%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% This module generates erl/hrl files for encode/decode modules
%% from the orddict parsed from a dictionary file (.dia) by
%% diameter_dict_util. The generated code is simple (one-liners),
%% the generated functions being called by code included iin the
%% generated modules from diameter_gen.hrl. The orddict itself is
%% returned by dict/0 in the generated module and diameter_dict_util
%% calls this function when importing dictionaries as a consequence
%% of @inherits sections. That is, @inherits introduces a dependency
%% on the beam file of another dictionary.
%% Internal exports (for test).
-define(S, atom_to_list).
-define(A, list_to_atom).
-define(Atom(T), ?ATOM(?A(T))).
%% ===========================================================================
-spec from_dict(File, Spec, Opts, Mode)
-> ok
when File :: string(),
Spec :: orddict:orddict(),
Opts :: list(),
Mode :: spec | erl | hrl.
from_dict(File, Spec, Opts, Mode) ->
Outdir = proplists:get_value(outdir, Opts, "."),
putr(verbose, lists:member(verbose, Opts)),
putr(debug, lists:member(debug, Opts)),
codegen(File, Spec, Outdir, Mode).
%% Optional reports when running verbosely.
report(What, Data) ->
report(getr(verbose), What, Data),
report(true, Tag, Data) ->
io:format(">>~n>> ~p ~p~n", [Tag, Data]);
report(false, _, _) ->
putr(Key, Value) ->
put({?MODULE, Key}, Value).
getr(Key) ->
get({?MODULE, Key}).
%% ===========================================================================
%% ===========================================================================
%% Generate from parsed dictionary in a file.
file(F) ->
file(F, spec).
file(F, Mode) ->
file(F, ".", Mode).
file(F, Outdir, Mode) ->
{ok, [Spec]} = file:consult(F),
from_dict(F, Spec, Outdir, Mode).
%% ===========================================================================
%% ===========================================================================
get_value(Key, Plist) ->
proplists:get_value(Key, Plist, []).
codegen(File, Spec, Outdir, Mode) ->
Mod = mod(File, orddict:find(name, Spec)),
Path = filename:join(Outdir, Mod), %% minus extension
gen(Mode, Spec, ?A(Mod), Path),
mod(File, error) ->
mod(_, {ok, Mod}) ->
gen(spec, Spec, _Mod, Path) ->
write_term(Path ++ ".D", [?VERSION | Spec]);
gen(hrl, Spec, Mod, Path) ->
write(Path ++ ".hrl", gen_hrl(Mod, Spec));
gen(erl, Spec, Mod, Path) ->
Forms = erl_forms(Mod, Spec),
getr(debug) andalso write_term(Path ++ ".F", [Forms]),
write(Path ++ ".erl", [header(), prettypr(Forms), $\n]).
write(Path, T) ->
write(Path, "~s", T).
write_term(Path, T) ->
write(Path, "~p.~n", T).
write(Path, Fmt, T) ->
{ok, Fd} = file:open(Path, [write]),
io:fwrite(Fd, Fmt, [T]),
erl_forms(Mod, Spec) ->
Forms = [[{?attribute, module, Mod},
{?attribute, compile, {parse_transform, diameter_exprecs}},
{?attribute, compile, nowarn_unused_function}],
[{?attribute, export, [{name, 0},
{id, 0},
{vendor_id, 0},
{vendor_name, 0},
{decode_avps, 2}, %% in diameter_gen.hrl
{encode_avps, 2}, %%
{msg_name, 2},
{msg_header, 1},
{rec2msg, 1},
{msg2rec, 1},
{name2rec, 1},
{avp_name, 2},
{avp_arity, 2},
{avp_header, 1},
{avp, 3},
{grouped_avp, 3},
{enumerated_avp, 3},
{empty_value, 1},
{dict, 0}]},
%% diameter.hrl is included for #diameter_avp
{?attribute, include_lib, "diameter/include/diameter.hrl"},
{?attribute, include_lib, "diameter/include/diameter_gen.hrl"},
{eof, ?LINE}]],
make_hrl_forms(Spec) ->
{_Prefix, MsgRecs, GrpRecs, ImportedGrpRecs}
= make_record_forms(Spec),
RecordForms = MsgRecs ++ GrpRecs ++ lists:flatmap(fun({_,Fs}) -> Fs end,
RecNames = lists:map(fun({attribute,_,record,{N,_}}) -> N end,
%% export_records is used by the diameter_exprecs parse transform.
[{?attribute, export_records, RecNames} | RecordForms].
make_record_forms(Spec) ->
Prefix = prefix(Spec),
MsgRecs = a_record(Prefix, fun msg_proj/1, get_value(messages, Spec)),
GrpRecs = a_record(Prefix, fun grp_proj/1, get_value(grouped, Spec)),
ImportedGrpRecs = [{M, a_record(Prefix, fun grp_proj/1, Gs)}
|| {M,Gs} <- get_value(import_groups, Spec)],
{to_upper(Prefix), MsgRecs, GrpRecs, ImportedGrpRecs}.
msg_proj({Name, _, _, _, Avps}) ->
{Name, Avps}.
grp_proj({Name, _, _, Avps}) ->
{Name, Avps}.
%% a_record/3
a_record(Prefix, ProjF, L) ->
lists:map(fun(T) -> a_record(ProjF(T), Prefix) end, L).
a_record({Nm, Avps}, Prefix) ->
Name = list_to_atom(Prefix ++ Nm),
Fields = lists:map(fun field/1, Avps),
{?attribute, record, {Name, Fields}}.
field(Avp) ->
{Name, Arity} = avp_info(Avp),
if 1 == Arity ->
{?record_field, ?Atom(Name)};
true ->
{?record_field, ?Atom(Name), ?NIL}
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # name/0
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_name(Name) ->
{?function, name, 0,
[{?clause, [], [], [?ATOM(Name)]}]}.
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # id/0
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_id(Spec) ->
{?function, id, 0,
[c_id(orddict:find(id, Spec))]}.
c_id({ok, Id}) ->
{?clause, [], [], [?INTEGER(Id)]};
c_id(error) ->
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # vendor_id/0
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_vendor_id(Spec) ->
{?function, vendor_id, 0,
[{?clause, [], [], [b_vendor_id(orddict:find(vendor, Spec))]}]}.
b_vendor_id({ok, {Id, _}}) ->
b_vendor_id(error) ->
?APPLY(erlang, error, [?TERM(undefined)]).
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # vendor_name/0
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_vendor_name(Spec) ->
{?function, vendor_name, 0,
[{?clause, [], [], [b_vendor_name(orddict:find(vendor, Spec))]}]}.
b_vendor_name({ok, {_, Name}}) ->
b_vendor_name(error) ->
?APPLY(erlang, error, [?TERM(undefined)]).
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # msg_name/1
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_msg_name(Spec) ->
{?function, msg_name, 2, msg_name(Spec)}.
%% Return the empty name for any unknown command to which
msg_name(Spec) ->
lists:flatmap(fun c_msg_name/1, proplists:get_value(command_codes,
++ [{?clause, [?VAR('_'), ?VAR('_')], [], [?ATOM('')]}].
c_msg_name({Code, Req, Ans}) ->
[{?clause, [?INTEGER(Code), ?ATOM(true)],
{?clause, [?INTEGER(Code), ?ATOM(false)],
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # msg2rec/1
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_msg2rec(Spec) ->
{?function, msg2rec, 1, msg2rec(Spec)}.
msg2rec(Spec) ->
Pre = prefix(Spec),
lists:map(fun(T) -> c_msg2rec(T, Pre) end, get_value(messages, Spec))
++ [?BADARG(1)].
c_msg2rec({N,_,_,_,_}, Pre) ->
c_name2rec(N, Pre).
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # rec2msg/1
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_rec2msg(Spec) ->
{?function, rec2msg, 1, rec2msg(Spec)}.
rec2msg(Spec) ->
Pre = prefix(Spec),
lists:map(fun(T) -> c_rec2msg(T, Pre) end, get_value(messages, Spec))
++ [?BADARG(1)].
c_rec2msg({N,_,_,_,_}, Pre) ->
{?clause, [?Atom(rec_name(N, Pre))], [], [?Atom(N)]}.
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # name2rec/1
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_name2rec(Spec) ->
{?function, name2rec, 1, name2rec(Spec)}.
name2rec(Spec) ->
Pre = prefix(Spec),
Groups = get_value(grouped, Spec)
++ lists:flatmap(fun avps/1, get_value(import_groups, Spec)),
lists:map(fun({N,_,_,_}) -> c_name2rec(N, Pre) end, Groups)
++ [{?clause, [?VAR('T')], [], [?CALL(msg2rec, [?VAR('T')])]}].
c_name2rec(Name, Pre) ->
{?clause, [?Atom(Name)], [], [?Atom(rec_name(Name, Pre))]}.
avps({_Mod, Avps}) ->
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # avp_name/1
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_avp_name(Spec) ->
{?function, avp_name, 2, avp_name(Spec)}.
%% 3588, 4.1:
%% AVP Code
%% The AVP Code, combined with the Vendor-Id field, identifies the
%% attribute uniquely. AVP numbers 1 through 255 are reserved for
%% backward compatibility with RADIUS, without setting the Vendor-Id
%% field. AVP numbers 256 and above are used for Diameter, which are
%% allocated by IANA (see Section 11.1).
avp_name(Spec) ->
Avps = get_value(avp_types, Spec),
Imported = get_value(import_avps, Spec),
Vid = orddict:find(vendor, Spec),
Vs = vendor_id_map(Spec),
lists:map(fun(T) -> c_avp_name(T, Vs, Vid) end, Avps)
++ lists:flatmap(fun(T) -> c_imported_avp_name(T, Vs) end, Imported)
++ [{?clause, [?VAR('_'), ?VAR('_')], [], [?ATOM('AVP')]}].
c_avp_name({Name, Code, Type, Flags}, Vs, Vid) ->
c_avp_name_(?TERM({?A(Name), ?A(Type)}),
vid(Name, Flags, Vs, Vid)).
%% Note that an imported AVP's vendor id is determined by
%% avp_vendor_id in the inheriting module and vendor in the inherited
%% module. In particular, avp_vendor_id in the inherited module is
%% ignored so can't just call Mod:avp_header/1 to retrieve the vendor
%% id. A vendor id specified in @grouped is equivalent to one
%% specified as avp_vendor_id.
c_imported_avp_name({Mod, Avps}, Vs) ->
lists:map(fun(A) -> c_avp_name(A, Vs, {module, Mod}) end, Avps).
c_avp_name_(T, Code, undefined = U) ->
{?clause, [Code, ?ATOM(U)],
c_avp_name_(T, Code, Vid) ->
{?clause, [Code, ?INTEGER(Vid)],
vendor_id_map(Spec) ->
lists:flatmap(fun({V,Ns}) -> [{N,V} || N <- Ns] end,
get_value(avp_vendor_id, Spec))
++ lists:flatmap(fun({_,_,[],_}) -> [];
({N,_,[V],_}) -> [{N,V}]
get_value(grouped, Spec)).
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # avp_arity/2
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_avp_arity(Spec) ->
{?function, avp_arity, 2, avp_arity(Spec)}.
avp_arity(Spec) ->
Msgs = get_value(messages, Spec),
Groups = get_value(grouped, Spec)
++ lists:flatmap(fun avps/1, get_value(import_groups, Spec)),
c_avp_arity(Msgs ++ Groups)
++ [{?clause, [?VAR('_'), ?VAR('_')], [], [?INTEGER(0)]}].
when is_list(L) ->
lists:flatmap(fun c_avp_arity/1, L);
c_avp_arity({N,_,_,_,As}) ->
c_avp_arity({N,_,_,As}) ->
c_avp_arity(Name, Avps) ->
lists:map(fun(A) -> c_arity(Name, A) end, Avps).
c_arity(Name, Avp) ->
{AvpName, Arity} = avp_info(Avp),
{?clause, [?Atom(Name), ?Atom(AvpName)], [], [?TERM(Arity)]}.
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # avp/3
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_avp(Spec) ->
{?function, avp, 3, avp(Spec) ++ [?BADARG(3)]}.
avp(Spec) ->
Native = get_value(avp_types, Spec),
CustomMods = get_value(custom_types, Spec),
TypeMods = get_value(codecs, Spec),
Imported = get_value(import_avps, Spec),
Enums = get_value(enum, Spec),
Custom = lists:map(fun({M,As}) -> {M, custom_types, As} end,
++ lists:map(fun({M,As}) -> {M, codecs, As} end,
avp(types(Native), Imported, Custom, Enums).
types(Avps) ->
lists:map(fun({N,_,T,_}) -> {N,T} end, Avps).
avp(Native, Imported, Custom, Enums) ->
report(native, Native),
report(imported, Imported),
report(custom, Custom),
TypeDict = lists:foldl(fun({N,_,T,_}, D) -> orddict:store(N,T,D) end,
lists:flatmap(fun avps/1, Imported)),
CustomNames = lists:flatmap(fun({_,_,Ns}) -> Ns end, Custom),
lists:map(fun c_base_avp/1,
lists:filter(fun({N,_}) -> not_in(CustomNames, N) end,
++ lists:flatmap(fun(I) -> cs_imported_avp(I, Enums, CustomNames) end,
++ lists:flatmap(fun(C) -> cs_custom_avp(C, TypeDict) end, Custom).
not_in(List, X) ->
not lists:member(X, List).
c_base_avp({AvpName, T}) ->
{?clause, [?VAR('T'), ?VAR('Data'), ?Atom(AvpName)],
[b_base_avp(AvpName, T)]}.
b_base_avp(AvpName, "Enumerated") ->
?CALL(enumerated_avp, [?VAR('T'), ?Atom(AvpName), ?VAR('Data')]);
b_base_avp(AvpName, "Grouped") ->
?CALL(grouped_avp, [?VAR('T'), ?Atom(AvpName), ?VAR('Data')]);
b_base_avp(_, Type) ->
?APPLY(diameter_types, ?A(Type), [?VAR('T'), ?VAR('Data')]).
cs_imported_avp({Mod, Avps}, Enums, CustomNames) ->
lists:map(fun(A) -> imported_avp(Mod, A, Enums) end,
lists:filter(fun({N,_,_,_}) -> not_in(CustomNames, N) end,
imported_avp(_Mod, {AvpName, _, "Grouped" = T, _}, _) ->
c_base_avp({AvpName, T});
imported_avp(Mod, {AvpName, _, "Enumerated" = T, _}, Enums) ->
case lists:keymember(AvpName, 1, Enums) of
true ->
c_base_avp({AvpName, T});
false ->
c_imported_avp(Mod, AvpName)
imported_avp(Mod, {AvpName, _, _, _}, _) ->
c_imported_avp(Mod, AvpName).
c_imported_avp(Mod, AvpName) ->
{?clause, [?VAR('T'), ?VAR('Data'), ?Atom(AvpName)],
[?APPLY(Mod, avp, [?VAR('T'),
cs_custom_avp({Mod, Key, Avps}, Dict) ->
lists:map(fun(N) -> c_custom_avp(Mod, Key, N, orddict:fetch(N, Dict)) end,
c_custom_avp(Mod, Key, AvpName, Type) ->
{F,A} = custom(Key, AvpName, Type),
{?clause, [?VAR('T'), ?VAR('Data'), ?Atom(AvpName)],
[?APPLY(?A(Mod), ?A(F), [?VAR('T'), ?Atom(A), ?VAR('Data')])]}.
custom(custom_types, AvpName, Type) ->
{AvpName, Type};
custom(codecs, AvpName, Type) ->
{Type, AvpName}.
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # enumerated_avp/3
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_enumerated_avp(Spec) ->
{?function, enumerated_avp, 3, enumerated_avp(Spec) ++ [?BADARG(3)]}.
enumerated_avp(Spec) ->
Enums = get_value(enum, Spec),
lists:flatmap(fun cs_enumerated_avp/1, Enums)
++ lists:flatmap(fun({M,Es}) -> enumerated_avp(M, Es, Enums) end,
get_value(import_enums, Spec)).
enumerated_avp(Mod, Es, Enums) ->
lists:flatmap(fun({N,_}) ->
cs_enumerated_avp(lists:keymember(N, 1, Enums),
cs_enumerated_avp(true, Mod, Name) ->
[c_imported_avp(Mod, Name)];
cs_enumerated_avp(false, _, _) ->
cs_enumerated_avp({AvpName, Values}) ->
lists:flatmap(fun(V) -> c_enumerated_avp(AvpName, V) end, Values).
c_enumerated_avp(AvpName, {_,I}) ->
[{?clause, [?ATOM(decode), ?Atom(AvpName), ?TERM(<<I:32>>)],
{?clause, [?ATOM(encode), ?Atom(AvpName), ?INTEGER(I)],
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% msg_header/1
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_msg_header(Spec) ->
{?function, msg_header, 1, msg_header(Spec) ++ [?BADARG(1)]}.
msg_header(Spec) ->
msg_header(get_value(messages, Spec), Spec).
msg_header([], _) ->
msg_header(Msgs, Spec) ->
ApplId = orddict:fetch(id, Spec),
lists:map(fun({M,C,F,_,_}) -> c_msg_header(M, C, F, ApplId) end, Msgs).
%% Note that any application id in the message header spec is ignored.
c_msg_header(Name, Code, Flags, ApplId) ->
{?clause, [?Atom(Name)],
[?TERM({Code, encode_msg_flags(Flags), ApplId})]}.
encode_msg_flags(Flags) ->
lists:foldl(fun emf/2, 0, Flags).
emf('REQ', N) -> N bor 2#10000000;
emf('PXY', N) -> N bor 2#01000000;
emf('ERR', N) -> N bor 2#00100000.
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # avp_header/1
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_avp_header(Spec) ->
{?function, avp_header, 1, avp_header(Spec) ++ [?BADARG(1)]}.
avp_header(Spec) ->
Native = get_value(avp_types, Spec),
Imported = get_value(import_avps, Spec),
Vid = orddict:find(vendor, Spec),
Vs = vendor_id_map(Spec),
lists:flatmap(fun(A) -> c_avp_header(A, Vs, Vid) end,
Native ++ Imported).
c_avp_header({Name, Code, _Type, Flags}, Vs, Vid) ->
[{?clause, [?Atom(Name)],
[?TERM({Code, encode_avp_flags(Flags), vid(Name, Flags, Vs, Vid)})]}];
c_avp_header({Mod, Avps}, Vs, _Vid) ->
lists:map(fun(A) -> c_imported_avp_header(A, Mod, Vs) end, Avps).
%% Note that avp_vendor_id in the inherited dictionary is ignored. The
%% value must be changed in the inheriting dictionary. This is
%% consistent with the semantics of avp_name/2.
c_imported_avp_header({Name, _Code, _Type, _Flags}, Mod, Vs) ->
Apply = ?APPLY(Mod, avp_header, [?Atom(Name)]),
{?clause, [?Atom(Name)],
[case proplists:get_value(Name, Vs) of
undefined ->
Vid ->
?CALL(setelement, [?INTEGER(3), Apply, ?INTEGER(Vid)])
encode_avp_flags(Fs) ->
lists:foldl(fun eaf/2, 0, Fs).
eaf($V, F) -> 2#10000000 bor F;
eaf($M, F) -> 2#01000000 bor F;
eaf($P, F) -> 2#00100000 bor F.
vid(Name, Flags, Vs, Vid) ->
v(lists:member($V, Flags), Name, Vs, Vid).
v(true = T, Name, Vs, {module, Mod}) ->
v(T, Name, Vs, {ok, {Mod:vendor_id(), Mod:vendor_name()}});
v(true, Name, Vs, Vid) ->
case proplists:get_value(Name, Vs) of
undefined ->
{ok, {Id, _}} = Vid,
Id ->
v(false, _, _, _) ->
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # empty_value/0
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_empty_value(Spec) ->
{?function, empty_value, 1, empty_value(Spec)}.
empty_value(Spec) ->
Imported = lists:flatmap(fun avps/1, get_value(import_enums, Spec)),
Groups = get_value(grouped, Spec)
++ lists:flatmap(fun avps/1, get_value(import_groups, Spec)),
Enums = [T || {N,_} = T <- get_value(enum, Spec),
not lists:keymember(N, 1, Imported)]
++ Imported,
lists:map(fun c_empty_value/1, Groups ++ Enums)
++ [{?clause, [?VAR('Name')], [], [?CALL(empty, [?VAR('Name')])]}].
c_empty_value({Name, _, _, _}) ->
{?clause, [?Atom(Name)],
[?CALL(empty_group, [?Atom(Name)])]};
c_empty_value({Name, _}) ->
{?clause, [?Atom(Name)],
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # dict/0
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_dict(Spec) ->
{?function, dict, 0,
[{?clause, [], [], [?TERM([?VERSION | Spec])]}]}.
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% # gen_hrl/2
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gen_hrl(Mod, Spec) ->
{Prefix, MsgRecs, GrpRecs, ImportedGrpRecs}
= make_record_forms(Spec),
forms("Message records", MsgRecs),
forms("Grouped AVP records", GrpRecs),
lists:map(fun({M,Fs}) ->
forms("Grouped AVP records from " ++ atom_to_list(M),
format("ENUM Macros", m_enums(Prefix, false, get_value(enum, Spec))),
format("DEFINE Macros", m_enums(Prefix, false, get_value(define, Spec))),
lists:map(fun({M,Es}) ->
format("ENUM Macros from " ++ atom_to_list(M),
m_enums(Prefix, true, Es))
get_value(import_enums, Spec))].
forms(_, [] = No) ->
forms(Banner, Forms) ->
format(Banner, prettypr(Forms)).
format(_, [] = No) ->
format(Banner, Str) ->
[banner(Banner), Str, $\n].
prettypr(Forms) ->
banner(Heading) ->
"%%% -------------------------------------------------------\n"
"%%% ", Heading, ":\n"
"%%% -------------------------------------------------------\n\n"].
z(S) ->
string:join(string:tokens(S, "\s\t"), "\s").
m_enums(Prefix, Wrap, Enums) ->
lists:map(fun(T) -> m_enum(Prefix, Wrap, T) end, Enums).
m_enum(Prefix, B, {Name, Values}) ->
P = Prefix ++ to_upper(Name) ++ "_",
lists:map(fun({A,I}) ->
N = ["'", P, to_upper(z(A)), "'"],
["-define(", N, ", ", integer_to_list(I), ").\n"])
wrap(true, Name, Def) ->
["-ifndef(", Name, ").\n", Def, "-endif.\n"];
wrap(false, _, Def) ->
to_upper(A) when is_atom(A) ->
to_upper(S) ->
lists:map(fun tu/1, S).
tu(C) when C >= $a, C =< $z ->
C + $A - $a;
tu(C) ->
header() ->
("%% -------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
"%% This is a generated file.\n"
"%% -------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
"%% Copyright (c) Ericsson AB. All rights reserved.\n"
"%% The information in this document is the property of Ericsson.\n"
"%% Except as specifically authorized in writing by Ericsson, the\n"
"%% receiver of this document shall keep the information contained\n"
"%% herein confidential and shall protect the same in whole or in\n"
"%% part from disclosure and dissemination to third parties.\n"
"%% Disclosure and disseminations to the receivers employees shall\n"
"%% only be made on a strict need to know basis.\n"
hrl_header(Name) ->
header() ++ "-hrl_name('" ++ ?S(Name) ++ ".hrl').\n".
%% avp_info/1
avp_info(Entry) -> %% {Name, Arity}
case Entry of
{{A}} -> {A, 1};
{A} -> {A, 1};
[A] -> {A, {0,1}};
{Q,T} ->
{A,_} = avp_info(T),
{A, arity(T,Q)}
%% Normalize arity to 1 or {N,X} where N is an integer. A record field
%% for an AVP is list-valued iff the normalized arity is not 1.
arity({{_}}, '*' = Inf) -> {0, Inf};
arity([_], '*' = Inf) -> {0, Inf};
arity({_}, '*' = Inf) -> {1, Inf};
arity(_, {_,_} = Q) -> Q.
prefix(Spec) ->
case orddict:find(prefix, Spec) of
{ok, P} ->
P ++ "_";
error ->
rec_name(Name, Prefix) ->
Prefix ++ Name.