%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-type worker() :: pid().
-record(state, {
mode :: dialyzer_coordinator:mode(),
job :: mfa_or_funlbl() | file:filename(),
depends_on = [] :: list(),
coordinator :: dialyzer_coordinator:coordinator(),
servers :: dialyzer_typesig:servers() |
scc_data :: dialyzer_typesig:scc_data()
%% -define(DEBUG, true).
-define(debug(X__, Y__), io:format(X__, Y__)).
-define(debug(X__, Y__), ok).
-spec launch(dialyzer_coordinator:mode(), [mfa_or_funlbl()],
dialyzer_typesig:servers()) -> worker().
launch(Mode, Job, Servers) ->
State = #state{mode = Mode,
job = Job,
servers = Servers,
coordinator = self()},
InitState =
case Mode of
X when X =:= 'typesig'; X =:= 'dataflow' -> initializing;
'compile' -> running
spawn(fun() -> loop(InitState, State) end).
loop(updating, State) ->
?debug("Update: ~p\n",[State#state.job]),
NextStatus =
case waits_more_success_typings(State) of
true -> waiting;
Other ->
case has_data(State) of
false -> getting_data;
true ->
case Other of
imminent -> waiting;
false -> running
loop(NextStatus, State);
loop(initializing, #state{job = SCC, servers = Servers} = State) ->
DependsOn = dialyzer_succ_typings:find_depends_on(SCC, Servers),
WithoutSelf = DependsOn -- [SCC],
?debug("Deps ~p: ~p\n",[State#state.job, WithoutSelf]),
loop(updating, State#state{depends_on = WithoutSelf});
loop(waiting, State) ->
?debug("Wait: ~p\n",[State#state.job]),
NewState = wait_for_success_typings(State),
loop(updating, NewState);
loop(getting_data, State) ->
?debug("Data: ~p\n",[State#state.job]),
loop(updating, get_data(State));
loop(running, #state{mode = 'compile'} = State) ->
?debug("Compile: ~s\n",[State#state.job]),
{EstimatedSize, Data} = start_compilation(State),
Label = ask_coordinator_for_label(EstimatedSize, State),
Result = continue_compilation(Label, Data),
report_to_coordinator(Result, State);
loop(running, #state{mode = Mode} = State) when
Mode =:= 'typesig'; Mode =:= 'dataflow' ->
?debug("Run: ~p\n",[State#state.job]),
ok = ask_coordinator_for_callers(State),
NotFixpoint = do_work(State),
Callers = get_callers_reply_from_coordinator(),
ok = broadcast_done(State, Callers),
report_to_coordinator(NotFixpoint, State).
waits_more_success_typings(#state{depends_on = Depends}) ->
case Depends of
[] -> false;
[_] -> imminent;
_ -> true
has_data(#state{scc_data = Data}) ->
case Data of
undefined -> false;
_ -> true
get_data(#state{mode = Mode, job = SCC, servers = Servers} = State) ->
Data =
case Mode of
typesig -> dialyzer_succ_typings:collect_scc_data(SCC, Servers);
dataflow -> dialyzer_succ_typings:collect_refine_scc_data(SCC, Servers)
State#state{scc_data = Data}.
ask_coordinator_for_callers(#state{job = SCC,
servers = Servers,
coordinator = Coordinator}) ->
RequiredBy = dialyzer_succ_typings:find_required_by(SCC, Servers),
WithoutSelf = RequiredBy -- [SCC],
?debug("Waiting for me~p: ~p\n",[SCC, WithoutSelf]),
dialyzer_coordinator:sccs_to_pids_request(WithoutSelf, Coordinator).
get_callers_reply_from_coordinator() ->
broadcast_done(#state{job = SCC}, Callers) ->
?debug("Sending ~p: ~p\n",[SCC, Callers]),
SendSTFun = fun(PID) -> PID ! {done, SCC} end,
lists:foreach(SendSTFun, Callers).
wait_for_success_typings(#state{depends_on = DependsOn} = State) ->
{done, SCC} ->
?debug("GOT ~p: ~p\n",[State#state.job, SCC]),
State#state{depends_on = DependsOn -- [SCC]}
5000 ->
?debug("Still Waiting ~p: ~p\n",[State#state.job, DependsOn]),
do_work(#state{mode = Mode, scc_data = SCCData}) ->
case Mode of
typesig -> dialyzer_succ_typings:find_succ_types_for_scc(SCCData);
dataflow -> dialyzer_succ_typings:refine_one_module(SCCData)
#state{job = Job, coordinator = Coordinator}) ->
?debug("Done: ~p\n",[Job]),
dialyzer_coordinator:scc_done(Job, NotFixpoint, Coordinator).
start_compilation(#state{job = Job, servers = Servers}) ->
dialyzer_analysis_callgraph:start_compilation(Job, Servers).
ask_coordinator_for_label(EstimatedSize, #state{coordinator = Coordinator}) ->
dialyzer_coordinator:get_next_label(EstimatedSize, Coordinator).
continue_compilation(Label, Data) ->
dialyzer_analysis_callgraph:continue_compilation(Label, Data).