path: root/lib/eldap/include/eldap.hrl
blob: ee5ad2f0d3021586ab5ccfa0fced4b1579136e31 (plain) (tree)

-ifndef( _ELDAP_HRL ).
-define( _ELDAP_HRL , 1 ).

%%% Search input parameters
-record(eldap_search, {
	  base = [],             % Baseobject
	  filter = [],           % Search conditions
	  scope,                 % Search scope
	  attributes = [],       % Attributes to be returned
	  types_only = false,    % Return types+values or types
	  timeout = 0            % Timelimit for search

%%% Returned search result
-record(eldap_search_result, {
	  entries = [],          % List of #eldap_entry{} records
	  referrals = []         % List of referrals

%%% LDAP entry
-record(eldap_entry, {
	  object_name = "",      % The DN for the entry
	  attributes = []        % List of {Attribute, Value} pairs
