%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-compile({no_auto_import, [now/0]}).
-import(diameter_lib, [now/0]).
%% Interface towards transport modules ...
%% ... and the stack.
%% Server start.
%% gen_server callbacks
%% debug
%% Registered name of the server.
-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
%% Server state.
-record(state, {id = now()}).
%% Default transport_module/config.
-define(DEFAULT_TMOD, diameter_tcp).
-define(DEFAULT_TCFG, []).
-define(DEFAULT_TTMO, infinity).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% # notify/3
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
notify(Nodes, SvcName, T) ->
rpc:abcast(Nodes, ?SERVER, {notify, SvcName, T}).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% # start/1
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec start({T, [Opt], #diameter_service{}})
-> {TPid, [Addr], Tmo, Data}
| {error, [term()]}
when T :: {connect|accept, diameter:transport_ref()},
Opt :: diameter:transport_opt(),
TPid :: pid(),
Addr :: inet:ip_address(),
Tmo :: non_neg_integer() | infinity,
Data :: {{T, Mod, Cfg}, [Mod], [{T, [Mod], Cfg}], [Err]},
Mod :: module(),
Cfg :: term(),
Err :: term()
; ({#diameter_service{}, Tmo, Data})
-> {TPid, [Addr], Tmo, Data}
| {error, [term()]}
when TPid :: pid(),
Addr :: inet:ip_address(),
Tmo :: non_neg_integer() | infinity,
Data :: {{T, Mod, Cfg}, [Mod], [{T, [Mod], Cfg}], [Err]},
T :: {connect|accept, diameter:transport_ref()},
Mod :: module(),
Cfg :: term(),
Err :: term().
%% Initial start.
start({T, Opts, #diameter_service{} = Svc}) ->
start(T, Svc, pair(Opts, [], []), []);
%% Subsequent start.
start({#diameter_service{} = Svc, Tmo, {{T, _, Cfg}, Ms, Rest, Errs}}) ->
start(T, Ms, Cfg, Svc, Tmo, Rest, Errs).
%% pair/3
%% Pair transport modules with config.
%% Another transport_module: accumulate it.
pair([{transport_module, M} | Rest], Mods, Acc) ->
pair(Rest, [M|Mods], Acc);
%% Another transport_config: accumulate another tuple.
pair([{transport_config = T, C} | Rest], Mods, Acc) ->
pair([{T, C, ?DEFAULT_TTMO} | Rest], Mods, Acc);
pair([{transport_config, C, Tmo} | Rest], Mods, Acc) ->
pair(Rest, [], acc({lists:reverse(Mods), C, Tmo}, Acc));
pair([_ | Rest], Mods, Acc) ->
pair(Rest, Mods, Acc);
%% No transport_module or transport_config: defaults.
pair([], [], []) ->
%% One transport_module, one transport_config: ignore option order.
%% That is, interpret [{transport_config, _}, {transport_module, _}]
%% as if the order was reversed, not as config with default module and
%% module with default config.
pair([], [_] = Mods, [{[], Cfg, Tmo}]) ->
[{Mods, Cfg, Tmo}];
%% Trailing transport_module: default transport_config.
pair([], [_|_] = Mods, Acc) ->
pair([{transport_config, ?DEFAULT_TCFG}], Mods, Acc);
pair([], [], Acc) ->
%% acc/2
acc(T, Acc) ->
[T | def(Acc)].
%% def/1
%% Default module of previous pair if none were specified.
def([{[], Cfg, Tmo} | Acc]) ->
[{[?DEFAULT_TMOD], Cfg, Tmo} | Acc];
def(Acc) ->
%% start/4
start(T, Svc, [{Ms, Cfg, Tmo} | Rest], Errs) ->
start(T, Ms, Cfg, Svc, Tmo, Rest, Errs);
start(_, _, [], Errs) ->
{error, Errs}.
%% start/7
start(T, [], _, Svc, _, Rest, Errs) ->
start(T, Svc, Rest, Errs);
start(T, [M|Ms], Cfg, Svc, Tmo, Rest, Errs) ->
case start(M, [T, Svc, Cfg]) of
{ok, TPid} ->
{TPid, [], Tmo, {{T, M, Cfg}, Ms, Rest, Errs}};
{ok, TPid, [_|_] = Addrs} ->
{TPid, Addrs, Tmo, {{T, M, Cfg}, Ms, Rest, Errs}};
E ->
start(T, Ms, Cfg, Svc, Tmo, Rest, [E|Errs])
%% start/2
start(Mod, Args) ->
apply(Mod, start, Args).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% # match/2
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
match(Addrs, Matches)
when is_list(Addrs) ->
lists:all(fun(A) -> match1(A, Matches) end, Addrs).
match1(Addr, Matches)
when not is_integer(hd(Matches)) ->
lists:any(fun(M) -> match1(Addr, M) end, Matches);
match1(Addr, Match) ->
match(Addr, addr(Match), Match).
match(Addr, {ok, A}, _) ->
Addr == A;
match(Addr, {error, _}, RE) ->
match == re:run(inet:ntoa(Addr), RE, [{capture, none}, caseless]).
addr([_|_] = A) ->
addr(A) ->
{ok, A}.
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% # up/1-3
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
up(Pid) -> %% accepting transport
ifc_send(Pid, {self(), connected}).
up(Pid, Remote) -> %% connecting transport
ifc_send(Pid, {self(), connected, Remote}).
up(Pid, Remote, LAddrs) -> %% connecting transport
ifc_send(Pid, {self(), connected, Remote, LAddrs}).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% # recv/2
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
recv(Pid, Pkt) ->
ifc_send(Pid, {recv, Pkt}).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% # send/2
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
send(Pid, Msg) ->
ifc_send(Pid, {send, strip(Msg)}).
%% Send only binary when possible.
strip(#diameter_packet{transport_data = undefined,
bin = Bin}) ->
%% Strip potentially large message terms.
strip(#diameter_packet{transport_data = T,
bin = Bin}) ->
#diameter_packet{transport_data = T,
bin = Bin};
strip(Msg) ->
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% # close/1
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
close(Pid) ->
ifc_send(Pid, {close, self()}).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% # abort/1
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
abort(Pid) ->
exit(Pid, shutdown).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
start_link() ->
ServerName = {local, ?SERVER},
Module = ?MODULE,
Args = [],
Options = [{spawn_opt, diameter_lib:spawn_opts(server, [])}],
gen_server:start_link(ServerName, Module, Args, Options).
state() ->
uptime() ->
%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%% # init(Role)
%% ----------------------------------------------------------
init([]) ->
{ok, #state{}}.
%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%% # handle_call(Request, From, State)
%% ----------------------------------------------------------
handle_call(state, _, State) ->
{reply, State, State};
handle_call(uptime, _, #state{id = Time} = State) ->
{reply, diameter_lib:now_diff(Time), State};
handle_call(Req, From, State) ->
?UNEXPECTED([Req, From]),
{reply, nok, State}.
%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%% # handle_cast(Request, State)
%% ----------------------------------------------------------
handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%% # handle_info(Request, State)
%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%% Remote service is distributing a message.
handle_info({notify, SvcName, T}, S) ->
diameter_service:notify(SvcName, T),
{noreply, S};
handle_info(Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%% terminate(Reason, State)
%% ----------------------------------------------------------
terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%% code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra)
%% ----------------------------------------------------------
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
%% ---------------------------------------------------------
%% ---------------------------------------------------------
%% ifc_send/2
%% Send something over the transport interface.
ifc_send(Pid, T) ->
Pid ! {diameter, T}.
%% call/1
call(Request) ->
gen_server:call(?SERVER, Request, infinity).