
build_options(Rest, Options#options{output_plt = Value});
report_mode ->
build_options(Rest, Options#options{report_mode = Value});
erlang_mode ->
build_options(Rest, Options#options{erlang_mode = true});
warnings ->
NewWarnings = build_warnings(Value, Options#options.legal_warnings),
build_options(Rest, Options#options{legal_warnings = NewWarnings});
callgraph_file ->
build_options(Rest, Options#options{callgraph_file = Value});
_ ->
bad_option("Unknown dialyzer command line option", Term)
build_options([], Options) ->
get_app_dirs(Apps) when is_list(Apps) ->
dialyzer_cl_parse:get_lib_dir([atom_to_list(A) || A <- Apps]);
get_app_dirs(Apps) ->
bad_option("Use a list of otp applications", Apps).
assert_filenames(Term, [FileName|Left]) when length(FileName) >= 0 ->
case filelib:is_file(FileName) orelse filelib:is_dir(FileName) of
true -> ok;
false -> bad_option("No such file, directory or application", FileName)
assert_filenames(Term, Left);
assert_filenames(_Term, []) ->
assert_filenames(Term, [_|_]) ->
bad_option("Malformed or non-existing filename", Term).
assert_filename(FileName) when length(FileName) >= 0 ->
assert_filename(FileName) ->
bad_option("Malformed or non-existing filename", FileName).
assert_defines(Term, [{Macro, _Value}|Defs]) when is_atom(Macro) ->
assert_defines(Term, Defs);
assert_defines(_Term, []) ->
assert_defines(Term, [_|_]) ->
bad_option("Malformed define", Term).
assert_output_format(raw) ->
assert_output_format(formatted) ->
assert_output_format(Term) ->
bad_option("Illegal value for output_format", Term).
assert_plt_op(#options{analysis_type = OldVal},
#options{analysis_type = NewVal}) ->
case is_plt_mode(OldVal) andalso is_plt_mode(NewVal) of
true -> bad_option("Options cannot be combined", [OldVal, NewVal]);
false -> ok
is_plt_mode(plt_add) -> true;
is_plt_mode(plt_build) -> true;
is_plt_mode(plt_remove) -> true;
is_plt_mode(plt_check) -> true;
is_plt_mode(succ_typings) -> false.
-spec build_warnings([atom()], [dial_warning()]) -> [dial_warning()].
build_warnings([Opt|Opts], Warnings) ->
NewWarnings =
case Opt of
no_return ->
ordsets:del_element(?WARN_RETURN_NO_RETURN, Warnings);
no_unused ->
ordsets:del_element(?WARN_NOT_CALLED, Warnings);
no_improper_lists ->
ordsets:del_element(?WARN_NON_PROPER_LIST, Warnings);
no_fun_app ->
ordsets:del_element(?WARN_FUN_APP, Warnings);
no_match ->
ordsets:del_element(?WARN_MATCHING, Warnings);
no_opaque ->
ordsets:del_element(?WARN_OPAQUE, Warnings);
no_fail_call ->
ordsets:del_element(?WARN_FAILING_CALL, Warnings);
no_contracts ->
Warnings1 = ordsets:del_element(?WARN_CONTRACT_SYNTAX, Warnings),
ordsets:del_element(?WARN_CONTRACT_TYPES, Warnings1);
unmatched_returns ->
ordsets:add_element(?WARN_UNMATCHED_RETURN, Warnings);
error_handling ->
ordsets:add_element(?WARN_RETURN_ONLY_EXIT, Warnings);
race_conditions ->
ordsets:add_element(?WARN_RACE_CONDITION, Warnings);
behaviours ->
ordsets:add_element(?WARN_BEHAVIOUR, Warnings);
specdiffs ->
S = ordsets:from_list([?WARN_CONTRACT_SUBTYPE,
ordsets:union(S, Warnings);
overspecs ->
ordsets:add_element(?WARN_CONTRACT_SUBTYPE, Warnings);
underspecs ->
ordsets:add_element(?WARN_CONTRACT_SUPERTYPE, Warnings);
OtherAtom ->
bad_option("Unknown dialyzer warning option", OtherAtom)
build_warnings(Opts, NewWarnings);
build_warnings([], Warnings) ->