%% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
%% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
%% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%% Lesser General Public License for more details.
%% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
%% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
%% USA
%% @author Richard Carlsson <carlsson.richard@gmail.com>
%% @copyright 2006 Richard Carlsson
%% @private
%% @see eunit
%% @doc Event serializing and multiplexing process, to be used as the
%% main "supervisor" process for en EUnit test runner. See eunit_proc
%% for details about the events that will be sent to the listeners
%% (provided to this process at startup). This process guarantees that
%% listeners will receive events in order, even if tests execute in
%% parallel. For every received 'begin' event, there will be exactly one
%% 'end' or 'cancel' event. For a cancelling event with identifier Id,
%% no further events will arrive whose identifiers have Id as prefix.
%% Notes:
%% * Due to concurrency, there are no guarantees that we will receive
%% all status messages for the items within a group before we receive
%% the 'end' message of the group itself.
%% * A cancelling event may arrive at any time, and may concern items we
%% are not yet expecting (if tests are executed in parallel), or may
%% concern not only the current item but possibly a group ancestor of
%% the current item (as in the case of a group timeout).
%% * It is not possible to use selective receive to extract only those
%% cancelling messages that affect the current item and its parents;
%% basically, because we cannot have a dynamically computed prefix as a
%% pattern in a receive. Hence, we must extract each cancelling event as
%% it arrives and keep track of them separately.
%% * Before we wait for a new item, we must check whether it (and thus
%% also all its subitems, if any) is already cancelled.
%% * When a new cancelling event arrives, we must either store it for
%% future use, and/or cancel the current item and possibly one or more
%% of its parent groups.
-record(state, {listeners :: set(),
cancelled = eunit_lib:trie_new() :: gb_tree(),
messages = dict:new() :: dict()}).
start(Pids) ->
spawn(fun () -> serializer(Pids) end).
serializer(Pids) ->
St = #state{listeners = sets:from_list(Pids),
cancelled = eunit_lib:trie_new(),
messages = dict:new()},
expect([], undefined, 0, St),
%% collect beginning and end of an expected item; return {Done, NewSt}
%% where Done is true if there are no more items of this group
expect(Id, ParentId, GroupMinSize, St0) ->
case wait(Id, 'begin', ParentId, GroupMinSize, St0) of
{done, St1} ->
{true, St1};
{cancel, prefix, _Msg, St1} ->
%% if a parent caused the cancel, signal done with group and
%% cast no cancel event (since the item might not exist)
{true, St1};
{cancel, exact, Msg, St1} ->
cast_cancel(Id, Msg, St1),
{false, St1};
{ok, Msg, St1} ->
%%?debugVal({got_begin, Id, Msg}),
cast(Msg, St1),
St2 = case Msg of
{status, _, {progress, 'begin', {group, _Info}}} ->
group(Id, 0, St1);
_ ->
case wait(Id, 'end', ParentId, GroupMinSize, St2) of
{cancel, Why, Msg1, St3} ->
%% we know the item exists, so always cast a cancel
%% event, and signal done with the group if a parent
%% caused the cancel
cast_cancel(Id, Msg1, St3),
{(Why =:= prefix), St3};
{ok, Msg1, St3} ->
%%?debugVal({got_end, Id, Msg1}),
cast(Msg1, St3),
{false, St3}
%% collect group items in order until group is done
group(ParentId, GroupMinSize, St) ->
N = GroupMinSize + 1,
case expect(ParentId ++ [N], ParentId, GroupMinSize, St) of
{false, St1} ->
group(ParentId, N, St1);
{true, St1} ->
cast_cancel(Id, undefined, St) ->
%% reasonable message for implicitly cancelled events
cast({status, Id, {cancel, undefined}}, St);
cast_cancel(_Id, Msg, St) ->
cast(Msg, St).
cast(Msg, St) ->
sets:fold(fun (L, M) -> L ! M end, Msg, St#state.listeners),
%% wait for a particular begin or end event, that might have arrived or
%% been cancelled already, or might become cancelled later, or might not
%% even exist (for the last+1 element of a group)
wait(Id, Type, ParentId, GroupMinSize, St) ->
%%?debugVal({wait, Id, Type}),
case check_cancelled(Id, St) of
no ->
case recall(Id, St) of
undefined ->
wait_1(Id, Type, ParentId, GroupMinSize, St);
Msg ->
{ok, Msg, forget(Id, St)}
Why ->
%%?debugVal({cancelled, Why, Id, ParentId}),
{cancel, Why, recall(Id, St), forget(Id, St)}
%% the event has not yet arrived or been cancelled - wait for more info
wait_1(Id, Type, ParentId, GroupMinSize, St) ->
{status, Id, {progress, Type, _}}=Msg ->
%%?debugVal({Type, ParentId, Id}),
{ok, Msg, St};
{status, ParentId, {progress, 'end', {GroupMinSize, _}}}=Msg ->
%% the parent group ended (the final status of a group is
%% the count of its subitems), and we have seen all of its
%% subtests, so the currently expected event does not exist
%%?debugVal({end_group, ParentId, Id, GroupMinSize}),
{done, remember(ParentId, Msg, St)};
{status, SomeId, {cancel, _Cause}}=Msg ->
%%?debugVal({got_cancel, SomeId, _Cause}),
St1 = set_cancelled(SomeId, Msg, St),
wait(Id, Type, ParentId, GroupMinSize, St1)
set_cancelled(Id, Msg, St0) ->
St = remember(Id, Msg, St0),
St#state{cancelled = eunit_lib:trie_store(Id, St0#state.cancelled)}.
check_cancelled(Id, St) ->
%% returns 'no', 'exact', or 'prefix'
eunit_lib:trie_match(Id, St#state.cancelled).
remember(Id, Msg, St) ->
St#state{messages = dict:store(Id, Msg, St#state.messages)}.
forget(Id, St) ->
%% this is just to enable garbage collection of old messages
St#state{messages = dict:store(Id, undefined, St#state.messages)}.
recall(Id, St) ->
case dict:find(Id, St#state.messages) of
{ok, Msg} -> Msg;
error -> undefined