%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Towards generated encoders (from diameter_gen.hrl).
-define(MASK(N,I), ((I) band (1 bsl (N)))).
-type u32() :: 0..16#FFFFFFFF.
-type u24() :: 0..16#FFFFFF.
-type u1() :: 0..1.
%% 0 1 2 3
%% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
%% +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
%% | Version | Message Length |
%% +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
%% | command flags | Command-Code |
%% +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
%% | Application-ID |
%% +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
%% | Hop-by-Hop Identifier |
%% +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
%% | End-to-End Identifier |
%% +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
%% | AVPs ...
%% +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # encode/2
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec encode(module(), Msg :: term())
-> #diameter_packet{}
| no_return().
encode(Mod, #diameter_packet{} = Pkt) ->
e(Mod, Pkt)
error: Reason ->
%% Be verbose since a crash report may be truncated and
%% encode errors are self-inflicted.
X = {?MODULE, encode, {Reason, ?STACK}},
diameter_lib:error_report(X, {?MODULE, encode, [Mod, Pkt]}),
encode(Mod, Msg) ->
Seq = diameter_session:sequence(),
Hdr = #diameter_header{version = ?DIAMETER_VERSION,
end_to_end_id = Seq,
hop_by_hop_id = Seq},
encode(Mod, #diameter_packet{header = Hdr,
msg = Msg}).
e(_, #diameter_packet{msg = [#diameter_header{} = Hdr | As]} = Pkt) ->
Avps = encode_avps(As),
Length = size(Avps) + 20,
#diameter_header{version = Vsn,
cmd_code = Code,
application_id = Aid,
hop_by_hop_id = Hid,
end_to_end_id = Eid}
= Hdr,
Flags = make_flags(0, Hdr),
Pkt#diameter_packet{header = Hdr,
bin = <<Vsn:8, Length:24,
Flags:8, Code:24,
e(Mod, #diameter_packet{header = Hdr, msg = Msg} = Pkt) ->
#diameter_header{version = Vsn,
hop_by_hop_id = Hid,
end_to_end_id = Eid}
= Hdr,
MsgName = rec2msg(Mod, Msg),
{Code, Flags0, Aid} = msg_header(Mod, MsgName, Hdr),
Flags = make_flags(Flags0, Hdr),
Avps = encode_avps(Mod, MsgName, values(Msg)),
Length = size(Avps) + 20,
Pkt#diameter_packet{header = Hdr#diameter_header
{length = Length,
cmd_code = Code,
application_id = Aid,
is_request = 0 /= ?MASK(7, Flags),
is_proxiable = 0 /= ?MASK(6, Flags),
is_error = 0 /= ?MASK(5, Flags),
is_retransmitted = 0 /= ?MASK(4, Flags)},
bin = <<Vsn:8, Length:24,
Flags:8, Code:24,
%% make_flags/2
make_flags(Flags0, #diameter_header{is_request = R,
is_proxiable = P,
is_error = E,
is_retransmitted = T}) ->
{Flags, 3} = lists:foldl(fun(B,{F,N}) -> {mf(B,F,N), N-1} end,
{Flags0, 7},
mf(undefined, F, _) ->
mf(B, F, N) -> %% reset the affected bit
(F bxor (F band (1 bsl N))) bor bit(B, N).
bit(true, N) -> 1 bsl N;
bit(false, _) -> 0.
%% values/1
when is_atom(H) ->
values(Avps) ->
%% encode_avps/3
%% Specifying values as a #diameter_avp list bypasses arity and other
%% checks: the values are expected to be already encoded and the AVP's
%% presented are simply sent. This is needed for relay agents, since
%% these have to be able to resend whatever comes.
%% Message as a list of #diameter_avp{} ...
encode_avps(_, _, [#diameter_avp{} | _] = Avps) ->
encode_avps(reorder(Avps, [], Avps));
%% ... or as a tuple list or record.
encode_avps(Mod, MsgName, Values) ->
Mod:encode_avps(MsgName, Values).
%% reorder/1
reorder([#diameter_avp{index = 0} | _] = Avps, Acc, _) ->
Avps ++ Acc;
reorder([#diameter_avp{index = N} = A | Avps], Acc, _)
when is_integer(N) ->
lists:reverse(Avps, [A | Acc]);
reorder([H | T], Acc, Avps) ->
reorder(T, [H | Acc], Avps);
reorder([], Acc, _) ->
%% encode_avps/1
encode_avps(Avps) ->
list_to_binary(lists:map(fun pack_avp/1, Avps)).
%% msg_header/3
msg_header(Mod, 'answer-message' = MsgName, Header) ->
0 = Mod:id(), %% assert
#diameter_header{application_id = Aid,
cmd_code = Code}
= Header,
{-1, Flags, ?APP_ID_COMMON} = Mod:msg_header(MsgName),
{Code, Flags, Aid};
msg_header(Mod, MsgName, _) ->
%% rec2msg/2
rec2msg(_, [Name|_])
when is_atom(Name) ->
rec2msg(Mod, Rec) ->
Mod:rec2msg(element(1, Rec)).
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # decode/2
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Unsuccessfully decoded AVPs will be placed in #diameter_packet.errors.
-spec decode(module(), #diameter_packet{} | bitstring())
-> #diameter_packet{}.
decode(Mod, Pkt) ->
decode(Mod:id(), Mod, Pkt).
%% If we're a relay application then just extract the avp's without
%% any decoding of their data since we don't know the application in
%% question.
decode(?APP_ID_RELAY, _, #diameter_packet{} = Pkt) ->
case collect_avps(Pkt) of
{E, As} ->
Pkt#diameter_packet{avps = As,
errors = [E]};
As ->
Pkt#diameter_packet{avps = As}
%% Otherwise decode using the dictionary.
decode(_, Mod, #diameter_packet{header = Hdr} = Pkt) ->
#diameter_header{cmd_code = CmdCode,
is_request = IsRequest,
is_error = IsError}
= Hdr,
MsgName = if IsError andalso not IsRequest ->
true ->
Mod:msg_name(CmdCode, IsRequest)
decode_avps(MsgName, Mod, Pkt, collect_avps(Pkt));
decode(Id, Mod, Bin)
when is_bitstring(Bin) ->
decode(Id, Mod, #diameter_packet{header = decode_header(Bin), bin = Bin}).
decode_avps(MsgName, Mod, Pkt, {E, Avps}) ->
?LOG(invalid, Pkt#diameter_packet.bin),
#diameter_packet{errors = Failed}
= P
= decode_avps(MsgName, Mod, Pkt, Avps),
P#diameter_packet{errors = [E | Failed]};
decode_avps('', Mod, Pkt, Avps) -> %% unknown message ...
?LOG(unknown, {Mod, Pkt#diameter_packet.header}),
Pkt#diameter_packet{avps = lists:reverse(Avps),
%% msg = undefined identifies this case.
decode_avps(MsgName, Mod, Pkt, Avps) -> %% ... or not
{Rec, As, Failed} = Mod:decode_avps(MsgName, Avps),
?LOGC([] /= Failed, failed, {Mod, Failed}),
Pkt#diameter_packet{msg = Rec,
errors = Failed,
avps = As}.
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # decode_header/1
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec decode_header(bitstring())
-> #diameter_header{}
| false.
_/bitstring>>) ->
<<R:1, P:1, E:1, T:1, _:4>>
= CmdFlags,
%% 3588 (ch 3) says that reserved bits MUST be set to 0 and ignored
%% by the receiver.
%% The RFC is quite unclear about the order of the bits in this
%% case. It writes
%% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
%% +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
%% |R P E T r r r r|
%% +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
%% in defining these but the scale refers to the (big endian)
%% transmission order, first to last, not the bit order. That is,
%% R is the high order bit. It's odd that a standard reserves
%% low-order bit rather than high-order ones.
#diameter_header{version = Version,
length = MsgLength,
cmd_code = CmdCode,
application_id = ApplicationId,
hop_by_hop_id = HopByHopId,
end_to_end_id = EndToEndId,
is_request = 1 == R,
is_proxiable = 1 == P,
is_error = 1 == E,
is_retransmitted = 1 == T};
decode_header(_) ->
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # sequence_numbers/1
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% The End-To-End identifier must be unique for at least 4 minutes. We
%% maintain a 24-bit wraparound counter, and add an 8-bit persistent
%% wraparound counter. The 8-bit counter is incremented each time the
%% system is restarted.
-spec sequence_numbers(#diameter_packet{}
| #diameter_header{}
| binary()
| Seq)
-> Seq
when Seq :: {HopByHopId :: u32(), EndToEndId :: u32()}.
sequence_numbers({_,_} = T) ->
sequence_numbers(#diameter_packet{bin = Bin})
when is_binary(Bin) ->
sequence_numbers(#diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{} = H}) ->
sequence_numbers(#diameter_header{hop_by_hop_id = H,
end_to_end_id = E}) ->
sequence_numbers(<<_:12/binary, H:32, E:32, _/binary>>) ->
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # hop_by_hop_id/2
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec hop_by_hop_id(u32(), binary())
-> binary().
hop_by_hop_id(Id, <<H:12/binary, _:32, T/binary>>) ->
<<H/binary, Id:32, T/binary>>.
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # msg_name/2
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec msg_name(module(), #diameter_header{})
-> atom()
| {ApplicationId :: u32(), CommandCode :: u24(), Rbit :: u1()}.
msg_name(Dict0, #diameter_header{application_id = ?APP_ID_COMMON,
cmd_code = C,
is_request = R}) ->
msg_name(_, Hdr) ->
%% Note that messages in different applications could have the same
%% name.
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # msg_id/1
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec msg_id(#diameter_packet{} | #diameter_header{})
-> {ApplicationId :: u32(), CommandCode :: u24(), Rbit :: u1()}.
msg_id(#diameter_packet{msg = [#diameter_header{} = Hdr | _]}) ->
msg_id(#diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{} = Hdr}) ->
msg_id(#diameter_header{application_id = A,
cmd_code = C,
is_request = R}) ->
{A, C, if R -> 1; true -> 0 end};
msg_id(<<_:32, Rbit:1, _:7, CmdCode:24, ApplId:32, _/bitstring>>) ->
{ApplId, CmdCode, Rbit}.
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # collect_avps/1
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Note that the returned list of AVP's is reversed relative to their
%% order in the binary. Note also that grouped avp's aren't unraveled,
%% only those at the top level.
-spec collect_avps(#diameter_packet{} | bitstring())
-> [Avp]
| {Error, [Avp]}
when Avp :: #diameter_avp{},
Error :: {5014, #diameter_avp{}}.
collect_avps(#diameter_packet{bin = Bin}) ->
<<_:20/binary, Avps/bitstring>> = Bin,
collect_avps(Bin) ->
collect_avps(Bin, 0, []).
collect_avps(<<>>, _, Acc) ->
collect_avps(Bin, N, Acc) ->
try split_avp(Bin) of
{Rest, AVP} ->
collect_avps(Rest, N+1, [AVP#diameter_avp{index = N} | Acc])
?FAILURE(Error) ->
{Error, Acc}
%% 0 1 2 3
%% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
%% +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
%% | AVP Code |
%% +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
%% |V M P r r r r r| AVP Length |
%% +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
%% | Vendor-ID (opt) |
%% +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
%% | Data ...
%% +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
%% split_avp/1
split_avp(Bin) ->
{Code, V, M, P, Len, HdrLen} = split_head(Bin),
{Data, B} = split_data(Bin, HdrLen, Len - HdrLen),
{B, #diameter_avp{code = Code,
vendor_id = V,
is_mandatory = 1 == M,
need_encryption = 1 == P,
data = Data}}.
%% split_head/1
split_head(<<Code:32, 1:1, M:1, P:1, _:5, Len:24, V:32, _/bitstring>>) ->
{Code, V, M, P, Len, 12};
split_head(<<Code:32, 0:1, M:1, P:1, _:5, Len:24, _/bitstring>>) ->
{Code, undefined, M, P, Len, 8};
%% Header is truncated: pack_avp/1 will pad to the minimum header
%% length.
when is_bitstring(B) ->
?THROW({5014, #diameter_avp{data = B}}).
%% 3588:
%% The request contained an AVP with an invalid length. A Diameter
%% message indicating this error MUST include the offending AVPs
%% within a Failed-AVP AVP.
%% 6733:
%% The request contained an AVP with an invalid length. A Diameter
%% message indicating this error MUST include the offending AVPs
%% within a Failed-AVP AVP. In cases where the erroneous AVP length
%% value exceeds the message length or is less than the minimum AVP
%% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
%% header length, it is sufficient to include the offending AVP
%% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
%% header and a zero filled payload of the minimum required length
%% for the payloads data type. If the AVP is a Grouped AVP, the
%% Grouped AVP header with an empty payload would be sufficient to
%% indicate the offending AVP. In the case where the offending AVP
%% header cannot be fully decoded when the AVP length is less than
%% the minimum AVP header length, it is sufficient to include an
%% offending AVP header that is formulated by padding the incomplete
%% AVP header with zero up to the minimum AVP header length.
%% The underlined clause must be in error since (1) a header less than
%% the minimum value mean we don't know the identity of the AVP and
%% (2) the last sentence covers this case.
%% split_data/3
split_data(Bin, HdrLen, Len)
when 0 =< Len ->
split_data(Bin, HdrLen, Len, (4 - (Len rem 4)) rem 4);
split_data(_, _, _) ->
%% split_data/4
split_data(Bin, HdrLen, Len, Pad) ->
case Bin of
<<_:HdrLen/binary, Data:Len/binary, _:Pad/binary, Rest/bitstring>> ->
{Data, Rest};
_ ->
%% invalid_avp_length/0
%% AVP Length doesn't mesh with payload. Induce a decode error by
%% returning a payload that no valid Diameter type can have. This is
%% so that a known AVP will result in 5014 error with a zero'd
%% payload. Here we simply don't know how to construct this payload.
%% (Yes, this solution is an afterthought.)
invalid_avp_length() ->
{<<0:1>>, <<>>}.
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # pack_avp/1
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% The normal case here is data as an #diameter_avp{} list or an
%% iolist, which are the cases that generated codec modules use. The
%% other case is as a convenience in the relay case in which the
%% dictionary doesn't know about specific AVP's.
%% Grouped AVP whose components need packing ...
pack_avp(#diameter_avp{data = [#diameter_avp{} | _] = Avps} = A) ->
pack_avp(A#diameter_avp{data = encode_avps(Avps)});
%% ... data as a type/value tuple ...
pack_avp(#diameter_avp{data = {Type, Value}} = A)
when is_atom(Type) ->
pack_avp(A#diameter_avp{data = diameter_types:Type(encode, Value)});
%% ... with a header in various forms ...
pack_avp(#diameter_avp{data = {{_,_,_} = T, {Type, Value}}}) ->
pack_avp(T, iolist_to_binary(diameter_types:Type(encode, Value)));
pack_avp(#diameter_avp{data = {{_,_,_} = T, Bin}})
when is_binary(Bin) ->
pack_avp(T, Bin);
pack_avp(#diameter_avp{data = {Dict, Name, Value}} = A) ->
{Code, _Flags, Vid} = Hdr = Dict:avp_header(Name),
{Name, Type} = Dict:avp_name(Code, Vid),
pack_avp(A#diameter_avp{data = {Hdr, {Type, Value}}});
pack_avp(#diameter_avp{code = undefined, data = B})
when is_bitstring(B) ->
%% Reset the AVP Length of an AVP Header resulting from a 5014
%% error. The RFC doesn't explicitly say to do this but the
%% receiver can't correctly extract this and following AVP's
%% without a correct length. On the downside, the header doesn't
%% reveal if the received header has been padded.
Pad = 8*header_length(B) - bit_size(B),
Len = size(<<H:5/binary, _:24, T/binary>> = <<B/bitstring, 0:Pad>>),
<<H/binary, Len:24, T/binary>>;
%% ... or as an iolist.
pack_avp(#diameter_avp{code = Code,
vendor_id = V,
is_mandatory = M,
need_encryption = P,
data = Data}) ->
Flags = lists:foldl(fun flag_avp/2, 0, [{V /= undefined, 2#10000000},
{M, 2#01000000},
{P, 2#00100000}]),
pack_avp({Code, Flags, V}, iolist_to_binary(Data)).
header_length(<<_:32, 1:1, _/bitstring>>) ->
header_length(_) ->
flag_avp({true, B}, F) ->
F bor B;
flag_avp({false, _}, F) ->
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # pack_avp/2
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
pack_avp({Code, Flags, VendorId}, Bin)
when is_binary(Bin) ->
Sz = size(Bin),
pack_avp(Code, Flags, VendorId, Sz, pad(Sz rem 4, Bin)).
pad(0, Bin) ->
pad(N, Bin) ->
P = 8*(4-N),
<<Bin/binary, 0:P>>.
%% Note that padding is not included in the length field as mandated by
%% the RFC.
%% pack_avp/5
%% Prepend the vendor id as required.
pack_avp(Code, Flags, Vid, Sz, Bin)
when 0 == Flags band 2#10000000 ->
undefined = Vid, %% sanity check
pack_avp(Code, Flags, Sz, Bin);
pack_avp(Code, Flags, Vid, Sz, Bin) ->
pack_avp(Code, Flags, Sz+4, <<Vid:32, Bin/binary>>).
%% pack_avp/4
pack_avp(Code, Flags, Sz, Bin) ->
Length = Sz + 8,
<<Code:32, Flags:8, Length:24, Bin/binary>>.