%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
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%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Tests based on the contents of the diameter app file.
%% testcases
-define(A, list_to_atom).
%% Modules not in the app and that should not have dependencies on it
%% for build reasons.
-define(COMPILER_MODULES, [diameter_codegen,
-define(INFO_MODULES, [diameter_dbg,
%% ===========================================================================
suite() ->
[{timetrap, {seconds, 60}}].
all() ->
init_per_suite(Config) ->
[{application, ?APP, App}] = diameter_util:consult(?APP, app),
[{app, App} | Config].
end_per_suite(_Config) ->
%% ===========================================================================
%% # keys/1
%% Ensure that the app file contains selected keys. Some of these would
%% also be caught by other testcases.
%% ===========================================================================
keys(Config) ->
App = fetch(app, Config),
[] = lists:filter(fun(K) -> not lists:keymember(K, 1, App) end,
[vsn, description, modules, registered, applications]).
%% ===========================================================================
%% # vsn/1
%% Ensure that our app version sticks to convention.
%% ===========================================================================
vsn(Config) ->
true = is_vsn(fetch(vsn, fetch(app, Config))).
%% ===========================================================================
%% # modules/1
%% Ensure that the app file modules and installed modules differ by
%% compiler/info modules.
%% ===========================================================================
modules(Config) ->
Mods = fetch(modules, fetch(app, Config)),
Installed = code_mods(),
Help = lists:sort(?INFO_MODULES ++ ?COMPILER_MODULES),
{[], Help} = {Mods -- Installed, lists:sort(Installed -- Mods)}.
code_mods() ->
Dir = code:lib_dir(?APP, ebin),
{ok, Files} = file:list_dir(Dir),
[?A(lists:reverse(R)) || N <- Files, "maeb." ++ R <- [lists:reverse(N)]].
%% ===========================================================================
%% # exports/1
%% Ensure that no module does export_all.
%% ===========================================================================
exports(Config) ->
Mods = fetch(modules, fetch(app, Config)),
[] = [M || M <- Mods, exports_all(M)].
exports_all(Mod) ->
Opts = fetch(options, Mod:module_info(compile)),
is_list(Opts) andalso lists:member(export_all, Opts).
%% ===========================================================================
%% # release/1
%% Ensure that it's possible to build a minimal release with our app file.
%% ===========================================================================
release(Config) ->
App = fetch(app, Config),
Rel = {release,
{"diameter test release", fetch(vsn, App)},
{erts, erlang:system_info(version)},
[{A, appvsn(A)} || A <- [sasl | fetch(applications, App)]]},
Dir = fetch(priv_dir, Config),
ok = write_file(filename:join([Dir, "diameter_test.rel"]), Rel),
{ok, _, []} = systools:make_script("diameter_test", [{path, [Dir]},
{outdir, Dir},
%% sasl need to be included to avoid a missing_sasl warning, error
%% in the case of relup/1.
appvsn(Name) ->
[{application, Name, App}] = diameter_util:consult(Name, app),
fetch(vsn, App).
%% ===========================================================================
%% # xref/1
%% Ensure that no function in our application calls an undefined function
%% or one in an application we haven't declared as a dependency. (Almost.)
%% ===========================================================================
xref(Config) ->
App = fetch(app, Config),
Mods = fetch(modules, App), %% modules listed in the app file
%% List of application names extracted from runtime_dependencies.
Deps = lists:map(fun unversion/1, fetch(runtime_dependencies, App)),
{ok, XRef} = xref:start(make_name(xref_test_name)),
ok = xref:set_default(XRef, [{verbose, false}, {warnings, false}]),
%% Only add our application and those it's dependent on according
%% to the app file. Well, almost. erts beams are also required to
%% stop xref from complaining about calls to module erlang, which
%% was previously in kernel. Erts isn't an application however, in
%% the sense that there's no .app file, and isn't listed in
%% applications.
ok = lists:foreach(fun(A) -> add_application(XRef, A) end,
[?APP, erts | fetch(applications, App)]),
{ok, Undefs} = xref:analyze(XRef, undefined_function_calls),
{ok, RTmods} = xref:analyze(XRef, {module_use, Mods}),
{ok, CTmods} = xref:analyze(XRef, {module_use, ?COMPILER_MODULES}),
{ok, RTdeps} = xref:analyze(XRef, {module_call, Mods}),
Rel = release(), %% otp_release-ish
%% Only care about calls from our own application.
[] = lists:filter(fun({{F,_,_} = From, {_,_,_} = To}) ->
lists:member(F, Mods)
andalso not ignored(From, To, Rel)
%% Ensure that only runtime or info modules call runtime modules.
%% It's not strictly necessary that diameter compiler modules not
%% depend on other diameter modules but it's a simple source of
%% build errors if not properly encoded in the makefile so guard
%% against it.
[] = (RTmods -- Mods) -- ?INFO_MODULES,
%% Ensure that runtime modules don't call compiler modules.
CTmods = CTmods -- Mods,
%% Ensure that runtime modules only call other runtime modules, or
%% applications declared as in runtime_dependencies in the app
%% file. Note that the declared application versions are ignored
%% since we only know what we can see now.
[] = lists:filter(fun(M) -> not lists:member(app(M), Deps) end,
RTdeps -- Mods).
ignored({FromMod,_,_}, {ToMod,_,_} = To, Rel)->
%% diameter_tcp does call ssl despite the latter not being listed
%% as a dependency in the app file since ssl is only required for
%% TLS security: it's up to a client who wants TLS to start ssl.
%% The OTP 18 time api is also called if it exists, so that the
%% same code can be run on older releases.
{FromMod, ToMod} == {diameter_tcp, ssl}
orelse (FromMod == diameter_lib
andalso Rel < 18
andalso lists:member(To, time_api())).
%% New time api in OTP 18.
time_api() ->
[{erlang, F, A} || {F,A} <- [{convert_time_unit,3},
++ [{os, system_time, 0},
{os, system_time, 1}].
release() ->
Rel = erlang:system_info(otp_release),
try list_to_integer(Rel) of
N -> N
error:_ ->
0 %% aka < 17
unversion(App) ->
T = lists:dropwhile(fun is_vsn_ch/1, lists:reverse(App)),
lists:reverse(case T of [$-|TT] -> TT; _ -> T end).
is_vsn_ch(C) ->
$0 =< C andalso C =< $9 orelse $. == C.
app('$M_EXPR') -> %% could be anything but assume it's ok
app(Mod) ->
case code:which(Mod) of
preloaded ->
Path ->
unversion(lists:nth(3, lists:reverse(filename:split(Path))))
add_application(XRef, App) ->
add_application(XRef, App, code:lib_dir(App)).
%% erts will not be in the lib directory before installation.
add_application(XRef, erts, {error, _}) ->
Dir = filename:join([code:root_dir(), "erts", "preloaded", "ebin"]),
{ok, _} = xref:add_directory(XRef, Dir, []);
add_application(XRef, App, Dir)
when is_list(Dir) ->
{ok, App} = xref:add_application(XRef, Dir, []).
make_name(Suf) ->
list_to_atom(atom_to_list(?APP) ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(Suf)).
%% ===========================================================================
%% # relup/1
%% Ensure that we can generate release upgrade files using our appup file.
%% ===========================================================================
relup(Config) ->
[{Vsn, Up, Down}] = diameter_util:consult(?APP, appup),
true = is_vsn(Vsn),
App = fetch(app, Config),
Rel = [{erts, erlang:system_info(version)}
| [{A, appvsn(A)} || A <- [sasl | fetch(applications, App)]]],
Dir = fetch(priv_dir, Config),
Name = write_rel(Dir, Rel, Vsn),
UpFrom = acc_rel(Dir, Rel, Up),
DownTo = acc_rel(Dir, Rel, Down),
{[Name], [Name], [], []} %% no current in up/down and go both ways
= {[Name] -- UpFrom,
[Name] -- DownTo,
UpFrom -- DownTo,
DownTo -- UpFrom},
[[], []] = [S -- sets:to_list(sets:from_list(S))
|| S <- [UpFrom, DownTo]],
{ok, _, _, []} = systools:make_relup(Name, UpFrom, DownTo, [{path, [Dir]},
{outdir, Dir},
acc_rel(Dir, Rel, List) ->
lists:foldl(fun(T,A) -> acc_rel(Dir, Rel, T, A) end,
acc_rel(Dir, Rel, {Vsn, _}, Acc) ->
[write_rel(Dir, Rel, Vsn) | Acc].
%% Write a rel file and return its name.
write_rel(Dir, [Erts | Apps], Vsn) ->
true = is_vsn(Vsn),
Name = "diameter_test_" ++ Vsn,
ok = write_file(filename:join([Dir, Name ++ ".rel"]),
{"diameter " ++ Vsn ++ " test release", Vsn},
%% ===========================================================================
%% ===========================================================================
fetch(Key, List) ->
{Key, {Key, Val}} = {Key, lists:keyfind(Key, 1, List)}, %% useful badmatch
write_file(Path, T) ->
file:write_file(Path, io_lib:format("~p.", [T])).
%% Is a version string of the expected form? Return the argument
%% itself for 'false' for a useful badmatch.
is_vsn(V) ->
andalso length(V) == string:span(V, "0123456789.")
andalso V == string:join(string:tokens(V, [$.]), ".") %% no ".."
orelse {error, V}.