%% coding: utf-8
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
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%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Test encode/decode of dictionary-related modules.
-define(RFC3588, diameter_gen_base_rfc3588).
-define(RFC6733, diameter_gen_base_rfc6733).
-define(BOOL, [true, false]).
-define(A, list_to_atom).
-define(S, atom_to_list).
%% ===========================================================================
%% Interface.
base() ->
[] = run([[fun base/1, T] || T <- [zero, decode]]).
gen(Mod) ->
Fs = [{Mod, F, []} || F <- [name, id, vendor_id, vendor_name]],
[] = run(Fs ++ [[fun gen/2, Mod, T] || T <- [messages,
lib() ->
Vs = {_,_,_} = values('Address'),
[] = run([[fun lib/2, N, Vs] || N <- [{1, true}, {3, false}]]).
%% ===========================================================================
%% Internal functions.
lib({N,B}, {_,_,_} = T) ->
[] = run([[fun lib/2, A, B] || A <- element(N,T)]);
lib(IP, B) ->
LA = tuple_to_list(IP),
{SA,Fun} = ip(LA),
[] = run([[fun lib/4, IP, B, Fun, A] || A <- [IP, SA]]).
lib(IP, B, Fun, A) ->
try Fun(A) of
IP when B ->
error:_ when not B ->
ip([_,_,_,_] = A) ->
[$.|S] = lists:append(["." ++ integer_to_list(N) || N <- A]),
{S, fun diameter_lib:ipaddr/1};
ip([_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_] = A) ->
[$:|S] = lists:flatten([":" ++ io_lib:format("~.16B", [N]) || N <- A]),
{S, fun diameter_lib:ipaddr/1}.
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% base/1
%% Test of diameter_types.
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
base(T) ->
[] = run([[fun base/2, T, F] || F <- types()]).
%% Ensure that 'zero' values encode only zeros.
base(zero = T, F) ->
B = diameter_types:F(encode, T),
B = z(B);
%% Ensure that we can decode what we encode and vice-versa, and that
%% we can't decode invalid values.
base(decode, F) ->
{Ts, Fs, Is} = values(F),
[] = run([[fun base_decode/3, F, true, V] || V <- Ts]),
[] = run([[fun base_decode/3, F, false, V] || V <- Fs]),
[] = run([[fun base_invalid/2, F, V] || V <- Is]).
base_decode(F, Eq, Value) ->
d(fun(X,V) -> diameter_types:F(X,V) end, Eq, Value).
base_invalid(F, Value) ->
base_decode(F, false, Value),
error: _ ->
types() ->
[F || {F,2} <- diameter_types:module_info(exports)].
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% gen/2
%% Test of generated encode/decode module.
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gen(M, T) ->
[] = run(lists:map(fun(X) -> [fun gen/3, M, T, X] end,
fetch(T, dict(M)))).
fetch(T, Spec) ->
case orddict:find(T, Spec) of
{ok, L} ->
error ->
gen(M, messages = T, {Name, Code, Flags, ApplId, Avps})
when is_list(Name) ->
gen(M, T, {?A(Name), Code, Flags, ApplId, Avps});
gen(M, messages, {Name, Code, Flags, _, _}) ->
Rname = M:msg2rec(Name),
Name = M:rec2msg(Rname),
{Code, F, _} = M:msg_header(Name),
0 = F band 2#00001111,
Name = case M:msg_name(Code, lists:member('REQ', Flags)) of
N when Name /= 'answer-message' ->
'' when Name == 'answer-message', (M == ?RFC3588
orelse M == ?RFC6733) ->
[] = arity(M, Name, Rname);
gen(M, command_codes, {Code, Req, Ans}) ->
Msgs = orddict:fetch(messages, dict(M)),
{_, Code, _, _, _} = lists:keyfind(Req, 1, Msgs),
{_, Code, _, _, _} = lists:keyfind(Ans, 1, Msgs);
gen(M, avp_types = T, {Name, Code, Type, Flags})
when is_list(Name) ->
gen(M, T, {?A(Name), Code, ?A(Type), Flags});
gen(M, avp_types, {Name, Code, Type, _Flags}) ->
{Code, Flags, VendorId} = M:avp_header(Name),
0 = Flags band 2#00011111,
V = undefined /= VendorId,
V = 0 /= Flags band 2#10000000,
{Name, Type} = M:avp_name(Code, VendorId),
B = M:empty_value(Name),
B = z(B),
[] = avp_decode(M, Type, Name);
gen(M, grouped = T, {Name, Code, Vid, Avps})
when is_list(Name) ->
gen(M, T, {?A(Name), Code, Vid, Avps});
gen(M, grouped, {Name, _, _, _}) ->
Rname = M:name2rec(Name),
[] = arity(M, Name, Rname);
gen(M, enum = T, {Name, ED})
when is_list(Name) ->
gen(M, T, {?A(Name), lists:map(fun({E,D}) -> {?A(E), D} end, ED)});
gen(M, enum, {Name, ED}) ->
[] = run([[fun enum/3, M, Name, T] || T <- ED]);
gen(M, Tag, {_Mod, L}) ->
T = retag(Tag),
[] = run([[fun gen/3, M, T, I] || I <- L]).
%% avp_decode/3
avp_decode(Mod, Type, Name) ->
{Ts, Fs, _} = values(Type, Name, Mod),
[] = run([[fun avp_decode/5, Mod, Name, Type, true, V]
|| V <- v(Ts)]),
[] = run([[fun avp_decode/5, Mod, Name, Type, false, V]
|| V <- v(Fs)]).
avp_decode(Mod, Name, Type, Eq, Value) ->
d(fun(X,V) -> avp(Mod, X, V, Name, Type) end, Eq, Value).
avp(Mod, decode = X, V, Name, 'Grouped') ->
{Rec, _} = Mod:avp(X, V, Name),
avp(Mod, X, V, Name, _) ->
Mod:avp(X, V, Name).
%% v/1
%% List of values ...
when is_list(Vs) ->
%% .. or enumeration for grouped avps. This could be quite large
%% (millions of values) but since the avps are also tested
%% individually don't bother trying everything. Instead, choose a
%% reasonable number of values at random.
v(E) ->
v(2000, E(0), E).
v(Max, Ord, E)
when Ord =< Max ->
v(Max, Ord, E) ->
{M,S,U} = now(),
v(Max, Ord, E, []).
v(0, _, _, Acc) ->
v(N, Ord, E, Acc) ->
v(N-1, Ord, E, [E(random:uniform(Ord)) | Acc]).
%% arity/3
arity(M, Name, Rname) ->
Rec = M:'#new-'(Rname),
[] = run([[fun arity/4, M, Name, F, Rec]
|| F <- M:'#info-'(Rname, fields)]).
arity(M, Name, AvpName, Rec) ->
Def = M:'#get-'(AvpName, Rec),
Def = case M:avp_arity(Name, AvpName) of
1 ->
A when 0 /= A ->
%% enum/3
enum(M, Name, {_,E}) ->
B = <<E:32>>,
B = M:avp(encode, E, Name),
E = M:avp(decode, B, Name).
retag(import_avps) -> avp_types;
retag(import_groups) -> grouped;
retag(import_enums) -> enum;
retag(avp_types) -> import_avps;
retag(enum) -> import_enums.
%% ===========================================================================
d(F, Eq, V) ->
B = F(encode, V),
D = F(decode, B),
V = if Eq -> %% test for value equality ...
true -> %% ... or that encode/decode is idempotent
D = F(decode, F(encode, D)),
z(B) ->
<< <<0>> || <<_>> <= B >>.
%% values/1
%% Return a list of base type values. Can also be wrapped in a tuple
%% with 'false' to indicate that encode followed by decode may not be
%% the identity map. (Although that this composition is idempotent is
%% tested.)
values('OctetString' = T) ->
{["", atom_to_list(T)],
[-1, 256]};
values('Integer32') ->
Mx = (1 bsl 31) - 1,
Mn = -1*Mx,
{[Mn, 0, random(Mn,Mx), Mx],
[Mn - 1, Mx + 1]};
values('Integer64') ->
Mx = (1 bsl 63) - 1,
Mn = -1*Mx,
{[Mn, 0, random(Mn,Mx), Mx],
[Mn - 1, Mx + 1]};
values('Unsigned32') ->
M = (1 bsl 32) - 1,
{[0, random(M), M],
[-1, M + 1]};
values('Unsigned64') ->
M = (1 bsl 64) - 1,
{[0, random(M), M],
[-1, M + 1]};
values('Float32') ->
E = (1 bsl 8) - 2,
F = (1 bsl 23) - 1,
<<Mx:32/float>> = <<0:1, E:8, F:23>>,
<<Mn:32/float>> = <<1:1, E:8, F:23>>,
{[0.0, infinity, '-infinity', Mx, Mn],
values('Float64') ->
E = (1 bsl 11) - 2,
F = (1 bsl 52) - 1,
<<Mx:64/float>> = <<0:1, E:11, F:52>>,
<<Mn:64/float>> = <<1:1, E:11, F:52>>,
{[0.0, infinity, '-infinity', Mx, Mn],
values('Address') ->
{[{255,0,random(16#FF),1}, {65535,0,0,random(16#FFFF),0,0,0,1}],
[{256,0,0,1}, {65536,0,0,0,0,0,0,1}]};
values('DiameterIdentity') ->
{["x", "diameter.com"],
values('DiameterURI') ->
["aaa" ++ S ++ "://diameter.se" ++ P ++ Tr ++ Pr
|| S <- ["", "s"],
P <- ["", ":1234"],
Tr <- ["" | [";transport=" ++ X
|| X <- ["tcp", "sctp", "udp"]]],
Pr <- ["" | [";protocol=" ++ X
|| X <- ["diameter","radius","tacacs+"]]]],
when T == 'IPFilterRule';
T == 'QoSFilterRule' ->
{["deny in 0 from to"],
%% RFC 3629 defines the UTF-8 encoding of U+0000 through U+10FFFF with the
%% exception of U+D800 through U+DFFF.
values('UTF8String') ->
S = "ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲ",
B = unicode:characters_to_binary(S),
[random(16#D7FF), random(16#E000,16#10FFFF)]],
[B, [B, S, hd(S)], [S, B]],
values('Time') ->
{[{{1968,1,20},{3,14,8}}, %% 19000101T000000 + 1 bsl 31
{date(), time()},
{{2036,2,7},{6,28,16}}, %% 19000101T000000 + 2 bsl 31
{{2104,2,26},{9,42,24}}]}. %% 19000101T000000 + 3 bsl 31
%% values/3
%% Return list or enumerations of values for a given AVP. Can be
%% wrapped as for values/1.
values('Enumerated', Name, Mod) ->
{_Name, Vals} = lists:keyfind(?S(Name), 1, types(enum, Mod)),
{lists:map(fun({_,N}) -> N end, Vals),
values('Grouped', Name, Mod) ->
Rname = Mod:name2rec(Name),
Rec = Mod:'#new-'(Rname),
Avps = Mod:'#info-'(Rname, fields),
Enum = diameter_enum:combine(lists:map(fun({Vs,_,_}) -> to_enum(Vs) end,
[values(F, Mod) || F <- Avps])),
diameter_enum:append(group(Mod, Name, Rec, Avps, Enum)),
values(_, 'Framed-IP-Address', _) ->
values(Type, _, _) ->
when is_list(Vs) ->
to_enum(E) ->
%% values/2
values('AVP', _) ->
{[#diameter_avp{code = 0, data = <<0>>}],
values(Name, Mod) ->
Avps = types(avp_types, Mod),
{_Name, _Code, Type, _Flags} = lists:keyfind(?S(Name), 1, Avps),
values(?A(Type), Name, Mod).
%% group/5
%% Pack four variants of group values: tagged list containing all
%% values, the corresponding record, a minimal tagged list and the
%% coresponding record.
group(Mod, Name, Rec, Avps, Enum) ->
lists:map(fun(B) -> group(Mod, Name, Rec, Avps, Enum, B) end,
[{A,R} || A <- ?BOOL, R <- ?BOOL]).
group(Mod, Name, Rec, Avps, Enum, B) ->
diameter_enum:map(fun(Vs) -> g(Mod, Name, Rec, Avps, Vs, B) end, Enum).
g(Mod, Name, Rec, Avps, Values, {All, AsRec}) ->
{Tagged, []}
= lists:foldl(fun(N, {A, [V|Vs]}) ->
{pack(All, Mod:avp_arity(Name, N), N, V, A), Vs}
{[], Values},
g(AsRec, Mod, Tagged, Rec).
g(true, Mod, Vals, Rec) ->
Mod:'#set-'(Vals, Rec);
g(false, _, Vals, _) ->
pack(true, Arity, Avp, Value, Acc) ->
[all(Arity, Avp, Value) | Acc];
pack(false, Arity, Avp, Value, Acc) ->
min(Arity, Avp, Value, Acc).
all(Mod, Name, Avp, V) ->
all(Mod:avp_arity(Name, Avp), Avp, V).
all(1, Avp, V) ->
{Avp, V};
all({0,'*'}, Avp, V) ->
a(1, Avp, V);
all({N,'*'}, Avp, V) ->
a(N, Avp, V);
all({_,N}, Avp, V) ->
a(N, Avp, V).
a(N, Avp, V)
when N /= 0 ->
{Avp, lists:duplicate(N,V)}.
min(Mod, Name, Avp, V, Acc) ->
min(Mod:avp_arity(Name, Avp), Avp, V, Acc).
min(1, Avp, V, Acc) ->
[{Avp, V} | Acc];
min({0,_}, _, _, Acc) ->
min({N,_}, Avp, V, Acc) ->
[{Avp, lists:duplicate(N,V)} | Acc].
%% types/2
types(T, Mod) ->
types(T, retag(T), Mod).
types(T, IT, Mod) ->
Dict = dict(Mod),
fetch(T, Dict) ++ lists:flatmap(fun({_,As}) -> As end, fetch(IT, Dict)).
%% random/[12]
random(M) ->
random(Mn,Mx) ->
seed(get({?MODULE, seed})),
Mn + random:uniform(Mx - Mn + 1) - 1.
seed(undefined) ->
put({?MODULE, seed}, true),
seed(true) ->
%% run/1
%% Unravel nested badmatches resulting from [] matches on calls to
%% run/1 to make for more readable failures.
run(L) ->
lists:flatmap(fun flatten/1, diameter_util:run(L)).
flatten({_, {{badmatch, [{_, {{badmatch, _}, _}} | _] = L}, _}}) ->
flatten(T) ->
%% dict/1
dict(Mod) ->