path: root/lib/edoc/src/edoc.erl
blob: 7276a57268673a5d721c0e0e9c4c41c5c14e4df6 (plain) (tree)











































































%% =====================================================================
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
%% not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% Alternatively, you may use this file under the terms of the GNU Lesser
%% General Public License (the "LGPL") as published by the Free Software
%% Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version.
%% If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the
%% terms of the LGPL, you should delete the provisions above and replace
%% them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL; see
%% <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. If you do not delete the provisions
%% above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of
%% either the Apache License or the LGPL.
%% @copyright 2001-2007 Richard Carlsson
%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
%% @version {@version}
%% @end
%% =====================================================================

%% TODO: check weirdness in name generation for @spec f(TypeName, ...) -> ...
%% TODO: option for ignoring functions matching some pattern ('..._test_'/0)
%% TODO: @private_type tag, opaque unless generating private docs?
%% TODO: document the record type syntax
%% TODO: some 'skip' option for ignoring particular modules?
%% TODO: multiline comment support (needs modified comment representation)
%% TODO: config-file for default settings
%% TODO: config: locations of all local docdirs; generate local doc-index page
%% TODO: config: URL:s of offline apps
%% TODO: config: default stylesheet
%% TODO: config: default header/footer, etc.
%% TODO: offline linkage
%% TODO: including source code, explicitly and/or automatically

%% @doc EDoc - the Erlang program documentation generator.
%% This module provides the main user interface to EDoc.
%% <ul>
%%   <li><a href="overview-summary.html">EDoc User Manual</a></li>
%%   <li><a href="overview-summary.html#Running_EDoc">Running EDoc</a></li>
%% </ul>


-export([files/1, files/2,
	 application/1, application/2, application/3,
	 toc/1, toc/2, toc/3,
	 file/1, file/2,
	 read/1, read/2,
	 layout/1, layout/2,
	 get_doc/1, get_doc/2, get_doc/3,
	 read_comments/1, read_comments/2,
	 read_source/1, read_source/2]).



%% @spec (Name::filename()) -> ok
%% @equiv file(Name, [])
%% @deprecated See {@link file/2} for details.

file(Name) ->
    file(Name, []).

%% @spec file(filename(), proplist()) -> ok
%% @type filename() = //kernel/file:filename()
%% @type proplist() = [term()]
%% @deprecated This is part of the old interface to EDoc and is mainly
%% kept for backwards compatibility. The preferred way of generating
%% documentation is through one of the functions {@link application/2}
%% and {@link files/2}.
%% @doc Reads a source code file and outputs formatted documentation to
%% a corresponding file.
%% Options:
%% <dl>
%%  <dt>{@type {dir, filename()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>Specifies the output directory for the created file. (By
%%      default, the output is written to the directory of the source
%%      file.)
%%  </dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {source_suffix, string()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>Specifies the expected suffix of the input file. The default
%%      value is `".erl"'.
%%  </dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {file_suffix, string()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>Specifies the suffix for the created file. The default value is
%%      `".html"'.
%%  </dd>
%% </dl>
%% See {@link get_doc/2} and {@link layout/2} for further
%% options.
%% For running EDoc from a Makefile or similar, see
%% {@link edoc_run:file/1}.
%% @see read/2

%% NEW-OPTIONS: source_suffix, file_suffix, dir

file(Name, Options) ->
    Text = read(Name, Options),
    SrcSuffix = proplists:get_value(source_suffix, Options,
    BaseName = filename:basename(Name, SrcSuffix),
    Suffix = proplists:get_value(file_suffix, Options,
    Dir = proplists:get_value(dir, Options, filename:dirname(Name)),
    Encoding = [{encoding, edoc_lib:read_encoding(Name, [])}],
    edoc_lib:write_file(Text, Dir, BaseName ++ Suffix, Encoding).

%% TODO: better documentation of files/1/2, application/1/2/3

%% @spec (Files::[filename()]) -> ok

files(Files) ->
    files(Files, []).

%% @spec (Files::[filename()],
%%        Options::proplist()) -> ok
%% @doc Runs EDoc on a given set of source files. See {@link run/2} for
%% details, including options.
%% @equiv run([], Files, Options)

files(Files, Options) ->
    run(Files, Options).

%% @spec (Application::atom()) -> ok
%% @equiv application(Application, [])

application(App) ->
    application(App, []).

%% @spec (Application::atom(), Options::proplist()) -> ok
%% @doc Run EDoc on an application in its default app-directory. See
%% {@link application/3} for details.
%% @see application/1

application(App, Options) when is_atom(App) ->
    case code:lib_dir(App) of
 	Dir when is_list(Dir) ->
 	    application(App, Dir, Options);
 	_ ->
	    edoc_report:report("cannot find application directory for '~s'.",

%% @spec (Application::atom(), Dir::filename(), Options::proplist())
%%        -> ok
%% @doc Run EDoc on an application located in the specified directory.
%% Tries to automatically set up good defaults. Unless the user
%% specifies otherwise:
%% <ul>
%%   <li>The `doc' subdirectory will be used as the target directory, if
%%   it exists; otherwise the application directory is used.
%%   </li>
%%   <li>The source code is assumed to be located in the `src'
%%   subdirectory, if it exists, or otherwise in the application
%%   directory itself.
%%   </li>
%%   <li>The {@link run/2. `subpackages'} option is turned on. All found
%%   source files will be processed.
%%   </li>
%%   <li>The `include' subdirectory is automatically added to the
%%   include path. (Only important if {@link read_source/2.
%%   preprocessing} is turned on.)
%%   </li>
%% </ul>
%% See {@link run/2} for details, including options.
%% @see application/2

application(App, Dir, Options) when is_atom(App) ->
    Src = edoc_lib:try_subdir(Dir, ?SOURCE_DIR),
    Overview = filename:join(edoc_lib:try_subdir(Dir, ?EDOC_DIR),
    Opts = Options ++ [{source_path, [Src]},
		       {title, io_lib:fwrite("The ~s application", [App])},
		       {overview, Overview},
		       {dir, filename:join(Dir, ?EDOC_DIR)},
		       {includes, [filename:join(Dir, "include")]}],
    Opts1 = set_app_default(App, Dir, Opts),
    %% Recursively document all subpackages of '' - i.e., everything.
    run([], [{application, App} | Opts1]).

%% Try to set up a default application base URI in a smart way if the
%% user has not specified it explicitly.

set_app_default(App, Dir0, Opts) ->
    case proplists:get_value(app_default, Opts) of
	undefined ->
	    AppName = atom_to_list(App),
	    Dir = edoc_lib:simplify_path(filename:absname(Dir0)),
	    AppDir = case filename:basename(Dir) of
			 AppName ->
			 _ ->
	    [{app_default, AppDir} | Opts];
	_ ->

opt_defaults() ->

opt_negations() ->
    [{no_preprocess, preprocess},
     {no_subpackages, subpackages},
     {no_report_missing_types, report_missing_types}].

%% @spec run(Files::[filename()],
%%           Options::proplist()) -> ok
%% @doc Runs EDoc on a given set of source files. Note
%% that the doclet plugin module has its own particular options; see the
%% `doclet' option below.
%% Also see {@link layout/2} for layout-related options, and
%% {@link get_doc/2} for options related to reading source
%% files.
%% Options:
%% <dl>
%%  <dt>{@type {app_default, string()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>Specifies the default base URI for unknown applications.
%%  </dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {application, App::atom()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>Specifies that the generated documentation describes the
%%      application `App'. This mainly affects generated references.
%%  </dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {dir, filename()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>Specifies the target directory for the generated documentation.
%%  </dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {doc_path, [string()]@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>Specifies a list of URI:s pointing to directories that contain
%%      EDoc-generated documentation. URI without a `scheme://' part are
%%      taken as relative to `file://'. (Note that such paths must use
%%      `/' as separator, regardless of the host operating system.)
%%  </dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {doclet, Module::atom()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>Specifies a callback module to be used for creating the
%%      documentation. The module must export a function `run(Cmd, Ctxt)'.
%%      The default doclet module is {@link edoc_doclet}; see {@link
%%      edoc_doclet:run/2} for doclet-specific options.
%%  </dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {file_suffix, string()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>Specifies the suffix used for output files. The default value is
%%      `".html"'. Note that this also affects generated references.
%%  </dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {new, boolean()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>If the value is `true', any existing `edoc-info' file in the
%%      target directory will be ignored and overwritten. The default
%%      value is `false'.
%%  </dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {source_path, [filename()]@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>Specifies a list of file system paths used to locate the source
%%      code for packages.
%%  </dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {source_suffix, string()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>Specifies the expected suffix of input files. The default
%%      value is `".erl"'.
%%  </dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {subpackages, boolean()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>If the value is `true', all subpackages of specified packages
%%      will also be included in the documentation. The default value is
%%      `false'. `no_subpackages' is an alias for `{subpackages,
%%      false}'.
%%      Subpackage source files are found by recursively searching
%%      for source code files in subdirectories of the known source code
%%      root directories. (Also see the `source_path' option.) Directory
%%      names must begin with a lowercase letter and contain only
%%      alphanumeric characters and underscore, or they will be ignored.
%%      (For example, a subdirectory named `test-files' will not be
%%      searched.)
%%  </dd>
%% </dl>
%% @see files/2
%% @see application/2

%% NEW-OPTIONS: source_path, application
%% INHERIT-OPTIONS: init_context/1
%% INHERIT-OPTIONS: expand_sources/2
%% INHERIT-OPTIONS: target_dir_info/5
%% INHERIT-OPTIONS: edoc_lib:find_sources/2
%% INHERIT-OPTIONS: edoc_lib:run_doclet/2
%% INHERIT-OPTIONS: edoc_lib:get_doc_env/3

run(Files, Opts0) ->
    Opts = expand_opts(Opts0),
    Ctxt = init_context(Opts),
    Dir = Ctxt#context.dir,
    Path = proplists:append_values(source_path, Opts),
    Ss = sources(Path, Opts),
    {Ss1, Ms} = expand_sources(expand_files(Files) ++ Ss, Opts),
    App = proplists:get_value(application, Opts, ?NO_APP),
    {App1, Ms1} = target_dir_info(Dir, App, Ms, Opts),
    Ms2 = edoc_lib:unique(lists:sort(Ms1)),
    Env = edoc_lib:get_doc_env(App1, Ms2, Opts),
    Ctxt1 = Ctxt#context{env = Env},
    Cmd = #doclet_gen{sources = Ss1,
		      app = App1,
		      modules = Ms2
    F = fun (M) ->
		M:run(Cmd, Ctxt1)
    edoc_lib:run_doclet(F, Opts).

expand_opts(Opts0) ->
				   Opts0 ++ opt_defaults()).


init_context(Opts) ->
    #context{dir = proplists:get_value(dir, Opts, ?CURRENT_DIR),
	     opts = Opts

%% INHERIT-OPTIONS: edoc_lib:find_sources/2

sources(Path, Opts) ->
	edoc_lib:find_sources(Path, Opts).

%% Expand user-specified sets of files.

expand_files([F | Fs]) ->
    [{filename:basename(F), filename:dirname(F)} |
expand_files([]) ->

%% Create the (assumed) full module names. Keep only the first source
%% for each module, but preserve the order of the list.

%% NEW-OPTIONS: source_suffix

expand_sources(Ss, Opts) ->
    Suffix = proplists:get_value(source_suffix, Opts,
    Ss1 = [{F,D} || {F,D} <- Ss],
    expand_sources(Ss1, Suffix, sets:new(), [], []).

expand_sources([{F, D} | Fs], Suffix, S, As, Ms) ->
    M = list_to_atom(filename:rootname(F, Suffix)),
    case sets:is_element(M, S) of
	true ->
	    expand_sources(Fs, Suffix, S, As, Ms);
	false ->
	    S1 = sets:add_element(M, S),
	    expand_sources(Fs, Suffix, S1, [{M, F, D} | As],
			   [M | Ms])
expand_sources([], _Suffix, _S, As, Ms) ->
    {lists:reverse(As), lists:reverse(Ms)}.


target_dir_info(Dir, App, Ms, Opts) ->
    case proplists:get_bool(new, Opts) of
	true ->
	    {App, Ms};
	false ->
	    {App1, Ms1} = edoc_lib:read_info_file(Dir),
	    {if App == ?NO_APP -> App1;
		true -> App
	     Ms ++ Ms1}

%% @hidden   Not official yet

toc(Dir) ->
    toc(Dir, []).

%% @equiv toc(Dir, Paths, [])
%% @hidden   Not official yet

%% NEW-OPTIONS: doc_path

toc(Dir, Opts) ->
    Paths = proplists:append_values(doc_path, Opts)
	++ edoc_lib:find_doc_dirs(),
    toc(Dir, Paths, Opts).

%% @doc Create a meta-level table of contents.
%% @hidden   Not official yet

%% INHERIT-OPTIONS: init_context/1
%% INHERIT-OPTIONS: edoc_lib:run_doclet/2
%% INHERIT-OPTIONS: edoc_lib:get_doc_env/3

toc(Dir, Paths, Opts0) ->
    Opts = expand_opts(Opts0 ++ [{dir, Dir}]),
    Ctxt = init_context(Opts),
    Env = edoc_lib:get_doc_env('', [], Opts),
    Ctxt1 = Ctxt#context{env = Env},
    F = fun (M) ->
		M:run(#doclet_toc{paths=Paths}, Ctxt1)
    edoc_lib:run_doclet(F, Opts).

%% @spec read(File::filename()) -> string()
%% @equiv read(File, [])

read(File) ->
    read(File, []).

%% @spec read(File::filename(), Options::proplist()) -> string()
%% @doc Reads and processes a source file and returns the resulting
%% EDoc-text as a string. See {@link get_doc/2} and {@link layout/2} for
%% options.
%% @see file/2

%% INHERIT-OPTIONS: get_doc/2, layout/2

read(File, Opts) ->
    {_ModuleName, Doc} = get_doc(File, Opts),
    layout(Doc, Opts).

%% @spec layout(Doc::edoc_module()) -> string()
%% @equiv layout(Doc, [])

layout(Doc) ->
    layout(Doc, []).

%% @spec layout(Doc::edoc_module(), Options::proplist()) -> string()
%% @doc Transforms EDoc module documentation data to text. The default
%% layout creates an HTML document.
%% Options:
%% <dl>
%%  <dt>{@type {layout, Module::atom()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>Specifies a callback module to be used for formatting. The
%%      module must export a function `module(Doc, Options)'. The
%%      default callback module is {@link edoc_layout}; see {@link
%%      edoc_layout:module/2} for layout-specific options.
%%  </dd>
%% </dl>
%% @see layout/1
%% @see run/2
%% @see read/2
%% @see file/2

%% INHERIT-OPTIONS: edoc_lib:run_layout/2

layout(Doc, Opts) ->
    F = fun (M) ->
		M:module(Doc, Opts)
    edoc_lib:run_layout(F, Opts).

%% @spec (File) ->  [comment()]
%% @type comment() = {Line, Column, Indentation, Text}
%% where
%%   Line = integer(),
%%   Column = integer(),
%%   Indentation = integer(),
%%   Text = [string()]
%% @equiv read_comments(File, [])

read_comments(File) ->
    read_comments(File, []).

%% @spec read_comments(File::filename(), Options::proplist()) ->
%%           [comment()]
%% @doc Extracts comments from an Erlang source code file. See the
%% module {@link //syntax_tools/erl_comment_scan} for details on the
%% representation of comments. Currently, no options are avaliable.

read_comments(File, _Opts) ->

%% @spec (File) -> [syntaxTree()]
%% @equiv read_source(File, [])

read_source(Name) ->
    read_source(Name, []).

%% @spec read_source(File::filename(), Options::proplist()) ->
%%           [syntaxTree()]
%% @type syntaxTree() = //syntax_tools/erl_syntax:syntaxTree()
%% @doc Reads an Erlang source file and returns the list of "source code
%% form" syntax trees.
%% Options:
%% <dl>
%%  <dt>{@type {preprocess, boolean()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>If the value is `true', the source file will be read via the
%%      Erlang preprocessor (`epp'). The default value is `false'.
%%      `no_preprocess' is an alias for `{preprocess, false}'.
%%      Normally, preprocessing is not necessary for EDoc to work, but
%%      if a file contains too exotic definitions or uses of macros, it
%%      will not be possible to read it without preprocessing. <em>Note:
%%      comments in included files will not be available to EDoc, even
%%      with this option enabled.</em>
%%  </dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {includes, Path::[string()]@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>Specifies a list of directory names to be searched for include
%%      files, if the `preprocess' option is turned on. Also used with
%%      the `@headerfile' tag. The default value is the empty list. The
%%      directory of the source file is always automatically appended to
%%      the search path.
%%  </dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {macros, [{atom(), term()@}]@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>Specifies a list of pre-defined Erlang preprocessor (`epp')
%%      macro definitions, used if the `preprocess' option is turned on.
%%      The default value is the empty list.</dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {report_missing_types, boolean()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>If the value is `true', warnings are issued for missing types.
%%      The default value is `false'.
%%      `no_report_missing_types' is an alias for
%%      `{report_missing_types, false}'.
%%  </dd>
%% </dl>
%% @see get_doc/2
%% @see //syntax_tools/erl_syntax

%% NEW-OPTIONS: [no_]preprocess (preprocess -> includes, macros)

read_source(Name, Opts0) ->
    Opts = expand_opts(Opts0),
    case read_source_1(Name, Opts) of
	{ok, Forms} ->
	    check_forms(Forms, Name),
	{error, R} ->
	    edoc_report:error({"error reading file '~ts'.",
	    exit({error, R})

read_source_1(Name, Opts) ->
    case proplists:get_bool(preprocess, Opts) of
	true ->
	    read_source_2(Name, Opts);
	false ->
	    epp_dodger:quick_parse_file(Name, Opts ++ [{no_fail, false}])

read_source_2(Name, Opts) ->
    Includes = proplists:append_values(includes, Opts)
	++ [filename:dirname(Name)],
    Macros = proplists:append_values(macros, Opts),
    %% epp:parse_file(Name, Includes, Macros).
    parse_file(Name, Includes, Macros).

%% The code below has been copied from epp.erl.
%% Copy the line of the last token to the last token that will be
%% part of the parse tree.
%% The last line is used in edoc_extract:find_type_docs() to determine
%% if a type declaration is followed by a comment.
%% <example>
%%    -type t() :: [
%%                    {tag, integer()}
%%                 ].
%%   %% Protocol options.
%% </example>
%% The line of the dot token will be copied to the integer token.

parse_file(Name, Includes, Macros) ->
    case parse_file(utf8, Name, Includes, Macros) of
        invalid_unicode ->
            parse_file(latin1, Name, Includes, Macros);
        Ret ->

parse_file(DefEncoding, Name, Includes, Macros) ->
    Options = [{name, Name},
               {includes, Includes},
               {macros, Macros},
               {default_encoding, DefEncoding}],
    case epp:open([extra | Options]) of
        {ok, Epp, Extra} ->
            try parse_file(Epp) of
                Forms ->
                    Encoding = proplists:get_value(encoding, Extra),
                    case find_invalid_unicode(Forms) of
                        invalid_unicode when Encoding =/= utf8 ->
                        _ ->
                            {ok, Forms}
            after _ = epp:close(Epp)
        Error ->

find_invalid_unicode([H|T]) ->
    case H of
	{error,{_Line,file_io_server,invalid_unicode}} ->
	_Other ->
find_invalid_unicode([]) -> none.

parse_file(Epp) ->
    case scan_and_parse(Epp) of
	{ok, Form} ->
            [Form | parse_file(Epp)];
	{error, E} ->
	    [{error, E} | parse_file(Epp)];
	{eof, Location} ->
	    [{eof, Location}]

scan_and_parse(Epp) ->
    case epp:scan_erl_form(Epp) of
        {ok, Toks0} ->
            Toks = fix_last_line(Toks0),
            case erl_parse:parse_form(Toks) of
                {ok, Form} ->
                    {ok, Form};
                Else ->
        Else ->

fix_last_line(Toks0) ->
    Toks1 = lists:reverse(Toks0),
    LastLine = erl_scan:line(hd(Toks1)),
    fll(Toks1, LastLine, []).

fll([{Category, Anno0, Symbol} | L], LastLine, Ts) ->
    Anno = erl_anno:set_line(LastLine, Anno0),
    lists:reverse(L, [{Category, Anno, Symbol} | Ts]);
fll([T | L], LastLine, Ts) ->
    fll(L, LastLine, [T | Ts]);
fll(L, _LastLine, Ts) ->
    lists:reverse(L, Ts).

check_forms(Fs, Name) ->
    Fun = fun (F) ->
	     case erl_syntax:type(F) of
		 error_marker ->
		     case erl_syntax:error_marker_info(F) of
			 {L, M, D} ->
			     edoc_report:error(L, Name, {format_error, M, D});
			 Other ->
			     edoc_report:report(Name, "unknown error in "
                                                "source code: ~w.", [Other])
		 _ ->
    lists:foreach(Fun, Fs).

%% @spec get_doc(File::filename()) -> {ModuleName, edoc_module()}
%% @equiv get_doc(File, [])

get_doc(File) ->
    get_doc(File, []).

%% @spec get_doc(File::filename(), Options::proplist()) ->
%%           {ModuleName, edoc_module()}
%%	ModuleName = atom()
%% @type edoc_module(). The EDoc documentation data for a module,
%% expressed as an XML document in {@link //xmerl. XMerL} format. See
%% the file <a href="../priv/edoc.dtd">`edoc.dtd'</a> for details.
%% @doc Reads a source code file and extracts EDoc documentation data.
%% Note that without an environment parameter (see {@link get_doc/3}),
%% hypertext links may not be correct.
%% Options:
%% <dl>
%%  <dt>{@type {def, Macros@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd><ul>
%%       <li>`Macros' = {@type Macro | [Macro]}</li>
%%       <li>`Macro' = {@type {Name::atom(), Text::string()@}}</li>
%%      </ul>
%%    Specifies a set of EDoc macro definitions. See
%%    <a href="overview-summary.html#Macro_expansion">Inline macro expansion</a>
%%    for details.
%%  </dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {hidden, boolean()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>If the value is `true', documentation of hidden functions will
%%      also be included. The default value is `false'.
%%  </dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {private, boolean()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>If the value is `true', documentation of private functions will
%%      also be included. The default value is `false'.
%%  </dd>
%%  <dt>{@type {todo, boolean()@}}
%%  </dt>
%%  <dd>If the value is `true', To-Do notes written using `@todo' or
%%  `@TODO' tags will be included in the documentation. The default
%%  value is `false'.
%%  </dd>
%% </dl>
%% See {@link read_source/2}, {@link read_comments/2} and {@link
%% edoc_lib:get_doc_env/3} for further options.
%% @see get_doc/3
%% @see run/2
%% @see edoc_extract:source/5
%% @see read/2
%% @see layout/2

%% INHERIT-OPTIONS: get_doc/3
%% INHERIT-OPTIONS: edoc_lib:get_doc_env/3

get_doc(File, Opts) ->
    Env = edoc_lib:get_doc_env(Opts),
    get_doc(File, Env, Opts).

%% @spec get_doc(File::filename(), Env::edoc_lib:edoc_env(),
%%        Options::proplist()) -> {ModuleName, edoc_module()}
%%     ModuleName = atom()
%% @doc Like {@link get_doc/2}, but for a given environment
%% parameter. `Env' is an environment created by {@link
%% edoc_lib:get_doc_env/3}.

%% INHERIT-OPTIONS: read_source/2, read_comments/2, edoc_extract:source/5
%% DEFER-OPTIONS: get_doc/2

get_doc(File, Env, Opts) ->
    edoc_extract:source(File, Env, Opts).