%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%% Basic Canvas Type
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%% Attributes:
%% activebg Color
%% anchor n,w,s,e,nw,se,ne,sw,center
%% bc Color
%% bg Color
%% bw Wth
%% data Data
%% height Int
%% highlightbg Color
%% highlightbw Wth
%% highlightfg Color
%% hscroll Bool | top | bottom
%% relief Relief
%% scrollbg Color
%% scrollfg Color
%% scrollregion {X1, Y1, X2, Y2}
%% selectbg Color
%% selectbw Width
%% selectfg Color
%% vscroll Bool | left | right
%% width Int
%% x Int
%% y Int
%% Commands:
%% find {X, Y} => Item at pos X,Y or false
%% setfocus Bool
%% Events:
%% buttonpress [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% buttonrelease [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% configure [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% destroy [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% enter [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% focus [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% keypress [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% keyrelease [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% leave [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% motion [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% Read Options:
%% children
%% id
%% parent
%% type
%% Not Implemented:
%% fg Color
-export([make_command/5,make_command/6,pickout_coords/4, coords/1,
%% Function : create/3
%% Return : [Gsid_of_new_widget | {bad_result, Reason}]
create(DB, Gstkid, Opts) ->
MainW = gstk_generic:mk_tkw_child(DB,Gstkid),
Canvas = lists:append(MainW,".z"),
{Vscroll, Hscroll, NewOpts} = gstk_generic:parse_scrolls(Opts),
WidgetD = #so{main=MainW, object=Canvas,
hscroll=Hscroll, vscroll=Vscroll},
NGstkid=Gstkid#gstkid{widget=MainW, widget_data=WidgetD},
MandatoryCmd = ["so_create canvas ", MainW],
case gstk:call(MandatoryCmd) of
{result, _} ->
SimplePreCmd = [MainW, " conf"],
PlacePreCmd = [";place ", MainW],
case gstk_generic:make_command(NewOpts, NGstkid, MainW,
SimplePreCmd, PlacePreCmd, DB,Canvas) of
{error,Reason} -> {error,Reason};
Cmd when is_list(Cmd) ->
gstk:exec([MainW,".sy conf -rel sunken -bo 2;",
MainW,".pad.sx conf -rel sunken -bo 2;"]),
Bad_Result ->
{bad_result, Bad_Result}
mk_create_opts_for_child(DB,Cgstkid, Pgstkid, Opts) ->
%% Function : config/3
%% Purpose : Configure a widget of the type defined in this module.
%% Args : DB - The Database
%% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget
%% Opts - A list of options for configuring the widget
%% Return : [true | {bad_result, Reason}]
config(DB, Gstkid, Options) ->
SO = Gstkid#gstkid.widget_data,
MainW = Gstkid#gstkid.widget,
Canvas = SO#so.object,
NewOpts = gstk_generic:parse_scrolls(Gstkid, Options),
SimplePreCmd = [MainW, " conf"],
PlacePreCmd = [";place ", MainW],
gstk_generic:mk_cmd_and_exec(NewOpts, Gstkid, MainW,
SimplePreCmd, PlacePreCmd, DB,Canvas).
%% Function : read/3
%% Purpose : Read one option from a widget
%% Args : DB - The Database
%% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget
%% Opt - An option to read
%% Return : [OptionValue | {bad_result, Reason}]
read(DB, Gstkid, Opt) ->
SO = Gstkid#gstkid.widget_data,
gstk_generic:read_option(DB, Gstkid, Opt,SO#so.object).
%% Function : delete/2
%% Purpose : Delete widget from databas and return tkwidget to destroy
%% Args : DB - The Database
%% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget
%% Return : TkWidget to destroy
delete(DB, Gstkid) ->
gstk_db:delete_widget(DB, Gstkid),
event(DB, Gstkid, Etype, Edata, Args) ->
gstk_generic:event(DB, Gstkid, Etype, Edata, Args).
%% Function : option/5
%% Purpose : Take care of options
%% Args : Option - An option tuple
%% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget
%% MainW - The main tk-widget
%% Canvas - The canvas tk-widget
%% DB - The Database
%% Return : A tuple {OptionType, OptionCmd}
option(Option,Gstkid,_MainW,DB,Canvas) ->
case Option of
{scrollregion, {X1, Y1, X2, Y2}} ->
{c, [Canvas, " conf -scrollr {",
gstk:to_ascii(X1), " ", gstk:to_ascii(Y1), " ",
gstk:to_ascii(X2), " ", gstk:to_ascii(Y2),"}"]};
{yscrollpos, Y} ->
{_,Ymin,_,Ymax} = gstk_db:opt(DB,Gstkid,scrollregion),
K = 1/(Ymax-Ymin),
M = -K*Ymin,
PercentOffViewTop = K*Y+M,
{c, [Canvas," yvi mo ",gstk:to_ascii(PercentOffViewTop)]};
{xscrollpos, X} ->
{Xmin,_,Xmax,_} = gstk_db:opt(DB,Gstkid,scrollregion),
K = 1/(Xmax-Xmin),
M = -K*Xmin,
PercentOffViewLeft = K*X+M,
{c, [Canvas," xvi mo ",gstk:to_ascii(PercentOffViewLeft)]};
{buttonpress, On} -> bind(DB, Gstkid, Canvas, buttonpress, On);
{buttonrelease, On} -> bind(DB, Gstkid, Canvas, buttonrelease, On);
{configure, On} -> bind(DB, Gstkid, Canvas, configure, On);
{destroy, On} -> bind(DB, Gstkid, Canvas, destroy, On);
{enter, On} -> bind(DB, Gstkid, Canvas, enter, On);
{focus, On} -> bind(DB, Gstkid, Canvas, focus, On);
{keypress, On} -> bind(DB, Gstkid, Canvas, keypress, On);
{keyrelease, On} -> bind(DB, Gstkid, Canvas, keyrelease, On);
{leave, On} -> bind(DB, Gstkid, Canvas, leave, On);
{motion, On} -> bind(DB, Gstkid, Canvas, motion, On);
{secret_hack_gridit, GridGstkid} ->
CRef = gstk_db:insert_event(DB, GridGstkid, click, []),
ClickCmd = [Canvas, " bind all <ButtonRelease-1> {erlsend ", CRef,
" [",Canvas, " find withtag current]};"],
DRef = gstk_db:insert_event(DB, GridGstkid, doubleclick, []),
DclickCmd = [Canvas," bind all <Double-ButtonRelease-1> {erlsend ",
DRef," [",Canvas, " find withtag current]}"],
%% bind all at once for preformance reasons.
{c, [ClickCmd,DclickCmd]};
{secret_forwarded_grid_event, {Event,On},GridGstkid} ->
_ -> invalid_option
%% Function : read_option/5
%% Purpose : Take care of a read option
%% Return : The value of the option or invalid_option
%% [OptionValue | {bad_result, Reason}]
read_option(Option,Gstkid,_MainW,DB,Canvas) ->
case Option of
scrollregion -> gstk_db:opt(DB,Gstkid,scrollregion);
{hit, {X,Y}} ->
{hit, [{X1,Y1},{X2,Y2}]} ->
% {% hidden above, % of total area that is visible + % hidden above}
yscrollpos ->
{PercentOffViewTop,_} = tcl2erl:ret_tuple([Canvas," yvi"]),
{_,Ymin,_,Ymax} = gstk_db:opt(DB,Gstkid,scrollregion),
K = 1/(Ymax-Ymin),
M = -K*Ymin,
_Y = round((PercentOffViewTop - M)/K);
xscrollpos ->
{PercentOffViewLeft,_} = tcl2erl:ret_tuple([Canvas," xvi"]),
{Xmin,_,Xmax,_} = gstk_db:opt(DB,Gstkid,scrollregion),
K = 1/(Xmax-Xmin),
M = -K*Xmin,
_X = round((PercentOffViewLeft-M)/K);
buttonpress -> gstk_db:is_inserted(DB, Gstkid, buttonpress);
buttonrelease -> gstk_db:is_inserted(DB, Gstkid, buttonrelease);
configure -> gstk_db:is_inserted(DB, Gstkid, configure);
destroy -> gstk_db:is_inserted(DB, Gstkid, destroy);
enter -> gstk_db:is_inserted(DB, Gstkid, enter);
focus -> gstk_db:is_inserted(DB, Gstkid, focus);
keypress -> gstk_db:is_inserted(DB, Gstkid, keypress);
keyrelease -> gstk_db:is_inserted(DB, Gstkid, keyrelease);
leave -> gstk_db:is_inserted(DB, Gstkid, leave);
motion -> gstk_db:is_inserted(DB, Gstkid, motion);
_ -> {bad_result, {Gstkid#gstkid.objtype, invalid_option, Option}}
hit(DB,Canvas,X1,Y1,X2,Y2) ->
Ax1 = gstk:to_ascii(X1),
Ay1 = gstk:to_ascii(Y1),
Ax2 = gstk:to_ascii(X2),
Ay2 = gstk:to_ascii(Y2),
case tcl2erl:ret_list([Canvas," find overlapping ",
Ax1,$ ,Ay1,$ ,Ax2,$ ,Ay2]) of
Items when is_list(Items) ->
[{_,Node}] = ets:lookup(DB,frontend_node),
Other ->
{bad_result, Other}
fix_ids([Item|Items],DB,Canvas,Node) ->
fix_ids([],_,_,_) -> [].
%% Event bind main function
%% Should return a list of tcl commands or invalid_option
%% WS = Widget suffix for c widgets
bind(DB, Gstkid, TkW, Etype, On) ->
case bind(DB, Gstkid, TkW, Etype, On, "") of
invalid_option -> invalid_option;
Cmd -> {c, Cmd}
bind(DB, Gstkid, TkW, Etype, On, WS) ->
case On of
true -> ebind(DB, Gstkid, TkW, Etype, WS, "");
false -> eunbind(DB, Gstkid, TkW, Etype, WS, "");
{true, Edata} -> ebind(DB, Gstkid, TkW, Etype, WS, Edata);
{false, Edata} -> eunbind(DB, Gstkid, TkW, Etype, WS, Edata);
_ -> invalid_option
%% Event bind on
%% Should return a list of tcl commands or invalid_option
%% WS = Widget suffix for complex widgets
ebind(DB, Gstkid, TkW, Etype, WS, Edata) ->
Eref = gstk_db:insert_event(DB, Gstkid, Etype, Edata),
P = ["bind ", TkW, WS],
Cmd = case Etype of
motion -> [P, " <Motion> {erlsend ", Eref, " [",
TkW, " canvasx %x] [", TkW, " canvasy %y] %x %y}"];
keypress ->
[P, " <Key> {erlsend ", Eref," %K %N 0 0 [",
TkW, " canvasx %x] [", TkW, " canvasy %y]};",
P, " <Shift-Key> {erlsend ", Eref, " %K %N 1 0 [",
TkW, " canvasx %x] [", TkW, " canvasy %y]};",
P, " <Control-Key> {erlsend ", Eref, " %K %N 0 1 [",
TkW, " canvasx %x] [", TkW, " canvasy %y]};",
P, " <Control-Shift-Key> {erlsend ", Eref," %K %N 1 1 [",
TkW, " canvasx %x] [", TkW, " canvasy %y]}"];
keyrelease ->
[P, " <KeyRelease> {erlsend ", Eref," %K %N 0 0 [",
TkW, " canvasx %x] [", TkW, " canvasy %y]};",
P, " <Shift-KeyRelease> {erlsend ", Eref, " %K %N 1 0 [",
TkW, " canvasx %x] [", TkW, " canvasy %y]};",
P, " <Control-KeyRelease> {erlsend ", Eref, " %K %N 0 1 [",
TkW, " canvasx %x] [", TkW, " canvasy %y]};",
P," <Control-Shift-KeyRelease> {erlsend ",Eref," %K %N 1 1[",
TkW, " canvasx %x] [", TkW, " canvasy %y]}"];
buttonpress ->
[P, " <Button> {erlsend ", Eref, " %b [",
TkW, " canvasx %x] [", TkW, " canvasy %y] %x %y}"];
buttonrelease ->
[P, " <ButtonRelease> {erlsend ", Eref, " %b [",
TkW, " canvasx %x] [", TkW, " canvasy %y] %x %y}"];
leave -> [P, " <Leave> {erlsend ", Eref, "}"];
enter -> [P, " <Enter> {erlsend ", Eref, "}"];
destroy ->
[P, " <Destroy> {if {\"%W\"==\"", [TkW, WS],
"\"} {erlsend ", Eref, "}}"];
focus ->
[P, " <FocusIn> {erlsend ", Eref, " true};" ,
P, " <FocusOut> {erlsend ", Eref, " false}"];
configure ->
[P, " <Configure> {if {\"%W\"==\"", [TkW, WS],
"\"} {erlsend ", Eref, " %w %h %x %y}}"]
%% Unbind event
%% Should return a list of tcl commands
%% Already checked for validation in bind/5
%% WS = Widget suffix for complex widgets
eunbind(DB, Gstkid, TkW, Etype, WS, _Edata) ->
gstk_db:delete_event(DB, Gstkid, Etype),
P = ["bind ", TkW, WS],
Cmd = case Etype of
motion ->
[P, " <Motion> {}"];
keypress ->
[P, " <KeyRelease> {};",
P, " <Shift-KeyRelease> {};",
P, " <Control-KeyRelease> {};",
P, " <Control-Shift-KeyRelease> {}"];
keyrelease ->
[P, " <KeyRelease> {};",
P, " <Shift-KeyRelease> {};",
P, " <Control-KeyRelease> {};",
P, " <Control-Shift-KeyRelease> {}"];
buttonpress ->
[P, " <ButtonPress> {}"];
buttonrelease ->
[P, " <ButtonRelease> {}"];
leave ->
[P, " <Leave> {}"];
enter ->
[P, " <Enter> {}"];
destroy ->
[P, " <Destroy> {}"];
focus ->
[P, " <FocusIn> {};",
P, " <FocusOut> {}"];
configure ->
[P, " <Configure> {}"]
%% Item library
mk_cmd_and_exec(Options, Gstkid, Canvas, AItem, SCmd, DB) ->
case make_command(Options, Gstkid, Canvas, AItem, SCmd, DB) of
{error,Reason} -> {error,Reason};
Cmd when is_list(Cmd) ->
mk_cmd_and_call(Opts,Gstkid, CanvasTkW, MCmd, DB) ->
case make_command(Opts,Gstkid, CanvasTkW, MCmd, DB) of
{error,Reason} -> {error,Reason};
Cmd when is_list(Cmd) ->
case tcl2erl:ret_int(Cmd) of
Item when is_integer(Item) ->
G2 = gstk_db:lookup_gstkid(DB,Gstkid#gstkid.id), % buu, not nice
NewGstkid = G2#gstkid{widget_data=Item},
Bad_result ->
%% MCmd = Mandatory command
%% Comment: The problem: Create everything in one async command and
%% get the canvas obj integer id no back then.
%% The trick is to do:
%% set w [canvas create rectangle x1 y1 x2 y2 -Option Value ...];
%% canvas Action $w ;$w
%% Comment: no placer options (we don't have to consider all permutations)
make_command(Options, Gstkid, Canvas, AItem, SCmd, DB) ->
case gstk_generic:out_opts(Options,Gstkid,Canvas,DB,AItem, [],[],[]) of
{[], [], []} -> [];
{Si, [], []} -> [SCmd, Si];
{[], [], Co} -> Co;
{Si, [], Co} -> [SCmd, Si, $;, Co];
{error,Reason} -> {error,Reason}
make_command(Options, Gstkid, Canvas, MCmd, DB) ->
case gstk_generic:out_opts(Options,Gstkid,Canvas,DB,"$w",[],[],[]) of
{[], [], []} -> MCmd;
{Si, [], []} -> [MCmd, Si];
{[], [], Co} -> ["set w [", MCmd, "];", Co, "set d $w"];
{Si, [], Co} -> ["set w [", MCmd, Si, "];", Co, "set d $w"];
{error,Reason} -> {error,Reason}
item_config(DB, Gstkid, Opts) ->
AItem = gstk:to_ascii(Item),
SCmd = [Canvas, " itemconf ", AItem],
case make_command(Opts, Gstkid, Canvas, AItem, SCmd, DB) of
{error,Reason} -> {error,Reason};
Cmd when is_list(Cmd) ->
pickout_coords([{coords,Coords} | Rest], Opts, ObjType, NbrOfCoords)
when length(Coords) == NbrOfCoords ->
case coords(Coords) of
invalid ->
{error, io_lib:format("A ~w must have ~w coordinates",
RealCoords ->
{RealCoords, lists:append(Rest, Opts)}
pickout_coords([Opt | Rest], Opts, ObjType, NbrOfCoords) ->
pickout_coords(Rest, [Opt|Opts], ObjType, NbrOfCoords);
pickout_coords([], _Opts, ObjType, NbrOfCoords) ->
{error, io_lib:format("A ~w must have ~w coordinates",
coords([{X,Y} | R]) when is_number(X),is_number(Y) ->
[gstk:to_ascii(X), " ", gstk:to_ascii(Y), " ", coords(R)];
coords([_]) -> %% not a pair
coords([]) ->
item_delete_impl(DB,Gstkid) ->
gstk_db:delete_widget(DB, Gstkid),
{P,ID,gstk_widgets:type2mod(Type), [Canvas, Item]}.
upd_gstkid(DB, Gstkid, Opts) ->
Pgstkid = gstk_db:lookup_gstkid(DB, Parent, Owner),
SO = Pgstkid#gstkid.widget_data,
CanvasTkW = SO#so.object,
%%% ----- Done -----