%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2012-2014. All Rights Reserved.
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%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Tests of the disconnect_cb configuration.
%% testcases
%% disconnect_cb
%% ===========================================================================
-define(util, diameter_util).
-define(ADDR, {127,0,0,1}).
-define(CLIENT, "CLIENT").
-define(SERVER, "SERVER").
-define(APP_ID, ?DICT_COMMON:id()).
%% Config for diameter:start_service/2.
[{'Origin-Host', Host},
{'Origin-Realm', "erlang.org"},
{'Host-IP-Address', [?ADDR]},
{'Vendor-Id', hd(Host)}, %% match this in disconnect/5
{'Product-Name', "OTP/diameter"},
{'Acct-Application-Id', [?APP_ID]},
{restrict_connections, false},
{application, [{dictionary, ?DICT_COMMON},
{module, #diameter_callback{_ = false}}]}]).
%% Disconnect reasons that diameter passes as the first argument of a
%% function configured as disconnect_cb.
-define(REASONS, [transport, service, application]).
%% Valid values for Disconnect-Cause.
-define(CAUSES, [0, rebooting, 1, busy, 2, goaway]).
%% Establish one client connection for each element of this list,
%% configured with disconnect/5 as disconnect_cb and returning the
%% specified value.
[[close, {dpr, [{cause, invalid}]}], [ignore, close], []]
++ [[{dpr, [{timeout, 5000}, {cause, T}]}] || T <- ?CAUSES]).
%% ===========================================================================
suite() ->
[{timetrap, {seconds, 60}}].
all() ->
[{group, R} || R <- ?REASONS].
%% The group determines how transports are terminated: by remove_transport,
%% stop_service or application stop.
groups() ->
Ts = tc(),
[{R, [], Ts} || R <- ?REASONS].
init_per_group(Name, Config) ->
[{group, Name} | Config].
end_per_group(_, _) ->
tc() ->
[start, connect, remove_transport, stop_service, check, stop].
%% ===========================================================================
%% start/stop testcases
start(_Config) ->
ok = diameter:start(),
ok = diameter:start_service(?SERVER, ?SERVICE(?SERVER)),
ok = diameter:start_service(?CLIENT, ?SERVICE(?CLIENT)).
connect(Config) ->
Pid = spawn(fun init/0), %% process for disconnect_cb to bang
Grp = group(Config),
LRef = ?util:listen(?SERVER, tcp),
Refs = [?util:connect(?CLIENT, tcp, LRef, opts(RCs, {Grp, Pid}))
|| RCs <- ?RETURNS],
?util:write_priv(Config, config, [Pid | Refs]).
%% Remove all the client transports only in the transport group.
remove_transport(Config) ->
transport == group(Config)
andalso (ok = diameter:remove_transport(?CLIENT, true)).
%% Stop the service only in the service group.
stop_service(Config) ->
service == group(Config)
andalso (ok = diameter:stop_service(?CLIENT)).
%% Check for callbacks before diameter:stop/0, not the other way around
%% for the timing reason explained below.
check(Config) ->
Grp = group(Config),
[Pid | Refs] = ?util:read_priv(Config, config),
Pid ! self(), %% ask for dictionary
Dict = receive {Pid, D} -> D end, %% get it
check(Refs, ?RETURNS, Grp, Dict). %% check for callbacks
stop(_Config) ->
ok = diameter:stop().
%% Whether or not there are callbacks after diameter:stop() depends on
%% timing as long as the server runs on the same node: a server
%% transport could close the connection before the client has chance
%% to apply its callback. Therefore, just check that there haven't
%% been any callbacks yet.
check(_, _, application, Dict) ->
[] = dict:to_list(Dict);
check([], [], _, _) ->
check([Ref | Refs], CBs, Grp, Dict) ->
check1(Ref, hd(CBs), Grp, Dict),
check(Refs, tl(CBs), Grp, Dict).
check1(Ref, [ignore | RCs], Reason, Dict) ->
check1(Ref, RCs, Reason, Dict);
check1(Ref, [_|_], Reason, Dict) ->
{ok, Reason} = dict:find(Ref, Dict); %% callback with expected reason
check1(Ref, [], _, Dict) ->
error = dict:find(Ref, Dict). %% no callback
%% ----------------------------------------
group(Config) ->
{group, Grp} = lists:keyfind(group, 1, Config),
%% Configure the callback with the group name (= disconnect reason) as
%% extra argument.
opts(RCs, T) ->
[{disconnect_cb, {?MODULE, disconnect, [T, RC]}} || RC <- RCs].
%% Match the group name with the disconnect reason to ensure the
%% callback is being called as expected.
disconnect(Reason, Ref, Peer, {Reason, Pid}, RC) ->
io:format("disconnect: ~p ~p~n", [Ref, Reason]),
{_, #diameter_caps{vendor_id = {$C,$S}}} = Peer,
Pid ! {Reason, Ref},
init() ->
recv(Dict) ->
Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
Pid ! {self(), Dict};
{Reason, Ref} ->
recv(dict:store(Ref, Reason, Dict))