%% This suite is the only hand made and simply
%% checks if we can build and update a plt.
-export([suite/0, all/0, build_plt/1, update_plt/1]).
suite() ->
[{timetrap, ?plt_timeout}].
all() -> [build_plt, update_plt].
build_plt(Config) ->
OutDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
case dialyzer_common:check_plt(OutDir) of
ok -> ok;
fail -> ct:fail(plt_build_fail)
%%% [James Fish:]
%%% If a function is removed from a module and the module has previously
%%% been added to a PLT, the function will not be removed from PLT when
%%% the PLT is checked. This results in dialyzer failing to produce a
%%% callgraph warning when doing success typings analysis if the remove
%%% function is still called in another module
%%% As the function is not removed from the PLT a prior warning, such as a
%%% contract types warning, might be emitted when the removed function
%%% nolonger exists.
update_plt(Config) ->
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
Prog1 = <<"-module(plt_gc).
one() ->
{ok, Beam} = compile(Config, Prog1, plt_gc, []),
ErlangBeam = case code:where_is_file("erlang.beam") of
non_existing ->
"erts", "preloaded", "ebin",
EBeam ->
Plt = filename:join(PrivDir, "plt_gc.plt"),
Opts = [{check_plt, true}, {from, byte_code}],
[] = dialyzer:run([{analysis_type, plt_build},
{files, [Beam, ErlangBeam]},
{output_plt, Plt}] ++ Opts),
Prog2 = <<"-module(plt_gc).
two() ->
{ok, Beam} = compile(Config, Prog2, plt_gc, []),
Test = <<"-module(test).
-spec test() -> test.
test() ->
{ok, TestBeam} = compile(Config, Test, test, []),
[{warn_callgraph, _, {call_to_missing, [plt_gc, one, 0]}}] =
dialyzer:run([{analysis_type, succ_typings},
{files, [TestBeam]},
{init_plt, Plt}] ++ Opts),
compile(Config, Prog, Module, CompileOpts) ->
Source = lists:concat([Module, ".erl"]),
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
Filename = filename:join([PrivDir, Source]),
ok = file:write_file(Filename, Prog),
Opts = [{outdir, PrivDir}, debug_info | CompileOpts],
{ok, Module} = compile:file(Filename, Opts),
{ok, filename:join([PrivDir, lists:concat([Module, ".beam"])])}.